Showing posts with label super heroes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label super heroes. Show all posts

Monday, 15 July 2019

Marvel Log: Heroes in Space Attack Dire Wraiths

so to recap: 

Shockwire bouncer by night living lightning hero by day!
Jack Frost silver age vet hero returned from years unseen
Lotus break dancing giant tree guy
Amp rock and rollroadie with sonic powers, armour and strength
Terra four armed mutant burrowing super strong hero, works for beer and curry
Evac the official hero of World Wide Rescue Service
Bolt Trower the android archer with his robot falcon 

Month ago:
Rescue Force battle monster space worm with lizard king!

battled a cult summoning alien being and killed it with a local king lizard kaiju

New Hope for Yesterdays Heroes

Frost and Evac took control of a old folks home for super seniors
Former manager was a alien space dragon super villain in disguise, Mandragora
Followed evidence pointed to location on the moon and modded Evac's heavy cargo lifter for a lunar return trip with boosters. Dire Wraith spies tried to sabotage the launch.

Heroes Deny Plot to Flee Dying Earth in Home Made Space Ship!
Went to the moon found alien base in a landing strip on;y seen in classified photos the team heard of. Battled psionic shape shifting grey aliens offering universal cosmic peace. Some of party attacked and others teurned on them. Grey aliens were shape shifting dire wraiths projecting Mandragoras telepathy plus their own shape shifting. Inside base met atractive lady astronauts with metalic bob wigs and tight silver space suits. Some herows attacked and broke illusion over more wraiths. Met Dr Mandragora and he turned into a alien space dragon (a psionic one). Had a chasing psionic battle with him and most party went through a gate made by a wraith witch and went to wraithworld. Bolt thrower left on moon with Mandragora and his arrows couldn't hurt the villain..

Heroes Out Of Control Invade Alien Planet In Other Dimension!
Jack frost got through gate and pulled out his secret trumpcard. Revealed he was carrying Lotus a new tree superhero in his pocket in seed form who grew himself in alien soil from alien plant matter. So he was purple and black here. Shockwire had escaped but joined Frost and Lotus. Amp, Terra and Evac were unconscious and being carried away by wraiths to a distant city. Standing team went to mountains (vs desert or jungle) and contacted by robots. Brought to a secret base of a rare wraith warlock with his science wraith minions. He wants to leave planet and go to Earth with only a few evil shape shifting alien spy comrades. But provided plan to raid wraith witch city labs and prison plus kidnap a wraith with gate powers to pull out her brain. Raid worked and escaped. Tunnels had lots of interesting scenery and mutant cave clams and toad wraiths.

Escape From Dimension X

While jack worked on lab project to turn the wraith brain into a dimensional portal maker. Shockwire contacted a object in orbit they had noticed and used powers to have a radio chat with ameboid alien allies. Their bioship had a starspawn of cthulhu brain for a dimensional warp drive. Made a deal to go with them back to earth via their home planet. Lotus sent the science wraith saucer with a nuke off to the city deliberatley not when plan demanded it. Some sort of darkness void shield ate the explosion but it looked cool. While angry warlock yelled at Lotus, Shockwire jolted him into unconsciousness by surprise. Made a deal to take 2 science wraiths and some other beings found in cryopods. Three frozen wraith heretics who liked earth and family of human parents with mutant-wraith hybrid child (in mobile suspended animation pod). The ameboids gooey inside bio ship was kinda disgusting. Warlock awoke to find his base trashed and minions gone and the gate device Frost built with the witch brain was destroyed.

Heroes Triumphant Return From the Stars Welcome!

Spent a week on alien planet. Heard about their history and wars and links to shoggoths and the crinoid great old ones who made them long ago. Possibly dire Wraiths might return or get up to larks possibly can trace heroes to ameboid homeworld.

Return to moon base to find Bolt Thrower and Joan the dog surviving. Marndragora turned into a space dragon and flew off. Bolt Thrower scratched him and he fled after trashing half the base.  Apparently Mandragora cannot leave earth further than the moon. Everyone returned to earth in their vessel with Bolt Thrower jacked in to pilot the ship.

Back on earth got a good reception and went back to regular business. Characters spied on agents of some high tech crime cartel and publicly showboated bringing down a couple of corp agents. Got lots of popularity.

Ive sped up my initiative system to just Intuition count downs
Also +5 spot karma for comic dialogue has everyone quipping or catch phrazing.

Sunday, 30 June 2019

Marvel Session; Lunar Blitzcrieg on Dire Wraiths

So after last game had 3 players i did a new player callout. So we had 2 noobs and everyone make it (bar one) so six players. Changed initiative system to speed and simplify combat which worked mad a couple of docs for group which i will expand and grabbing my own articles and publishing into booklets for use in game. Will share two below:

Character gen
Character Record booklet 

Will add city map to character book so they can add workplaces and homes
and remake table so greyscale works better and i messed up the fumble range to not be as ones we use in play as laminated sheets at table.

I met noobs at library to make new characters and both were fast
So got everyone to go round the room and describe characters

Jack Frost, hero of late70s and 80s who returned from retirement and turns into ice or frozen gas, shoots blunt icebolts and clouds of frozen gas. Is a super scientist to who keeps healing horrible genetic abominations of bad guys. Jack works at the space centre and teaches and runs a super hero retirement home which was supposed to be temporary but he likes it.

Amp a sonic super strong wrestling rock and roll roadie

Bolt Thrower the android archer with his high tech bow and robot hawk

Evac the official hero of the world wide rescue service currently working on astronaut training. Flies, strong, armoured, shoots force bolts and has a force sheath defence

Mr Lint a bouncer who can turn into incredible electricity and really liked watching the Tic on tv. Has a pet terrier who keeps turning up.

Terra a four armed super strong wrestling hooligan who has 4 arms and can burrow at 200 mph. He has own gang and a street where he is considered the local law. The city are paying him in beer and curry to help superheroes.

Then as a sample of abilities i gave everyone a quick solo event using personal encounter tables.

Jack Frost found a cleaner was sabotaging the space centre with alien spy tech and he stopped the industrial espionage merc who was hired to do it.

Amp was hanging out with his band in his base after a trip on tour. Decided the night club affiliated with is same as MrLint's.

Bolt Thrower was on his date a journalist who had been writing about heroes planning to build a ship to flee the apocalypse. Was trying to convince her it was just a mission and saw truck back onto ATM. He webbed them and stopped the truck and confiscated a cool concealable hacker terminal that fits on arm with a hud monacle.

Evac was safety checking the WWRS heavy cargo lifter that seemed perpetually in his care and was being modified for a one use moon mission and didn't notice a saboteur escaping. He managed to land safely and found alien bug which being on same base as Jack frost got them together to realises same aliens tech at work.

Mr Lint was grabbing a coffee at his contact's shop and a maniac in a mask with a chain tried to hold up place. Being a awesome martial artist he tussled with guy, took a hit as a human which hurt and chased the guy out. As he is faster he ducked into alley to stash coat and transformed disintegrating his clothes. Tried to stop guy but as he has probability control he gets miraculous fumbles and blew every streetlight in the area but crook cowed in terror. Lint told him to go to the police then went back to put on coat and finish his coffee.

Terra was in his flat drinking beer and eating curry watching soccer when a gang member told him mob had a car on street hassling the garage for money. As his gang only permited crime in area he spring into action with a mob of yobs approaching the armoured mob limo yelling. Frightened mobster fired smg scaring gang off and Terra headbutted him into unconsciousness. He let car drive off and his gang beat the other crook and both prisoners were stripped and thrown in river with warnings to never come back.

So last time party was investigating the old folks home for heroes for signs that the former chief Dr Sinclair was really Mandragora a mastermind genius and could turn into a space dragon. They realised that he had been sending data about old heroes to the moon possibly to sell to aliens? So they started working on modifying the WWRS heavy lifter into a one use return moon vehicle.

Town Mayor and Ape Detective Wally Surface got the team together and introduced new heroes to support their mission. They all went to base to check on the space launchand look for saboteurs. Bolt Thrower jacked into the alien devices and found a network that tried to take him over. He saw there were other devices on the base, resisted control and jacked out. Lint could see EM so he led group after a signal and found a clean lab with airlock all in glass where heroes could see 4 lab techs working. The tech seeing 6 superheroes glare at them were a bit edgy. Then they pulled huge self assembling chrome rayguns out. Bolth Thrower destroyed glass and webbed a tech. Evac flew through a window to do his charge and as usual missed but did not crash horribly which for him was a good outcome. Jack Frost fired a icebolt at one. Lint in electric form teleported across the room and punched one as aliens fired. A few heroes injured and webbed tech turned into a snake and crawled out so Terra grabbed her only to have her coil around him and bite him with no effect. Amp grabbed another one.

One of the techs and his gun turned to ash when shot which was a bit scary. Terra squished the snake and another turned to ash but others turned into their true form as science wraiths, an alien enemy not seen in 20 years.  Called Men in Black of APIO to collect aliens and saw their tech was setting off alarms and their network stopped. Bolt Thrower flew over base to check and saw lots of scientists running into a hanger and called gang.

As they approached doors opened and two robot things and 8 science wraiths with big ray guns ran out. Heroes charged. Lint teleported in by ground wires and got into fight with robot that couldn't hurt him and only damage itself as it punched him. Evac got stunned badly and was out. Other nearly stunned and frost injured multiple wraiths with ice blast. Bolt Thrower shot lots and his hawk pulled agun from a wraith that tuned into a pteradactyl thing to chase him but Bolty shot it some more. Another wriath turned into rat and tried to flee but Bolt Thrower got it. Amp was grabbing them while vibrating which was pretty dangerous. Terra tried burrowing under them and getting them to fall in the hole but grabbing them from underground worked better. Wraiths all down and most ash. Robot things had pods with pods of fleshy matter that Frost determined used to be human.

They called extra collection team to put wraiths in freezer. APIO jet arived and rather than wait for other team to arrived offered to just stuff all the wriaths in the two freezer pods as damned dirty aliens dont deserve space. Party loaded in and watched fly off. Then the two ships they actually ordered arrived. Doh. Tracked the wraith controlled prison plane to a closed APIO base and sent law after them. The aliens were mostly working on slowing the party so they just worked on take off.

On launch pad with the World Wide Rescue heavy lifter with extra boosters and engines the heroes loaded up. Amp was worried about his powers without air. During final check for sabotage. Lint used his powers to scan and fumbled with bad luck. He sent his dog to be cared for and fumbled that too. Loaded a couple of supervillain prison robots on board too, MK 3 models the smart ones. As dire wraiths were involved the team were briefed about a few alien types and the wraiths. Notably the so called male science wraiths and the stronger witch wraiths. As they have no genitalia gender seemed a convention they adopted for infiltrating earth and "male" science wraiths pretended to be women often enough.

After lift off Lint found Joan the terrier in his luggage. "Oh you naughty girl!"

Docked at space station for fuel and headed to moon. Amp kept on broadcasting to earth his insights and tried to bring his rock and roll vibe to space travel and failed badly. The world was horrified this maniac was allowed in space and soon the world knew what an Australian bogan was like and it was like Amp. Amp got Evac to speak on air about looking after him and after and relieved everybody.

Orbited the moon and scans revealed there were pilon like spires in location the signals from Earth went to. Bolt thrower was jacked into ship piloting it as his own body which was cool. He landed on the alien runway and scans revealed a large door big enough for a alien saucer but not teams ship. So they suited up and went out. Door opened and glaring light came out. Spindly naked greys walked out offering hugs broadcasting peace and cosmic love. Some saw through this and attacked and the party had to fight the lower psyche team members too, Science wraiths dropped the ruse especially after Amp grabbed six in his arms and ran off to "save them". Aliens defeated went in base and saw a big vehichle bay door and a human airlock. Amp teleported through metal door and explored the base tech wing to find tools left and no crew. The rest went into a 70s space lounge and attractive lady astronauts in skin tight silver suits and metallic pastel hair came to greet them as saviours. Only Jack resisted this time and he blasted them all with cold breath cloud and broke the alien ruse.

Seemed they had all the alien crew taken care of and base looked human made but they united and came to bio science wing that was sealed. Bolt Thrower opened the door and all saw alien biolab and came to another strange larger door that opened on own. A strange non wraith alien green temple with alien writing was here and out came Dr Mandragora as an older man in a suit with a pencil thin moustache. He told the heroes were here just in time and the wraiths were just a test and he needed them to go through a gate to fight a evil ultraterrestrial overlord. A woman in red robes came out and opened a gate of darkness offering them to enter. Bolt Thrower and Jack Frost called bullshit. Mandragora said Bolty and Jack were already under control and the only way to help them was to go throught the gate. Jack tried to block the gate with ice while Bolt Thrower shot Mandragora. The villain ignored this grew into a 20 foot tall space dragon and chased Bolt Thrower singing him with cosmic flame. Bolty never had not been able to take someone out before and ran. Jack tried to block the gate, shrugged off the with and froze her in the gateway. Evac rammed through knocking her in and most of the party went through before the gate closed.

Jack and Bolt Thrower fled in panic from Mandragora who possibly was really a alien space dragon all along controlling the wraith. The others blinked looking at the nightmare land of darkness that was Wraithworld. Violet sky with black stars, alien twitching plants, hideous hounds and pteradactyl things and a ruined stone city. The planet had been plunged into another universe by heroes 20 years ago when they tried to merge Wraithworld and Earth.

End of session.

All worked well. Dire wraiths are the only marvel universe thing I have from comics in my setting and they have been popular villains. This campaign has really taken off. It did take about 9 months to become regular fortnightly game. 6 hour sessions im likeing as get lots done.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Marvel Log: Doom that came to River City

So ran my infrequent TSR marvel game on sunday with our dnd dag posse, Richard, JB & Pete. Dallas was away. As I was watching godzilla films and realized bnew film out i was a bit inspired. Actually found old notes from a month back on this but merged it with a different worlds mag superworld module I played in 85. The module has a Cthulhu cult, Dholes and a villain called the Nightgaunt. Im running the basic idea not adventure strictly but Superwold I'm still fond of. I don't use the marvel universe just the game.

So the team met up at mayors office to fill out some paperwork in the secret department hidden in his office. They had not had a team up for a month.

Bolt Thrower the android archer built by Dr Cheng had been fighting cultists his nosy reporter lover had stirred up. Has flight, armour, regeneration and his fold out laser bow. He often shoots multiple arrows or web arrows.

Evac the super agent of World Wide Rescue had been looking into recent marine disappearances and hoped to get WWR heavy lifter to visit with a sub to help him from their command centre near Hawaii. He is strong, flies, armoured and flies. He has access to lots of fancy rescue tech.

Jack Frost the returned hero of yesteryear, secretly a scientist at the city space research centre (also a medic, geneticist and secret occultist). He had notices some kind of gravitic lensing effect distorting space in a window facing the crab nebula. Jack can turn into ice, shoot ice or turn into a cloud of frozen gas. He was a hero 30 years ago and knows lots of old heroes and villains.

Amp the super strong sonic powered roadie was away on a charity tour (sorry Dallas).

The team decided to unite as possibly this stuff was related. A strange blue mineral deposit had been left by cults and they searched the shorelines for more and questioned some contacts working the area. Visiting the uni space science dept Bolt thrower saw a mystery man on the roof and flew up only to be shot and stunned. Pretty embarrassing for him. In the lab the intruder had left a usb device broadcasting the astronomy lab data to somewhere. 
Bolt Thrower interfaced with their computers to track where the cult mainfrome was.

They searched Diablo Island, a industrial slum land were most bad stuff in river city happens. Found a abandoned church with cultists and attacked. Several robed cultists operated computers while others performed a ritual over a bowl of the blue minerals. Several cult ninjas were guards. They had little hope of resisting but the heroes stopped the fanatics killing each other. The cult site was one of estimated five trying to summon something from beyond space to earth. Bolt Thrower checked the computers and found two more locations. A basement lab mixing occult and science and a copy of the Necronomicon helped Jack Frost work out the cult gate opening plan. Something about transporting a planetary population of mile long worms to cover the earth a mile deep.

The next cult location had less dedicated cultists who spoke more freely. They expected to become rulers of the earth but Jack Frost doubted this.

The next location the cult were ready. After they burst in the abandoned paint factory and incapacitated the cultists, the cult heavy hitters arrived. The Nightgaunt a villain unseen since Jack Frost's day using occult and science. He had alien mechanical wings, a gas mask and a big plasma pistol with fist size one shot plasma fuel cells that he had stunned Bolt Thrower with before on the uni roof.

With him were some cult ninjas and four actual nightgaunt demons. Two demons attacked Evac in his force sheath and managed to psionicly paralyze him with spasms of insane laughter, their tickle effect. Jack not the toughest hero if not in hiss ice or mist forms was more mentally resistant. Deadbolt used his laser bow to shoot nighgaunts gun wounding him and several demons. Nightgaunt got in close able to escape laser web arrows and chased Bolt thrower in a dogfight. One nightgaunt was stunned by a arrow and the other demon carried Evac outside and twenty stories up, heading for space apparently. Jack managed to stop a ninja kill the webbed up cultists and battled tw demons who he was mostly resistant to their psi-tickle.

Evac eventually escaped and headed back. Nightgaunt and some demons were wounded and vanished in black clouds. Cultists they saved from ninja confessed about links to the public face of the cult and the heroes with police raided his mansion.

Apparently the heroes had stopped earth being covered by a mile thick layer of space worms but one was coming. A cultist let it slip that the earths own natural defence was coming - the ,mystery ship sinker. Flying over the sea and dropping sonar probes from the WWR heavy lift transportthey detected a dinosaur kaiju was on the way to the city.

A mass evacuation was called and heroes helped especial at the city bridge from Diablo Is;land to the rich district that had been sealed by sabotage by a slumb landlord who didnt want riff raff in his district. They caught sabotuers and partly freed the bridge blockage with the WWR heavy lifter.

Deciding to stop worm or lizard reaching the city, Jack from the space centre fired three missiles to stop the worm or change it's course and missed. Bolt Thrower flew up and jacked into the missile network and guided the final missile so the worm was knocked into the ocean near the kaijusaurus. The titans battled. The mile long worm has class 1000 stats but the only unearthly lizard was a canny fighter dodging and biting and using it's nuclear blast breath. Jack determined it was a specific frequency that ignored the worms armour. Realizing they couldn't hurt it Jack arranged Evac's WWR lifter to bring in a missile warhead.

The team flew in, Evac holding a half ton warhead. They knew the world was watching them. They waited till the worm head was backing off from the lizards breath, considered attacking the worms anus but not for long. Evac threw the warhead in the worms mouth, Jack frost sealed it with ice and at the last moment before the ice sealed, Bolt Throwers arrow slipped through and the warhead was detonated. The worm now headless and blind was now ineffective writhing about allowing the lizard to slice it up with nuclear hellfire breath bolts.

The heroes got lots of karma and popularity and media attention. Most went up a rank in fame making them among the cities most favoured heroes. I also offered them a new contact.

Evac chose  Close Orbit Air Command, to expand his rescue operation into space and work near Jack Frost more.

Bolt Thrower wanted a cybernetic hawk sidekick which he partly built and used his body nanites to make. He was no Dr Cheng but was a good engineer and good enough to help Jack Frost.

Jack Frost while hobnobbing with important politicians and space defence folk, befriended a alien ambassadors technician. An ameboid bio tech expert who could appear human (this race was established by a previous character in my 30 year long campaign).

Big fun session

Looking forward to being at least monthly and Dallas joining again. Might get some new players possibly.

School going well and some legal stuff sorted so i might have some month in a month....
Finishing a post about villains for superhero and spy games

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Marvel Rank Tree

In my marvel game I use this for character generation
I added charisma stats cos i can

We make base human first 

F Pr A Typ S Pr E Typ Typ Typ  Typ Typ 
add 5 ranks (Ex max for human)
2 contacts 2 talents
each rank added to C adds a extra contact
each rank added to mental stat CRIP 
adds a extra talent

then add these ranks as per chart for powers and enhanced attributes

then add background option

Made this to be a simple visual guide considered a bigger one for more powerful campaigns from monstrous or unearthly. this is fine for street mystery men to basic xmen types. I used bigger one for my kaiju game.

Fits in with previous character gen posts.

EG Making Base Human

Dr Howard Thorne

F Pr A Typ* S Pr E Typ Typ* Typ**  Typ* Typ 
* add 5 ranks
F Pr A Gd S Pr E Typ Gd Ex  Gd Typ
Contacts: University, NASA, Lab Assistant, Meddling Son
(2 base + 1 for stats +1 from 
Academic professional talent)
Talents: Engineering, Astronomy, Physics, Computers, Tinker/Repair, Academic
(2 base + 4 for stats)

Then Add Ranks

Doctor X
F Pr
A Gd + Ex = Rm
S Pr
Typ Gd Ex + Rm = Inc Gd + Ex = RmTyp

Rm X-Ray Form
-insubstantial, damages organics on touch
-xray laser stunt
Ex Telepathy
Ex Flight

(2xRm + 4xEx)

H 44
K 86

Then Add Options

Gd Meldsuit
- instant change costume
- adapts to powers and hard to damage
-Gd Protection vs energy and kinetic attacks, handy for when powers off
Rm Forcefield Bracelet from aliens

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Marvel Prep

Have been getting ready for a sunday fortnightly game hoping on 3-4 players.
Getting some toy busses for more melee weapons when i set up city battles.
Scale less fussy so hero clix for special characters, 1/72 or train scale for everyone else and matchbox/hotwheels for vehicles. Got some weird hotwheels too silly for my roadwar game but more like super folk cars. Whole bunch of spider theme ones. I failed to launch my roadwar/cyberpunk brp game but lots of elements of that will be here. Have lots of silly aircraft too.

Made a form for every session to record 5 news articles and a report from the Australian Paranormal Intelligence Service. I will post them here as they are used and have 40kg of notes from my previous 20 year long game. Hoping Dallas can help me set up online game too. Seem to be designing again which is good. Easier to do in bed than layouts.

This is as much planning as I do in what is a sandbox. Characters end up generating plots or choosing what to investigate. Sometimes I tie news items together and link to the secret gov briefings. Sometimes they are red herrings.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Contact Revision For TSR Marvel

These are examples of possible contacts. I have set them in tables so characters can roll up npcs easily. The organisation section is the silliest with orgs stolen from many sources I've used over years and most likely to be revised later with lots of specfic type subtables.

d10 Contact Types
1 Professional Contacts - 
have a specific job, talents and resources
2 Dependant - a vulnerable person depends on hero
Nuisance - a person who persecutes hero or attracts danger 

4 Organisation - a group with personnel, territory and resources 
5 Patron - a boss or sponsor who expects you to perform your duty 
6 Place - known in a specific area
7 Language - speak read and write a foreign language
8 Source - contact connected with origin story
9 Hero - contact is hero
10 Villain - contact is a villain

1 Professional Contacts
d100 These contacts have a specific job, talents and resources
01 Prison Inmate
02 Gangster
03 Mob Boss
04 Dealer
05 Bouncer
06 Black Marketeer
07 Forger
08 Burglar
09 Hacker

11 Homeless
12 Builder

13 Logger
14 Sailor
15 Life guard
16 Stock Herder
17 Miner
18 Fisherman
19 Farmer
20 Park Ranger
21 Newsstand Guy
22 All nite Diner Owner
23 Coffee Shop Owner
24 Garbage Truck Driver
25 Food Truck Guy
26 Publicist
27 Limo Driver
28 Hotel Manager
29 Celebrity Chef
30 Social Worker
31 Lab Tech
32 Factory Manager
33 Repair Tech
34 Pharmacist
35 Engineer
36 Radio Tech
37 Mechanic
38 Electrician
39 Electronics Tech
40 Computer Tech
41 Scuba Diver
42 Mountain climber
43 Extreme Cyclist
44 Extreme Skater
45 Stunt Driver
46 Airline Pilot
47 Ship Captain
48 Race Driver
49 Helicopter Pilot
50 Astronaut
51 Internet Blogger
52 Magazine Writer
53 Newspaper Journalist 
54 Radio Announcer
55 TV Reporter
56 Writer
57 Photographer
58 Linguist
59 Actor
60 Artist
61 Writer
62 Archaeologist
63 Historian
64 Anthropologist
65 Biologist
66 Geneticist
67 Chemist
68 Astronomer
69 Physicist
70 Geologist
71 Playboy
72 Stock Broker
73 Salesman
74 Banker
75 Corporate Director
76 Prison Manager
77 Civil Servant
78 Politician
79 Lawyer
80 Customs
81 Coast Guard
82 Emergency Rescue
83 Coroner 
84 Rescue Officer
85 Fireman
86 Paramedic 
87 Nurse
88 GP Doctor
89 Surgeon
90 Psychiatrist
91 Beat Cop
92 Security Chief
93 Private Detective
94 Special Weapon Police
95 Forensic Investigator
96 Police Detective
97 Army Officer
98 Navy Officer
99 Air Force Officer
100 Espionage Agent

2 Dependant (earn you +10 karma a session)
d10 Once a session a dependant calls on your help
01 A doddering older parent or grandparent needs help
02 A school aged child is your responsibility  
03 A pet requires your attention and occasional rescue or vet trip
04 A family member is a invalid and requires help
05 A charity you regularly support with favours or donations
06 A troubled teenager is your responsibility
07 A good friend you work with requires help and favours
08 A easily influenced youth requires your mentorship
09 A boy/girl friend needs attentions
10 A married or ex partner requires your attention

3 Nuisance (earn you +20 karma a session)
d10 A influential person who works to damage your popularity 
01 Persistent Journalist stalks you
02 Media boss persecutes you
03 Government investigator after your secrets
04 Private investigator after your secrets
05 Military Leader wants you destroyed
06 Scientist wants to study you in vivisection lab
07 A hate group makes wild accusations about you
08 A political leader publicly scorns you
09 A rich captain of industry wants your secrets
10 A police officer convinced hero up to no good

4 Organisations
d100 A group that can provides personnel or clues or resources
01 The Syndicate a international italian irish american crime clan with political interests
02 The 108 Dragons a chinese gangster assassin cult using esoteric mind control
03 Tong are chinese gangster clans
04 Yakuza are tatooed japanese gangsters
05 The Bratva are international russian mobsters
06 Maffia are international Sicilian organised crime
07 Green Fist a eco terrorist org formed from dirty marxist hippies of the 60s
08 Local Street Gang 
09 Circus of Assassins are  a secret society of killer carny folk
10 Black Hand are criminals specializing in kidnapping and hostages

11 Tribal Council
12 Political party

13 University 
14 Museum
15 Red Cross
16 A branch of a church
17 Alien Spotters Society or ASS
18 Fire Department
19 Correctional Services
20 Parks and Wildlife Services
21 The Airforce
22 The Navy
23 The Army
24 Federal Police (FBI)
25 World Heritage League
26 City Hospital
27 Emergency Rescue Service
28 Ambulance Service
29 Metro Police Department
30 National security organisation (MI6, ASUS. CIA)
31 United Nations
32 Wold Finance Organisation
33 GROVE Industries a front for pagan occultists calling the dark gods
34 STAR Labs a advanced science research organisation deals with cutting edge tech
35 Cyberdine Systems develop defence industry electronics and cybernetics
36 Temple Industries a secretive legal and financial working behind global politics
37 ARMCO defence manufacturer
38 Miota Incorporated a scientific research firm specialising in pharmacy and hospitals
39 Millennium Industries a wide ranging financial and manufacturing giant
40 Omni consumer Products make many diverse consumer products
41 Tyrell Corporation cybernetics corporation working in androids and robotics
42 Merrick Biotech sell cloned organs they grow in secure black lab bunkers
43 Biotechnica a advanced biotech and agriculture corporation
44 Global Broadcasting Network the worlds biggest new and entertainment broadcaster
45 Safeguard Industries operate superhuman prisons
46 Merco a private military force now conducting own R&D after years guarding black labs
47 Datatel a big data internet and isometrics firm used by industry and government
48 Delos Corporation create consumer entertainment products and theme parks
49 Smith Incorporated monopole and magnetic systems for transport and defence
50 New World Industries a transport financial and construction
51 Gentech Corporation makes universal products for secretive korean-german company
52 Aelita a russian aerospace and robotics corporation, aggressive industrial espionage
53 Kemelkon a petroleum, energy agriculture and chemical company, infamous polluters  
54 Kanawa Corporation a financial, eletronics, transport and military manufacturer
55 Exotech Corporation a medical, cybernetics, mind control and genetics company
56 Orion Foundation is a independent organisation working for world peace
57 The Assassins a secret ancient sect providing super skilled assasins
58 The Secret Empire world conquering science conspiracy
59  Zodiac a secret society that deal with espionage, black science and cosmic relics
60 The Brotherhood asian secret society using science and magic with own assassin cult
61 The Hand a demonic occult group with shadowy goals and ninja assassins
62 The Cabal a league of magicians that regulate and cover up 
63 Gold Phoenix Brotherhood a benevolent secret society hidden as a computing company
64 Order of the Black Tower a sinister secret society of 
65 PAGAN People Against Goodness And Normalcy
66 Illuminated Seers are group constantly generating cover organisations and red herrings
67 Cthulhu cult or mythos sect worshiping alien gods and pre human civilization
68 The Laundry UK occult espionage unit dealing with elder gods and hidden races
69 OSI Office of Scientific Intelligence develop and combat alternate technology
70 FIRE Free and independent inquiry are a secret society of science villains
71 Thule Brotherhood seek to restore lost continent of the master race
72 Cadmus devoted to neutralizing the threat of super humans
73 SPHYNX high tech special technology riddled with conspiricies and tripple agents
74 MAZE international intelligence cell hunts terrorists and security threats to world
75 Guild of Calamitous Intent control hero and villain relations
76 WASP World Aquanaut Security Patrol battle aquatic races and marine science villains
77 FREElancers a experimental inteligence contract firm with enhanced agents
78 WEB World Espionage Network World Espionage Bureau international bad guy spies 
79 SWORD Sentient World Observation and Response Department hunt aliens
80 SPECTRE Special Executive for Counter-intelligence,Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion
81 ODIN Organization of Democratic Intelligence Networks
82 International Rescue private high tech rescue organisation
83 Panther Claw international criminal organisation steals rare and beautiful things
84 AIM Advanced Idea Mechanics sell black science tech to evil organisations
85 HIVE Hierarchy of International Vengeance and Extermination
86 COBRA. Criminal Organization of Bloodiness, Revenge and Assassination
87 SPECTRUM United Nations security organisation fighting alien race of shapeshifters
88 ANVIL Asian Nations Vigilance Intelligence Legion chinese & pacific org
89 SABRE Special Alliance Battalion Recon & Espionage
90 PATRIOT Pacific American Tactical Response Intelligence Operation Taskforce
91 SMASH Special Military Alliance Supreme Headquarters Europe, Australia India org
92 HAMMER Hegemonic Autonomous Monolithic Military Experimental Recon, Russian
93 HYDRA are world dominating fascists using espionage, black science and dark magic  
94 SPARTAN Secret government superhuman and vigilante taskforce
95 SHOCC Super Human Operational Combat and Command
96 UNIT United Nations Intelligence Taskforce 
97 SHIELD Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law Enforcement Division 
98 UNISEC United Nations Intelligence Security org 
99 SHADO Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation
100 Australian Paranorman Intelligence Organisation formerly APIS or Division X

A few Extra
Satanists, Division X (UFO hunters), Cult of the six fingered hand, The Black Lodge, Templars, big tobacco, boyscouts, Scientology, Freemasons, Football Association, Band, soup kitchen,  etc

5 Patron
d10 E
mployer or boss who sends you on missions

A patron will often give you resources and information
A patron will require you perform favours but help you more
Many patrons could include organisations  

01 Scholar from Prestigious university
02 Officer of law enforcement organisation
03 Officer from branch of armed forces
04 Spymaster from secret intelligence organisation 
05 Agent of a secret society
06 Millionaire corporate head
07 Director of prestigious benevolent organisation
08 Director of international aid organisation 
09 Secretive hidden patron
10 Manager of your workplace or employer

6 Place
d10 K
now area intimately and are well known there
Smaller place better the better knowledge and 

01 A street where everybody loves you
02 A suburb or districts where locals know and respect you
03 A town where locals consider you part of local flavour
04 A city where you are well known
05 A university campus, museum, library or hospital
06 A sewer system, tomb filled valley or lost city
07 A airport, harbour, spaceport or industrial complex
08 A military base or bunker or secret facility
09 A wilderness area like a park or mountain range or forest
10 A research base in a exotic location like space, antarctica, desert, underwater

7 Language
d10 speak read and write a foreign language

01 Spanish or French or Italian or Greek
02 German or Austrian or Dutch or Danish 
03 Swedish or Norwegian or Finnish
04 Russian or Polish or Czech or Slovak
05 Chinese or Korean or Japanese or Vietnamese
06 Indonesian or Malaysian or Filipino or Thai
07 Arabic or Persian or Phonecean or Turkish
08 Hindu or Urdu pr Tibetan or Mongolian or Nepalese
09 Tribal language spoken by traditional peoples
10 Latin or Ancient Greek or Hebrew or Egyptian

8 Source
d10 Contact connected to hero origin and powers
01 Eccentric expert in powers source
02 Someone with similar powers
03 A negative version with same abilities
04 Combat instructor
05 Specialist talent trainer
06 Mentor of abilities
07 A former user of abilities
08 Creator of abilities
09 Secret research project into abilities source
10 Persistent researcher who's work touches on subject

9 Hero
d10 Contact with a major hero who can offer assistance
01 A charismatic daredevil
02 A bitter old hack
03 A popular patriotic hero 
04 A brooding masked vigilante
05 A former government super agent
06 A misunderstood monster
07 A sentinel of liberty
08 A mysterious masked avenger
09 A famous hero of yesterday
10 A teenage sidekick of a famous hero

10 Villain
d10 Contacts with a major villain but can cause karma losses
01 Foreign dictator who rules a country
02 Dangerous mob Boss 
03 Compulsive Cat Burglar
04 Armed Robber uses advanced tech gimmick
05 Creepy magician
06 A mad scientist
07 A evil millionaire
08 Professional killer
09 A terrorist
10 A professional spy

More recently considered alternate universe versions of self or others as contacts too