Showing posts with label genre. Show all posts
Showing posts with label genre. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 February 2017

d100 Terrible letter from home

Terrible letters from home are distractions from fighting wars and often demoralizing. Family could be friends or own house hold in your home. Designed to be good in dnd or ww1 cthulhu or other setting.

d10 Quick nice letters from home
1 A pet or farm animal had hilarious anecdote worthy tale
2 Some one is getting married hooray!
3 Someone has found true love
4 A cheer raising letter of love and praise
5 Someone back home tells of cute petty problems
6 Some one has recovered from a near death situation
7 Justice resolved some problem in a fair manner
8 Someone has had a baby
9 Weather is nice or business is good

d10 Quick Tragedies
1 Crime
2 Vice
3 Poverty
4 Legal
5 Love
6 Disaster
7 Drama
8 Health
9 Morals
10 Weird

01 Older relative has committed murder and run away pursued by the law and leaving family
02 Younger relative committed a crime and has run away and joined a gang
03 Member of family murdered d4 1=child 2=youth 3=adult 4=old
04 Member of family cheated someone shaming you all
05 Member of family was conned and lost a fortune through dirty tricks
06 Family member in prison for accident or a mistake
07 Child or youth kidnapped and carried away
08 Blood feud has been ruining your kin and rival families power
09 Family member went to prison now out a labourer or servant
10 Something valuable stolen from clan

11 Family member become depraved evil drug addict alcoholic and abuser
12 Family member in debt to gambling and has now sold a child as a servant

13 Family member is a sex maniac even disguising self as a prostitute and getting caught
14 Family member dies abusing drugs or having accident while high
15 Kin are involved in grip of petty organised crime and trapped
16 Kin member is a serial killer, a family secret scandal failing to happen
17 Kin member is sadist and abuser tormenting animals and or people
18 Family sexual pervert sexually assault a family member and has exiled them
19 Family member has turned sophisticated attending orgies, theaters, artist parties
20 Family member been seduced by amoral organisation secret lodges, club or cult
21 A relative died in their shack of exposure and hunger
22 A relative has been locked up in a mad house and is tormented by institution
23 A relative has gone to debtors prison where they are constantly ill
24 A relative has been sold under contract to pay off debt in a terrible high risk job
25 Several kin have joined the military life and abandoned their families
26 Mob killed someone collecting loans from gang
27 Bank came and took everything from a relative ruining them
28 Several kin have fled homes and departing to frontier or new territories
29 Someone killed on the job and families left paupers
30 Landlord abusing family with beatings and abuse
31 Family involved in border dispute in court
32 Family member has trial for murder seeking money to buy freedom if defense fails
33 Family having fight over messy divorce and return of dowry
34 Family being evicted by landlords battled in court
35 Family having dispute with church elders
36 Family fighting over claim of found treasure (possibly cursed with greed)
37 Family engaged in constant petty legal feuds with other family
38 Family has members killed and imprisoned fighting rival family
39 Family has mystery bastard arrive claiming family property
40 Family legally maneuvered into subordinate role to other clan
41 The fairest youth in clan ran away with trusted person and both missing
42 A widowed parent has found new younger and poorer love
43 Everyone gossiping about affairs and who is into who
44 Former lover from home tells you about their marriage to someone else
45 Former lover has gone crazy and disapeared
46 Former lover joins some far away military or merchant service
47 Former lover wants to see you and get married
48 Former lover now has a child from somewhere
49 Recent lover informing you about terrible disease they have
50 Letter from most recent serious lover saying your dead to them now, it is all off
51 Family killed due to war related disaster or attack
52 Family members killed in a bizarre massacre
53 Family killed in natural disaster like flood, mudslide, cold
54 Family disappeared nobody knows where
55 Family killed transport accident like train, plane or auto
56 Family home burned down killing and injuring several members
57 Family robbed and house looted and smashed
58 Family blamed for d4 1=starting fire 2=poisoning well 3=witchcraft 4= cowardice
59 Family wealth and leaders lost transporting precious goods bankrupting all
60 Feud has started with great vindictive family over law, money or love gone wrong
61 Someone having a terribly not secret affair that will cause clan trouble
62 Family members miserliness resulted in deaths of other family
63 Family members revealed to be actually married
64 Bizarre love triangle between several families
65 Someone married someone foreign or of a different class
66 Family members death causing succession feuds and legal battles
67 Terrible mismatched marriage with horrible stranger
68 Someone wants a divorce and is causing a scandal
69 Someone has started gossiping about family member and their live in friend
70 Someone in family is vain, rude and thoughtless and starting blood feuds with other clans
71 Plague killed many in your home area, all avoiding that place
72 Patriarch or matriarch of family dies of pox causing power struggle to be the next
73 Someone you love crippled by a injuries from an attack or accident
74 Your vd test results come in and you have big problems
75 Your dearest childhood friend in terrible fever no doctor can explain
76 Someone personally close wasting away in coma
77 Kin who survived plague driven away by jealous neighbours mob
78 Several children of clan died of the scarlet sickness
79 Friend with plague symptoms kills self
80 News from home naming the many deaths from a sickness
81 A relative has been caught performing public sexual perversion and now in prison
82 Kin has used law to ruin someone to make a profit and locals all unhappy
83 Family leader has been working as a fixer for a criminal gang
84 Family member been imprisoned for injuring married partner 
85 Family member performed a crime and blamed a homeless traveller
86 A kinsman stole something and made self rich while original owner had life ruined
87 A family member robbed a kinfolk and splitting the clan
88 Family wasting savings on frivolous status symbols of wealth
89 Family member gave fortune to church while close kin left ruined
90 Family member outlawed for sexual crime and is now seeking a boat far away
91 Family member convinced home is haunted
92 Kin tells of a seance by a witch and the amazing secrets they were told by spirits
93 Family member saw something on the moors one night now broken person in fear
94 A priest has been forming a strong influence on your loved ones
95 Someone in family joined some strange club or fraternity which worries the elderly
96 Long lost relative returned but was really a fraud after money
97 Kin has taken residence in strange old house full weird books 
98 Family member lost in war has been seen among the criminal classes of a city
99 Family member went mad took up strange practices, odd friends and collections
100 Family member had awesome religious vision on deathbead

Friday, 8 May 2015

d100 Childhood Tragedies for High Barbarians

Starting VIKINGS2 game Sunday. Will prep minis - make ship cut outs.

Got some chinease made cheap soldiers on ebay with half figures are space marines in 4 poses - a running guy with gun, a squatting guy with bigger gun, a weird big gun with a cable connected to mans belt and a guy who could be a battlesuit or heavy space suit. All in sealed suits and good to have rare SF units. 4 poses of USA retro guys  handy for boilersuit goons in volcano bases and wargames with kids. About 80 space guys and 80 army goons in green for under $20 on ebay. A lil crude, but cheap green army man vibe some kids will like. I might paint space ones into factions.

This is for the more advanced barbarians who may not write but practice a advanced degree of culture and are not nomadic or primitive. Barbarian of this type might innovate some technology over civilized city states or empires.

d10  Childhood Tragedies for High Barbarians
1 Near Death

2 Battlefield horrors
3 Feast hall drama
4 Wilderness tragedy
5 Raiding enemies
6 Clan law
7 Clan and court life
8 Will of the gods
9 Spirit world
10 Magic problems

d100 Childhood Tragedies for High Barbarians
01 Terrible sea accident or weather killed everyone but you
02 Interclan blood feud warfare killed your family
03 Monsters from the hills came and killed your family
04 Your nation was conquered and most of your kin killed
05 Strangers bought a terrible plague wiping out your village home
06 Winter was relentless and many died in harsh long cold
07 A kinsman became a monster and killed all in your home
08 A kinsman started a feud with a non human who killed your clan
09 A terrible invasion of your clan land exterminated you all
10 Families land sloughed off hillside and into the sea or crevice killing all
11 Saw your family murdered in front of you by invaders
12 Your home has burned with your clan inside by enemies
13 Enemies abused and killed your loved ones in front of you 
14 Your clan wiped out attacking a well prepared clever enemy
15 Your clan tricked into suicidal charge you were too wounded to join
16 Spells destroyed your clan in a great destructive attack
17 Clan leader by taboo act then cursed and fell in battle, whole clan butchered
18 Cursed treasure seized by kinsmen doomed whole community
19 Clan all murdered by enemies d4 1=impaled 2=burned 3=torn apart 4=beheaded
20 Clan backed loser in a tribal feud, picked off one by one and you were sent away
21 Family stabbed at noble dinner table for some error of manners
22 You were tortured for entertainment at a feast
23 Mass poisoning at feast you survived, others suspicious it was you
24 Your poem offended wrong person and you were publicly thrashed and beaten
25 Banished by ruler for your unwelcome comment at a feast
26 Met attractive lover at feast then stabbed by their family who hate your kind
27 Leader cursed by god feast hall attacked by monsters
28 Enemies spoke falsehoods about you at feast and lord had you tortured
29 Enemies attacked feast and killed all but you who escaped badly burnt
30 Ruler offered you marriage deal you refused, now your lord wants you dead
31 While crossing mountains you were separated and lost for months alone
32 While crossing mountains your friends were all killed only you returned
33 While following a valley your band were kidnapped by bandits for 1d4 years
34 Found a great treasure but guardian monster came and killed you band
35 Found a lost dungeon but only you got out alive
36 While camped in ruins cultists caught and killed your friends
37 Monsters eliminated you band d4 1=dragon 2=giants 3=trolls 4=ogres
38 Lost in a cave for years tormented by horrors of underland
39 Trapped in lost valley of d4 1=dinosaurs 2=undead 3=cavemen 4=goblins
40 Chased across distance by monsters for days, lost many allies
41 Raiders killed and maimed many of your kin and nearly got you too
42 You were raised by invaders who stole you from your own family and killed them
43 Many of your clan and loved ones were carried away into slavery by a foreign king
44 You and your mother were stolen by raiders and you were raised by horrible clan
45 While raiding a village you were separated from your war band and lost in foreign land
46 While on raid you were captured and lived among your enemies for years
47 While on raid you were captured and imprisoned and tortured by your enemies
48 While on raid discovered villagers were actually cultists, demons ate your war band
49 While on a raid you were turned into a farm beast and were used by farmers for years
50 Raid on monster lair, band betrayed by wizard who stole relic and left you all to die
51 You killed enemies in self defence, you were bankrupted in court as you struck first
52 Your father and brothers were killed by clan leader after being found guilty in rigged trial
53 Jealous neighbor lied in court, seized your land, and made your family wretched paupers
54 A enemy lied about you in court and you killed them illegally and were exiled
55 You had a trial by combat and won but foes clan made trouble for you and clan
56 You were accused of witchcraft and survived trial by ordeal, you hate your tribe now
57 A lover claimed you promised to marry them in court and you had to flee
58 Your family disowned you in court  after you failed to save several siblings
59 While clans met to solve legal disputes you were accused of murder and had to flee
60 A noble wanted your clans land so bribed others to make lawsuits against you
61 Fought with a sibling and killed them, family curse you
62 Lost a duel, your reputation was ruined and land robbed and family left you
63 Lost a bet at a animal fight and lost everything, you sure fight was rigged
64 Family sold into slavery due to bad debts
65 Your clan were resettled into a new land, all tragically tormented by unwelcome locals
66 After father killed mother re married a rich man and sent you away to live with kin
67 A parent had a scandalous affair causing divorce and leading to bloodshed
68 You were given to enemy clan to ensure peace, one of theirs was raised in your place
69 You were secretly adopted, your family were killed after failing to take a leaders power
70 A noble claimed you as their property and you were enslaved and mistreated
71 You offended a wandering god in disguise and they cursed you to never return home
72 Your kin broke out with cannibalism and then wendigos, you managed to escape
73 A kinsman worshiped a bad god or spirit in disguise, other suspicious of your kin
74 A god struck down your clan leader sending you all down into ruin
75 A god saved you from a calamity that killed your clan, they may require you one day
76 An ancestor had a great relic and your male kin all died trying to find it
77 A god is said to be your ancestor but most don't believe it and heckle you
78 A parent angrily uttered blasphemy and were killed by the god, others disdain your clan
79 Clan said to have worshiped blood thirsty forgotten gods and mated with beast men
80 Your family changed faith and became hated by clan so moved away to new land
81 Shaman gave bad prophecy about you and you were exiled
82 Wise woman said at birth you would attract trouble so family left you exposed to die
83 Ghost of wronged kin constantly torments you for justice which made you a outlaw
84 A forest spirit almost killed you as a child for using bad language in the woods
85 Ghost has taken several of your kin and friends and made them suicide in front of you 
86 Ancestor spirits seek ancient wrongs righted, would cause problems for your clan status
87 A bad shaman sent disease, madness and hungry spirits to your family for some wrong
88 Bad shaman demanded a consort from your kin, since has tormented them for refusal
89 Spirit animal constantly causes your clan trouble for some strange deed
90 Family barn troll saved you from horrible murder of your family
91 A bad magician robbed your clan graves, now they serve him as living dead
92 A wizard betrayed your family and stole one of your siblings as a lover
93 A witch seduced a parent, later your family were killed by mob looking for witch
94 Enemies paid a sorcerer to fireball your family home killing many kin
95 Faerie folk lured away or kidnapped your kin away leaving you alone
96 You were left family cursed item and you are now it's bearer
97 You spent d4 years as a wild beast in the forest before being restored to human
98 A wizard led your band to a dread ruined island of the elder gods, most died horribly 
99 You slept in a sacred place and dreamed of horrible pre human times and lost ruins
100 One of your parents or step parents was secretly a evil spell caster

Saturday, 28 February 2015

d100 Childhood Tragedies for Mercantile Class

So this is for the not so scummy city dwellers including shop keepers, merchants, traders, guilds men, senior craftsmen and the non noble rich. Such people travel more than the common poor also.

d10 Childhood Tragedies for Mercantile Class

1 Death

2 Family Drama
3 Wealth
4 Law and Tax
5 A Journey
6 Vice 
7 Power and Politics
8 Haunted
9 Church
10 Magic

d100 Childhood Tragedies for Mercantile Class
01 Family killed and robbed by ruler
02 Criminal organisation killed your family
03 Cult killed your family
04 Family executed publicly
05 Family all poisoned each other at banquet
06 Mysterious order of assassins murdering your family
07 Family wage war with another cult to mutual extinction
08 Family all killed dueling
09 Rival merchant family murdered and robbed your family
10 Magician or monster is killing family one by one
11 Scandalous separation of parents followed by family feuds
12 Children in family murdered you are one of suspects
13 Favorite sibling ran away with rival family lover and both died
14 Parents murdered each other and clan enemies finished rest off
15 You had a child out of wedlock and were sent away and shunned for years
16 You grew up with no problems and everybody hates you for it
17 You showed sighs of ambition and were locked in a tower
18 You were married to someone horrible for family connection and they still hunt you
19 Family members imprisoned by family leaders d4 1=mad 2=diseased 3=inbred idiots 4=curse
20 Your family have dreadful taste and make vulgar displays of wealth that people laugh at
21 You never got that unicorn you asked daddy, everyone knows you as a you spoiled brat
22 You squandered cash and were cut from allowance
23 You squandered wealth on magic beans or other rubbish
24 You lost everything on a risky merchant venture that failed
25 Conned into blowing money on big shonky deal
26 Family left destitute by enemies but are lucky to be alive
27 Enemy merchants make life hard for you and your family, slowly going broke
28 Your family reputed to be try hard rich trash
29 Family rich and famous misers hated by poor
30 Your branch lost all land and money in a wedding arrangement
31 Ruler made new tax to destroy your family funds
32 Clan head avoided tax and executed, you and your kin absorbed into new clan
33 Made it big but the ruler sold monopoly rights to enemy clan who sent yours broke
34 Family imprisoned for tax evasion, you are only one free
35 Family involved in royal loan scam and rulers will find and kill your merchant house one day
36 Family defrauded the mob and they are starting to get wise
37 Family incited a famous riot that nearly killed you and everybody remembers
38 Family had a feud resolved by murdering rival clans leaders
39 You were imprisoned, tortured and pardoned in court when hostile witnesses disappeared
40 Family broke and sold into slavery except you who bought your freedom
41 On a trade mission kidnapped and imprisoned in cave for several years
42 Spent years on trade mission in strange cruel land
43 Caravan destroyed by strange beast men, took years to get home alone
44 Shipwrecked on Island for years and luckily rescued
45 Captured by supernatural beings as playthings, tricked them to escape
46 Trapped in a frozen mountain pass perused by yetis
47 Ship ran aground on a corpse filled island city of the elder age
48 When abroad rival clan told locals you were evil spies and you were imprisoned
49 Trapped in a magical land, returned home generations later and clan reject you as liar
50 Lived among non human tribe in wastelands for years
51 You spent years gambling away your money till cut off from family
52 You are a terrible drunk and let the family down too many times
53 You are a drug addict seeking otherworldly experience in drug dens
54 Member of a secret sex cult with members from all walks of life
55 You blew a fortune on charlatan potions and medicine and were kicked out of family
56 You were in a group of gourmet snobs eating, drinking and whoring across the land
57 You were betrothed to several lovers you jilted who now all hate you
58 You are a member of a secret club indulging in drugs and sexual depravity
59 You have collection of forbidden books 1=political 2=pornographic 3=demonic rituals 4=blasphemous
60 You recognise prostitutes, pimps and other vice peddlers all over city
61 You ran in guild or ward elections but your secret shame was exposed ruining your chances
62 Kidnapped and tortured by rival merchant house but you escaped to seek revenge
63 Your ambitions were thwarted by a sibling, ruining your chances
64 Your guild or ward elections were ruined by slanderous graffiti on city walls
65 You began befriending those close to rulers court but others tried to kill you
66 A popular agitator started a smear campaign ruining your chances in public office
67 A major banking organisation refuses you credit or support over some action of yours
68 You joined a secret society committed to spreading influence over offices of power
69 Your ruthless actions in past avoided prosecution and earned you rep as stone cold traitor
70 You hired assassin who was caught and possibly gave clues to your identity to enemies
71 You are haunted by family ghost who appears to cause trouble and scare people
72 Your family home had phantoms that tormented and abused you
73 Phantoms of those who were killed by your greed occasionally appear to abuse you
74 A lover committed suicide and you hear their phantom at night driving you to madness
75 A hungry spirit appears to eat your food occasionally
76 A greedy spirit appears to steal your coins occasionally
77 A ancestors ghost comes to complain whenever you spend lots of money
78 A evil spirit has taken your form and occasionally causes trouble
79 A spectral hound follows you at night baying and scaring animals
80 A phantom of a depraved uncle is at times only visible to you, gives horrible evil advice
81 The church helped your family with a loan now they are demanding to your clan
82 Your unlucky family spent years trying to appease gods of luck almost sacrificing you
83 Family follow exotic foreign cult that is good for trade abroad
84 Merchant god was displeased so family stores and wealth lost
85 To avoid bloodshed most of your elders joined church and donated wealth
86 Family members of secret cult with secret ritual lodge under house
87 Family members exposed as cultists and killed by inquisition
88 Family gained wealth by selling souls to lower planes entities
89 Family bloodline tainted by non human beings, hidden by family cult
90 Many churches condemn your family for greed and evil deeds
91 Family has many spell casters, many prone to madness
92 You served for years under a witch trying to remove a family curse
93 Your family had strange relic which you released a demon from
94 You were bound to a cursed object you found in family store room
95 You lived under a terrible curse for years from ripping off a witch
96 Family has a devil for a patron gained by wizard clan leader generations ago
97 Your family trades material spell components with wizards which is quite hazardous
98 Your family trades live monsters, nobody can know you really make the monsters
99 Your family operated a magic store but adventurers robbed and burned it
100 You know your family heads have secret dealings with shapeshifters

Saturday, 21 February 2015

d100 Childhood Tragedies for Urban folk

Will do a barbarian and savage table. Viking tragedy table? Any Suggestions for grimy gory character history??? Nonhuman tables?

Thinking of seasonal based domain events 12d12 or 12d20 - might bunch into seasons will be some yearly and other tables. D100 dungeon underworld vice. D100 Demons?

This d100 implies a large poverty filled nasty city state - defiantly not a LG city. In my game LE always trying to help good and offering to help good with a bloodthirsty wars, fear and grinding down the will of man. LG guys will on Exile Island will end up using LE help when evil chaos Invading - a symbiotic relationsgip emerges with CG and and CN pushed out of public debate. CN tend to become guerrilla bandits if a LE regime sets in robing from the rich and giving to the poor. Many live in mountain caves in the north just outside the city authority. The Barron is LE some say he is related to Asmodeus the Archduke of Hell. Others say "he is tough but fair" or "but he keeps as free and safe".

d10 Quick Childhood Tragedies for Urban folk

1 Death

2 Poverty
3 Home life
4 Work
5 Law
6 Crime
7 Haunting
8 Monsters
9 Church
10 Magic

d100 Childhood Tragedies for Urban folk
01 Family killed by plague
02 Family killed by gangland killings
03 Family killed by fire burning down home
04 Family murdered by d4 1=cult 2=serial killer 3=madman 4=each other
05 Family executed for d4 1=treason 2=nobles whim 3=framed for crime 4=gang activity
06 Family killed by collapsing family home
07 Family killed during riots over d4 1=food 2=jobs 3=public execution 4=religion
08 Family killed by starvation caused by famine spirits
09 Family killed by monsters d4 1=from sewers 2=undead 3=mutants 4=orcs
10 Family killed by monsters d4 1=lycanthropes 2=doppelgangers 3=stray dog pack 4=demons
11 Practised cannibalism to survive
12 Ran with a gang of street urchins
13 Beaten daily by d4 1=family 2=master 3=gangs 4=police
14 Sold by family to d4 1=slavers 2=gang 3=tradesman as apprentice 4=pimp
15 Forced to betray your friends who were mostly killed
16 Saved by church and abused by clergy
17 Constantly starved had to beg, steal and search garbage to eat
18 Raised by professional panhandlers from the beggars guild
19 Used by murder hobo adventurers as torch or pole bearer
20 Raised in terrible abusive orphanage
21 Homeless and lived on the streets and rubbish dumps, never sleeping same place twice
22 Lived in horrible gangland slum, constantly in peril
23 Lived in a gang house performing chores and petty crime
24 Lived in a terrible apartment complex rife with gangs and disease
25 Lived under a staircase in a apartment performing chores for scraps
26 Lived in a graveyard stealing offerings to the dead to live and sleeping with skeletons
27 Lived in the sewers with gangs of filthy urchins
28 Lived for years without sunlight in the crawlspaces in a bridge
29 Lived locked in attic or basement by d4 1=mad family 2=cult 3=gang 4=magician
30 Lived in a madhouse with terrible abuse till escape
31 Worked in a dangerous sweatshop for meagre food and board
32 Worked in mines digging fragile tunnels under and around city
33 Worked in a brothel performing chores and learning the trade
34 Worked as a slave performing back breaking labour
35 Worked as a rat catcher in sewers and alleys but got to eat and sell your catch
36 Worked as a gong farmer cleaning city sewers, cesspits and latrines
37 Worked as apprentice but beaten and abused by master
38 Worked as a house servant to well off masters who abused and whipped you
39 Worked as a street seller selling awful goods to earn your keep
40 Worked as a pit fighter for illegal fight clubs
41 Scarred by the lash from public flogging
42 Left to die in cesspit when caught plague in prison
43 Born and raised in prison then released when adult
44 Tortured in dungeon for years before escaping
45 Wanted by law and constantly in fear for d4 1=espionage 2=murder 3=sacrilege 4=treason
46 Stranded on island alone for petty crimes
47 Branded or tattooed as a criminal
48 Escaped potentially fatal exposure d4 1=chained to rock 2=in gibbet 3=crucified 4=in cage
49 Questioned, tortured and persecuted by secret police who considered you an informant
50 Worked as a guard until a mistake had you thrown in dungeon for several years
51 Forced to join a gang who became your family
52 Hunted by one of cities biggest mobs who never forget
53 Hunted by a order of assassins who blame you for cover being blown
54 Family were a gang affiliated with a dangerous mob
55 Raised to be a assassin by a secret society
56 Covered in gangland tattoos from your mobster days
57 Apprenticed to a thieves guild who never let you quit
58 Reformed drug addict and enslaved by dealers for years
59 Were in a gang that robbed and murdered daily
60 Was a terrible gambler in debt to a d12 gangs
61 Spirit used your body to kill dozens of people and you don't even know why
62 Haunted by phantoms cursing you for your d4 1=sins 2=blasphemy 3=ancestors 4=bad spirits
63 You were possessed for years by a d4 1=demon 2=ghost 3=spirit 4=long dead wizard
64 A evil spirit haunts and tempts you, only you can see him without magical sight beyond sight
65 A spirit in you led to family all killing each other
66 Haunted house owned by family, one by one they disappeared just tormented you
67 Undead tried to enter house at night as a childhood
68 Ancestral spirits tell you what a disappointment you are constantly criticising you
69 Used to rent yourself to vampires for cash
70 Employed as a grave robber till undead chased you all night in catacombs
71 Almost drowned in a huge rat swarm and still have nightmares
72 Had terrible berserker disease from being mauled by stray dog pack but clergy healed you
73 A doppelganger of you committed many terrible crimes your still discovering
74 One of your lovers was a supernatural being d4 1=spirit 2=demon 3=changeling 4=were rat
75 Infected by lycanthropy and use folk medicine to keep at bay, fever every full moon
76 Blood sucking stirge owls menaced you as a small child now you hate flapping sounds
77 You've seen several mimics attack and kill now you are ware of anything chest sized
78 Were-rat gang kidnapped and converted several of your siblings
79 Discovered you have mysterious bloodline of a non human race or monster
80 Badly tormented by non humans d6 1=Orcs 2=Goblins 3=Goat Men 4=Kobolds 5=Ogre 6=Troll
81 Member of a dangerous and illegal cult who never let members escape
82 Lived with a moralistic sect performing charity and self flagellation for years
83 A cult raised you from the dead and consider you their agent
84 A religion declared you a blasphemer and heretic and members all hate you
85 You were adopted by church orphanage into hands of a evil high priest
86 You witnessed a secret rite and now a major religion hunts you
87 Family cast you out for not respecting the family sect and mocking your ancestors
88 You bear the mark of the chosen one, you escaped being sacrificed by a cult, god claims you still
89 Corrupt church officials tormented you d4 1=witch hunter 2=exorcists 3=inquisition 4=templars
90 Religious mob chased you to d4 1=torture 2=hunt you 3=burn you 4=tear you apart with hands
91 A magician used you as a guinea-pig for cursed items and flawed potions for years
92 Were born a hideous mutant living in slums till cured in exchange for dodgy favour
93 You were charmed by a sorcerer for years who used you as a plaything
94 A sorcerer says he grew you fully grown in a vat and you were his slave for years
95 You used to be a cannibal a doppelganger but you got stuck
96 Found a cursed item on corpse in trash heap, has taint of evil but handy and you cant drop it
97 You met a magical being who guided your alignment d4 1=planar 2=elemental 3=fey 4=spirit
98 Being offered you powers if you become champion of the entity in this world
99 Implanted with demon seed embryonic child monster d4 1=1d12 years old 2=d4 years ago 3=d4 days ago 4=soon
100 You have hidden minor cosmetic mutation you must hide or be shunned outcast

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

d100 Childhood Tragedies for Noble folk

Will do more of these in the "why you grew to be a messed up adventurer" series. Had request to do a domain event table. Probably need to do a guild or gang or school or temple version too. So got my d100 backbrain rolling out stuff again yay!

d10 Quick Childhood Tragedies for Noble folk
1 Family deaths
2 Madness
3 Legal Threat
4 Ancestral deeds
5 Hostage or ransom
6 Personal torment
7 Haunted
8 Monsters
9 The gods hate us
10 Magical Happening

d100 Childhood Tragedies for Noble folk
01 Family beheaded by mob
02 Family tortured to death by enemies
03 Family poisoned by unknown enemies
04 Family killed by invading military force
05 Family burned alive in family estate
06 Family kept in dungeon slowly died one by one forgotten
07 Family assassinated one by one sent by unknown enemies
08 Family murdered by enemy usurper who stole everything
09 Family murdered by kinsman attempting to control clan
10 Family killed each other in bloody kin war
11 Clan head struck by madness and ruined families position
12 Family famous for madness
13 Clan head struck by paranoia and killed many kinsman and scattered the rest
14 Family gaining reputation as torturers and murderers
15 Mad clan increasingly crazily and punishes any who question them
16 Family leaders have launched a crusade and persecute a group of victims
17 Family religious fanatics and have joined a sect of fanatic inquisitors
18 Family has many practitioners of forbidden magic
19 Clan openly worship evil planar beings
20 Family have own asylum where they imprison any kinsmen who dont leader
21 Clan outlawed and scattered
22 Family branded heretics and driven away by church
23 Family outcast by king for treason and fled to distant hiding place
24 Family sent to rule over isolated worthless territory and forgotten
25 Forced into marriage with unpleasant mate and fled before wedding
26 Family outlawed and property seized by kings men
27 Family financially ruined by bad debts and estate lost
28 Born a bastard and always treated second rate by family
29 Born out of wedlock but kept around estate to be kept close
30 Siblings framed you with scandal to get you out of the way
31 Ancestor revealed to be necromancer and crypt empty
32 Ancestor was a secret murderer and victim corpses found on estate to this day
33 Ancestor mated with inhuman beings some otherworldly
34 Ancestor famous black magician who sacrificed peasants
35 Ancestor famous for cruel torture in hidden dungeon
36 Ancestor led a cult for years terrifying commoners
37 Ancestor became a monster d4 1=lycanthrope 2=vampire 3=lich 4=mummy
38 Ancestor vanished with important treasure of the kingdom
39 Ancestors plundered foreign lands and brought back terrible artifact
40 Ancestors involved in the fall of the old kingdom and rewarded by the new
41 Sent to live with foreign enemies as hostage
42 Captured by bandits for ransom for several years
43 Kidnapped by cult and used as hostage
44 Sent to kings court to ensure families cooperation
45 Raised by clan enemies as part of peace settlement
46 Kept in rulers dungeon to ensure clan obedience
47 Locked in tower by wizard to keep clan silent
48 Taken by wicked knight to extract gold from family
49 Lived with pirates for years till ransom paid by clan
50 Taken by humanoids to ensure your clan leave them be
51 Family tortured you for entertainment
52 Family tried to blame crimes on you to absolve selves
53 Sent to study in boarding school without family contact
54 Sent to study under cruel master to learn your trade
55 Survived the plague but almost died
56 Wounded in hunting accident and took over a year to recover
57 Had a illicit love affair and sweet heart killed by your family
58 Accidentally killed a sibling while having adventure
59 Had a child out of wedlock in secret while young
60 Accidentally buried alive while recovering from plague
61 Stalked by evil spectre of wicked ancestor who tried to make you like them
62 Possessed by a ghost for several years then discarded when no longer needed
63 Phantoms tormented you as a child
64 Disappointed ancestors tormented your dreams
65 Ancestor walked from crypt to haunt you but was finally stopped by priest
66 A vampire ancestor used to feed from you as a youth
67 A tormented ancestor spirit begged you to redeem their tragic mistake
68 Ancestor looked just like you and you have heard their whispers in your dreams
69 A lich ancestor sent clan a letter on your birth announcing your betrothal to them
70 Phantom lover visited till you discovered they were d4 1=an ancestor 2=vampire 3=demon 4=witch
71 Your family sent you as child sacrifice to a monster but a hero rescued you
72 You were kidnapped by a hag for many years
73 A hoard of humanoids kept you to serve their king who humiliated you
74 You were taken to elfland and when you returned your clan was long forgotten
75 Giants captured you and you were a plaything of their children for years
76 A devil knight held you in a tower and slew many clan heroes who tried to save you
77 Ogres or trolls captured you and almost ate you till a hero rescued you
78 You lived as a lycanthrope for years till a holy person healed you
79 Goatmen took you as a sacrifice but you escaped to find nobody believed you
80 Fishfolk kidnapped you and your memories are blurry and you have nightmares
81 A blasphemous cult held you as a mate for their god but you managed to escape
82 A angry god sent monsters to destroy your family holdings
83 A cult tried to take your family over but instead there was a bloodbath
84 A god was offended and estate fell into poverty and ruin
85 Gods offended by clan and turned family into monsters
86 Family connected to history of evil relic granted by evil god
87 Clan head tried to change religion and massive uprising left family estate an empty ruin
88 Goddess was offended and no new children born in family since
89 Clan has waged war with demonic cult for generations
90 Family lands forced to sacrifice of gold and children to a demon every decade
91 Family estate with family gathering vanished leaving bare earth in place
92 Family over run with monsters d4 1=lycanthropes 2=vampires 3=faerie folk 4=doppelgangers
93 Family estate and clan cursed and sealed from world with monster guardians
94 Cult coven has infiltrated clan and turned to blasphemy
95 Clan offended a high witch who now has clan leader under thrall
96 Druids offended by clan developments and most of family turned into wild animals
97 Family robbed and ruined by gremlin plague in clan estaste
98 Clan member meddled with magic and unleashed apocalypse on family estate
99 A wizard destroyed family and home in fiery explosion
100 Family head made demonic pact damning whole clan

Saturday, 14 February 2015

d100 Childhood Tragedies for Villager folk

So I thought some background tables could be handy. Will do one for nobles, urban poor and another for why you were sent to exile island. Possibly need one for non human races too.

I have about 300+ 1/72 armies coming in including celtic leaders with male and female druids, women chariots, and other goodies. I got the Arcane Legions starter box with 120 minis that are claimed to be 25mm but if you dont include base fit in better with 20mm or 1/72 (most are abour 22-24 mm). The box set includs some figures that will pass as historical but have gigantic twin sword wielding Romans and undead Egyptians. The line includes centaurs which might be nice, roman bear cavalry and egyptian lion rining women. I clipped off all the pegs that fit minis into unit boards and will throw most of the box set away. I like concept of mythic war gaming but I think the Osprey mythic fantasy rules might be better. Have some gamers interested in this project.

d10 Quick villager tragedy table
1 Family deaths
2 Terrible home life
3 Law and order
4 Ancestral dilemma
5 Adopted
6 Personal suffering
7 Haunted
8 Monsters
9 The gods hate us
10 Magical Happening

d100 Childhood Tragedies for Villager folk
01 Family deaths from natural disaster
02 Family deaths from plague
03 Family deaths from famine
04 Family deaths from wild animals
05 Family deaths from farm accident
06 Family deaths from bandits or raiders
07 Family deaths from legal authorities
08 Family deaths from cannibalistic starving villagers
09 Family deaths from crazed murderer (possibly a kinsman)
10 Family deaths from open warfare
11 Terrible home life from incompetent careless parents
12 Terrible home life from family cult
13 Terrible home life from abusive drunken dad
14 Terrible home life from cruel step mother
15 Terrible home life from bullying siblings
16 Terrible home life from zealous puritanical church
17 Terrible home life from criminal family
18 Terrible home life from family sweatshop
19 Terrible home life from parents busy carousing
20 Terrible home life from family of gamblers
21 Family persecuted by tax collectors
22 Family in massive debt to moneylenders
23 Family mostly imprisoned or enslaved
24 Family persecuted by abusive aristocrats
25 Family struggling under cruel landlords
26 Family in debt to crime family protection racket
27 Family sold children to gangs, pimps and sweatshops
28 Family incompetent with money in terrible poverty
29 Family servants to cruel masters
30 Family scattered by warfare and disaster
31 Family are inbred, many secretly mad and deformed
32 Father not real parent of you or siblings, mum was a tramp
33 Family all blame you for mum dying giving birth to you
34 Mother was ravished by d4 1=bandits 2=nobles 3=priest 4=cultists
35 Mother seduced by d4 1=noble 2=bandit 3=spirit 4=clergy
36 Family last of ethnic minority, almost last of their kind
37 Family practiced outmoded customs and religion making them outcasts
38 Family kin with wild forest and cave folk making them outcasts
39 Family infamous for some misdeed of the past
40 Family follow unpopular sect or heresy they have to hide from most people
41 Found and raised by pirates or bandits or gang
42 Adopted in secret due to birthmark, hunted by d4 1=cult 2=tyrant 3=witch 4=monsters
43 Family executed and you were spared d4 1=cannibals 2=cultists 3=poisoners 4=traitors
44 Family adopted you and reluctant to tell about your real family
45 Family adopted you as an abandoned infant to replace own child who died
46 Found and raised by monks or clergy in a holy place
47 Bought as infant to be a servant or apprentice by master or mistress
48 Feral child lived wild with animals till reformed by d4 1=priest 2=hunter 3=farmer 4=non-humans
49 Raised by a monster d4 1=ate your family 2=rescued you 3=found you 4=real parent but cursed
50 Abandoned and raised by non humans d4 1=elves 2=dwarves 3=halflings 4=gnomes
51 Caught and tormented for months by d4 1=bandits 2=humanoids 3=cult 4=lawmen
52 Chased by a mob accused of d4 1=cannibalism 2=poisoning 3=witchcraft 4=murder
53 Almost killed by terrible accident, saved and healed but traumatised
54 Discovered community infiltrated with shape changers and fled
55 Witnessed cultist performing ritual and now hunted by them, had to flee home
56 Killed someone defending a loved one d4 1=landlord 2=noble 3=tax collector 4=sheriff
57 Almost killed by unknown murderer but survived and recovered
58 Suffered a debilitating ailment until healed by holy person
59 Outcast for rejecting d4 1=local custom 2=religious sacrifice 3=new faith 4=new leader
60 Ran away to avoid arranged marriage, both families want you punished
61 Haunted by angry ancestral spirits
62 Village haunted by child eating ghost
63 Local water supply haunted by drowning spirit
64 Family home haunted by many ghosts
65 Angry farm spirits tormented family
66 Elves cursed farm animals and crops
67 Trolls menaced local bridges and roads by night
68 Local graveyard was crawling with dead by night
69 Loved ones turned into undead by necromancer
70 Kin murdered and ghosts plead for vengeance and justice
71 Monsters enslaved your family and carried them away
72 Monsters killed and ate your family
73 Monsters reduced your family to idiot simpletons
74 Monsters turned family into lycanthropes
75 Monsters turned family into undead
76 Monsters carried your kin into a hole in the ground
77 Monsters destroyed family home with fire killing your family
78 Monsters killed family with poison or disease
79 Monsters turned your family into evil servants
80 Monsters turned your family into stone
81 Gods struck family mad and the poor idiots mostly starved
82 Gods turned family into animals or plants
83 Gods lured family into a gateway in the side of a hill
84 Gods had family hurled into flaming pit by devils or demons
85 Gods of old lured family into the sea to serve them
86 Gods struck a kinsman mad and they killed family then themselves
87 Gods destroyed family for blasphemy
88 Gods carried away kin to serve them in heavens
89 Gods servitor murdered whole family
90 Gods enemies killed your family for being so pious
91 A witch cursed family who mostly came to terrible ends
92 A wizard turned family into orcs to serve him in a dungeon
93 A sorcerer turned family into drug addict cultists, dont remember you
94 Family were gradually replaced by shape shifters who fled when discovered
95 Family brought home a cursed item resulting in deaths and disappearance of kin
96 Family died in magical explosion from unknown source
97 Wizard turned family member into monster who killed rest of kin
98 Evil cultists summoned otherworldly creature that murdered family
99 Kin charmed by magic and rest killed or vanished trying to save them
100 Kin lost in dungeon and rest killed or vanished trying to save them

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Dark Future BRP

Sunday 1-5 Will run BRP Darkfuture (before Vikings game), Maybe a few sessions. Mashup of madmax/carwars/cyberpunk/judgedredd/maxheadroom/deathrace 2000.

Players are ex military, mindwiped after the Zone and mustered out with implants and bad attitudes. Get into the fancy world of courier driving and death motorsports. You can kill anyone without insurance in the wasteland. Help make roadkill out of gangs. Run down mutants on sight for bounties and bush tucker. Any gimmick can get your team a online-tv contract.
Characters include drivers, mechanics, urban combat specialists, snipers, hackers, bikers, truckers, couriers, criminals, lawyers, fixers, body guards, salvage experts, road nomads, cultists, police, ammunition specialist, drone operator, gang members, journalists, parapsychics and conspiracy theorists.

The world is a hellish shell of the past, it gets visibly worse and more implausible daily. How fast how dense is your car in the year 2000?

I ran in past i just need car sheets and character sheets a few models for now. Version of BRP with combat 1-3 seconds horrorshows outside of a car.

Will do a new character sheet and finish my other articles that were slightly too big topics this weekend. Will use my version of rules with 1 sec combat rounds, shoot as much as you like with cumulative recoil penalties.

As for setting it is Qz on the brink of disaster. Population centers after the plague are fenced off most trade by airship. Mutant scum, wasteland gangs and cults fill in between the cities. Daredevil drivers travel between them for special deliveries and just for the bloodsport. Refugees are machine gunned on the beaches daily. Billionaires act like royalty and nobody remembers what an election is. Plagues have left world depopulated and global warming has dried up the wilderness.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Cthulhu Metropolis Dread Secret Cards

 These were props to get my EYECON game moving faster (and added a gold coral fragment like ones in Polynesia and Insmouth). Worked very well and I got to give retirement stories for characters. Aas I cut and pasted character sheets from Byakee character generator and it does not have jpg or pdf output so i cant post them but will give brief summaries here too. Realized did not have the dreamer card to use Babylon tables with but have added now and some more. Feedback or more ideas welcome from any mythos or tween war cinematic horror/sf welcome.

Friday, 7 February 2014

d100 Kaiju monster apocalypses

Kaiju good for planet Psychon or  super heroes or whatever. I'm a bit inspired by Marvel Monster era comics.

A Kaiju isn't just a friggin huge thing to kill, they should be able to cope with deadliest gammaworld weapons. They could also be a dungeon waiting to happen. Rescue the crown from the kaiju tummy and sake the rightful rulers? Ear canal of kaiju? Perhaps their mouth is a hellgate like in medieval art? Best avoid being eaten in all cases.

Any suggestions for d100 Pocket monsters in a similar format in comments -  i will put with your name in table

Remenbering may Gygaxian critters started as kaiju dolls and good DnD monster could just get a giant version. Cthulhu monsters are well represented also.

In a Kaiju story evidence of beast is often found, with increasing clues till a sighting. Usually an attack on a settlement follows with beast heading to greater urban centers and fighting a military force. Sometimes the monster carries parasite monsters, might battle or team up with other monsters or have scientists devise a super weapon. Aliens may meddle in kaiju affairs too, seeking to control, kidnap, eliminate or trap them out of the way. Kaiju mostly are dumb but can sort of communicate.

I ran a kaiju game of MARVEL with 100 foot tall monsters where players mostly played the human contacts till fight time when every player would pull out their monster. Set in world over run by monsters setting was very fun.

d100 Kaiju
1 Kaiser Siezure hairy dinosaur thing blasts with neural frequency pulses of light stunning others
2 Waku Tiki a huge stone monolith with hands and legs, grumpy but served by cultists and priestess
3 Radura a quadraped dino with spikes growing in back, can roll at high speed in a deadly sphere
4 Megasan huge robot warrior martial artist with rocket flight, has own intellect but has been controlled by others before
5 Gigadru a mighty radioactive reactor fueled t-rex type with atomic blast breathe able to shoot spacecraft down. Feels protective of earth and challenges other monsters
6 Garudar a supersonic giant bird can generate weather patterns and possibly will transport people
7 Biobor a blob of petrochemical and bioplastic gel. Engineered to clean ocean now a shambling toxic psuedo lifeform
8 Mighty Colossus is a necromancer made monster from thousands of corpses, it feeds on the dead from graveyards
9 Fungarigar a giant mushroom man who is kinda o and sometimes even funny, but he can still cause plagues, slime outbreaks and hallucinations
10 Tortura a giant gamma turtle flies through space and likes to fight, murders foes in imaginative ways and dances over the dead, wont harm young
11 Killgor the stone ape, sleeps ages then awakens due to magical cycles. fairly mindless but hates fire and violence, send him beserk crazy
12 King Mummy a titan in bandages gargantuan mummy sealed for ages and returned with growing magic powers
13 Robaru huge boxlike robot humanoid, moves very crudely but heavily armed with rockets, lazers and lightning cannons
14 Gortaku alien humanoid robot eliminates wicked and passes judgement on those unworthy of life. Fiery heat ray is feared but he can turn into nanoid swarm and change size
15 Glittaru a sparkly mirror tiled moth that can fly to the moon and reflects lasers and some energy weapons, can create glitter chaff to ruin radar and electronics or other effects
16 Skerratax a scarlet bat that rains monster ticks from the sky or vomit mutagens and acid or plaguespoor over people
17 Zerbaratan a giant diabolic spider goddess with mental powers and crystalline webs, seeks to enslave all with her powers, mostly in great web sends out minions to spread her crystals
19 Junkuburu absorbs trash and grow body likes to inhabit trash heaps and be left alone
20 Herabu is a sun blonde handsome ape with uncanny martial art skills for a giant monster
21 Zog the eyeball of terror is a giant eye with tentacles who dominates human minds and makes them attack his enemies, mostly other kaiju
22 Moguuran a titanic battle crazed gargoyle found under a monastery, flies through sky likes gothic architecture dominated cities
23 kaytwolu an octopus headed space demon god who mostly sleeps is a mighty psychic and can call great powers from overspace
24  Zoggax the lawmaster a giant alien floating tree and cosmic judge, ignores puny humans and attacks things he feels judgmental about, he may chant out the crime as he rampages, at first in an alien language
25 Tonoga a colossal fetish statue from the equator terrorizes populations and uses black magic psychic powers to curse and weaken others, makes voodoo dolls of rival kaiju
26 Zrollatar a strange ape creature with a long beard and long eyebrows, with wise looks, nimbly dodges attacking kaiju or snatch a jet fighter from the sky
27 Zakkama a giant blue lobster who dwells under the sea but surfaces to eat meat, surprisingly clever and communicative and clicks his nippers to talk
28 Purgurru a giant battle penguin with cyborg weapons including a marine frequency lased for anti submarine actions
29 Makkamad a mega centipede with poison sting and ravenous flesh craving appetites, has lived since before the dinosaurs
30 Yeritan a snow white horned fanged giant ice baboon ape thing covered in thick white fur,  radiates cold ray aura
31 Starchild a floating giant fetus actually the psionic collective consciousness of an elder race here to judge all life for the collective
32 Kodaru a giant ice golem from the stars who brings blizzard weather, forms a new body when right stars visible by night
33 Zamadan a giant radioactive gila monster who breathes clouds or irradiated plasma and likes to wallow in lave flows, attracted to volcanoes seeking a mate
34 Diablo Scorpia a colossal scorpion who voraciously grows from an egg to eat everything it can so it can lay some eggs and carry them about till they hatch, hate human vehicles
35 Maantaron the preying mantis seeks food and a place to lay eggs, flies long distance and hates flying machines
36 Vurratu a titanic vulture with a hideous with like face kills puny humanoids like worms, it has a terrorfying appearance and cry
37 Karabura a cyborg crab monster built by some hidden race enclave to attack the surface dwellers
38 Cyber Insectoid made by invading military force able to burrow into bunkers to eat people and attack from underground, easily sensing snacks on surface
39 Zakarra a giant moth who's wing dust spreads mutations to local life
40 Horraka a giant moth who's wing dust spreads zombies and other undead
41 Karadan a hideous corpse eating insectoid who feast on human graveyards by night
42 Zogardan a part reptilian part space crystal covered in lamprey headed tentacles of black obsidian but he can become invisible when not in a fight
43 Borattan a gigantic mobile plant with tendril tentacles for grabbing and multiple venus fly trap heads and will reconfigure itself if battle damages
44 Kimergan is a hideous intelligent space plant who animates local plants to attack animals who bother him, one day he will climb atop a mountain and take root, calling his kin from the stars or animating all the worlds plants or just send spores across the planet
45 Zamagan a ferocious titan werewolf with deep space blue fur and silver teeth, eats people mostly and seen at night howling at  the moon
46 Liogarr a phantom dragon who insubstantially rises from the earth spreading madness and feeding of human depravity till it attains enough mass to fight other monsters
47 Goregaxx a silver samurai battle robot with a might energy sword and mighty pointy shoulder pads and helmet. Defends earth from monsters
48 Morangar a gigantic bronze golem with a great furnace inside, who bleeds fire if harmed, made by wonder workers of the ancient world
49 Torriogorr a metalic cyber ki-rin beast with a huge horn that like to charge, can float on winds and follow weather patterns, impaled victims get a huge electric discharge
50 Migan a huge cyber bird with metal claws who fire guided missiles from his beak, partly a concorde like appearance when at top speed
51 Kibri the giant squidoid waddles across the surface seeking snacks but far deadlier in the sea. His tentacles regrow rapidly and he can tear apart foes with them
52 Chiburan a giant cyborg blue whale travels the oceans destroying anything human and uplifting cetations with cyborg and mutant powers
53 Shakaladan the great ground squid burrows beneath then calls humans to a ritual gathering and eats them all, he creates cults by communing with slaves descendants from when humans left Africa
54 Shemagara a monstrous female she troll with six arms and magnetic powers eats men for hormones that allow her to give birth to smaller burrowing male trolls
55 Astrozer a space dragon who lies to earth in a fire ball and wreaks havok then flies back to the comet tail he sleeps in
56 A hideous lactating mammal beast goddess, a quivering mess of fur coated flesh, eyes, wet orifices and pink sensory tentacles who spawns strange pairs of mammal creatures, her psychoactive milk is addictive and makes you smarterer and strongerer
57 Zorgan the gelatinous, a slimy transparent green jelly mountain with kilometers of tendrils with eyes inside. Doesn't move much just quivers but can break into swarms of smaller jellies in mobile land scouring gel glacier. Drowns foes and buildings with acid, mass of numbers and stinger cells
58 Mekawlax a huge floating jelatinous mass whith honeycomb structures inside and stinger tendrills that snatch organic matter between it and the soil. Smaller ones sometime swarm around it
59 Kammagar a bizarre organic pod with a single eye, three feet and a locomotive spring, can teleport log distances through other planes
60 Gattagan a platypus like creature with a turtle plastron and two serpentine antenna like tentacles, swims, burrows and eats people in water preferably and has electrical touch powers
61 Spherion a huge rotating hairy sphere which splits vertically to eat things with huge toothed jaws, came from space likes to eat ordinary people from space
62 Zarstrad a huge alien cybernetic pyramid which lands in the sea. grows into a huge factory to metabolize the planet, has been thwarted by kaiju and mental powers together
63 Komragan a flying octopus from space with glider membranes connecting his spiky arms. Fires gamma ray laser from his eye but his vision deteriorates without recovery time
64 Zagatu a huge yellow furred creature who shoots lightning and moves with great speed and agility compared to most other monsters, looks kinda cut when not eating trains and buses full of people  
65 Kanandam a giant snake bred by a subterranean civilization as a god, carries troops in his mouth for amphibious warfare from his deep sea cavern lair
66 Wakkana the devil snail is a multi-headed snail each with a savage maw, heads regrow and massive radiation sprouts extras, eats everything and leaves a slime trail of poison sticky death that can trap vehichles
67 Belgorr the beast a hairy demon with great overlapping fangs and batwings. A single burning eye fires flaming beams and he may psychokineticly cause weather, combustion or trap people
68 Harraban a writhing mas of bioplasm that apears as a shapeshifting swarm of the creatures it has eaten, after eating in city will seem to be mass of humans begging for help
69 Zadjaan the Firebird flies supersonic speeds and raises the temperature before raining flame of dropping an atomic egg that can destroy a city
70 Goljard a great bear like body with a sea divers helmet like cybernetic device with antenna for a head, a weapon of invading aliens or madman, has some mental powers and can shine a light like a lighthouse from his face plate
71 Dakkonin the great fish man god of the islands has spread his hybrid human cult world wide.
72 Daionan the great white serpent, a titanic burrowing worm who destroys towns occasionally controlled by cults or other means, mostly mindless
73 Jarikam hexapod crustacean with a central toothed mouth can shoot its chainsaw like teeth many times his own length like a flying guillotine. Usually retracted with some titbit, nasty and makes gurgling snickering sounds
74 Kitturu a giant kitten with death ray eyes out for a play but gets mad if sees kaiju of is attacked by puny humans. Cruelly toys before eating you, adorable mostly if entertained
75 Dredduru a conical mountain of bleeding flesh with a screaming blind head. Sends out waves of hooror and repulsion and breeds hairy pink maggots that chase people
76  Dranbardra a  huge rolling sea urchin that impales people on spikes and sucks out their juices. Rolls onshore seeking victims but not particularly brave, will squeal and flee at any serious threat
77 Chort is a mud covered serpent headed hydra surrounded by savage wolf heads that walks on hundreds of straw like legs, breathes radioactive quick drying web glops
78 Zimandra a horrorfying cone of slimy flesh that glides like a slug and single eye stalk that shoots heat rays, colour changes and type of ray might too
79 Milipedus a thousand legged armoured worm that runs and burrows at high speed and bites or spits paralysing stinging gas
80 Gunduru a hideous giant space vampire bat with a cruel armoured face and huge ears, shoots explosive cosmic firebolts and creates weather systems to suck victims up twisters into his mouth, sonic screeches destroy glass and some energy weapon components
81 Zarburdru a giant angler fish who's glowing lamp stalk is seen before the beast beneath the water, flesh is glowing and transparent with teeth like glass. Eats bats
82 Rastra a insectoid beast who's tendrils cause metals to rust and other mater to burn with internal combustion from rapid oxidization
83 Zurr a giant blue or pink space bunny looks joyfull but smashing humans makes the happiest. control gravitic fields to pin foes and jump on them. Bites throats to finish victory
84 G80 a huge mecha bristling with long range missiles and cannons built to kill kaiju wandered off unmanned and happily shells cities if kaiju hiding
85 Ruhred a burning salamander from core of the earth come to destroy noisy  things on his nest, sheathed in flame and heat that normally kill
86 Gobborron a giant one eyed multi-legged horned serpent with killing stare and poison blood, pollutes lair with pollution from poison
87 Karbura the great devil dog a one eyed black dog that causes fear and hexes foes with bad luck and bites to pull foes over
88 Mozzrangi a giant spindly limbed insectoid with a huge agile proboscis that snorts up humans or kaiju heart blood, creepy, sneak and killer, wings easily damaged
89 Drunherdt the hell tree, trapped collective soul of primordial race seek to corrupt world, its presence attract a doomsday cult who sew trouble in it's wake
90 Gramtharku a huge earth elemental like being with crackles of geological static sparks as moves from it's huge size, drowns cities in its earthy tsunami form, makes lonely baying sound when calm
91 Kirrabu a huge water monster shark with tentacles like a squid eats anything it can and then sleeps under ice cap till oceans recover every few thousand years
92  Karamgar a huge cloud with a single eye and horn like formation above, can develop cyclonic weather and lightning which zaps what it frowns on, hostile to advanced radar and weather control apparatuses, can dissipate and reform anywhere on planet over a few days
93 Mirramah a boiling field of high energy plasma which can appear in invisible frequencies for short periods or attack with its disintegrating energy storm field, occasionally a eye forms. Occasionally he is trapped in planetary magnetic field, may crudely communicate via radio and code or control a single human
94 Zragor a huge bipedal reptilian with crab claws and a can opener like nose he rams other monsters or battleships with, amphibious and quite fond of digging, can sense enemies and known to
95 QuaZoth the wizard beast is a horned bearlike monster with huge hook claws and mystic changing patterns on his fur which also changes colour. Occasionally he uses magical powers to great effect but powers seem varied and to have limited or single uses
96 Ravgorran a black shrouded skeletal being mad of fog, actually a nanoid cloud the spreads undead contagion, this being is actually a fragment of an evil alien who almost destroyed the earth by causing the undead apocalypse
97 Makanigar a horrible deep sea arachnid with claw arms, stinging and shooting nuerotxic tails and a savage mouth with a second set of elongating jaws in his mouth, crazed and hungry beast awakens when tricked into thinking climate returned to 300 million years ago
98 Kovrak a great centaur beasts with a one eyed horned head and a scaly apelike upper body. Lower body more rhino like with two additional crab pincer arms. Eye is a biological laser recharged by absorbing ambient energy from heat or EM fields. In some battle uses only once, in right battle will use many times. Engineered by military from alien embrio
99 Zologor the feeder, a huge pink mountain of gelatinous flesh with two huge double hook limbs that draw prey into huge vertical mouth running up whole body, head has snail like eye stalks, tentacles also come from mouth and grab victims closer
100 Makkala a gigantic wasp like creature with fragile glass like wings and a stabbing probnoscis that injects maggots eggs into prey like kaiku. If unable to eat tiny humans directly will leave eggs in people roofs. Manny gripping claws, hooks and saw edged limbs to butcher prey dangle form its metallic shiny blue green scales, maggots grow into lesser monsters and some adapt to water if hatched near water

Sunday, 19 January 2014

1d100 Evil Kids

Exile Island is a nasty cursed place and one of the greatest weapons of evil is to hide evil n the form of an innocent. This makes it hard for some enemies to find them. Killing an evil kid might get locals to lynch you if they don't understand. Mostly adventurers dont realize the kid they rescue is a force of evil leading the monsters. Often don't know till they return to civilization or have them around a while. Some are redeemable and just a bit naughty. Some are so good they kill anyone who swears.

1d100 Evil Kids
01 A 12 year old plague carrying witch girl who leads a gang of foul beast men
02 Vampire twins, normal by day monsters by night, cursed children of underworld goddess
03 Young boy offers strangers poison candy with slow delay effects, shares his treats with sick and old
04 Tween half demon child kills any would be parents who restrain him, has a talent for magic
05 Girl with woodland pets actually imps in disguise teaching her ways of evil
06 Boy arsonist likes to seal doors and burn buildings and sabotage fire carts, likes to loot remains
07 Fish boy found near coast, feral and hungry friendly to those that feed him but has cruel streak
08 Wild boy lives in forest steals from locals, is actually a werewolf under a full moon
09 Boy with demon tattoo that opens a gate, hunted by cult, all those who adopt him murdered
10 Boy is a shoggoth in disguise, babbles crazily and hungry, turns inside-out when eating people
11 Frost child cool and emotionless likes to freeze living things and smash them in secret for fun
12 Child really skin full of gremlins, seems a bit crazy and spreads gremlins where ever he goes
13 Rat girl found in sewer gone feral with pet rats, actually were rat will change on puberty
14 Talented serial killer likes traps and hates being told what to do, has lost many guardians
15 Diabolic child instructed by imps in summoning and dark lore, plan to call more devils to earth
16 Incubus child, acts soppy with women but hates rival males, seeks to surround self with women
17 Succubi girl lolita affectionate to males who she tries to charm into servitude, seeks new daddy
18 Cambion demon child seeks to get adopted by someone in power, shows of his brute strength
19 Beserker child seems innocent with handaxe but fights as a mad beserker if angered due to curse
20 Baby vomits green slime, found abandoned near dungeon, child of evil slime god
21 Demon baby uses telikinesis and pyrokinesis to entertain self, current caretakers in dispair
22 Horror baby fights as a troll but no claw attacks, found in ruined camp among eaten corpses
23 Baby will fuse with an adult who fails a CON save, tries to take over body becoming dominant head
24 Baby gives off sweet smell and glowing light, preaches corrupting philosophy that evil is really ok
25 Baby is really a shape shifted evil baby dragon enjoying easy life being protected by humans
26 Child is sneaky thief and hates light, if disciplined will go on garroting spree and flee to caves
27 Cannibal child misses family meals of home clan, caught eating dead bodies happily
28 Baby has gem in belly button is a living key, welcomes demons and cultists who want to use him
29 Flesh eating baby lurks in sewers loves to sleep in bed of ruined torso, plays innocent to hunt
30 Child is a giant and grows rapidly and eats lots, will try to find real parents and kill impostors
31 Child eats money, steals purses, wallets, breaks into strong boxes, blames others for theft
32 Child eats small animals and children like a snake, wants to be taken to orphanage or farm
33 Telekinetic girl fixates on adult male and uses powers to help them, but hates his friends and lovers
34 Child full of parasites that don't harm them but highly contagious, brought to earth by demons
35 Child talks to creepy dolly, is actually communicating with duke of hell parent
36 Child has invisible friends (poltergeists), friendly for a while but enraged if disciplined
37 Child tries to attach itself to adventurer, secretly kills any other children, turns into sadistic brute
38 Child with single fang, unwanted and needy, has brutish tendencies but could be raised properly
39 Baby sprouts bat wings and flies off in search of grisly food and toys when not watched
40 Child seems wise reincarnated monk but actually preaches tolerance of evil and monsters
41 Tween girl desperate for family but prone to pyrokinetic rage if she thinks she has been wronged
42 Baby of evil god, attracts monster rescuers to take to forbidden evil dungeon for its destiny
43 Telepathic child with  mind reading abilities uses to create mischief and sew dissent, spread secrets
44 Fireproof baby part spawn of evil fire being, as grows starts to summon lesser elementals
45 Child very interested in weapons, cant wait to stab people and try hand at murder
46 Child doppelganger smarter than it seems seeks own kind but likes to cause mischief
47 Child with ugly toy doll that grows into monster and kills, child calla mr fluffy if upset to kill
48 Witch child gives evil eyes and curses to anyone who crosses them
49 Killer child likes to drown animals and people, as grows older can summon water elementals
50 Child with sweet tooth demands treats and candy, will resort to theft then murder to get treats
51 Devil child encourages other kids to do evil and keeps recommending soul pacts with devils
52 Child is really possessed by spirit of hunger, foodstuff near child spoils rapidly
53 Child is possessed by spirit of wrath and makes encounters more likely to turn bad
54 Child possessed by spirit of plague and has no idea they are a plague carrier and immune
55 Child is really an evil elf in disguise and communicates weaknesses to evil forces
56 Child calls down evil shadows against any who they think wrongs them by night
57 Horrible boy likes killing small animals, tempted by familiars and pets of others
58 Leech child drains a HP from people near them every day, weak and invalids often die
59 Child knows zombie raising ritual using libations of blood on graves, likes to make friends
60 Child whispers party flaws to invisible angels who pass on to gods for permanent records
61 Child if crossed will tell lies about party, accusing them of being witches or cultists
62 Child is a spy for evil forces in return for toys and candy, already betrayed family
63 Child raised by dark elves tries to lure adventurers to death with tales of treasure in depths
64 Child has tentacle that implants lethal grub eggs secretly on people
65 Child is a mutant and believes others are enemies, using strange powers to inflict secret suffering
66 Child is really a gang member leaves trail of signs and messengers for allies to kill party
67 Girl is a were fox witch and uses party to conceal her evil deeds, only harms party if exposed
68 Child has a swarm of invertebrates living inside body which they send to skeletonise enemies
69 Child is a drug addict always stealing to score drugs and corrupt others with habit
70 Demands to be centre of attention, will run into dungeon with goodbye note if ignored
71 Cursed child makes cross country navigation fail when present, ran away from home years ago
72 Claims is haunted and hunted by evil monsters and sends adults on fools errands
73 Evil mastermind dungeon boss infiltrates parties and gives them maps to bring into gauntlet
74 Kid loves knives and backstabbing, already a thief
75 Innocent but jinxed attracts danger to others near any at any road crossing, vehicles, equipment
76 Witch child hunted by coven who does not know their origins but attracts various magic troubles
77 Innocent mutant child produces stinking cloud if scared
78 Child is spawn of an elder god, when near artifact flesh bursts open to reveal true form
79 Child pretends was kidnapped by evil priests, will try this on party when meet other adventurers
80 Beloved of goblin king will army to recover and lay waste to anything in the way
81 Child rescued but has become a dark changeling whose powers awaken over time
82 Kid infected by contagious zombie plague, seems ok at first,
83 Kid loves to draw on walls, at first provokes fights with gang sights then
84 Rust monster kid, destroys equipment accidentally but doesn't really mean harm, criminals will seek
85 Psionic kid floods emotions of other with own in area, if afraid all in area who don't resist feel it
86 Loves playing with weapons and always trying to clumsily play with, runs with scissors
87 Group of children given powers by demons, sek adults to protect them from paladins hunting them
88 Kid with efreeti friend who grants his evil desires and encourages him to do evil
89 Kid with bound genius uses to grant his selfish desire and punish any who cross him
90 Imaginary friend is ghost who is over protective and kills anyone who scares or harms child
91 Child is a resurrected from a mummified ancient king and has great magical powers and bad attitude
92 Child remembers past life as great villain and slowly uncovers dark secrets
93 Child was a criminal reduced to child by curse, seeks to rob party blind with gang
94 Kid really a evil thieving hobbit with a ring of invisibility
95 Possessed by evil necromancer ancestor
96 Zealous child of gods, cannot tolerate any bad behavior and calls fire elementals to purge
97 Child turns others into dolls which she torments in her dollhouse or sets rats on them
98 Soul eating baby, waits till night to suck energy levels from victims
99 Twins one is saintly roll again for other child, uses sibling as a dupe
100 roll again one d4 times, multiple personalities and abilities