Showing posts with label vikings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vikings. Show all posts
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Vikings & Cthulhu
With a new Cthulhu Dark Ages book out time to look again at some of the stuff I used for my 3 generational Viking game. To be honest I like historic gaming but it can be a hard sell so Cthulhu brings the bacon and bums on seats in these various campaigns. Vikings were an easy sell in my club too. Not many people really get idea of Dark ages especially if fed on a dnd diet. Im hoping we get some adventures and this gets developed more.
Going through various products I used for Viking campaigns.
Oddly wearing armour, using swords and shields makes a viking more than a match for monsters and when they use Rune spells and high skills they do not feel as lame as most investigators.
In a Vikings game you need plenty of non mythos action too so any Viking adventure content is usable. Viking dreamlands could be the realms connected by Yggdrasil.
Viking Minis available in lots of scales too, i use 1/72 and a nice boat that scale available.
HARN Ivinia the Viking lands - has great weather and sea encounters (not sure of the exact book) the copy of tables in my folder since 80s as harn was very hard to find
TSR 2nd Ed dnd Vikings - ice maps, names, house diagrams some ok bits
Rolemaster Campaign Classics Vikings - lots of good stuff and some adventure ideas - had a character battle a woman to marry her and was a very very long fight inspired by this
GURPS Vikings pretty good and I like the job tables in older GURPS books which they seem to have dropped. Other GURPS books like Russia. Low Tech and Middle Ages handy.
RuneQuest3 Avalon Hill Vikings Box Set is a great core campaign and as it is BRP. Is a great start for a family of poor Vikings going on the first raid and good clan soap opera. I ran everything in here for the core of the first campaign. As time went on the clan settled Iceland. Mongoose Vikings book kind of had tacky art that did not suit the historic topic but had names and a few bits usable. RQ3 used dark ages Europe as the default setting. I added lots of RQ combat features like hit locations for a more complex portrayal of Melee.
BRP Iceland is one of the better RPG books ever. Very dense and content for a long period of play and full of detail. Has rune magic and good notes on viking gods.
The Ravenar Sagas monograph 0348 Chaosium for Call of Cthulhu has lots of good bits that played well. Layouts look like a word processor but at least readable and usable. I got to spread the scenarios out quite well so they were years apart. Spirits & Dreams of the Viking age monograph 0390 is not as good. The layout has lots of issues which affect readability and organisation. Adventures revolve more around Viking supernaturalism and showcase monsters. Adventures are ok but I didn't use any of this book really.
Castles & Crusades Viking book worth a look. Have not read them all but they are well researched, dense and more modern than what most ppl know about mythology in other volumes of series.
Mythras have a great Byzantium book which could be handy for when your Vikings visit Byzantium. My guys spent a few years there and came back with awesome Varangian armour.
There are probably more and recent books I have not touched. As always osprey books are good for historic arms and armour. The World of the Ancient Slavs published by Orbis is handy. Kids books often good for daily life. Read Icelandic Sagas. Best fantasy books were ever written and easier going than Tolkien. Elder Eddas especially.
So basically I used RQ3 for skills and magic (spirit and divine). I used mythos magic for cultists and the dark ages folk magic for common non-aligned magic. BRP Iceland religious mechanics on top of this worked well. I used elements of Ringworld RPG for skill groups too. I did have characters become runelord berserks, priests and shaman by the end. My character sheets in links below.
Multiple characters slept with supernatural beings and of course, such children grow faster in the faerie world and will hunt down their fathers wanting revenge. As we played 3 generations some later characters started with better choices of career (most started farmers in the first game). Some were born rich and some with non human blood of troll or elf or giant. I like to keep the human world gritty but the supernatural world of giants and faeries were reachable and pretty horrible. Lots of fog-shrouded seas with monsters too. Islands of deep one cults. Lots of isolated monasteries actually full of cultists too.
Any adventure for regular Cthulhu mentioning Vikings is an opportunity. I used trail of Tsathogua adventures in Greenland which were fantastic. When I ran them again later I put links to the Viking players in with the Viking ruins. As the temple scene in the novel derived from is set in ancient Hyperborea time change was not a big deal. As Brian Lumley (I thing in House of Cthulhu) his Hyperborean like lost world had sailors visit Relyeh I was happy to repeat it with my Viking players mostly straight from shadows of Yog Sothoth. Of course, half party died or went mad. One player jumped into Cthulhus open mouth axe in hand as he Prayed to Odin.
As travel a feature and my Vikings went to Americas, the Lost City of Irem, Egypt, Rome, Byzantium, Russia, Frankland, Germania plus a trip to Jotunhiem (dreamlands? you don't need to ever explain this stuff). Characters had lots of training time to improve skills and attributes. Kept a few poor literate monks as slaves to read books for them. Letting months or years go by was great and I used Pendragon to see if wives and children and horses lived. It is good to have at least one king out to get the party.
In the last section of game Christianity was replacing Viking magic and characters happy to move to Iceland. Different characters developed different links to various lands they visited.
The second game I didn't document as well and 3rd I didn't detail at all but a heap of links here on games and prep.
So Cthulhu has been a great way to have Magic in a historic setting where magic is mostly horrible and hard to get. You might want to consider changing insanity tables and obviously dead bodies won't bother Vikings much.
890 AD Vikings Game Byzantium
Second Campaign featuring kids from first
- was meant to last a few weeks went for a few months
Monday, 6 May 2019
War With the Undersea Kingdoms Part 3
Part 3
These are harder than some of my other tables and slower to do.
Might try some hell stuff again.
d100 Gossip
01 Damn dirty fish folk hybrids are everywhere sabotaging our institutions to make them look incompetent02 Fishermen are really all agents of the undersea menace and need to be rounded up
03 If you throw gold into the sea the fish folk will spare you
04 Undersea peoples can smell if you have eaten seafood
05 By drinking mercury you make your flesh taste bad to sea monsters
06 The flood is coming get a boat and all your valuables and food ready
07 Better to strangle your family than let filthy fish folk take them alive
08 My son might be part fish he likes to swim!
09 The reason rich people bathe more than once a year is they are really part fish
10 All the animals and birds near the water are spies for the undersea menace
11 Best flee to the mountains or the desert where sea wont reach you
12 Fish folk once had a surface empire, to them we are all their property already
13 Don't trust those filthy octopi walking on the land, they will seduce your women with offers of jewels and easy living in their undersea palaces
14 If you see a naked mermaid you will be their slave forever
15 Whales and dolphins are jerks, just because we killed them lots they hate us. They seem happy but really utter obscenities and blasphemies constantly in their annoying language
16 We will regret all these new alliances and trade with foreigners when the war is over
17 Mermaids are savage man eaters with pointy teeth, they will smash your skulls and eat your brains
18 The merchants of our mysterious western allies are flooding our kingdoms with drugs, after the war our kingdoms will be corrupted
19 The gods must hate us for letting fish invade the land, we had best be extra pious
20 Someone saw octopi living in trees in the forest!
21 Yesterday I saw the pirate who killed my family was now a legitimate admiral of the kingdom!
22 We need to get out of here now sea monsters are walking on the land and coming here!
23 With all this trade and contact with distant human kingdoms, when the war is over some nation will try and restart the great ancient empire again
24 Maybe fish ruling us will be better than the fatcats we have now
25 Mermaids will take you under the sea and make you their slaves, you will have to clean fish shit from their palaces and do their washing
26 Just because unnatural forces of the sea are invading people are treating wizards like they are proper people now
27 Water has been drugged by the undersea powers, drink only alcohol
28 Damn dirty fish fuckers are hiding everywhere! Keep your eyes peeled and beware any fishy smells
29 Mermaids are the best lovers you will ever have, once you've tried one you will never want a lover with legs again
30 Even elves have joined us in the war now against their sea elf kin
31 Since the dwarves gunpowder war ruined, their steam engines were flooded and iron rusted they have retreated to their mountain retreats
32 I saw a strange map of undersea settlements and kingdoms, some are quite near
33 With the right magic we can breath underwater but cannot save everyone
34 Undersea faerieland is like a strange realm where sea and land beings both exist
35 Undersea versions of land animals exist
36 The deep sea demons will never end this war but many sea peoples might
37 The courts of the sea dragons who rule the ocean kingdoms might yet make peace
38 As a child a fish folk witch gave our family food and a pearl that saved us all
39 Dolphins used to guide ships through reefs and drive away sharks but no more
40 Gnomes secretly have metal boats that sail under the water!
41 Fishfolk say they can restore your lost virginity, don't believe them
42 It's ok to eat fish folk, their fingers are delicious
43 They are just big dumb fish that can walk and talk
44 Don't trust fish folk gold, they always know where it is and will come for it
45 Not all undersea folk are evil but the evil ones worship demons
46 Sea dragons respect courtly etiquette and spare those with good manners
47 Now the northmen raiders are our allies, things are that desperate
48 Orcs saved some people from fish folk and now are helping us wage war, they say orcs remember the old fish folk slave lords
49 Some sea folk have defected to aid us, they say deep sea demons are the enemy of all
50 Heaven has failed us, we must worship the fish gods
51 If you speak near any water source the sea spirits will know
52 Something in the sewer system is killing people, drowning them in sewerage
53 Don't let your women wash at the river anymore, best leave these chores for men or fish men will steal them
54 Always be careful near any body of water, look up! look down!
55 Water weirds are appearing in wells and latrines
56 Always carry wax for your ears in case a siren song enslaves you
57 Put the sign of the fish over your door and the fish folk wont enslave you
58 Men cant resist mermaids and sirens and nymphs, best keep an eye on them as they have no self control
59 Women cant resist the lure of fish folk and octopi folk so best keep them constantly locked up or watched
60 Beware the sign of the fish, demon worshipping fish witches use it as a secret sign of coven meeting places
61 Beware the signs of the hybrid, clammy skin, bulging eyes and fishy smells. If you strip search them look for gills, tentacles, scales, blowholes, webbed hands and feet, these are the signs of the fish demon deviant
62 Any fishermen or sailor too good at their trade is possibly a sea cultist
63 If you hold a fish hybrid cultist underwater they will live while a pure human will drown, this is how we find their slimy spies
64 Fish fear fire, use it at every opportunity!
65 There are ancient ruins from when the last time undersea peoples conquered the surface and they might reveal secrets of their defeat
66 Long ago the great planes barbarian tribes destroyed the monster empire and the rule of the fish folk kings, as the sea demons retreated they flooded the world and the great wastes of the barbarians and the cities of elder ancient Exilon
67 We landlubbers beat the fish folk in ancient times and will again
68 Deep beneath the sea are ancient dragon ruled kingdoms, where sea-grass spirit folk serve as peasants serve the kings on land
69 Ancient sea elf kingdoms are hidden in a undersea faerieland, they ride dolphins and sail ships to visit the surface world
70 Ancient marine iguana folk have tame thunder beasts that walk the land, swim the seas and fly in the skies. Once they ruled vast jungle empires till humans came. Now their undersea clans seek revenge and unleash their pets again
71 When the war is over it will be the trading guilds and banks that will be the real winners and rule the next age
72 The great empire of coastal cities of the south has come to our aid but people forget they terrorised the world and destroyed at least three great empires in the past
73 The misty islands of Waerlund have contacted the known kingdoms to aid the war but people forget they are a race of magicians who once served dragons. You cant trust this race of damned witch folk
74 Over the age that monsters ruled the world, they battled each other for supremacy. Originally insect folk and worm folk were great powers but lost their crowns and became food for the fish and reptiles and amphibians and arachnids. They want to rule again
75 The great undersea powers have vassal races they conquered long ago who serve their armies, you may see many strange aquatic races but mostly they serve the squid and fish headed people
76 Ruins in the desert lands have fish folk statues. Some are from when deserts were under the sea, others from the undersea monster land empire
77 Otters friend or foe? Beavers? River Rats? Who knows who they serve?
78 I heard the church has been torturing fish for information
79 Best cover yourself in dirt so none think you have been consorting with fish folk
80 Fish lovers are everywhere, anyone suggesting peace is with the enemy
81 Long ago the inner sea was land with great cities, but floods wiped all those ancient empires
82 Wizardry and sorcery were arts derived from practices of the pre human monster age, the first generation of free humans were enslaved again by magicians using those arts. All non divine magic is blasphemous wickedness
83 In the dawn age the demons of darkness and chaos were imprisoned in great crypts under the sea which sea demons hope to release
84 Tiamat the great sea dragon invaded the land and battled the gods but was defeated, dismembered and her minions imprisoned beneath the sea
85 In the bottom of the sea is a jade plug holding the oceans of the world
86 The deep darkness has remnants of when there was only water and darkness in the world before creation
87 The great beasts of the sea can be placated by tying a virgin on the shore as they did in the olden times
88 All the islander savages from across the sea are demon worshiping cannibal savages
89 The Islander folk we used as slaves for years have allied with the fish folk for some reason after all we did for them civilizing them and giving them proper work and gods
90 Fish folk are mindless savages, degenerate remnants of their ancient selves, they can't even speak our language!
91 Cultist often meet the fish folk by night, look out for lights on the shore by night
92 Beware of anyone spending ancient coins or strange gold, probably sunken treasure used by fish folk spies or cultists
93 There has been strange music heard all down the coast
94 Giant sea monsters have been seen all down the coastline
95 The coasts are changing, islands and reefs are moving, don't trust old maps
96 These are the end times, all surface will be drowned so enjoy life while you can
97 I heard criminals threaten a man who owed them money "he would be sleeping with the fishes", gang must be fish cultists
98 The sea zombies are following commands so kill their controllers first
99 Know difference between the demon worshiping sea folk who live to kill and the honourable sea dragon kings and sea elves who have other motives
100 Throw all your trash and waste in the river and sea to show those fishy bastards what we think of them
Undersea Loot Tables
Normally I would do a d100 treasure list for the war with prices but I've kinda done this twice and will one day merge these into one table with prices possibly in a Aquatic dungeon zone book.
Maritime Zone Adventure
Sea horrors
Shore Leave for seamen
Salty Seamen
Flotsam & Jetsom
Bloodsand Beach 1
Bloodsand Beach 2
Bloodsand Beach 3
Horrible Human Coastal Village of Squidjig
Zones part 11 - Sunken City Zone
Dodgy Passage
Useless Fishman Treasure
Aquatic Items
Aquatic beastfolk
Marine beastfolk
Fishy Hybrids
Crisis in court of the undersea folk
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
War With the Undersea Kingdoms Part 2
Have been reading goodman games big fat book. Mostly i got it for McAuslan art and maps. It is a better book than the fist vol. I kinda did a first glance review before but enjoying looking at it for my own. DnD5 sure wastes so much room with stats, just puts me off ever DMing it even though I play weekly. I think It would work fine near Hotsprings Island. The above Islands was done for Tenkar's landing (which a huge amount of book of is me). In my setting im thinking of putting between Exile Island and the Southern continant of the third Empire where Im currently writing up my 3fold land and Sour hill stuff. Climate is a bit off but I already have magic cimate zones using reptilian magic. Possibly the Amazon citidel Island is the same as the one in my Exilon setting several thousand years earlier in pre flood times. This means via underland you could walk to exile island under the sea.
These are harder than some of my other tables and slower to do
Might try some hell stuff again too
Found this unofficial warhammer sea army
Possibly these could be some aquatic plane or hell too
Have a bunch of sea themed stuff done now and hope to do a book
Still needs sunken city dungeon zone revision and plans for these posts:
the deep dark and undead chaos mermaids
sunken city dungeon zone
d100 Ships officers
d100 weird odd and nonhuman sailors
d100 sea undead
d100 weird ships
d100 pirate captains and ships of shadelport
d100 Pirates
d100 Maritime Criminals - smugglers, pirates, wreckers
d100 treasure islands islands
Part 3These are harder than some of my other tables and slower to do
Might try some hell stuff again too
Found this unofficial warhammer sea army
Have a bunch of sea themed stuff done now and hope to do a book
Still needs sunken city dungeon zone revision and plans for these posts:
the deep dark and undead chaos mermaids
sunken city dungeon zone
d100 Ships officers
d100 weird odd and nonhuman sailors
d100 sea undead
d100 weird ships
d100 pirate captains and ships of shadelport
d100 Pirates
d100 Maritime Criminals - smugglers, pirates, wreckers
d100 treasure islands islands
d100 Gossip - to cover wild stories of atrocities, failure and propaganda
d100 Loot - particular goods flooding the market during the invasion
As I have done several sea loot tables will recycle possibly from both former tables but include human anti sea items and prices.
As usual in first stages of war use d10, then d20 then d100 when full raging.
d100 Encounters (mostly near coasts and rivers)
01 Shifty robed travellers who walk funny, fish folk hybrid spies and sabotuers02 Crab men eating washed up corpses on the beach
03 Sharks in huge numbers where seldom seen before
04 Shipwreck survivors dazed with tall tales of disaster and monsters
05 Barnacle encrusted zombies from the sea
06 Shark folk bandits gorging themselves on innocent travellers
07 Sea elves unseen for aeons travelling wary of evil surface folk, scouting
08 Sea dragon and seagrass spirit servants in human form scouting
09 Giant crabs roaming the beach chasing fishermen
10 Sea otter folk bard visiting surface before it is all destroyed, quite friendly
11 Islanders from far away arrive in war canoes, 1in6 hungry cannibals
12 Sailors and fisher folk with meager belongings fleeing to high ground
13 Friendly mermaids entice you to play with them (it's a trap)
14 Giant tentacles destroy a human structure then vanish
15 Shipwreck scattered on beach, dead all arise as marine ghouls
16 Marine Iguana riding a tylosaur arrive and plant a flag
17 Long necked pliesiosaur grabs a poor victim near waters edge
18 Starfish men with coral war clubs march from sea to kill and eat
19 Fish folk warriors march from sea with war banner blowing horns
20 Witness a boat go under rapidly from something unseen
21 Weeds growing from water overgrowing land, crawling with life
22 Coral reef where was none before changing currents and sea access, guarded by urchin and anemone folk in coral huts
23 Eel folk raiders on killing spree
24 Marine giant leading marine ogre servants
25 Dolphins come up to laugh at land dwellers cheekily, kind of hear their squawks and clicks version of common insulting you all "haha die, two legged creeps"
26 Sirens charming men to turn on other humans
27 Tribal islanders raising zombies from people they have massacred
28 Harpies flying overhead shitting diseased filth everywhere
29 Flying fish folk drop from sky, aerial shock troops
30 Squid folk eating living human brains with starfish folk guards
31 Hideous pale marine worm folk with huge jaws on surface murder spree
32 Sea elves riding sea horses
33 Cowardly tako robbing travelers using magic, will flee if pressed
34 Merfolk with javelins, firing at land dwellers then moving on
35 Dragon turtle lands with fighting force of sea grass changeling spirit folk
36 Sea dragon flies overhead destroying structures and ships on the way
37 Tako being carried with charmed human thralls, looking for new human lovers
38 Lesser sea god with personal retinue of sea creatures, marine beast folk and sea elves marches ashore looking for slaves
39 Fish folk barbarians greedily devouring live humans they have captured
40 Fish folk human cultists sabotaging human efforts of defence and killing watchmen
41 Guargantuan lobster horror 50 foot tall lumbers from sea to destroy human civilization
42 Nixies playing jokes on human beings for fun
43 Selkie spies sabotaging human structures and defenses
44 Sea otter commandos seek to go up river to destroy water wheels, locks and dams
45 Marine iguana troops with dinosaur pack and war beast
46 Whale destroying a ship
47 Killer whales playfully tossing corpses between them
48 Demonic cultists serving sea demons looking for sacrifices and food for msasters
49 Sea demon cultists led by a lesser sea demon
50 Sea demon devouring fisher folk while others flee screaming
51 Dozens of seweed and barnacle encrusted zombies led by a greater sea demon causing havoc
52 Spirits of drowned sailors marching ashore to attack temples and churches
53 Irregular horde of fish folk human hybrids gibbering and devouring anything they can on land
54 Fish cultists pretend to be pr human but seek to betray and murder
55 Fish folk riding war lobsters
56 Hideous lamprey men sucking blood from captives gleefully
57 Trilobite folk marking in strict formation with pikes
58 Giant nautilus landing with squid folk wizards and starfish folk troops embarking from shell
59 Giant squid attacking boats
60 Kraken with magically enthralled humans marching into it's mouth
61 Tako having huge orgy with charmed humans
62 Tako robbing a trader, greedily grabbing treasure, flee with loot if possible
63 Tako disguised as rocks ambushing travellers
64 Seawolf lycanthropes in shark or wolf or hybrid forms terrorising refugees
65 Were sharks in human form, pretending to be friendly but hungry murderers
66 Sea serpent writhing ashore
67 Sea serpent folk with cultists fighting land serpent folk
68 Marine were crocodiles basking after a meal but willing to try more
69 Giant marine crocodile with croc folk warriors on back
70 Evil pirates attacking human refugees for loot
71 Undead pirates looking for victims
72 Mixed party of sea beast folk pirates and zombies serving a sea demon captain
73 Marine trolls roaming for food
74 Giant fish folk ancient with hoard of fish folk, hybrids and cultists marching
75 Gargantuan lobster creature destroying and devouring land folk
76 Fish folk burying a relic, one of many to help drown the surface world in a global scheme
77 Fish folk erecting stelae with human slaves commemorating the second land empire of the fish folk
78 Strange foreign humans, arrived to help unite surface world but have no common language and look strange, have valuable information on sea invaders under sea bases
79 Lizard folk seek humans to warn them of fish men secret base but so far humans too scared to talk
80 Orc pirates saving human captives from fish folk
81 Gargantuan sea serpent writhing ashore to swollow whole oxen and herds alive
82 Land elves battling sea elves
83 Dwarf cannon artillery bombarding giant sea monsters offshore
84 Poisoned meat with hooks inside left out for sea creatures to eat
85 Alchemist guild workers pouring chemicals into water to poison everything
86 Human military rounding up all able bodied humans for war, execute any who don't join
87 Human knights battling trilobite folk riding giant crabs
88 Gargantua hermit crab with crab folk army disembarking from shell
89 Suspiciously moving island really a giant monster whale transporting cannibal islanders
90 Reptilian gargantuan horror breathing fire, leaves glowing footprints visible by night
91 Water elementals flooding area and drowning straggling humans
92 Fish folk and squid folk wizards summoning demons and water elementals
93 Water spirit folk led by nymph who slays enemy men with her beauty
94 Sea hag with marine trolls, sea ogres and aquatic beast folk (all her sons)
95 Pirates helping refugees escape fish folk troops
96 Human soldiers fleeing to up lands, convinced it is end of the world
97 Squid folk with humans in nets and cages transported on backs of giant pack isopods
98 Deep sea fish folk wizard with glowing lure, glass like teeth and hideous face summoning a sea demon with hybrid followers
99 Water level rises as shore flooded by huge waves running overland
100 Squid headed demon prince strides the earth with fish folk, lesser demons, sea zombies, spectral cult sailors
d100 Wonders
01 Animals flee, a turn later hear noise of a tidal wave, then huge wave destroys everything a hundred yards within sea shore02 A huge coral reef is growing including fortifications and other structures
03 Life size sand castle appears on beach occupied by undersea creatures
04 A sunken ruin from the depths has risen to the surface
05 Rivers run backwards flooding kingdom and acting as a highway for invasion
06 Huge storm where some witness sea god battling sky god on horizon
07 Great whirlpool swallows up whole ships during a storm
08 Huge storm creates several water spouts wreaking havoc
09 Huge tentacled horror of the deep crawls onto outcrop of rocks blocking sea traffic and spawning monsters
10 A great black prehuman sunken city arises spreading madness, a swarm of demons and fish folk pour forth
11 Towering gibbering gelatinous horror shambles onto land spawning slime monsters
12 Bearded water god causes area to flood and rivers to block up
13 A distant eerie song has swarms of humans marching int the sea in the hundreds to disappear under the waves
14 A great iceberg fortress crashes into the shore releasing demon worshipping undead wizards and their undead hordes
15 Hundreds of cultists dance around a gargantuan fish folk ancestor, feeding it sacrifices
16 Gigantic sargassum of seaweed chokes the coast, trapping ships and bringing up ancient ship wrecks and crawling with sea creatures
17 Mass of fused sunken hulks off shore crawling with monsters but promising ancient sunken treasure
18 Whales pulling a giant shell driven by a sea god moves along the coast
19 Demon whale battling a fleet of whaling and war ships
20 Kraken wrestling with a ship offshore, slowly pulling under the sea
21 Hundreds of cultists chanting opens a crackling gateway to elemental water bringing through elemental and other monsters
22 Water weirds swarming in waterway drowning those escaping a sinking ship
23 Dozens of writhing sea serpents mating in water, hostile to anything if
24 An erupting geyser blasts a building into rubble spreading boiling steam and fog over area
25 Heavy rain goes on longer than anyone remembers, flooding roads and causing havoc to land folk but aiding invaders move overland
26 Heavy rain allows swarms of giant lobsters and eels to cross land easier and move into wells and pools
27 Titanic sea hydra climbs onto a rock overlooking water and menaces travellers
28 Underground river increases flow opening sink holes into the underland, some big enough to swallow houses or villages
29 Titanic sea turtle with city on back moves down coast
30 Majestic fleet of ships of several nations clash with sea alliance if horrible battle
31 Thousands of squid and fish beach themselves, rotting away making area stink but attracts giant crabs and other monsters
32 Millions of stinging jellyfish fill the sea making swimming impossible and preventing fishing and covering beaches
33 Colossal quivering man o war jellyfish blocks harbour, and chokes sea with stinging tentacles
34 Seashore glows with luminous gelatinous egg mass from some creatures
35 Millions of squishy slime gelatinous eggs wash up on shore and filling the sea
36 Millions of starfish wash ashore covering beaches
37 Mist from seas rolls over the land plunging everything into darkness and damp where sea armies march in secret and remain moist
38 A crazy old prophet is forcing family to build a colossal raft to survive the coming great flood
39 Area flooded and people on roofs of houses with belongings and animals
40 River bursts its banks flooding area and destroying whole buildings and carrying some wooden ones downstream
41 Floodwaters carried multiple river boats or sailing ships onto land and left them stranded
42 Hundreds of human corpses wash ashore killed in some great slaughter
43 Waters retreat to cause havoc somewhere else revealing long ago fllooded ruins ans strange sea creatures
44 The earth shakes and a new island arises covered in seaweed and deep sea monsters flopping about gasping
45 Millions of crabs pour ashore swarming over everything
46 Hundreds of Tako octopi faeries come ashore with worldly goods migrating to surface world in rejection of deep sea demons increasing atrocities in the name of the war. Seek land to settle
47 Hundreds of attractive mermaids basking on rocks, will smash the skulls of any who approach to eat their brains
48 Fish folk soldiers rounding up humans into pens ready for sacrifice to a great sea monster
49 Colossal sea serpent writhing over land and water, constricts and destroys ships and buildings
50 A great column of water is sucked into the heavens causing great sea monsters to flee
51 As sea level rises and black storm clouds pour from above, a god from heavens opens the jade plug in the bottom of the ocean for a while, draining away excess waters
52 Titanic shark swallows a ship whole
53 Sky darkened by clouds of flying fish
54 Thousands of sea birds swarm and attack in several hours of chaos, after dead birds everywhere
55 Gigantic rocks fly from the sea launched by some underwater foe destroying buildings
56 Fleet of undead vikings land and march towards settlement
57 Undead pirate fleet land and march ashore to set up forward base for invasion
58 Coastal settlement abandoned with meals on tables and money left on counters in streets
59 Huge section of coast falls into sea leaving unstable cliff
60 Earth shakes and a land bridge rises from the sea leading who knows where
61 Strange island thick with vegetation moving in distance
62 Huge floating raft with a whole village on it with fleet of war canoes appears near coast
63 Giant wooden arc lands and a down the gangplank march long extinct monsters from the dawn age including dinosaurs, pleistocene mammals, and various hybrid horrors used by gods in long forgotten wars
64 An advanced human army with latest gunpowder weapons prepares to fight army of fish folk but theirs gunpowder has been ruined by magic, the fish folk destroy them easily
65 Giant shark folk from the sea marching onto the land
66 Hundreds of coastal druids meeting to summon a marine army to invade the land
67 Huge dust devils of sand forming and sand folk forming on the beach amassing a fighting force
68 Huge rocks arise in sea making boat travel hazardous
69 A refugee camp of miserable people resting, panic breaks out as were sharks among them go berserk
70 Flash flood from river sweeps downstream causing chaos
71 Crops and orchards rotting in the ground, salt rising from ground forming crystalline deposits like snow in fields and building foundations
72 River water salinity increases, caking shores in salt and killing plants and most fish
73 River turns red with blood attracting hundreds of sharks upstream
74 Dead whales beached on shore attracting thousands of birds and crabs, millions of flies and fouling the air
75 A great tower of seaweed grows from the sea, a sea elf wizard uses it to direct her army of sea creatures to control the coastline
76 Swarms of flying fish fly over coastline scouting for the sea army
77 Flying army of squid, manta rays, sharks and others magically swimming through the air on way to aid battle
78 Giant hermit crab army arise from sea marching to wage war
79 Hundreds of cultists and fish and squid hybrid folk chanting with hundreds of captive sacrifices trying to summon a elder sea demon
80 Titan from the sea with trident strides forth with army of sea creatures
81 Strange eerie mournful songs heard all down the coastline of some unknown creature
82 Sea titans riding whales move down coast waving tridents at land lubbers
83 Thousands of chanting fish folk saluting their general giving a speech
84 Hundreds of squid folk and their human cultists shaving the tops of human prisoners heads ready for big brain eating feast
85 A giant kronosaur modified by marine iguana folk as a submarine like vehicle landing near shore meeting cultists in a boat to pass on human defense secrets
86 Giant horeseshoe crabs marching ashore attacking settlements
87 Mermaids milking matinees by the seashore, feeding it to baby orphan whales
88 Fish priests speaking to crowd of human refugees telling them the benefits of serving the fish folk empire and serving them fish and seaweed
89 Fish priests baptising humans refugees into the fish folk religion
90 Sea elves and forest elves meeting on shore, their royal leaders are divinities
91 Whales battling a great kraken clinging to rocks as whales tear it apart
92 Witch hunters and soldiers rounding up hundreds of fish cultists and searching them for signs of fish folk hybrids they can then burn at the steak
93 Alchemists with waggon loads of chemicals dumping them in water killing everything living as rainbow hued slick spreads
94 Hundreds of humans with nets, clubs and boats slaughtering small whales and dolphins they have trapped in bay, waters red with blood
95 Grubby laughing humans with mermaid prisoners in cages taking them to sell to circuses and menageries
96 A great meeting of sea demon cultists listening to sermon, demon priest congratulates them on plan to make land and sea war to bring about a demonic apocalypse
97 Huge exotic fleet of enormous warships of foreign land arriving to help local humans seek audience with local king. bring gifts of black lotus resin, opium and maps of undersea kingdoms
98 Sea elf ships wrecked and survivors crawl on shore only to be attacked by human fishermen who argue if the elves should be burned or hung
99 Glass castle on island appears in distance with sea elves exiting and launching boats to land troops on sea shore
100 Sea dragon and land dragons in human forms in royal clothes meeting to negotiate with spirit folk minion soldier guards, mortals are not to hear secret dealings of dragons mostly but they might hold humans and have a use for them as messengers
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Sour Hill Region Notes
So Ive talked about Sour Hill a bit to use in my 3folds vol 31-40. Ive been making post apoc art for series 3 post apocalypse set. Here Im expanding this region a bit and have played with the maps of both a bit. Might still change some names.
Sour Hill was a former castle town with thousands now on verge of total collapse and a borderline ghost town. Monsters have started walking the streets more. Once the cathedral went everything fell in decline. Grandparents here remember a thriving wholesome town, the jewel of the north. Traders come mostly to scrap buildings for cut stone. Former pop 2000, Current pop 400.
Sourhill is a great circle wall the a gatehouse in each compass point, a great tower, a keep and remains of a cathedral which was mostly removed by the church and eventually destroyed the region. The Quarters are Smakley where pious church folk lived, Grunton where pig farmers lived, Dirton where farmers lived and Clankton where traders, crafters and shopkeepers lived.
One former lord of the town kept monster menageries and believed the right amount of monsters was good for the economy but too many threw out the balance. Once he died monsters all over the region thrived out of control. The Monsterarium ruins are overgrown but still there. A goblin freak show operates here still. Slavers sell goblins, kobolds and orcs to civilization from here.
Murder hobos and cultists walk openly now. No new lord has moved in to manage the region, wars have kept kings too busy to share.
Long ago a thriving Druid cult ruled the area leaving megalthic stones and artificial hills everywhere. Current people fear there ghost haunted places.
Seagrave is a fishing village but smuggling, fish cults, looting ship wrecks is more what it is known for. Now the law in Sour Hill don't come it is getting worse. Current pop 200.
Tinvale was a very old tin miners village. The adjacent mines are almost depleted. Miners often dealt with cave folk ghosts and graves here as the mines were thousands of years older. Years ago someone got the bright idea to bring in a breeding pair of kobolds, these goblin-brownie hybrids quickly took over and now fill the hollow hills. The idea was to get the kobolds to mine in return for food which worked a while until others traded them in secret with iron and the kobolds became well armed. Turnip production is now the main industry but tin miners and smiths still work here. Former pop 800, Current pop 200.
Icewater was settled by viking mercenaries by a king needing mercenaries over 400 years ago. They don't feel kinship with outsiders and mostly fish. Still barbarians with a old storm god cult they are wary of civilization that betrayed other settled clans. They still trade with the far north kin and can call on them. The local mountains and forests have trolls, dwarves, elves and other monsters. Berserker cults thrive in the area but are unwelcome in peacetime in village. Current pop 400.
The Well Known Ruins are on common maps. Technically some are still settled by hangers on and enjoy a lack of tax collectors.
Eastmoor Hall former seat of knight who was warden of the Eastmoors, now a shunned ruin with a dungeon
Scar Hall former seat of knight who was warden of the Eastmoors, now over run with kobolds, stirges and worse
Runtly former village where the undesirables and murder hobos kept out of Sour Hill lived but now most have moved their. A ghost town where bandits still camp and a few desperate locals live. Former pop 200, Current pop 40?
Barrow Hill full of burial mounds, standing stones and foundations of prehistoric villages. Haunted by wights and other undead mostly shunned. Druids in the local forest and wild folk come to worship here and other megalithic sites all over the region. They also maintain huge cut turf artworks and rock carvings.
Hobbsville was a thriving village of miners, craftsmen and a traders stop. Now it is mostly empty and the remaining residents are devil worshipers. Traders shun it now but some old maps show it as a good place for food, drink and safety. Former pop 200, Current pop 40?
Squidgate a fishing village in decline as fish disappeared and the remaining residents are now squid demon cultists who worship a kraken in a cliff cave entrance that goes under the village. Very few ever visit. Former pop 200, Current pop 40?
Fogville once a farming village but life was always hard and it was abandoned years ago. Some might live in the ghost town but most have heard the village is haunted and the local moors prowling with evil. Former pop 100, Current pop 0?
Crabapple Cove a fishing village now miles inland as sand choked the inlet and smothered the area. Nobody lives at this wind swept sand choked ghost town. Former pop 200, Current pop 0?
Skull Camp near the south highway entry to the region is a murder hobo shanty town thriving from local dungeons and is the only growing place. Authorities to the south are increasingly interested, mostly it is run by a thieves guild man now (see my murder hobo book and maps). There are multiple maps detailing from the first few tents to a small fort over many years (need to do one more).
Whitecliff/Whitelake/Whitefalls a huge frozen glacier and iced over lake are here, meltwater forms a waterfall and feeds a small river (Icewater stream). Things live in the ice caves and most shun the area.
Ideas for 3folds on this
Kobold Cull in Tin Mines
Stone age cavern complex
Great barrow complex
Squidgate cult?
Wizard dungeon under Eastmoor Hall
Scar Hall a beginners ruin
vol 7 region detailed
vol 10 Sour hill detailed
Will detail the monster management theory of stewardship sometime.
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
War With the Undersea Kingdoms Part 1
When The Oceans Invades
At first there were unusual tides, floods and storms damaging coastlines and more than usual lost ships. Then sailors reported more fabulous creatures, great reefs and sargassums of giant kelp blocking sea routes. Then the armies of the deep came after severe floods driving away or conquering whole populations. In some cases the sea peoples were outright monsters with gargantuan war beasts who gobbled up all land dwelling life as food. At first the land people were devastated, retreated inland and in shock. It was like the return of the dawn age when gods and monsters battled across the earth. Some human cults served them out of fear of extermination from a greater force or because they worshiped the sea gods for aeons. Cultist pirates once disorganised united against the rest of humanity. Many islanders worshiped best and worst sea gods but hated surface kingdoms for enslaving and invading them.
But humans fearing annihilation and enslavement began to unite. Many pirates volunteered to aid the Guilds and the Empire. Great navies were formed. Peoples separated by vast distances met and united. The western lotus traders came in huge fleets of ships unseen before. Non humans who hated the sea began to support human efforts. Elf ships were seen again after a thousand years. Orcs poured into lands to aid peoples they previously only ate or enslaved.
As the undersea alliance grew more desperate after their early triumphs they drew on increasingly horrible beings of the darkness in the deeps. Eventually they questioned their righteousness and what they had done and fragmented. Some sea races turned and aided humanity. Thousands of tako octopus faeries migrated to the land in repulsion to the undersea demons of old being awakened in the war effort. Eventually the undersea lands stopped their invasion. But the surface world was changed forever. Improved technology among seafaring peoples improved trade. Strange goods flooded world markets. Peoples once ignorant of each other now were in contact. Slavery had become frowned on as every human was needed in the war effort and every human life was valued. New colonies were established and areas depopulated were resettled. Many non humans traded with humans and even undersea peoples did too. Octapi folk now lived in forests, the northern tundra and river valleys everywhere.
There was a age of optimism and prosperity but many knew that Chaos was awakened and set to invade the world again. It was just a matter of time before a new war across the world was unleashed.
You can decide how much river spirits and beings are involved.
d10 What Started war?
01 Humans destroyed or befouled a sacred place
02 Humanity offended sea god or one of the lords of the ocean
03 Corrupt chaos forces of the undersea realm have united to invade
04 Humans killed a divine monster and took the sacred treasure it guarded
05 Fish folk seek to restore their ancient surface empires over the land walkers
06 Squid folk and lamprey folk desire food and humans are delicious
07 Sea folk claimed land from before it rose from the sea, just want it back
08 Humanity are spreading like a plague and must be stopped
09 Humanity ruining fish stocks and breeding grounds with pollution and land clearing
10 Humans have treasure and make pleasing sacrifices and food
d10 Objectives of invaders?
01 Gobble up as much food as possible
02 Take human husbands and brides and breed a new hybrid race to occupy the land
03 Punish and humiliate the land walkers for neglecting the ancient pacts made aeons ago
04 Decimate human numbers and take their children as slaves to control population
05 Make humans worship the old sea gods for their own good
06 Help the primitive human land savages for their own good
07 Aid allied oppressed islander people enslaved by "civilised humans"
08 Punish humans for insulting one of the sea kings
09 Restore the previous sea empire that conquered land long ago
10 Stop humans crossing sea without due deference to sea overlords
d10 What ends war?
01 Food runs out, fish go home
02 Gods intervene and make new pact between elements
03 Humans offer sacrifices and respect to undersea peoples
04 Plot to flood the world foiled
05 Land creatures unite and have significant battle
06 Split in undersea forces and leaders breaking alliance
07 Ancient undersea evils return forcing sea rulers to face them
08 Sea lords decide surface is a dump and satisfied having wrecked the place
09 Discover how tainted by chaos and evil cults the surface is
10 Surface folk retreat and sea lords lose interest in going further inland
d10 Factions of the Sea
01 Sea dragons, kings of the sea ordained by heaven, served by spirit folk
02 Merfolk kingdoms, children of the sea gods
03 Sea faerie kingdoms, sea elves, spirit folk and minor sea divinities
04 Marine Iguana folk with aquatic dinosaurs (sea devils)
05 Cetacean tribes of whales and dolphins fed up with being eaten
06 Sea demons, servants of chaos and the dark depths, masters of marine undead
07 Tako, octopus fairy folk kingdoms
08 Fish folk kingdoms and their vassal races seek to restore land empire of old
09 Squid folk kingdoms and their vassal races want to eat surface folk
10 Elder worm folk, former great undersea power of primordial age seek revival
d10 Factions of the Surface World
01 Pirates of the inner ocean fighting for money and amnesty for past crimes
02 Merchant guilds can amass a naval presence and fund resistance
03 Islander folk, human tribal allies, tired of enslavement by "civilized" lands
04 The great empire, mighty but in decline, weakened by internal wars
05 Vikings of the far north, raiders and traders of the sea
06 The great trading sea peoples of the ancient southern fire lands
07 The black galleys of the secretive lotus traders of the west
08 Orcs surprisingly have rallied to war knowing that sea people wish them exterminated
09 Misty Wearlund islands come from ancient self exiled seclusion
10 Sylvan folk, elves and faerie and goblin thralls unwilling to see nature drowned
d10 Quests of the War
01 Prevent the creation of tidal waves by rogue water wizards
02 Stop sea necromancers raising undead war fleet
03 Visit the court of the Sea Dragon Kings and convince them war must end
04 Stop the attempt to melt the great northern glaciers to flood the world again
05 Stop the revival of a ancient demon sea god of the deep by a evil cult
06 Call on gods, spirits and dragons of land and sky to aid the surface
07 Find something to hold hostage to get a faction to drop out
08 Make a deal to pay off some undersea factions with tributes and promises
09 Hunt sea cults, servants of chaos demons and ancient monsters kings sabotaging
10 Search great reef ruined cities of the ancients for how they stopped the sea invaders
Land Forces of the war
Tonnage more about how many barrels or they carry or extra soldiers if used as transport for short trips. Crew is typical load. Miles/day is speed. These details can vary a lot and are estimates. Sea races get speeds as they can move in water as boats and could be handy for plotting travel.
The Pirates of Shadelport
Pirates with light armoured, well armed, gun powder, good land or sea, Irregular, Morale 8
Pirate Corsair, 40 ton, 20 crew 60 miles/day cheap and fast Morale 9
Pirates often operate coastal forts, trade towns or simple camps, often hidden. Most of the inner ocean pirated are based in Exile Island's Shadelport and have come to be bought off by the empire who during it's civil war lost most of it's navy and maritime skill base.
The Guilds of the Warring KingdomsGuild Cog 200 ton 50 miles/day 12 crew common merchant or transports Morale 6
Guild Hulk 300 ton 30 miles/day 24 crew common merchant or transports Morale 6
Guild Caravel 60 ton 100 miles/day advanced explorer Morale 7
Guild Carrack 90 ton 80 miles/day six months range, high in water resistant to lower ships, have cannons, latest, most advanced ships on sea, Morale 8
Guilders operate trade outposts and operate numerous fortified coastal cities and forts
The guilds operate banking and trade across the warring states. Former vassals of the various versions of the Empire and Waerland, they are among the most advanced with guns and sail
The Western Islands
Islander Warriors, light armed and armed but fierce, good land or coast, irregular, Morale 10
Islander Zombies, slow moving but fearless undead, Morale 12
Islanders Outrigger 10 ton 30 miles/day long canoes with oars & sails 20 crew Morale 10
Islander Catamaran 30 ton 60 miles/day trading transports with sails for long range 5 crew Morale 8
Islanders live in simple villages and populations are mobile. They are surprisingly advanced at earthwork fortification stop most advanced gunpowder troops. They are very experienced at fighting advanced slavers, sea races and many fear they are cannibals (only sometimes true, most only do so opportunistically or eat dead family as funerary rite but some thrive on it). Use of zombies is not evil to them but also terrifies enemies. Many villagers have grave yards surrounding walled villages as defenses and call ancestors to fight with them and fallen enemies.
The Third Empire
Empire Marine, well armed and armoured professional troops, regular, Morale 9
Empirial Wizard Corp, dangerous and highly feared regular wizard force, Morale 9
Empire Trader 30 ton 5 crew mostly coast traders Morale 6
Empire Merchant 100 ton Galley 24 crew with oars Morale 7
Empire War Galley 300 ton 320 crew with oars and incendiary weapons, scorpions and mangonels and later gunpowder for bombardment, Morale 8
Empire once was the greatest sea power but guilds and pirates have surpassed them. Tend to be over confidant and operate fortified coastal cities. This is the Third version of the Empire but in recent decades crippled by civil war and no longer operates beyond it's shores. They are not well liked by most nations who enjoy their internal strife.
The Northmen
Viking Warriors, well armed and armoured, good land or sea, regular, Morale 10
Viking Knarr trader 20 ton 5 crew mostly coast traders Morale 6
Viking Longship 30 ton 30 crew Morale 10
Viking Dragonship 60 300 crew Morale 10
Fierce raiders from the north, not most advanced but tenacious, wide ranging and cunning, highly feared and more flexible than big navies. Many colonies across whole north and even far up river systems. All crew and even commoners are are fighting folk.
The Ancient Sea Peoples
Sea People Warriors, light arm and armour, good land or sea, regular, Morale 8
Sea People Royal Guard, heavy elite troops, better on land than sea, Morale 10
Sea People Galley, 30 ton 30 crew Morale 7
Sea People Trireme, 50 ton 160 crew Morale 8
Ancient empires and raiders to south, spread colonies far and wide and very ancient. Many coastal forts and fortified cities. Still use chariots which they transport by sea, and many cities supported by road and sea routes making lands resistant to invasion. Have invaded more advanced peoples despite use of bronze. Some even carry statues of gods into battle to aid them. May act as pirates alone or as part of city states or empires.
The Lotus Empire of the West
Lotus Pirates, light, savage fanatics, irregular Morale 12 .
Lotus Empire Marines, well armed and armoured professional regular, Morale 8
Lotus Merchant Junk, 20 ton, crew 5, Morale 6
Lotus Baochuan, 1000 ton flat bottomed huge ships with oar and sail, use fire, guns and poison gas, crew 2000 Morale 10
Most know of smugglers and traders from the west flooding known world with narcotics and spices. The appearance of huge floating war vessels with thousands of men travelling huge distances was a surprise. Mostly they keep to themselves but a few of the Dragon emperors of the west have used these fleets to establish trade routes and outposts every few centuries. Lotus empire peoples are more familiar with the under sea civilisations than other lands and have detailed knowledge about their courts and ways.
Mist Shrouded Waerlund
Waerlund Privateers, light but advanced, including many wizards, experts at striking and evading enemies, regular. Morale 9
Waerlund Pinnace 30 ton 16 crew 160 miles per day sail, long range light guns and magic, Morale 9
Waerland Galleon 300 ton 40 crew 60 miles per day, Morale 7
Waerlund Islands are shrouded in mist, deadly reefs and foul weather. They are remnants of a former wizard empire reputed to have faerie blood. A land of knights and wizards mostly isolated from world that mostly hates them. During the war they return to international commerce and already trade with non humans. They have many isolated hidden outposts from their old empire that collapsed when their dragon allies departed and they fell to decadence. The guilders were first to re open comunications, the Empire is more wary and reluctant to admit their current fuedal culture is inspired by past Waeric influence.
Savage Orcs
Orc Pirates, light and fierce regular, Morale 9
Orc War Galley 30 ton crew 60 Morale 9
Savage and frightening and appear in huge numbers. More and more they work with human pirates and adopting guns. Some have worked with land armies of orcs serving orc kings and even those still serving wizards who make them. Rarely Elves will make them as desperation to replace lost elves from desperation, to be buffers with non elves and because goblinoids make terrible seafarers. Most people hate them but they seem to be across the whole world and often serve as mercenaries. Orcs sometimes bring giants, ogres and trolls with them.
Kingdom of Elfland
Elven Marines, heavily armed, armoured and magical Morale 9
Elven Caravel, 120 ton 300 miles/day by using faerie gates, swan prowed magical ships, some individual ones over a thousand years old and feared by many, crew 120 regular. Morale 10
Elves know of their under sea elf kin and other aquatic races. The are reluctant to fight them or aid humanity but ultimately seek to prevent the world being flooded again after having re planted the worlds forests at least twice in known history. Their knowledge is a great boon to the surface forces and they can act as guides through faerie gates across vast distances. Elves have been conquerors and wiped our peoples in the past and are feared. As they are immortal they are reluctant to fight but might bring thrall goblinoids or orcs in huge numbers.
Undersea Forces of the war
The undersea alliance are a mixed band but barley unified or coordinated. The first few weeks their shock tactics and forgotten elder magics won many victories and to many it seemed like doomsday. As time goes on it becomes apparent the sea people have no plan just attack. As surface people unite and retaliate the sea people are forced to work together and mostly fail. Thousands of years of fighting each other made cooperation difficult. It was only a matter of time before old grudges made the factions turn on each other and humans started to use this to their advantage. As land folk share intelligence the sub dwellers were manipulated into fighting each other and the land invasion ceased and so did the war between land and water.
Sea Dragon Kings
Sea Spirit Marines, well armed human looking spirits of sea grass the rank and file people of the ocean can march on land especially up rivers. Regular, 20 miles per day, Morale 9
Sea Spirit Seahorse Riders, sea cavalry good for attacks on sea but not land. Regular 40 miles per day, Morale 9
Sea Spirit Barbarians, ill disciplined light equipped, sea spirit tribes can march on land especially up rivers. Irregular 30 miles per day, Morale 8
Sea Dragon Rider, a noble of a royal clan on a sea dragon can fight on shore. Regular 200 miles per day, Morale 10
Dragon Turtle Riders, each with a castle and ten elite troops can fight on shore. Regular 120 miles per day, Morale 10
Each ocean and sea has a dragon king ruling great undersea empires ordained by heaven. Spirit folk are magical peoples of the sea vegetation who populate the sea kingdoms. Mostly they are proud but civilized and not interested in cruelty but conquest.
Merfolk Infantry, light armed and useless on land. Irregular 40 miles per day, Morale 7
Sirens, able to charm human crews and fly. Irregular 40 miles per day, Morale 7
Nymph, minor sea godesses with animal pets, limited use on shores. Regular 40 miles per day, Morale 8
Sea Divinity, a minor sea god, giant merfolk with priest powers, kin to sea gods. Irregular 80 miles per day, Morale 10
Gargantuan Sea Beast, titanic sea monsters bred for war by gods. Irregular 60 miles per day, Morale 12
Merfolk are kin of ancient sea gods. Mostly they seek to punish land folk and have no capacity to conquer dry land. Will try to call on divine aid to cause floods and disasters but if their temples and relics are lost they will fall back.
Sea Faeries
Sea Elf Marines, light but magical and able on land. Regular 20 miles per day, Morale 7
Sea Elf Dolphin Riders, magical, can go up rivers and dismount. Regular 60 miles per day, Morale 8
Selkie are sealion lycanthropes who can become human and spy on the land. Regular 30 miles per day, Morale 8
Sea Elf Caravel 120 ton 300 miles/day by using faerie gates, seahorse prowed magical ships, some individual ones over a thousand years old and feared by many, crew 120 regular. Morale 10
Sea faerie folk occupy a faerie world beneath the sea. They seek to avoid conflict with their land cousins, and mostly swept up in the war for spoils and easy victory but will waver quickly.
Marine Iguana Warriors, light arms and armour but tougher than humans, Regular 40 miles per day, Morale 8
Iguana Icthiosaur Riders, can go up rivers and dismount. Regular 60 miles per day, Morale 8
Sea Serpent, dangerous to ships, can fight on shores and up rivers. Irregular 80 miles per day, Morale 9
Pliesosaurus, dangerous to ships, Irregular 60 miles per day, Morale 7
Tylosaurus, huge ship destroyers and Iguana troop transporters, Irregular 50 miles per day, Morale 11
These ancient reptilians are not evil as many suppose, merely misunderstood and frightening. Many sleep in the depths from ancient times and are easily misled. They have various factions and might easily turn on allies if leaders change or the wart goes badly.
Dolphins, fast but best vs aquatic foes, Irregular 60 miles per day, Morale 7
Killer Whale, large menace to boats and aquatic foes, Irregular 35 miles per day, Morale 8
Sperm Whale, huge ship destroyers and monster killers, aquatic foes, Irregular 40 miles per day, Morale 9
Sea Behemoth, gargantuan monster whale ruler from deep, Irregular 90 miles per day, Morale 10
Angered by human whalers and spoiling of the sea, they are keen to drive back "invading" land lubbers. Hate shark folk and the evil sea folk and quickly turn on them
Chaos Sea Demon
Sea Demon Cultists, infiltrate and appear as human factions but many are hybrids and water breathers, conduct sabotage and operate anywhere on land or water. Irregular 20 miles per day, Morale 11
Sea Zombies, undead from the deep, drowled seafarers from the past. Irregular 10 miles per day, Morale 12
Sea Hag, super human sea witches of great power, often command monsters. Irregular 120 miles per day, Morale 11
Sea Giant, ancient hideous giant of deep, Irregular 40 miles per day, Morale 10
Sea Ghost, spirit armies of non corporeal dead. Irregular 30 miles per day, Morale 2
Sea Demons, other worldly ancient horrors of the deep with strange powers, Irregular 60 miles per day, Morale 11
Greater Sea Demon, powerful gigantic sea demon. Irregular 20 miles per day, Morale 11
Sea Demon Prince, lords of some demonic aquatic plane ,leads demon armies. Irregular 90 miles per day, Morale 11
Elder God, slumbering leviathans of the deep unseen since gods walked the earth and imprisoned them in their corpse cities, powerful black magicians. Irregular 300 miles per day, Morale 12
Cult Merchantman, cultist trading vessel
Corpse Hulk, barnacle covered undead transport
Ghost Ship, phantom ships of non corporeal spirits
At first only a few cane to the war and seemed allies, but as they awoke from slumbers or came through portals it becomes clear to their allies they are worse than humans and a threat to all life.
Fish Folk Empire
Fish Folk Infantry, light but tough, prefer to fight near water but will follow rivers and swamps. Regular 20 miles per day, Morale 8
Fish Folk Hybrids, infiltrate and appear as human factions but many are hybrids and water breathers, conduct sabotage and operate anywhere on land or water. Irregular 20 miles per day, Morale 7
Fish Folk Magicians, field units of priests and wizards using black magic. Regular 20 miles per day, Morale 11
Shark Folk, savage barbarian heavy infantry. Reluctant to leave sight of sea. Irregular 20 miles per day, Morale 11
Crab Folk, savage barbarian heavy infantry. Reluctant to leave sight of sea. Irregular 20 miles per day, Morale 10
Lobster Folk, savage barbarian heavy infantry. Reluctant to leave sight of sea. Irregular 20 miles per day, Morale 10
Eel Folk, savage barbarian heavy infantry. Reluctant to leave sight of sea. Irregular 20 miles per day, Morale 9
Squid Folk Empire
Squid Folk, light but black magicians love to eat human brains. Regular 20 miles per day, Morale 7
Amonite Folk, armoured heavy squid folk. Regular 20 miles per day, Morale 8
Lamprey Folk, disgusting blood drinkers. Regular 20 miles per day, Morale 7
Starfish Folk, rapid breeders and able to heal terrible wounds. Irregular 20 miles per day, Morale 11
Trilobite Folk, ancient armoured knights of the sea, Regular 10 miles per day, Morale 10
Giant Squid, colossal monsters that attack shipping. Regular 50 miles per day, Morale 8
Giant Nautilus, huge transports and useful anti ship fighters. 60 miles per day, Morale 8
Tako octopus fairies, magical, greedy, but cowardly Regular 30 miles per day, Morale 6
Past Monster War Zones
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Faerie 2 Encounters Wonders
Faerie 3 Rumours Treasure
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