Showing posts with label BRP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BRP. Show all posts
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Terrible Campagn Ideas: 70s Doctor Who using Cthulhu
So watching lots of 70s and early 80s SF and DrWho and I did have FASA DrWho RPG from 80s long ago. Occurred to me Call of Cthulhu with a few mods or BRP could work pretty well. I would fistly gear the sanity table to make people flee or feint mostly. Im not so interested in real depctions of mental health more the way it is used in fiction. In the Silurian a miner who saw cave lizard folk when mad and drew palaeolithic cave art on hospital walls plus others just die of fear. Other episodes had people go mad and hide. Certainly plenty of risk ignoring scientists out there. So some precedents for fear and sanity and include heart attacks more for NPSs. Heart failure might be an option for permanent insanity.
d12 Temporary Sanity
1 Flee and keep running until pass out exhausted
2 Flee and hide somewhere till it is safe
3 Flee screaming
4 Flee screaming, roll to avoid an accident or hazard in hysterical flight
5 Scream hysterically pointing and unable to act meaningfully
6 Paralysed with fear unable to move
7 Feint unconscious CON roll or lasts longer than temporary
8 Drop to floor or cover and curl into foetal position muttering or play dead
9 Cowardy panic and risk others in furious flight
10 Make heroic but possibly suicidal risk to attack or seek a weapon
11 Stagger away, blackout and remember nothing
12 Stunned and fall, get up and flee
d12 Permanent Insanity
1 Phobia related to trauma if triggered companion feels fear and discomfort
2 Surender and cooperate with evil everything will be fine
3 Ignore everything strange and get on with life, there is a rational explanation
4 Now eyes open see aliens and plots everywhere and obsessively document them
5 Deal with any lesser evil to get rid of the worse threat, win at any cost
6 Tell everyone your story every chance. People must know the truth!
7 Escape at all costs and prepare for possible horrors in the future
8 Take suicidal risks to destroy enemy by most destructive means or join an organisation
9 Dedicated to living a quiet ordinary adventure free life at home
10 Haunted by strange dreams and flashbacks in waking hours, real events?
11 Drug abuse and self-harm to cope with the horror
12 Heart failure CON roll or fatal otherwise a d6 damage
So the first table is for characters and npcs who get shocked mostly by strange death and alien beings or psionic effects. The second is the sort of stuff that messes up NPCs for future prequel adventures. Some of these might reduce your lifespan or make it hard to have adventures without peers kidnapping you.
Don't really need a Cthulhu mythos score or SAN loss to be as common. Possibly recover from just rest/ It is mostly to torment mooks and npc's you meet and in all likelihood, they won't survive, especially in the gothic horror period who of Tom Baker. Possibly you might take min SAN loss from aliens after a while. I cant see books or san loss from information being relevant so SAN tables are mostly for seeing monsters or grisly mass murder.
Characters could all be timelords for the Celestial Intervention Agency or rebel timelords on the run with a tardis or one timelord a pc or npc and the rest mostly human assistants. The first Dr was a great NPC because he lied, tricked everyone just to see stuff and often was separated and spent hours in a palace while the companions had all the adventures and barley escaped and got Dr and tardis. I guess this is up to who runs it and what their idea of cannon is and the players. A UNIT campaign on Earth would be ok in a 70s version of the 80s that never were.
Types of Adventure
3rd Dr John Pertwee spent most adventures on earth at UNIT HQ trapped on earth and dealing with master making every adventure more complex and adding to episode count, It is a pretty sweet set up. Like X-Files but your get army guys who mostly just prove how hopeless humans are. UNIT does have good uses. Human science and madmen warmongering can make a story extend too. Alien invasion of the week is a good foundation. Possibly would dial blood up a bit to more Sam Peckinpah and rely on horror and investigation stories. I guess I would mostly feature scuffles, fistfights and some gun battles plus have mechanics to better facilitate those sneak up behind attacks that don't leave patients dealing with head trauma for life. Monsters need to KO people too so you can all wake up in prison in their base and hear all their plans.
Lots of visits to isolated utopias and locations with limited characters. Locals surviving and thriving is optional. Revisiting locations years later with new menace and descendants of last lot is good. Visiting someplace a few years or decades later with older friends is fun. At the end of an adventure, everybody left dead or unconscious is pretty cool too.
Quite a few adventures feature slimy tentacled things of course and revelations about the past and often use mythology rationalised in stories like classic mythos fiction. Image of the feudal is a favourite, creature in the pit (shoggoth), Metabelis psionic spiders, Power of Koll, Lots of aliens pushing cyborg and body replacement and mind control. I also like the biological tech of Axos and Xygons and many other races on the show have a history of using creepy looking organic machines and spaceships.
Obviously, you can have some fun with genre, locations and settings but I chose this era because it seemed more deadly and 3rd and 4th Doctors did feature fights, action, chases and mysteries so I might try one day. Possibly the SAN tables above could be used in a Hammer Horror type of setting also.
Anyway having first game with 3 players in meat space in 2 months and other game ppl still awol....of three games I was playing. So unlikely to try anything experimental or one-off in a hurry.
Monday, 1 July 2019
In defence of skill and ability rolls
I made this meme based on some poor guy asking on FB for advice running the cruise of straad. So yeah im the last person who should be mean about typos. Anyway a vampire cruise might be a good adventure.
Recently there have been debates asserting that attribute rolls are a terrible problem that remove autonomy. Some went back to the war game roots of the game claiming the attributes have very limited purposes and thus charisma gets followers and is nothing to do with being charming.
So Im not going to repeat those arguments but dance around the general subject and rant lots about stuff possibly flimsily connected. A side note is I despise gambling, bets and games of chance but RPGs are fine.
Recently there have been debates asserting that attribute rolls are a terrible problem that remove autonomy. Some went back to the war game roots of the game claiming the attributes have very limited purposes and thus charisma gets followers and is nothing to do with being charming.
So Im not going to repeat those arguments but dance around the general subject and rant lots about stuff possibly flimsily connected. A side note is I despise gambling, bets and games of chance but RPGs are fine.
So this debate is not only in DnD. Many players of Cthulhu games prefer gumshoe system to chaosium BRP because spot rolls to search stuff takes away player autonomy and rolling lots to find clues has problems. Like if you don't find a clue does the adventure break? So in the last case there are adventures predicated on noticing someone making a spot roll to see a clue. Well in this scenario as the villain is a next door neighbour you could have some local incidents and then have another opportunity. Or you could just say the dice roll is theatrics to make the player feel like they are achieving something. I could make the roll have varied degrees of success so even a fail sees something suspicious. The GM has plenty of options here to save the scenario opening. An easy way is have plenty of witnesses and the odds are a player would succeed. Even failure with whole party can be amusing.
So if players want to search a specific panel, desk or object thats ok too. They could get a bonus or it could speed things up. If they smashed the desk they probably would find a hidden object I don't have a problem with that. I dont mind players rolling for persuasion or conversations too. Often rolling is just a way of speeding up play. Searching everything item by item can be tedious. Talking to every shopkeeper can be pretty tedious. Sometimes it is fun but wasting game time is a problem especialy in a four hour session with multiple players competing for face time or a few showboaters controlling the DMs attention. If everyone wants to do this it is ok but finishing a adventure is ok too. The opposite of a player who just wants fight can be a pain too but that's another story.
Im fine with players getting a bonus to a roll or a extra roll for being specific or having a good idea so you can kind of do both approaches.
While older DnD recommended a stat roll to do things outside of specific class abilities, later versions of 1st ed with non-weapon skills used stat rolls for all kinds of effects. Personally I like this and It is part of my retro clone. I offer unskilled persons a chance often and apply some simple dificulty mods or give automatic successes in non stressful situations. I like skill systems and played BRP as much if not more.I do like very simple bonus systems as opposed to adding lots of numbers and find recent eds overly complex and wasteful recording of information.
My current system uses this:
So part of my claim is in the economy of play time a roll can speed things up rather than role play stuff that has little effect or could even be a distraction. Most of my more recent ed game play is pretty slow already. I did not like the non weapon proficiency requiring various petty pluses when a stat would have been simpler and require less book checking another time wasting exercise.
There is also the economy of time in a dungeon like wandering monsters to make time wasting a hazard. Time is one of the resources a player contends with which effects light sources and spells. It is one of the things we deal with in game so making lots of search rolls can be pert of the challenge. In Cthulhu you might have limited time to find documents in a library like opening hours and those failed library use rolls whittle away the resource of time. Oldschool gaming is resource-horror to me and less about heroism but it can be that too. To be heroic you need to actually suffer and failing stuff and struggling with time is part of a adventure.
Most players like rolling dice.
My other main point with rolling skill and attribute tests is i don't thing players are the same as characters. Your stats are a tool to play someone other than yourself. I like the idea of live action role playing but i cant afford costumes and I don't want to play a cripple old man every time. Im happy to use stats to guide behaviour and personality of a character. I'm happy to have my character try things i should not be able to or know stuff i wouldn't. I'm also happy to have players roll to see if the character would know stuff modern people take for granted. Playing ignorance is required at time. I had a plyer who was a survivalist ex sniper and he would try to bring all kinds of horrible real world murder antics into every game and often we had to explain your character cannot make a bomb even if he offered to show us how with stuff under the kitchen sink.
I have seen players be very silly and take risks and DM make player roll for Wisdom to see if character would do the stupid party threatening thing. This is a bit of an attack on players autonomy but their behaviour was a problem for every other player. Ive had new players join in a 2 year Cthulhu game and try and help cults, hide clues, which for the regulars who fought hard for years is not great.I probably have killed characters for consistently doing stupid things. Players who just want fights and attack everything can work in a game where everyone wants it but a one madman can ruin an adventure and the whole player group experience. I'm not sure if rolling to force a player to not do the stupid thing is great but a roll so everybody at tables knows your character knows what they are doing is a jerk move does make people pull their heads in. There is a whole bunch of issues here not in scope of this but basically a roll to let a player know something is a obviously dumb thing at least makes it clear if they are jerks is ok. Forcing them to act to DM whims is bound to be a problem. If it is a common thing that comes up there are other issues going on.
As far as player vs character ability goes rolls to know setting info are fine. If someone who reads poorly wants to play a literate characters and make rolls to know stuff the player does not that is ok. If a shy player wants to play a character with friends who is good at persuasion that is fine. Forcing a shy person to roleplay everything or compete with a flamboyant over actor is not great. If skill and ability rolls let a player do things they cannot in real life that is good. If a player wants to role play or search specific things let them. But to me the point of a characters attributes and abilities are to act as a leveller. I've played a few more narrative less gm power games and several players with more flamboyant egos tend to dominate more quiet ones. Also the diminished GM sat back and let it happen in the name of autonomy. The point of game systems is to mediate and balance and provide physics and chances of doing stuff. A shouty story writing group or amateur improv theatre is a different experience.
One other point for arguments stats have very limited effects based on 70s wargaming is kind of steamrollering of nearly 50 years of gaming evolution. Wisdom for example has changed slightly edition after edition. Nowadays Wis is used for perception which i dislike cos wise old people having acute senses seems silly. I renamed stats in my retro clone to help define stats more clearly and made some new uses for them. One of my beefs with many new editions is adding stuff on character sheets that are not needed. The argument bonuses are more significant than attributes which could be removed is more true if the attributes do nothing in play. I feel this a bit in 5th ed.
In BRP I find calculating stat derived skill bonuses is one of the biggest pains (Ringworld did it well though). But I preferred the old resistance table because it used less dice while 7th ed Cthulhu can end up using lots more dice. Ive also seen some the odd for different things change in the more recent system and prefer the old ones.
Thankfully I don't hear ppl proposing to fight the DM in melee combat in the name of role playing and are satisfied with rolling dice to stab monsters.
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
Masks Nyarlathotep So Far...
Here she comes a oozin down the street
chantin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
Snappin' her tentacles and shufflin' her hoofs,
chantin' "Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do"
The only mythos god that give you milk
Dedicated to recent thing that happened in tonights game.
The next best thing to killing a character,
driving them insane and into the clutches of Shub Niggurath.
So Almost done the New York chapter of the new edition of masks.
Like much of modern Chaosium it looks, good, is crammed pack and pretty high quality. Still the best company making RPG's to me (though dropped the ball a few years back). But it has lots of flaws. Im using fan made companion extra content and have found it helpful for fixing some flaws and expanding on ideas. I keep my second ed copy on hand because it has some great art and is often easier to find stuff and to work out what to focus on. Small print but density is not worst RPG crime but i often need to use glasses which is very rare for me.
I might be complaining a lot here but I do dream of buying more stuff and my wish list has over 20 old and new Chaosium products now, 2nd is a few TSR things I lost and want back. Ive complained about old vs new before so will avoid that trap. I guess trendy rules and possible simpler/less maths helps some ppl.
I never thought it was the best COC scenario. I always thought it Pulpy. Fungi From Yuggoth and Shadows of Yog Sothoth Ive run many times. Spawn of Azathoth I like and one of best case dreamlands adventure in a mythos plot. Normally I use dreamlands my own way not strictly cannon. Dunsanay opium frolics clash with Mythos too much. I always thought Masks was pulpier and the Game over editions became pulpier so i use 2nd Ed because it is meaner. A few good things in 7th ed but lots of stuff I would not bother with. I learned 3 systems in early 80s and used all my slots cos Im a brain damaged grogtard. Also Orient Express is terrible. I threw out most of the content from 1st edition but keep the railroad npc book close always.
Despite all this Im running Masks. Probably more like Lumley style than HPL or Pulp.
I see no problem with using tech available to criminals and in shops to kill real monsters.
Im finding it very over written and hard to find stuff
Half a page on a character you talk to in a bar.
Stats on character who is killed in the scene you meet them
Wish headings of section had NPC name instead of poetic headings
Im tempted to make my own flow chart with built in check list.
Sometimes only one player of 6 in room can read handouts.
They had white paper in ye old days. Not all paper was poor quality or sun damaged.
Sometimes repeats info many times in same scenario, even on same spread.
Miss 8 page scenario chapters in Shadows of Yog Sothoth.
Instead I get 32 pages instead making prep slower.
Tiny dark portraits that often are not helpful in book.
Pages on scenes that don't really help much.
Keep wishing next version fixes things.
Some of the added threads don't really gravitate the main story.
One chapter states local gun laws another does not - a format on counties might be good.
An "Atlas of Cthulhu" with local gun laws, police, health care, customs and stuff in a simple format might be nice.
They killed a villain never realising his significance but I guess they will eventually learn.
Some items with no warning destroy characters.
What if a character was driven mad with the vision mask and implored everyone to try it?
TPK is old hat TPM in COC is real. Total Party Madness.
Lots of loose ends in play so Im happy to have characters just kill some people with tommy guns or pay someone else to murder a bad guy. Happy they throw money at a lawyer get a mook out of death row so they can get on with meat of adventure. After killing cult and burning down HQ saving a mook seems a bit slow paced. A SAN reward might tempt them.
On the plus side some of these problems could be features to some.
I made a NPC live cos I liked her half page bio and thought it a waste to snuff her on first contact. She helped drive events on. I considered making her a love interest but the investigators are mostly damaged war vets and couldn't speak her language or too scruffy.
I realise some people need everything spelled out to give keeper lots of room and flexibility in case things come up but my players still ended up stepping outside the framework so I had to improvise any way or made my own tangents. If no amount of writing can prepare the GM maybe don't try. Encouraging improv and creativity is a dying art in all published big company works.
I was happy that the second New York session due to player absences only one player/character was on both games but the hand outs and me and that player filled them in well and the three previously missing players all said "wish I was there".
The companion adding details on snow in NYC 1925 helped lots to set mood.
I used the extra Mexico prequel which was great.
-beat crap out of fake drunk god
-all captured by well armed criminals with rifle skills they couldn't deal with
-a reminder "sane" humans are bad bad monsters
New Peru section was great despite above problems and players loved it.
This chapter took three sessions, was railroady but fun.
Except when they lost 90% of their stat points.
Being horribly crippled made a few go home after a fight in first city.
I like maiming or cursing characters rather than killing them.
Now I have London chapters and fan content to read.
Honestly it has reading requirements of a Uni subject with no credit.
Players might sail to London and I will try and use a Mauritainia scenario.
Or they will use Eihort's gate if they can spare the SAN.
So my campaign now on year three run since 1920 has been pretty fun.
Might discuss this later.
So far in Masks
Peru 3 sessions
Mexico 1 session
New York 2 sessions - still need to hear will and see erica
Im guessing London will be several weeks
Stats on character who is killed in the scene you meet them
Wish headings of section had NPC name instead of poetic headings
Im tempted to make my own flow chart with built in check list.
Sometimes only one player of 6 in room can read handouts.
They had white paper in ye old days. Not all paper was poor quality or sun damaged.
Sometimes repeats info many times in same scenario, even on same spread.
Miss 8 page scenario chapters in Shadows of Yog Sothoth.
Instead I get 32 pages instead making prep slower.
Tiny dark portraits that often are not helpful in book.
Pages on scenes that don't really help much.
Keep wishing next version fixes things.
Some of the added threads don't really gravitate the main story.
One chapter states local gun laws another does not - a format on counties might be good.
An "Atlas of Cthulhu" with local gun laws, police, health care, customs and stuff in a simple format might be nice.
They killed a villain never realising his significance but I guess they will eventually learn.
Some items with no warning destroy characters.
What if a character was driven mad with the vision mask and implored everyone to try it?
TPK is old hat TPM in COC is real. Total Party Madness.
Lots of loose ends in play so Im happy to have characters just kill some people with tommy guns or pay someone else to murder a bad guy. Happy they throw money at a lawyer get a mook out of death row so they can get on with meat of adventure. After killing cult and burning down HQ saving a mook seems a bit slow paced. A SAN reward might tempt them.
On the plus side some of these problems could be features to some.
I made a NPC live cos I liked her half page bio and thought it a waste to snuff her on first contact. She helped drive events on. I considered making her a love interest but the investigators are mostly damaged war vets and couldn't speak her language or too scruffy.
I realise some people need everything spelled out to give keeper lots of room and flexibility in case things come up but my players still ended up stepping outside the framework so I had to improvise any way or made my own tangents. If no amount of writing can prepare the GM maybe don't try. Encouraging improv and creativity is a dying art in all published big company works.
I was happy that the second New York session due to player absences only one player/character was on both games but the hand outs and me and that player filled them in well and the three previously missing players all said "wish I was there".
The companion adding details on snow in NYC 1925 helped lots to set mood.
I used the extra Mexico prequel which was great.
-beat crap out of fake drunk god
-all captured by well armed criminals with rifle skills they couldn't deal with
-a reminder "sane" humans are bad bad monsters
New Peru section was great despite above problems and players loved it.
This chapter took three sessions, was railroady but fun.
Except when they lost 90% of their stat points.
Being horribly crippled made a few go home after a fight in first city.
I like maiming or cursing characters rather than killing them.
Now I have London chapters and fan content to read.
Honestly it has reading requirements of a Uni subject with no credit.
Players might sail to London and I will try and use a Mauritainia scenario.
Or they will use Eihort's gate if they can spare the SAN.
So my campaign now on year three run since 1920 has been pretty fun.
Might discuss this later.
So far in Masks
Peru 3 sessions
Mexico 1 session
New York 2 sessions - still need to hear will and see erica
Im guessing London will be several weeks
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Mesopotaimia Image Dump 10
Long time since i did one but lotsa new stuff online now. Once again i cant really source this stuff or credit anyone sorry. Its a resource for students of history and gamers. RQ fans might enjoy too but i kinda preferred Lunars as Romans and the more Glorantha lazily rips from history the more id rather just do a historical setting. I could probably do another one some time. For some reason formatting this stuff is kinda painful on blogger.
Mostly Assyrian military then some court/urban stuff.
A few things from Urartu and Minoans and sea people here too.
Image Dumps
Sunday, 15 July 2018
d100 Feral kids for Murder Highway
These are stray children to find in the wasteland of my roadwar game. Aparently i did too many urchins for my dnd game so here is my apocalyptic roadwar cult game take.
Did see an anime where half crew of a sub were feral kids recruited by captain.
d10 Greatest Problem
1 Getting day to day food or water
2 Slavers or gangs
3 Cannibals or undead
4 Missionaries or state welfare do gooder scum
5 Dangerous mutant animals
6 Trying to find family or lost friends
7 Suffering from trauma from past abuse
8 Ignorant, problems with basic communication
9 Wants revenge on someone who wronged them
10 Seeks a safe home or shelter
d10 Favorite Thing
1 Gun or knife in good condition
2 Scrap built or rusty pipegun or shotgun
3 Hand grenade or pipebomb
4 Bags of meds
5 Doll or other common toy
6 Hat or clothing item
7 Electronic game or watch
8 Lucky charm
9 Tourist attraction merchandise or sport memorabilia
10 Photo of loved one or other loved ones item
Bonus Blood Type Table
01-38 O-positive
39-45 O-negative
46-79 A-positive
80-85 A-negative
86-94 B-positive
95-96 B-negative
97-99 AB-positive
00 AB-negative
Handy for organ legging (see 49) or japanese romance
d100 Feral kids for Murder Highway
01 Emil Twisty, feral kid with dingo and razor boomerang, unable to speak except in growls
02 Lorna Dune, sole survivor of sprawling abandoned bunker complex, desperate for food
03 Tweedle Cruize, lives in buried cargo pod of military drone parts he controls toll choke point on local roads
04 Lyrol Sin, roams wastes with grenade launcher looking for gangs to purge for Jesus
05 Elly Comal, lives with mutant dingoes in wrecked burred schoolbus
06 Barney Googler sells data he hacks, lives in ruined mobile phone tower
07 Zora Katar, ex gang brat runaway pretends to be needy to infiltrate others for her crew
08 Minga Zin, mutant prodigy with weird powers but no visible afflictions, hunted by corps
09 Carter Halo, vigilante kid gang leader, kills ppl who hurt kids or comunities
10 Zero Thule, collects scrap from gang battles and building own motorbike, wannabe street samurai
11 Gogal Sokolov, runs a communist youth gang in a sewer system, dreams of world wide revolutionary utopia
12 Mindy Keller, sickly girl needs meds, infected with necrovirus will zombify on death
13 Billy Zan, Scrap dealer lives in trash heap, sells parts and grilled rats to travellers
14 Sunny Klaw, trying to grow crops in the waste to survive, needs corp seed stock
15 Vinny Shanker, wants to be a trashside pimp and fixer, offers to hook travellers up with dealers and traders
16 John Prester, leads a youth gang in a ruined underground carpark, claims is the promised land foretold
17 Eggbert Dodger, fat kid sells fried dough to travellers with various sauces and jams
18 Patty Melon. bitter sour faced kid with knack for finding food in wastes
19 Gilbert Drake, good at fixing things and helps local mechanics for food scraps
20 Karen Gleaner, has a knack for finding lost sheep and collects wool scraps from wire fences and vegetables from abandoned fields
21 Arnold Scrap-King, ride a bike, wears cool glasses, smokes cigars, sells guns and ammo found after gang battles
22 Kim Mindaburra, collects fuel left from wrecks or abandoned cars or anything parked too long she sells for food
23 Katie Flax, rides a sail powered trike across the waste she built herself looking for her family
24 Bindi Gundaburra, lives with mutant crocs she lures travellers into their billabong to feed them
25 Steve Gnasher, young cannibal collects dead from battles, barley talk and hates adults
26 Fanny Hill, wants to lead kids revolt against everyone over 12 who broke the world
27 Corky Screama, lives with mutant emus in wastes and raids farmers grain and crops
28 Fatty Chumbucket, cooks best rat stew and other waste delights, a gifted cook, dreams of owning a roadhouse
29 Elise Fourfiveone, escaped corporate clone suspicious of anyone clean or with a job
30 Pricilla Davenport, lost socialite brate with huge reward for finding when parents VIP airship crashed
31 Manny Flange, lives with feral goats and sells milk to travellers
32 Petey Liar, likes to tell big lies to get attention but sometimes he is right ut nobody believes him. Will tell at least two huge lies before a lucrative truth
33 Troy The Invincible, a unnaturally lucky mutant lots of people want to keep around but they cant catch him
34 Glory Jones, devoutly religious cult survivor likes to preach but is a good medic
35 Porky Cutler, expert at fishing knows best spots and how to avoid mutants and ghouls
36 Arkala Gibbara, lives with her mutant bull terrier Ripper, big enough for her to ride
37 Soma Tailor, sells chems and has her own drug lab after her gang was killed by cops
38 Villi Scar, ex gang tough, needs a new gang as old ones are gutless losers
39 Simon Granita, will do anything for sweets and get into all kinds of terrible adventures
40 Frankie Ray, wants to be a cyborg but is too young, wants to hang around with any borgs and has some scrap limbs they found already
41 Harriet Placebo, escaped from lab carrying a valuable antibody in blood, all she knows is corps out to cannibalise her
42 Violet Creasy,
43 Bingo McGuffin, carries a chip stole off a suit and wants someone to help sell to the corp who will kill to get it back
44 Elfin Squeeze, cave clan kid from sewers, leads rag tag gang into the deep to avoid adults
45 Bunny Nguyen, lives in ruined van with various animatronic plush toys some she has programmed to kill
46 Vance Cleaver, sells bushmeat and expert hunter, skinner and haggler
47 Prettyboy Cutler, expert with knife throwing and climbing gets into all kinds of trouble and follows interesting troublemakers
48 Flash Pyro, loves arson and likes to burn parked cars and houses, nobody wants him around
49 Johnny Heart, has become a organlegger and has a secret fridge hidden in a ruin. Likes to DNA test travellers and check market value for organs
50 Plucky Johnson, rich brat ran away from home to catch and train mutant pets, robs travellers with pets for food
51 Albert Juicepig, makes goon, grog and hooch for gangs from rotten garbage
52 Chip Raffle, runs gambling den and has hired several huge morons to be body guards
53 Albert Tanner, has evidence of cult leaders crimes and on the run, wants someone to help him destroy the cult
54 Finn the Tunnel Rat, knows secret entrance to local settlement but charges
55 Lloyd Green, knows a secret fertile area were he communes with mutant plants
56 Percy Chickenlegs, catches wild birds and sells cooked as bush chicken in various forms
57 Plucky Boner, collects roadkill and scraps for a hidden biofuel converter and sells food, carries a hatchet, cleaver and butchers tools and filthy sacks
58 Clag Pasteface, mutant child with hideous face wants cosmetic surgery and dreams of schemes like heists to afford or to blackmail or hack a automed station
59 Sally Crumb, hears alien voices that guide her uncannily and when near people see all kinds of strange lights since she disappeared and returned
60 Alfie Stabber, lil gang punk threatens everybody and harasses women even though only years old
61 Yoruba Abdalla, escaped African war by boat thinks the Oz wasteland is easy living, wears necklace of severed hands and carries machete, assumes cops would kill or recruit him
62 Squealer McGreggor, sells info to the cops and hated by gangs but secretly they all use him for info on rivals and nobody touches him
63 Pauli Scrag, loves explosives and has been miking own gelignite and molitovs and pipe bombs he can use to blow up cars
64 Miranda Fontaine, used by a corp hitman for years before he was killed, she has money, high tech guns and some cyborg implants and is looking for a new father figure as the last few she had too kill
65 Keeble Biafra, raised by underground freedom fighters and now revolutionary propaganda graffiti but dreams of hijacking a radio station to get word out
66 Oscar MacKosh, likes to club loners and rob them and has it down to a fine art, always has escape route and huge bag of weed
67 Gloria Fang, carries a machete and has a pet feral cat as big as a pitbull, her humpy is decorated with rotting severed heads
68 Corinda Haffenfatner, carries a shotgun and wears a tophat and loves magic tricks
69 Zanr Gregor, a gothic mutant people shoot at thinking he is a zombie, he is a talented all round artist and poet and his lair has amazing decor
70 Ludvig Crane, a child with rare vampire strain of necrovirus but only in early stages. Phobic of sunlight and starting to drink blood, strong for age
71 Abe Skull Kicker, has invented a new wasteland sport all the kids in area playing and network tv interested in buying him
72 Ola Pavlova, makes amazing clothes from trash and the mutants in the local dump are extraordinarily stylish
73 Pan Fiddler, plays lots of instruments and even charms wild animals so he can shoot and eat them
74 Corey Mirrorshades, is the coolest kid ever on his bike with leather jacket and snappy one liners. He expects to rule the wastes one day but for now he will follow any cool adults to learn
75 Smeghead, hideous kid eats garbage, rats and stray dogs. Barley speaks but knows location of a underground airforce base but nobody listens
76 Laura Gumby, good natured kindly child saved several people from burning wrecks so locals feed her and look out for her
77 Binny Matabunga
78 Donny Turtlestien, wants to be a mutant ninja tortoise and lives in sewer with home made weapons and armour but he might follow a new hero if meets one
79 Billy Blag, plays the guitar and sings revolutionary folk songs urging commoners to rise up and burn civilization down
80 Wolfy Jones, expert tracker, hunter and hooligan for hire, terrified of school and baths, wears dog furs
81 Stinky Pukefinger, brews foul concoctions that keep mutants and gangs away from his treasure trash heap
82 Sarah Manly, actually has memories of elderly billionaire in a failed immortality scheme but family dumped in the desert and scammed all the money. Needs dupes to help get money back and pretends to be nice and helpless
83 Cara Klanley, bosses around a hopless mutant clan who would starve without her guidance but she is getting sick of them, good planner and problem solver
84 Barron Gordon, rich brat dumped in wastes in failed kidnapping and awaiting rescue that will never come because family killed in corporate wars
85 Silky Catspaw, expert thief trained by a gang but has run away to wastes to start her own gang or find own opportunities
86 Bullfrog Barnes, a mutant warty kid who ex cells at swimming and diving and has found a airforce bomber in a salt lake bed he hopes to loot one day with help
87 Patsy Blaze, pyrokinetic escaped from corp psionics lab and on the run
88 Pandora Corman, has an entity from ovrspace inhabiting her and on occasion it leaves her body to massacre dozens of people. She seems nice and harmless and clean and doesn't remember her protector
89 Ripper McGaw, has a high tech hand chainsaw and like to chop stuff up for fun including anyone who crosses him
90 Clarrissa Peeble, a witches daughter who has been developing her own powers and has been been contacting her matriarchal spirits for training. She wants a protector and is subtle with her powers to avoid her mothers fate at the hands of an angry mob
91 Earnie Kurana, had his tribe killed but has started working as a guide and tracker and can look after himself. He is suspicious of white folk but likes to charge them money
92 Rex Cars, as a feral kid explored closed dinosaur parks and has several hand raised dinosaurs hidden in a secret wilderness location
93 Adolf Gruber, was raised by Nazis in a vault and was sole survivor from a mould outbreak. Ignorant of normal social codes but has many useful skills and is willing to adapt to reality outside and change for better or worse depending on influences
94 Jenny Keneally, wants to be a deathracer and is eager to join up with any she meets to learn the trade. She has made her own racing jumpsuit.
95 Clive VanDorf, escapee from Rhodesia before the Zone Wars, and has been relaxing in the wastelands. Having been looked after by hippy commune he has become kinder to others and over his racist and violent past. Tries to help the weak and is huge for age
96 Percy Grimly. a hacker and child serial killer from the city fleeing an investigation. Having faked his death he pretends badly to be a wasteland survivor but wants some adults to protect him and provide access to high tech. He has an advanced military grade combat cyberdeck
97 Melanie Plover, a gifted athlete who escaped her mobster parents. Stranded in the outback she wants a new identity and revenge. She stands out with her language and speech and outback scum are circling her like predictors
98 Anton Tucker, raised by satanists tries to find victims he can lure to occult sites and haunted houses. Utterly evil and despicable but can be charming. Tries to summon demons and collect evil books
99 Sophia Marks, psionic healer who was attracted all kinds of unwanted attention from gangs and black ops from corp psi labs. She has been on the run and needs a break
100 Devlin Morris, half demon and plans to hasten the apocalypse which is going much too slow. Suspiciously cool and talented but will assume demon form when sick of adults and craves murder
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Cool of Cthulhu: International Order of Esoteric Gentlemen
So after six months of this game and for one player 4 deaths, the oldest characters have semi retired while new recruits take the field. Some exposure to lesser books and some museum evidence then some shotgun lessons and recruits are ready to go. Two new players on team a catholic priest from a poor background and ex convince pus a alienist to replace the party semi retiring one whos player now has a boxer employed by Enzo to watch his Mamma. She is back from her rest but already regretting it after seeing monsters.
Arrive Hollywood and saw Fatty Arbuckle!
Recruit crazed actor to join them
Party in Devils Canyon
Exploring abandoned movie set
Nonna killed a celebrity gossip columnist (Why you gotta kill people Mamma?!)
Almost killed crazed movie star in ruined cliff pueblo
Stalked by invisible things on ruined film set
Broke two lenses that allowed you to see them
Car tyres slashed
To be continued....
This is what the international International Order of Esoteric Gentlemen have so far....
Made lists for players to use resources better and to hothouse new characters and use allies better. Six months is a lot of mayhem in cthulhu to keep track of. I should list spells in each book. Note I found various versions of books from various editions of the game and some vary from book to book.
Neophyte Field Agents
Veteran Field AgentsAdmin, coordinate organisation, agents and the board
Researchers, mind library and collection
Procurement, obtain goods, money and materials
Assassination, terminate cultists
Demolitions, destroy locations
-Serpent Man Head In Jar (0/1 SAN)
-Snakeman Skeleton 2000 years old (0/1 SAN)
-Brood of Eihort in a jar (0/1 SAN)
-Slime from a burrower beneath or cthonian in jar
-Shoggoth plasm and eye in jar (0/1 SAN)
-13 sets of cult robes
-Photo of rat thing (0/1 SAN)
-Photo of Shoggoth (0/1 SAN)
-Photo of Eihort (0/1 SAN)
-Photo of Burrower Beneath (0/1 SAN)
-Photos of rat thing and serpent man bones next to human for comparison
-Magical Brass Head that can talk, possibly dishonest and untrustworthy
-Strange Cube with chilling effect from deep one cave in safe in basement
-Serpent Man Death rays 2 with 2 shots one with 6 shots
-Gold Disk of Relyeh
-Enchanted Broadsword d8+2
-Elder Sign
-Thompson Submachine gun two drums two stick mags violin case
-30 sticks of dynamite and fuses and plunger
-.45 Colt Pistol x4
-2000 rounds .45 ammo
-12 Gauge double barreled shotguns
-200 shells
-AK47 x4 8magazines +1000 rounds ammo
-Cultist daggers d6 x3
-Trench Knife d4+2 x4 with knuckle duster
Store Room
-Tents and camping gear
-Wet weather and winter and tropical clothes
-Cameras and dark room in a trunk
-Surgeons bag
-First aid kits
-Dozen Torches 50 batteries
-Helmets with lamps
-Climbing gear
Standard Library
Knights of the Silver Gate Manual of Silver Twilight KOTSG (+3% -d4 x1)
The Zanthu Tablets (+3% d6 x2)
Revelations of Glaaki Vol IV Eihort and his Brood (+3% -d6 x3)
People of the Monolith (+3% d3 x1)
Prodigies in the New England Canaan (+4% d6 x0)
Cultist Notes on sea creatures from Brockford House (1% -1) and (+d3% d8 x1)
Secret Collection
Revelations of Glaaki Vol XI - Ygolnac (+3% -d6 x3)
Knights of the Outer Void Manual of Silver Twilight KOTOV (+5% -d6 x2)
True Magic (+6% d8 x3)
Cthulhu in the Necronomicon (+6% -d6 x3)
Liber Tenebrea The Book of Darkness in German (+8% d8 x3)
Nameless Cults (+9% 2d8 x3)
Cult of the Ghoul (+10% d10 x3)
The Necronomicon in Greek (+17% 2d10 x3)
Sons of Yog Sothoth Manual of Silver Twilight KOSG one copy (unread)
Photo of Resurrection spell (x3 no recipe to create essential salts)
Making Gate Boxes by Carl Stanford (x5)
Spells Who and What
-Black binding
-Call/Dismiss Nyagthoa
-Call/Dismiss ShubNiggurath
-Call/Dismiss Azathoth
-Voorish Sign
-Contact Cthulhu
-Contact Deep One
-Space Mead
-Call/Dismiss Star Vampire
-Call/Dismiss Byakee
-Call/Dismiss Servitor of the Outer Gods
-Contact Ygolnac
-Contact Eihort
-Balk Brood
-Exile Eihort
-Enchant Gate Box
-Contact Ghoul
-Enchant Brazier
-Conjure Glass of Mortlan
Creatures Encountered
-Rat Thing d4 SAN horrible huge rat like things once human
-Ghoul d6 SAN horrible corpse eaters live in sewers
-Byakee d6 SAN space demoms can carry wizards to stars-Serpent men d6 SAN advanced wizard snake creatures
-Cthonian d20 SAN huge burrowing squid horrors with telepathy hard to hurt
-Shoggoth d20 SAN huge tentacled gibbering horror hard to hurt
Hypothetical Creatures
-Deep One fish men
-Space Vampire invisible horrors possible to summon but nobody has
-Servitor of the Outer Gods possible to summon but nobody has
Gods Encountered
The Warren 1920
Silver Twilight Lodge 1920 1922
Look To the Future 1920
The Pale Gad 1921
Mauretainia 1921
The Coven at Canich 1921 1922
Mystery of Loch Feinn 1921
The Auction 1922
Devils Canyon 1922
Brockford House 1933
Other Shonkiness
-Using Eihorts maze to gate booze and guns across world
-Byakee used to bomb cultist lairs
-Been buying cult items at auctions
-Secret collection and museum and lab are behind a door with a elder sign they stole from the Silver Twilight summoning room Before setting fire to the whole lodge
-Using Frigid cosmic cube in cellar safe as freezer for meat in basement
-White Russian Mob contacts, know two counts
-Boston Italian Mob contacts-Austrian Occult Auction House
-History Professor Alvin Morley Paterson from Harvard (Mythos 39%)
-History Proffessor Felix Fuda from Miscatonic University (Mythos 52%) paranoid
-Hargrove Thorpe Felix's student (Mythos 52%) scholarly
-Richard Block Felix's student (Mythos 5%) athletic and large
-Dr Edward Call rescued from cult and very rich and grateful and vindictive
-Wentworth household butler (Mytgos 5%)
-Zebedee Silver Occultist and Hypnotist ally (Mythos 26%)
-Nelson "Happy" Caprossi with Boston Italian mob, provider of guns
New Recruits "Pawns"
-Dr Sergei Oszustwo - Parapsychologist (5%)
-Butch Codidy - Fighter for boxing events and occasional crime
-Father Eliot Miller - Priest to poor Boston suburb (3%)
-Frank Worchester - rich doctor amateur opera recording artist idle rich (3%)
-Professor Alexander Botlerov, Chemist
-Wayne Ditcher - mechanic
Agents "Knights"
-Enzo Albero - Gangster (9%)
-John OShea - Hobo (7%)
Senior Board "Crowns"
-Angella Albero - Gangsters Mom (9%)
-Doctor Bertie McMillan (9%)
-Joseph Freeman - Brush Salesman (6%)
These names i need to update as i didnt have access to some documents
I will update this page posibly
Friday, 23 March 2018
d100 Saucy Slums for 1920's + Cthulhu game so far...
Skip to table if your a 1920s gamer and ignore this silly cthulhu stuff
I"m running shadows of yog sothoth - the first COC campaign running 2nd ed play tempting them with other crossovers and scenarios - about 8th or 9th game with one original character left only just getting spells that you might actually bother with not out of necessity - not that great one has 35% mythos most of rest have 12 or less). They utterly failed first 3&1/2 adventures from cowardice and just fleeing. Only now stalking cultists.
temporarily psychic character travelling through scotland had dreams passing three towns. Now in Scotland area again may well massacre a few extra towns. Having crossovers with Ship adventure from Asylum and possible links to the brotherhood of the beast - all stuff in first few products. So lots of tempting tangents and characters getting own hints and leads. One guy from Kingsport getting confirmations of research in his vivid dreams of being a sword wielding fantasy hero.
The anti cult cult is totally not a cult
Last Game
Party gate back from scotland
Recruited new party members
-veteran investigator playboy turned wizard
-brush salesman training in catburglary
-parapsychologist dreamer from kingsport
-occult conman who doesn't believe
-gangster son of going mad mafia grandma
spend month training and reading
buy some land near dunwich to train in guns and demolitions
decide to clean up unfinished stuff
sneaked into silver twilight lodge
found too many mythos books
degenerate meat creatures in pits a bit scary
took lots of photos of evil art and spell in resurrection chamber
three players got permanent insanities after seeing things in pit
-gangster compulsively says "ladders" after seeing things in pit
-faux occultist (now a believer) into self mutilation and cutting
-brushman obsessed with numbers
stole a door with a elder sign
rescued a competent rich doctor
dropped off near dead madman at hospital
probably will all be reading and studying for a while
played scenes of pit things from "The Resurrected"
and some italian horror sound tracks
Glory hole of Cthulhu Tonight
So my cthulhu party now have over a dozen mythos books, at least six+ allies, guns from the future and serpent man death rays. Decided to return to scotland to massacre the cult they escaped a few months back. Tried to summon a byakhee which didn't work so well but they destroyed it in hail of automatic weapon fire.
Went by luxury cruise
Saved a russian count
Met 3 scholars fleeing the mythos
Had a vision of cthulhu in a ceremony
Met guy who didn't know this Cthulhu guy was real until 32% Mythos skill doh!
Saved him from suicide by Psychiatrist staying up all night with him
Which atracted cultists on the ship
Got new books
Drowned a sailor cultist
Got girlfriends
Abused cocaine and alcohol lots
Possible marriage for once brush salesman - now saner and richer since started
Danced and read cult books
Learned the Voorish sign
Arrived in london now plotting their next murder spree and bought land with boston to england gate on both sides. Plan on sending donkey through with guns and booze. Will need agents each side of the gate. On USA side farm also used for target practice and summonings. Talking about setting up a base and making a gate.
This was big fun.
d100 Saucy Slums for 1920's
01 Protesters out marching d4 1=union 2=women 3=racial 4=religious02 Marching salvation army playing music and collecting money
03 car accident on street, at least one car wrecked
04 Horse accident leaving a dead horse on street for a d4 weeks
05 Fight on the street between gangs
06 Someone fires a gun on the street everyone runs, police come d10 minutes later
07 Copper arguing with push cart peddlar
08 Newsboy spruiking wears, watching for a gang
09 Line of people waiting for a job interview
10 Hobos looking for work asking everyone they meet
11 Drunken bums arguing over bottle
12 Old men playing chess or checkers or cards on street
13 Mobsters playing cards at table while watching a door
14 Kids playing with soapbox go-carts or stickball
15 A body found in a alley, police, press and other ghouls watch
16 Man arrested and put in police vehicle shouting
17 Begging war veterans
18 Kid offers to help you find good stuff, whatever you need
19 Street Works digging up the road with machinery
20 Busy building site partly on the street
21 Politician with goons out meeting the public
22 Soup kitchen line up
23 Police horses
24 Police raid pouring booze into gutter with crowd watching
25 Kids playing with broken fire hydrant
26 Busy traffic today road choked
27 Angry motorists yelling at each other
28 Desperate mugger with knife or ice pick
29 Butcher with horse and cart
30 Bakers boy on bicycle
31 Iceman truck delivery
32 Milkman with horse and cart
33 Removal truck moving crates. 1in6 a piano
34 Delivery truck moving lumber or pane of glass
35 Battered truck delivering fruit, vegetables and cages of chickens
36 Mailman on foot
37 Beat cop on foot
38 Building being demolished
39 Prostitutes gathering on corner watched from afar by gang member
40 Children running around playing some game
41 Young hoodlums sitting on steps to apartment building
42 Man pushing trolley with produce to a diner
43 Group of cyclists stopped for a drink
44 Man making a speech on a soap box with crowd
45 Street sweepers cleaning street
46 Pro or anti drinking protest
47 Reporters hounding someone d4 1=performer 2=statesman 3=rich 4=reformer
48 Bus or trolley car
49 Police evicting family with angry crowd
50 Homeless child stealing food
51 Women chatting on doorstep
52 Crazy man muttering something while gesturing strangley
53 Muttering old woman on stoop glares at you while tying knots
54 Shambling large homeless man most skin covered in filthy rags
55 Parent beating squealing child
56 Men having a fist fight on street
57 Filthy children huddled in alley way
58 Several pushcarts selling goods on roadside
59 Women hanging laundry on upper floors
60 Old men living in shack built of garbage being moved on by police
61 Person selling their clothes on the street desperate for cash
62 Drunk pushy thugs shoving through crowd
63 Old homeless men sitting on steps
64 Preacher lecturing about sin and wickedness with supporters
65 Band playing in street for pennies
66 Taxi driver stopping for a snack
67 House fire with sirens coming
68 Mobsters threatening a shop keeper
69 Performers putting on show to promote local show
70 Man with cart of tools grinding knives
71 Old man playing acordian
72 Hod dog cart
73 Hold up in progress
74 Someone shot in the street
75 Cad harassing woman in street, she tries to just get away
76 Man with pistol holding up old couple
77 Older kids chasing a smaller kid
78 Dog running with stolen sausages
79 Billy goat from vacant lot has escaped
80 Vicious dog chasing people
81 Horse gone wild from beatings
82 Local hoodlum boss in fancy car with dames
83 Priest or nuns talking to the poor
84 Creepy old man tempting poor girls to follow him with food
85 Mobster arguing with his girlfriend in street
86 Goons collecting protection from stores, stop to give a beating
87 Angry man takes shot at a mobster who stole his gal
88 Mobster arriving at restaurant with someone from city hall
89 Journalist asking questions of witnesses in a recent murder case
90 Police detectives with photo on a manhunt going door to door
91 Woman looking for missing "boy" who is working for a gang
92 Boy with bag on delivery for a gang
93 Man talking to prostitutes a moment ago has had face just slashed with a razor
94 Mobster thinks strangers are undercover cops and follows them
95 Private eye on a case watching a building from a car or alley
96 Sleeping bum actually watching building for someone
97 Old woman smoking a pipe on steps watching everyone
98 Ambulance arriving to collect emergency patient
99 Kid signals some shifty guys police coming with hand signals
100 Suspicious foreigners muttering about the workers struggle and revolution
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