Showing posts with label divine cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label divine cult. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

New progress in alignment hatred

So playing with alignment perks again and decided on this terrible structure.
So you could be balanced neutral and hate all the main alignments!
The big 4 alignments don't really care about Neutral or Balance.

Possibly this does it better to show who hates who for spell effects and general stuff.

And all this from my table i did prior where you put scores in one alignment from Left and one from Right or none as you climb level to become bigger jerks just like the gods. Most recently thinking of a magic resistance ability where you can pit your alignment score vs enemies spells. So My lawful good priest 10th lv has +5 in Law and +5 in Good so if fighting evil or chaotics get 5% resistance or if meet a chaotic evil dude they get 10 total%. So most people in my setting dont have alignments or shun it even. My balance +5 neutral +5 druid Lv 10 gets 5% vs Law or Chaos or Good or Evil and 10% vs any of those alignments in a pair like LG LE CG CE. And planar beings just give you stuff for only a few life changing oaths and dedication to eternal cosmic war between inhuman beings.  

I have considered in my setting the numbers of alignment and who fights who has changed and expanded since early times. 

Some prefer the Elemental Heresy.

Basically, you take all the above stuff and kick most to the curb. Some mix both offending everybody and some attach neutrality or the balance to elements and forsake demons and outerplanar beings and influence. As alien as true elements are they are the basis of most matter and energy in the multiverse. Other elements are at best when shaped by your element. Elementals are better than demons and angels and don't boss you around so much most being mindless or busy. So rival elements that resist must die, but may accept thralldom of inferior elements.

Only elements matter. Sure the lords of the elements never visited earth and have no idea but some say they know best and it is used by some to fight or form allegiances.

Then there are guys who believe in 3 elements (fire isn't a thing!)
Or five elements with darkness/void/spirit/wood being common substitutes.

Elemental planes are still into putting your element first and find visiting humans not being of one element confusing.

Oh and elemental templars battled the dragon templars and the death templars long ago as rivals to post cataclysm world after the elder monsters fell. Maybe alignment was progress.

So you can see the appeal of elementalism. Fire good, rest slaves or fuel.

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Creepy Dungeon Dreams

These are some horrible dream tables like previous ones I have done. i guess you could be extra mean and combine say three of them. If some kind of of magic waking nightmare world you might actually get to make some rolls before the player knows its just a dream. These dreams are meant to be at least 80s horror film bad so don't read while eating a grilled cheese sandwich.

d10 Quick Types
1 Monsters of unreason
2 Bodily ruination
3 Home is where harm is

4 Elemental terrors
5 Vermin and filth
6 Haunting visions
7 Deaths horrors
8 Demonic assaults
9 Evil visions of hellish torment
10 Outre torments from beyond

Creepy Dreams
01 Goblins are creeping around you and you are paralysed, they begin to devour you
02 You take shelter in the rain under a bridge, a giant troll stirs and grabs you, slurping its lips and tearing off your clothes 
03 You are covered in dripping green slime, as your flesh is painfully consumed you try to scrape and cut it off hastening your demise
04 A hole opens under your feet and you fall into the mandibles of a giant burrowing insect monster
05 Savage orcs catch you in forest and tie you to a pole, they ritually torture you and scourge you with ordeals and gauntlets before finally devouring you 
06 Whilst on a horrible tavern privy a fetid column of filth rises like a serpent and forces itself into your mouth choking, blinding and drowning you, nobody hears you gurgling screams
07 A savage black giant wolf peruses you through a dark primal forest, eventually it catches you knocking you down and taking huge gouging bites from your flesh
08 Someone in your group is really a monster and murderer in secret but your friends think it is you and believe the beast
09 A dragon burning your home, people you knew burned and dead, places you knew now just ashen mounds 
10 Become a lycanthrope and murder people as a beast by night 
11 Your limbs go numb and begin to rot off leaving you helpless
12 You are making love to your one true love, then you are covered in blood as you crushed them and destroyed parts of your body
13 Your gums bleed, worms in your teeth squirm agonisingly, your hair falls out
14 You are in agony and coughing blood. Your stomach explodes and a imp born from you tries to kill your remaining ruined body
15 Eyeballs open all over your body disorientated and horrified by naked reflection
16 Worms under your skin writhing around, start bursting free from hands, eyes, ears, etc
17 Thing from underground swallows you and your trapped squirming through its body
18 Heart beats louder then glows and chest swells before exploding from some other worldly parasite being born
19 Skin shreds away leaving you a horrific monster and in agony craving new skin
20 Mutations bubble and boil from your flesh each step then you devolve into a tentacled slime
21 People in the street are coughing and falling, their faces discoloured, plague comes
22 People you knew growing up are part of a angry mob and you are tied to a stake and burned alive
23 Elderly people surround you dressed as a child and hungrily pursue you through a distorted world where sizes change
24 There is a terrible famine, cannibalism breaks out, many succumb, a mob chase you
25 A dream lover is really a succubi or inccubi and and reveals it's demonic form
26 Your deceased elders are being tortured by demons in hell 
27 You awake in palace full of undead who make you dine with them and drink their food and drink or be eaten
28 Common people you know start to mutate and and morph into a huge fused mass of flesh who want you to join them
29 Dragons and demons overrun and destroy everything in horrible massacre
30 Awaken in your home or most recent inn or house full of killer mimics and so is whole house and they have eaten your friends
31 You are in a haunted dark place, the air pressure increases and your nose bleeds, you feel your insides squirm in pain, you fall, your eyeballs burst, your flesh and organs rupture
32 Everything is icy cold and you sit cold blue and shaking, your skin becomes frost bitten
33 Fire is burning around you and you are choking in smoke, someone is with you
34 It is terribly cold and it is dark, something in the wind screams for you
35 You slip and are falling, you don't understand as you plummet to the ground
36 Underwater, you don't know which way is up, something watches as you run out of air
37 Funeral pyre forms a column of burning flames and flying burned bones absorbing humans and buildings into it and coming after you
38 Mass of elemental earth full of rotten corpses bursts out of ground to attack smothering you
39 You slaughter lots of monsters but their blood forls into a water elemental which crushes and drowns you
40 An electrical jolt arcs from ground forming a ball of lightning that strikes you again cooking your flesh 
41 A swarm of stinging insects menace you and you call for help and try to escape but your swollen blistered body fails you as people pass by
42   Everything is black, it is a swarm of flies. They start to land on you crawling in your mouth, nose, eyes in your clothes smothering you
43 You are a worm crawling in the earth blindly eating some rotten flesh and feel content
44 Worms under your skin are bulging and you start to burst open
45 Rats swarm from sewers, windows and doors. Flow over streets smothering you
46 Awake in bed swarming with fleas you try to get them off more jump everywhere blinding, chocking and smothering you
47 A parasite in you is starting to control you, it crawls under your skin and part of it comes out of your bodily openings occasionally. The thing makes you sacrifice victims chanting to the worm gods then eating the victim
48 Naked and muddy in the underworld of beasts and the lord of the hunt has brought every animal you ate to tear you to pieces for not saying prayers to beast gods properly
49 Beetles under your skin erupt and devour you
50 You awake wrapped in a spider silk cocoon suspended in a dark web filled pit, A giant spider demon approaches to suck your flesh dry
51 Girl from a painting you saw in a inn keeps appearing in your dreams
52 Dark figure chases you in crawlspace between walls of some complex
53 Trees in the dark forest creek, watching you, herding you, breathing slowly
54 A horrid nightmare dream creature stalks you and perhaps slew people you knew
55  Lost in a cave but something lurks inside stalking you
56 Cult summon a mass of eyes and tentacles from beyond which eats cultists then becomes aware of you
57 Strapped to a altar, cultists dance and chant mutilating you until a shambling tree sized horror tears you apart and devours you
58 Trapped in a complex dungeon trap, scorpions climb all over you stinging you until a owlbear comes and begins devouring you while paralysed
59 Climbing over the beams in the dark in a house attack hearing noises of party below, you fall through into a orgy with devils and undead present
60 Running on moonlit moors at night from some beast in pursuit 
61 Ghostly figure with face seems familiar, tries to strangle you
62 Your spirit leaves your body and dark claws fend you away from the light
63 Your friends are at your funeral and after they leave you arise undead and hungrily stalk them
64 Your dead loved ones call you from beyond the grave warning you about being betrayed by fellow adventurers
65 Phantoms of your parents appear, blame you for their deaths and tell you everything wrong with you, more ancestor spirits arrive from underworld to complain too 
66 Spirits from graves pour out tormenting you, drag you to see hell and the underworld
67 See spirits rising into night sky where a vast faceless being in the sky consumes them, it becomes aware of you
68 A shadowy creature comes in your room and your spirit flees, is chased through a dungeon full of murdered torture victims
69 A shadowy phantom is in your bed stroking you and whispering evil utterances to you sweetly
70 Child phantoms follow you giggling as they touch your skin you see visions of their tragic lives and murders 
71 naked demon noble comes to greet you, inviting you into their palace, if you resist they violently beat you for defying them
72 Demons drag you to some shattered planar remnant world where demonic life threatens to devour or torment you at every turn, creatures chase you while you grow desperate for food, sleep and shelter
73 Demons have cut off your limbs and tongue then treat you like a baby and try to get you to suckle on ichor filled boils and sores on their bodies
74 Tiny demons are everywhere in your food and drink, in every shadow, then you see everything is made of tiny demons  
75 Demons chase you then beat you with sticks and drag you to hell past tormented souls and collect a bounty from devil goalkeepers 
76 A dream lover comes to you to make love, at the point of climax you see they are a demon that chokes you and draws out your soul
77 A demon prince has you naked in chains, a plaything at it's feet. Its attentions are loathsome and it's cruelties dehumanising, as you awake the demon says you belong to them forever
78 A demon sits on your chest stopping you breathing, you awake gasping for air
79 A smiling demon watches and whispers, even awake it seems near
80 Had feverish visions of demons around your bed, normally invisible but always there
81 Devils drag you to hell and force feed you coins and treasures painfully and then you painfully pass them while devils kick and beat you and call you names forever
82 Devils drag you to hell and throw you in a pit of venomous serpents that crawl inside you
83 Devils drag you to hell and throw you in a pit of venomous toads that crawl inside you
84 Devils drag you into a pit of live poison toads, rear your clothes off and shove toads int you, then a pit of vipers a pit of rats and a pit of lampreys etc
85 You are dragged into the underworld in chains and the judge of the dead recites your sins and vile acts and the punishments that awaits
86 Angels come to you and hold your arms, then they look grim and bend you to your knees then strikes you with a burning holy blade that ignites your body from within and it crumbles to glowing charcoal
87 You are in chains, naked and a devil is laughing and drinking and begins to flay your skin away revealing your damned soul
88 The gates of hell open and devils march forth to conquer and destroy creation, before them they unleash disasters and legions of evil damned dead, everybody dies as world burns
89 Imps swarm around you wrapping around you and giggling gleefully
90 A duke of hell has you in chains and shows you his cruel torments but offers you freedom and power as hell's agent if you sell your soul
91 You lie in bed paralysed by night, strange lights and noises beset you and you can do nothing, then strange grey smallish naked figures begin to assemble around your bed. They probe your mind and feel inside your body using their alien science
92 An alien entity is in your mind feeling around your worst memories then its sinister psychic shadow strikes you with fear paralysing you. Then the thing draws you into itself in overspace to devour your souls over millennia
93 You fall into a pit of slime full of eyeballs, it swallows you up dissolving your flesh and soul
94 A tentacled horror of the deep grasps you pulling you into the darkness to devour you or worse
95 A figure stalks you in the dark foggy streets, a stumbling bloated white thing that always knows where you are like you are cursed
96 You are lost in a great underworld cave lit by unatural light, a squat sleepy elder god awakens and looks at you with lust
97 Black fluid flows through the floor and into your body, you scream as it invades your body and consumes your mind and soul
98 Revolting fungal beings snatch you at night flying you into the night to their far away lab on the moon, there they extract your brain placing it in a barrel like contraption and you are aware of your horrible condition like a pickle 
99 You are swallowed up by some being from the void and your soul is devoured over thousands of years of torment
100 The black sun rises again and monsters are awakened around the world to feed and sacrifice the human vermin scuttling under their shambling titan feet

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Eldritch Decor

Decorative detail for the ruined city built before the gods by alien monsters long ago...

My net is down a while

d10 Types
01 Sounds
02 Odours
03 Trails
04 Environment
05 Stone
06 Artefacts
07 Living remains
08 Explorers remains
09 Vermin
10 Magical

d100 Title
01 Scuttling sounds in walls as if rats or animals gnawing and scratching
02 Dripping sounds with no trace or water,
03 Fluids under pressure gurgling and draining fluid 
04 High pitched annoying sound, barely audible, makes arm hair stand up
05 Sounds of some viscous slime dropping to floor then dragging
06 Distant haunting echoes of somebody chanting
07 Strange choking guttural noises in distance
08 Buzzing like insect swarm
09 Sound of whistling wind through area 
10 Something slithering away, sounded large
11 Smell of decay and rotting flesh
12 Ammonia smell burns nostrils and eyes slightly
13 Acid like odour of digestive fluids or vomit
14 Methane and sulphurous odours of decay
15 Smells sterile and lifeless, some chemical odour
16 Smell of smoke and soot
17 Fish like smell with salty iodine odour of the sea
18 Sewerage like smell
19 Acrid ozone smell, as if recent electrical activity
20 Brackish swamp like odour 
21 Blood trail goes through several rooms where something was wounded
22 Scratches on floot where something was dragged
23 Dried out slime trail like some huge snail
24 Trail of human bones
25 Black oily residue stains floor in several places
26 Huge sheet of shed skin from something disgusting
27 Bloody boot print trail
28 Blackened soot silhouettes from disintegration weapons used on beings
29 Trail of slimy thick mucous
30 Gelatinous blob trail like some kinds of slimy footprints
31 Are is chillingly cold making breath fog
32 Area is warm and humid
33 Area covered in mist
34 Area has unnatural magical darkness
35 Area damp and dripping
36 Area dry and leaches moisture, possibly some dried our bodies 
37 Area lit by dim coloured lights
38 Area overcast like twilight, light sources dimmed
39 Heightened air pressure, ears hurt, save vs nosebleed and headache
40 Walls dripping with water, floor damp with puddles
41 Broken shattered statue, attention to shattering face
42 Statue of alien being looks horrendous
43 Relief carving of beings from beyond enthralling humans
44 Squat green idol of outsider god as if it watches room
45 Stature on a plinth, actually a sleeping being, likes blood
46 Stone altar worn from sacrifices
47 Stone altar with gems set, manipulating it controls lights and climate 
48 Stone gargoyles perched up high
49 Petrified corpse of some ancient prehuman being
50 Black stone idols with faces worn smoothly off
51 Wavy bladed meteoric iron bladed knife
52 Jade tablet fits in pocket
53 Large crystal from some console
54 Green metal rod, dimly luminescent like candle
55 Glowing gem stone
56 Stone with carved symbol repulsive to the elder ones
57 Stone with symbol, if seen save or cursed by more random monsters
58 Clay tablet with arcane formula
59 Clay tablet declaring tithes to old gods
60 Dusty strange looking ray gun of elder race with no ammo
61 Muddy nests that stink, with a d6 football sized leathery slimy eggs
62 Remains of a dried foot of some huge prehistoric creature
63 Large tried out length of giant tentacle
64 Fossilised coprolites of some prehistoric beast
65 Skeleton of some huge prehistoric beast
66 Hundreds of large arthropods shells like crabs, bugs, trilobites
67 Midden heap of fish and bird bones and a few larger ones
68 Giant insect remains, might see threatening at first from pose
69 Metal cylinder with living human brain inside
70 Desiccated human body, if examined some other creature was using skin as disguise
71 Wooden crates several years old with explorers clothes, dried food, cooking utensils and blankets
72 Chest with 2d6 cultist robes and a exotic dagger +1
73 Doll effigies left by savages depicting explorers and cultists visitors with real hair
74 Explorers or cultist bodies with journal of travels here
75 Dead cultist with scroll of prayers to welcome gods when they find them
76 Discarded mask for a cultist, depicts monster face
77 Pile of skulls with holes bored through tops
78 Ruined dried human explorer, something burst out from it's stomach long ago
79 Desiccated body in robes of ancient cultist with sword diary left here years ago
80 Decorated shrunken head of a explorer
81 Colony of strange bats of unfamiliar breed, quite large, cheeping and shitting
82 Foot long grubs crawling about larvae of something much bigger
83 Clusters of ping pong ball sized yellow eggs on wall 
84 Footlong insect or marine invertebrate scuttling about feeding ignoring people
85 Hideous giant rat thing with a human face looks at you creepily then flees into crack
86 A stony pit crawling with mass of worms for some purpose
87 Organic man sized sacks of fluid hanging from ceiling
88 Giant cobwebs cover area and bundles of remains wrapped in spider silk
89 Hundeds of inch long invertebrate swarming to gnaw some slime on a wall
90 Lichen or algae like slime or moss growing everywhere
91 Room hums and electricity arcs between structures up high, smells of ozone
92 Gravity low and can double jumps but save or lose control and flail about into wall
93 Gravity increases save while moving each round or d4 damage and fall, only Mov 3
94 Time slowed, moving through here slow like pushing through treacle
95 Several figures here trapped in stasis, shiny and impossible to recognise
96 Pits with gibbering mutated immortal horrors made by wizards long ago
97 Mirror here is a gateway to another world or time
98 A pile of dust reassembles into terrified person who turns back to ash in a constant loop
99 An invisible gateway in room, easy to accidentally step through
100 Room is chilly with frozen figures on plinths, most recent are human cultists, further back are ape folk then reptilians snap frozen

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Planet Psychon vs Gamma Oz

So back in sydney for work and cat sitting and having a great time. Played a great horror sf one shot with friend Conan and people accused me of good roleplaying as duplicitous dr who turned out to be a cultist who was saboteur and a cultist. Good thing I chose the right character. Conan sets up very good player vs player games that work well. Players chatted for hour and a half after about session which was interesting. I might interview him about it.

Anyway so ran my Gamma Oz: Broken Hill setting as a large region of Planet Psychon. Started in Manna Hill a town of 60 populated by lots of animal abhumans kinda inspired by Norman Lindsay's "the Magic Pudding" and another Australian Classic Blinky Bill). Started with Two players. One was a scarlet mutant with transperant flesh on his skull and long droopy rabbit ears and one arm was a huge spiked fist. Hishear glowed through his chest. He was a good armourer so he could modify as mutations set in.

The other was a feminine looking turquoise skinned wizard with a child that was actually a budded clone that was possessed by a familiar spirit and a pet flightless riding bat. She also had several flintlocks and a talking AI pistol that could fire any cased ammo. She was studying wizardry from old books left by her real family. She made her own gunpowder and had a loyd heartbeat when she was stressed. They grown up as orphans in town and lived in Mrs Magpies shed. She was a moralistic grump but fed the kids who were appreciative. She was school teacher and they lived in school shed.

As they grew ambitious they asked an old timer where to adventure and they heard of a small fallout shelter under a abandoned homestead. Met some merchants selling jerky which was handy as the ever hungry mutant at all his rations on the first day. Later found stray sheep and drove them homeward with firecrackers as Mrs Magpie said local farmers were creeps.

Found the ruins with a windsock and a tower and strange roads that went nowhere in some arcane pattern. Was before it was a farm was a country airport for post and Royal Flying Doctor Service. Searched area and wrecked small 2 seat plane wrecks. Found a AI brain for a house, some kind of flight pack and few other trinket Including a black lab medical ID. Also found note left by a poisoned adventurer commenting on hatch buried under junk. Spent hours clearing building of junk and found duralloy hatch had lock cut out years ago and tons of rubbish were used instead. Climbed down the shaft and found was water logged ans mould and battled several disgusting mutants. The mutant hero crushed them with his fist and the wizard summoned dwarf cassowaries in a flash of light from the space gods to help. Found some strength boosting drugs, interesting trash and found a crionic sleep pod. Apparently ten years ago the mutants had put the person on stasis for food then grown so degenerate the couldn't remember. The revived person was a rogue with perlescant skin and scarlet hair. Like all Psychonians they tasted each other and deemed the icecream flavoured stranger was ok. The mutant hero was honey flavoured and the wizard was candy. The new friends headed home and on the way battled four mutant gang members. Captured three and the mutant killed and ate the two headed one.

Arrived back with prisoners and locals declared the adults and welcomed their new friend. Turns out the friend was created by a space god of treachery to travel to Earth to activate a industrial teleporter to call his god to earth. He had horns, bat ears a mission from god. The kids decided to go to broken hill were they heard radio broadcasts from and rumours of treasure filled ruins and opportunity.

They arived in Olowry after a long hike past the giant concrete dice of the ancients (real place). Visited local diner and kindly old couple fed the gang best meal they ever had and filled them in with local troubles. So they went after dark to pub for their first beers and rogue shouted everyone enough to get town drunk. After town jolly, convinced some to join to help them evict gang from the post office. Also some beast lived in the shed. Rogue sneaked on roof and opened a board to close up a hole and dropped in a wizards cast iron grenade with a lit fuse. As they were staggered by the blast the mutant on a cocktail of two strength drugs kicked in the door (23 STR) and the door crushed a wounded gang member. Rogue jumped in stabbing and the wizard with flintlocks shot more while pub drunks with clubs charged in and the surviving gangers surrended. To follow up decided to get the beast in the dhed that stalked the town at night. Rogue crept in to find a giant bearded dragon lizard in a wrecked post van sleeping. The gang and their small mob attacked and managed to kill it but one mook was swallowed whole and the wizard summoned dingoes to help. 

The town celebrated and next morning a huge lizard BBQ took place. Various passing through to Broken Hill mercs joined them and they planned to break in and raid a pristine police station with unbreakable duralloy shutter and rumours of moving lights inside. The rogue visited tho local kids as he had heard the kids gang had tried random numbers for a hundred years and recorded them. As his god had given him decryption skills he used thousands of numbers on gang walls to calculate the door code.

Four new party members joined. A green furry gnome sorcerer, with tentacles and smelled of skunk, a metalic skinned priest of the same cult and the rogue sent to aid him (also icecreamed flavoured). He had betrayed the god of betrayal and was returned to life as a priest. A warrior with plate and a halberd and a extra face in his chest. Then finally a moronic priest in a fabulous dress, huge muscles and a wig concealing his exposed brain who was raised by octopi under the sea. The motley band got to the door of the station and cracked the door. Battled a number of robots and found lots of interesting drugs, police evidence, a vending machine of marijuana cigarettes in 10 flavours and strange rayguns. The rayguns turned out to be stunners but some had defective batteries that melted when the cells depleted. Wasted a huge amount of ammo testing on walls and skeletons with no effect. The gnome summoned kangaroos as target practice but the party were so inept wasted more ammo. Wasted lots of drugs also but that's pretty common on Psychon.

Next the party head to Broken Hill looking for riches.
More strangeness in a week.

My efforts to streamline with the Psychon random generators online and default character builds helped get late new players working faster. Initiative worked well and impressed with 7 players remained domiciled and focused and all worked well.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Hex 0036 Copper Town & Bat Ruins

Hexes Up For Grabs
Help design some Hexes for Exilon 
Using my piles of exilon tables or your own psueudo bronze age 
mesopotaimian age fantasy know how submit a claim to a hex. Feel free to share this.  

Made a hex up for my Free Land In Fantasy Kingdom thing
Will do more and show stuff sent in

Hex 0036 Copper Town & Bat Ruins

Actually a good starting adventure region with the sprawling ruins.
Ruins used to be a walking city but broken by rebelling humans and got stuck in marsh.
Marshy reeds and forests grow over region which seasonally floods.
Because of ruins most travel on west side of river.

made up of marsh nomad folk who worship Dagon
-subordinate to copper town and lower caste
-thorn and reed wall for defence with goats inside
-lots of village is floating rafts with woven reed huts
-ruled by assembly of elders
-famous for breed of swimming marsh goats
-fish shrine with priest from Ikathon the fish city
-mostly fishing, hunting and grow plants on rafts
-rebels of copper town authority over area often come from here

Copper town

Civilized town with scribes, potters and redsmiths making trade goods
-Govenor rules town for noble clan who built it
-Enki temple to water god
-Ningizzida temple to fruit trees, healing and wisdom with a holy hydra inside
-Ezuli temple to local river nymph who visits temple on festivals
-Crocodile cult kidnap and eat people

Marsh Bat Ruins

Condition: Badly damaged walls, no ceiling
Built by: horrible Bat Folk during monster empire era

Hang out for: Wizard here to loot knowledge with students and guards
Ruin Size: sprawling city over 2 hexes wide

Notable Structures:

Housing lots of 2 story bat houses and single story slave houses
Ruined Colosseum haunted by monsters still
The city could once move on it's own but was destroyed here
The local bat population keeps the area mosquito free

d12 Day ruins

1 Wizard and followers expedition 2d6
2 Adventurers party 2d6
3 Grave robbers looking for loot 2d6
4 Crocodile cultists 2d6
5 Cyclops orcs warriors 2d6
6 Jackals following
7 Vultures circling - a bad omen
8 Man eating lion
9 Dryad or satyr
10 Giant river snake
11 Giant lobster or scorpion
12 Beast Folk d4 1=lamprey folk 2=slug folk 3=worm folk 4=scorpion folk

d12 Night ruins
1 Bat folk cultists 2d6
2 Witch conjuring evil in lonely ruins
3 Marsh reed doll golems 2d6 AC+1 2HD Dam d4
4 Were jackal
5 Giant owl
Cyclops orcs warriors 2d6
Man eating lion
8 Zombies d6
Kelpie in horse or maiden form
10 Giant lobster or scorpion
11 Living stone statue of bat folk
12 Bat folk mummy with d6 skeleton human slaves

Improved version a day later

Friday, 7 December 2018

EMO Basick Rules: Sorcerers and Druids

Still some inconsistencies and rewrites will be happening still. Will start a book while im in sydney and make more uniform hopefully to play in new year. Think I will go back and replace previous cantrips that need 4 not three.

Another Spot Rule Unarmed Combat Damage
Same damage can be with a thrown rock

  • 1HP = Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Gnome, Bard, Outsider (Alien)
  • 1d2 = Cleric, Rogue, Elves, Tako, Mutant, Changeling
  • 1d3 = Fighter, Dwarf, Abhuman, Halflings, Giant, Robot (Golem), Mystic (Psion)
  • 1d4 = Monk
Summary of Taxable Land Units and Population
Hide is a area of farmland supporting a family 5 (2-10) typically over 30 acres
-Supports a family of five a well off extended family might control 2-5 hide
-supports a working ox or a meat cow a year or ten smaller animals like pigs and goats

-6 Hide support a poor noble family and a knight or equivalent
-12 Hide support a comfortable family
 and two knight or equivalent
-60 Hide support a rich noble family and ten knights or equivalent
-600 families per six mile hex on good irrigated land

-300 families per six mile hex of mediocre non floodplain land
-200 families per six mile hex of frontier woods and mountains
-100 herder families 
per six mile hex in wastes

A city surrounded by six rich farmland hexes could support 3600 people
More hexes of herdsmen around that could raise this again

Leveling Up & Followers & Land

At 5th Level and every 5th more +1 on a attribute
As of 6th level you get a follower per level and you can teach and train recruits
-a animal or pet possible with some classes
-a adventurer apprentice d4 Lv or a d4 zero level followers
-They go up a level when you do
At Tenth Level you are granted property
-d4 hides of land or common city blocks
-or a small merchant ship
-or take over a dungeon 
-can establish a school, tower, manor or castle
- some one wants you beholden to them


Prime Requisite: Charm; high score grants additional spells
d6HD/1 /
(Average 4)

Arms 2/4 Arts 4/2 Languages d4/2
No Armour
-4 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 6 levels
Staff d6, Dagger d4, Crossbow Small d6+1, Sling d4, Knife d3, Club d6, Stone d3, Dart d3, Hand axe d6, Short Sword d6, javelin d6, Club d6, Flail d6, Whip d3, Short Bow d6, shuriken d3
Start Equipment: narcotics, incense, mirror, fancy robes, costume jewelry, hookah or pipe, hooded cloak, common robe, 
wine skin, lamp, lamp oil, sack, d8 days good rations, flints, hat, scribe se
t, idol or medallion dedicated to source of power, 3d6x10gp
Prerequisite Charm Bonus provides extra spells +1= extra 1st +2= extra 1st +3= extra 2nd

Sorcerers Magical Abilities

Spell casting abilities made by pacts or sharing blood with supernatural beings
-May deal with entities when gaining new spells through visions
-four starring cantrips and one first level spell plus prerequisite bonus
-Gain a new spell each level and can swap a previous one
-Can cast any known spell known on the fly with spell energy
-Enter a trance, perform sacrifices, get high and dream for 8 hours once per day to recover spells

d6 Source of Pact

1 Born with blood line of planar beings blood is an inborn pact
2 Initiated into cult of a planar being entered a pact in a ritual with the master
3 Contacted by planar being when alone in trouble and made a pact
4 Contacted planar being in dreams and made a pact
5 Found book or script dedicated to planar being made contact then a pact
6 Met a familiar spirit or imp sent by a planar being who initiated the pact

1 Draconic Cultist Subclass
Arms - Shortsword, Short Bow
Arts - Dragon Lore, Bluff, Carousing, Numeracy
+1 Incendiary +2 Focus +3 Evil Eye
Typical Starting Spells

-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Ignite, Spark, Candlelight
-First Level Magic Missile, Sleep, Burning Hands
-Second Level Fire Shuriken

Dragon scale or tooth or claw medallion, dragon tattoos, map to dragon lair
Minor reptilian or draconic mutation might be applicable also

2 Demonic Cultist Subclass
Arms - Dart, Dagger
Arts - Occult Lore, Intimidate, Torture, Demonic Lore
+1 Alchemy +2 Black Powder+3 Handgun
Typical Starting Spells

-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Ignite, Animate Smoke, Candlelight
-First Level Monster Summoning, Darkness, Burning Hands, 
-Second Level Stinking Cloud

Demon scale or tooth or claw medallion, demon tattoos, map to demon cult lair
Minor demonic or chaos mutation might be applicable also

3 Sepentine 
Cultist Subclass

Arms - Small Sword, Shortbow
Arts - Occult Lore, Poison Lore, Disguise, Animal Handling
+1 Focus +2 Hypnosis +3 Shoot Into Melee
Typical Starting Spells 

-Zero Level Sting, Smoke Puff, Sound, Whisper
-First Level Magic Missile,Fog Cloud, Mask
-Second Level Web

pet d4 snakes, snake tattoos, antivenom pill, book on dinosaurs in serpent folk glyphs
Minor reptilian mutation might be applicable also

4 Law Cult Cultist Subclass

Arms - Small Sword, Javelin
Arts - Holy Lore, First Aid, Numeracy, Scribe
+1 Focus +2 
Weapon Expert +3 Critical Strike

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Spark, Wizard Hand, Disrupt Dead, Candle Light
-First Level Magic Missile, Bless Weapon, Fiery Eyes
-Second Level Wizard Lock

Scale, hooded robe, sundial, medallion of law, 20m rope, donkey, tattoos of holy scriptures, book of law, manacles, crowbar, box of candles, scribe set
Minor holy or lawful mutation might be applicable also

5 Chaos 
Cultist Subclass

Arms - Flail, Shuriken
Arts - Occult Lore, Looting, Poison Law, Evil Eye
+1 Sword +2 
Weapon Expert +3 Critical Strike

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Spark, Candle Snuff, Scare, Stun
-First Level Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Monster Summoning 1
-Second Level Smoking Form

Hooded robe, tattoos of chaos cult, book of chaos scriptures, sword
Minor chaos mutation might be applicable also

6 Diabolic 
Cultist Subclass

Arms - Dagger, Small Sword
Arts - Occult Lore, Bluff, Kingdom Lore, Evil Eye
+1 Sword +2 
Dodge +3 Critical Strike

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Coin, Whisper, Phantom Pen, Smoke Puff  
-First Level Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Charm Person
-Second Level Burning Sphere

Hooded robe, tattoos of devils names, book of hell, d4 references from corrupt officials
Minor diabolic mutation might be applicable also

7 Fire 
Cultist Subclass

Arms - Dagger, Small Sword
Arts - Elemental Lore, Incendiary, Alchemy, Black Powder
+1 Craft Fire +2 
Blacksmith +3 Handgun

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Ignite, Candle light, Snuff Light, Smoke Puff  
-First Level Burning Hands, Fiery Eyes, Magic Missile
-Second Level Fire Shuriken

Hooded robe, tattoos of fire elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, d4 incendiary potions, d4 smokebombs, string of d100 firecrackers
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also

8 Water Cultist Subclass
Arms - Javelin, Dagger
Arts - Elemental Lore, Swim, Hold Breath, Alchemy
+1 Navigate +2 
Sailing +3 Trident

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Icicle, Snowball, Ink, Acid 
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Fog Cloud, Jump Like Frog
-Second Level Acid Arrow

Hooded robe, tattoos of water elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, acid potion, ingested poison potion, bottle of holy water
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also

9 Air Cultist Subclass
Arms - Shortbow, Dagger
Arts - Elemental Lore, Whistle, Hold Breath, Alchemy
+1 Bluff+2 Music 
+3 Shoot Into Melee

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Wind Gust, Fog Cloud, Whisper, Wizard Hand
-First Level Magic Missile, Feather Fall, Shocking Grasp
-Second Invisibility

Hooded robe, tattoos of air elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, kite, air bladder, instrument
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also

 Earth Cultist Subclass
Arms - Club, Hand Axe
Arts - Elemental Lore, Herbalist, First Aid, Farming
+1 Mining +2 Steward 
+3 Healing

Typical Starting Spells 
-Zero Level Dirt, Clean, Summon Tiny Animal, Grease
-First Level Mount, Floating Disc, spider Climb
-Second Bull Strength

Hooded robe, tattoos of water elemental creatures, scroll of elemental names, acid potion, ingested poison potion, bottle of holy water
Minor elemental mutation might be applicable also


Prime Requisite: Will; high score grants additional spells
d8HD/1 /
(Average 5)

Arms 3/3 Arts 4/2 Languages 2d4/2
Any light armour
-3 unskilled weapons +1 to hit every 4 levels
Staff d6, Dagger d4, Sling d4, Knife d3, Club d6, Stone d3, Dart d3, Hand axe d6, Short Sword d6, Javelin d6, Club d6, Flail d6, Whip d3, Spear d8, Sickle d4
Start Equipment: robes, d6 torches, 2d6 days preserved food, water skin, misstletoe, sickle, pot, flints, 6m rope
, bundle of firewood, tent, furs cloak, bedroll, 3d6x10sp
Prerequisite Will Bonus provides extra spells +1= extra 1st +2= extra 1st +3= extra 2nd

Holy Power: Animal Shapeshift
Change to and from a animal form once peer level per day
Limited to animals with HD equal to own level
One animal form can be chosen per level
At 4th level can use up to two attacks and one more every 4 more levels
-if animal has these potential number of attacks
Druids may learn animal languages

Druidic Spell Abilities

-can learn any spell of nature list through 8 hours of prayer once per day

Holy Druids - White Order Subclass
Act as healers and prophets in communities

Arms - Staff, club, dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Herbalism, First Aid, Healing
+1 Divination +2 Astrology +3 

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Sting, Healing Berry, Predict Weather,
-First Level Good Berry, Predict Weather, Fog Cloud
-Second Level Reflecting Pool

White robes, d4 healing potion, d3 healing herb, bandages, surgeons tools, gold torc and jewelry worth 3d6x5gp

Beast Druids - Brown Order Subclass
Work with wild animals 

Arms - spar, club, sling
Arts - Natural Lore, Beast Lore, Beast Handling, Beast Training
+1 Mimic Bast +2  Listen +3 Track

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Charm Vermin, Sting, Detect Animal, Conjure Vermin
-First Level Beast Summoning 1, Beast Speech, Charm Beast, Bless Fang
-Second Level 
Beast Summoning 2
Brown robes, d6 days animal feed, small pet d4 1=dog 2=goat 3=pig 4=deer, tiny pet d4 1=finch 2=squirrel 3=ferret 4=toad, beast mask, beast figurine

3 Blood Druids - Red Order Subclass
Blood letting aggressive defenders of wilderness
Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Javelin
Arts - Natural Lore, Sacrifice, Butchery,
+1 Brawling +2  Weapon Expert +3 
Critical Hit

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Ignite, Sting, Trumpet
-First Level Good Berry, Produce Flame, Cause Fear, Elemental Burst
-Second Level Flame Blade

Red robes, bottle of blood, skin of wine, various exotic knives, wicker doll

4 Dark Druids - Black Order Subclass

Act as funery rite specialists and dealing with death
Arms - Spear, Short Sword, Club
Arts - Natural Lore, Occult Lore, Mortician, Poison Lore

+1 Scythe +2 Trap Lore +3 Weapon Expert 
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Cauterise, Scare, Sting, Trumpet, Ceremony
-First Level Cause Fear, Natures Secrets, Fog Cloud
-Second Level 
Dust Devil

Black robes, human skull, hourglass, scythe, sickle

5 Wood 
Druids - Green Order Subclass
Work with vegetation and wild plants
Arms - Spear, Sickle, javelin
Arts - Natural Lore, Plant Lore, Herbalist, First Aid

+1 Farming +2 Healing +3 Poison Lore 

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Vine, Sprout, Healing Berry, Fire Berry
-First Level Good Berry, Barkskin, Entangle
-Second Level 
Wood Servant

Green robes, bag of seeds, tiny potted plant, sickle

6 Stone Druids - Grey Order Subclass
Perform rituals in deep caverns

Arms - Club, Dagger, Dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Survival, Climb, Swim

+1 Herbalist +2 Blind Fighting +3 Beast Handling

Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Vine, Flare, Ignite, Magic Mushroom
-First Level Spider Climb. Swim Like Fish, Faerie Fire
-Second Level 
Stone Servant

Grey robes, bag of dried mushrooms, 12m rope, d4 cave maps

7 Shore Druids - Blue Order Subclass
Serve coastlines and waters

Arms - Spear (or trident), Dagger, Net
Arts - Natural Lore, Swim, Fishing, Sailing 

+1 +2 Navigation +3 Hold Breath
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Create Drink, Predict Weather, Gust of Wind, Detect Animal
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Slow Poison, Create Water, Elemental Burst
-Second Level 
Warp Wood
Blue robes, d6 days of dried fish, 12m rope, d4 maps, 100m fishing line, fish hooks and lures, fish trap, hide boat with sail

8 Desert Druids - Yellow Order Subclass
Serve dry and batten wastelands

Arms - Short Sword, Dagger, Whip
Arts - Natural Lore, Survival, Beast Handling, Endurance

+1 Hold Breath +2 Survival +3 Scout
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Create Drink, Predict Weather, Animate Smoke, Purify Food & Water
-First Level Create Water, Elemental Burst, Run Like the Wind
-Second Level 
Dust Devil

Yellow robes, d4 maps, 12L urn of water, 4L waterskin, donkey or camel

9 Swamp Druids - Ochre Order Subclass

Serve marshes and wetlands
Arms - Spear, Dart, Net
Arts - Natural Lore, Swim, Fishing, Weaving

+1 Sailing +2 Poison Lore +3 Herbalism
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Predict Weather, Detect Poison, Detect Disease, Sting
-First Level Swim Like Fish, Slow Poison, Venom Bite
-Second Level Summon Swarm

Ochre robes, d6 days of dried fish, 12m rope, d4 maps, 100m fishing line, fish hooks and lures, fish trap, reed raft, pet frog, bundle of reeds

10 Chaos Druids - Bile Order Subclass
Aid mutants and chaos hordes

Arms - Club, Dagger, Dart
Arts - Natural Lore, Chaos Lore, Poison Lore, Disease Lore

+1 Survival +2 Track +3 Run Away  
Typical Starting Spells:
-Zero Level Smoke Puff, Animate Smoke, Scare, Sting
-First Level Alarm, Bless Weapon, Jump Like Frog, Fog Cloud,
-Second Level Fortifying Stew 
Bile robes, maps of chaos holy place, potion of lesser mutation, maggot ridden d4 days of food