Showing posts with label Xor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Xor. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 June 2020

War Against The Dark Lord 1: Dark Lords Forces

Every few generations some new dark lord comes. Some new demon noble finds a handful of cultists and then helps them finds a relic of the past. Then next thing they are forming an army and everyone on the borderlands becomes edgy as disorganised enemies of humanity unite. Where did all these monsters get so irate all of a sudden? It is like they don't want to be annexed and they keep increasingly making more desperate pacts with demons who just want to be set free on earth. Anyway here are some tables for the warzone that I never wanted to do from my old series.....Links to old ones at the bottom.
Obviously, I'm all for Dark Ladies or Evil Obelisks or any form of evil intelligence. 
But I'm sure will do some more evil lady wars or an Amazon war.

War Against The Dark Lord 1: Dark Lords Forces
War Against The Dark Lord 2: Dark Lords Encounters & Wonders
War Against The Dark Lord 3: Dark Lords Rumours & Treasure

I could see my Southern continent of a shattered 3rd empire of knightly kingdoms in a decades-long civil war having recursive dark lords. Might even be why empire exists. Oops, exile Island and Shadelport to be fair probably would work for the dark lord strictly for cash. It is ruled by a devil-worshipping immortal masked Barron after all but might betray the dark lord for cash again. Every 3-6 generations you get a dark lord and some bit of the world gets whittled away.

d10 What Started war?
1 The events were set in motion thousands of years ago and predestined
2 Somebody awoke a great evil by accident allowing the lord to arise
3 A cult worked in secret spreading corruption and gathering evil relics
4 A great defender against evil stumbled in madness and has fallen
5 Famine among humanoids is uniting them in the thousands and the lord took power
6 Ancient oaths made to the commanders of a former great evil have been claimed
7 The evil one has escaped imprisonment due to some foolish mortals sin and vanity
8 A great ruler made a deal under duress long ago and this gives the dark lord power
9 Human adventurers raided numerous tabu holy sites outraging humanoids
10 The elves have instigated this to cull humans and other oafish uncouth races

d10 Objectives of invaders?
1 Destroy everything pretty or artful that is not functional or for war
2 Eat and enslave everything, send slaves home as cattle
3 Destroy a kingdom or civilisation and damage the world forever
4 Revenge against human mistreatment for ages and take the frontier back
5 Utter extermination of all humans not in thralldom forever to the dark lord 
6 Utter extermination of demihumans and magical beings and forests
7 Destroy walls, wells, burn forests, poison wells, ruin land supporting humans
8 Destroy civilisation especially literacy, records, libraries, monuments
9 Destroy the holy places of good religions with fire and blasphemous rites
10 Bring about the apocalypse and force a final war to bring all the gods to earth

d10 What ends war?
1 Dark lord overreaches in zealousness to beat a prophecy
Dark lord minions keep being overcome by local heroes resisting tenaciously
3 The threat of a worse invasions makes humanoids head for their dungeons for cover
4 Somebody destroys the dark lords legacy for a while and hopefully does not replace them
5 Dark lord triggers the apocalypse, gods battle of the earth for supremacy in an age of horror
6 Some band of adventurers obtained secret knowledge to destroy the lords great relic
7 Crusade! allies come from far off lands to destroy the evil one, hopefully they go home after
8 Humanity managed to gain other great hidden allies in an important battle 
9 Heroes uncovered an artefact to destroy the dark lord but it was so terrible destruction
10 The dark lord on the edge of victory starts their true plan turning everyone against them

d10 Factions of the Dark Lord (every good dark lord has a d3 sub-bosses)
1 Goblinoids, mad at humans for losing territory, exploitation and slavery
2 Orcs enraged by humanity who they see as rivals to rule this age at any cost
3 Necromancers have provided undead troops since humans first learned black magic
4 Black wizards schooled in the low tuition fee diabolic school serve for knowledge & power
5 Beast folk army, type created by the dark lord elder magic & secret breeding programs
6 Beast folk horde, wild tribal beastfolk tribe willingly serve for a chance to kill humans
7 Ogres unusually have united to eat and destroy humanity who they hate so much
8 Hill giants have come from the mountains to eat humans and the dark lords lies
9 Chaos horde, mutated warband of maniacs serving priesthood of chaos and demons 
10 Dark elves are sworn to a former darklord reluctantly are made to fight this useless war

d10 Factions Against The Dark Lord
1 A local flawed ruler who earnestly does not want people to all be eaten by orcs
2 Mad lord sure can make a deal with the dark lord or they can reason with them
3 Cowards hoping to pay off or negociate peace or even talk terms of surrender
4 Crusader order formed uniting various churches and kingdoms richest fanatics
5 Crafty old ruler believes just delaying the dark lord will cause him to crumble again
6 Knowing the history of the former dark lord in the region a local ruler ready to swear to evil
7 A peasant army run by bandits living like wild men and fighting the carrying the evil army
8 Local ruler believes can easily defeat the dark lord and is destined to be a legendary hero
9 King wants to unite all lands and is targeted by the dark lord with corruption
10 An idealistic young ruler wants allegiance with demihumans against the dark lord. Trouble is the dwarves think humans are technology thieving bastards who eye off dwarf treasure (true) and the elves think humans are vermin gnawing away at the wilderness. Possibly wilderness protection might help get elves and guilds acknowledging dwarf as owning certain patents

d10 Quests of the war
1 Find the dark lords secret weakness, what is the great relic he requires for power
2 Make allies from one of the hidden peoples of the world like demihumans
3 Make allies from dragons or some other enemy of the dark lord (though a few did)
4 Who was the dark lord? where did they come from? Do they have any family?
5 Disrupt a meeting of the dark lord's minions so they fight each other
6 Destroy something essential to a faction so it drops out of the war to recover
7 Expose the dark lord's real plans and convince some minions they are on wrong side 
8 Slay a great hero of the dark lord reducing stability and morale of the dark forces
10 Save a temple from attack that might hold secret to the dark lords power source

d10 What does the dark lord do to prisoners
1 Butcher for monster food
2 Sent into secret labour camps  
3 Sent back to the homeland to be slave thralls
4 Sent back to the homeland as cattle to be eaten
5 Sent to evil priests to sacrifice to please evil gods and demons
6 Offer them freedom if they sell souls to powers of hell
7 Have them killed and turned into undead
8 Have them killed and reborn as savage fanatic orcs
9 Have them made into eunuchs and sold as slaves
10 Bewitch them into mutants or some kind of abhuman

d10 Which former dark lord is this one in debt to
1 Served Tiamat in the dragon war versus the gods before the creation
2 Joined Jotun, giants, Titans and trolls versus gods in the dawn of time
3 Ally of the gods of darkness who struck down the sun thus spawning the age of night
4 A succession of squabbling dark lords fighting other dark lords in the age of monster kings
5 Early in the time of humans, necromancers revived a new dark lord from a servant of the old
6 Dark lord tried to work with evil elementals which proved a terrible way to make unity against the first empire and lost, now called the elemental heresy 
7 A dark lord found corrupted dragon eggs hidden from the dawning age and used them against the second empire even convincing other draconic and reptilians to join
8 The dark lord who waged war on the far western secret emperor and the orcs returned drug addicts and in debt bankrupting, the dark lord who was killed and eaten by own minions for drug money
9 The dark lord who evoked the elder powers of the outer void allowing things from beyond into the universe until a god sent a hero to slay them. Others copying this lord are likely satisfied with awakening powers from the void already lurking in this world but hidden imprisoned or sleeping
10 The dark lord who used a great relic engine of destruction that heroes turned on the dark lord to drain his life. The right use of the relic might revive some of the old master's life force

d10 Strange Schemes of the Dark Lord
1 Prisoners are taken into the gates of an ancient fallen mountain fortress and never seen again some say fed to some monstrous beast or soul-eating engine
2 Crack necromancers teams and dark elves are sneaking into settlements awakening the dead in local graveyards as part of a campaign of terror 
3 Several villages have broken out in the taint of the evil one making more mutants
4 A species of monster unseen for an age returns amazing many
5 Strange foreign troops arrived having reached from the ends of the earth with strange customs, equipment, language and dedication to the dark lord
6 The dark lord has made a deal with seven demon nobles for supernatural support
7 The dark lord has become tight with hell and is recruiting an army of hell on earth
8 A long-dormant god or primordial monster has a fragment of life remaining and the dark lord plans to revive this god who will, of course, reward them because sometimes elder evil gods do that....
9 Certain key relics and holy places keep the nightmare worlds, the negeverse and overspace separate from our world. The dark lord wants to free all from the veil of illusionary sanity so we can all see the maddening void by smashing these places
10 The dark lord has recruited a force from the Underland nobody saw coming and doesn't give a crap about and surface factions really. Because he has vast rivers of albino hunchbacked goblins able to pour from cracks in the earth like cockroaches

Dark Lord Forces
The dark lord is a unifying force preying on the monsters who mostly lose at history because of their desire to have a dark lord save them from responsibility.

Humans & Orcs
Humans and orcs bread to monstrous proportions into abhumans have stood solid in dark lord armies for thousands of years until they became the majority and revolted. Common orcs freshly made or angry enough or hungry will join yet another dark crusade for a dark lord but they might also feel betrayed by esoteric plans that risk their chance at orc dominance. Human armies of bandits and pirates might join the dark lord especially at sea where his reach is weakest. Kingdoms might join the dark lord in some pact but service does not guarantee a dark lords appreciation.

Goblinoids & Dark Elves & Dwarves & Changelings
Some goblins are still thralls of elves especially dark elves who happily send goblins to die for them or fight first.  Of course, some people can't tell bright from dark elves sometimes. But everyone knows goblins. Those that are not serving elves might still provide them with a buffer zone and be manipulated by elves. Other goblins are bitterly rebellious and over elves forever. Faerie stuff feel free to amp up cruelty - several tables of nasty pranks out there. Some dwarves joined the dark lord who promised them gold and revenge on humans who had stolen iron and gun powder and so many dwarven secrets. Some bad dwarves served evil monsters and wizards in the past but mostly they hide in secret places. Some changelings of evil planar bloodlines have serves the fark lord as agents and heroes.

1 Goblin Forces
Goblin 2 Encounters Wonders
Goblin 3 Rumours Treasure
Faerie 1 Faerie Forces
Faerie 2 Encounters Wonders
Faerie 3 Rumours Treasure
Faerie Maidens
Faerie Land Encounters

Evil Wizards & Necromancers
From ancient necromancer cults or those schooled by minions of hell with the lowest tuition and wildest parties. Other wizards outcast for ethics happily joins the dark lord who encourages experimentation and crazy race theories. Necromancers command vast undead armies recycling the dead which the dark lord proves of. Wizards, of course, make and command own orc armies but they did make those Abhuman orcs and abhuman barbarians that ended up killing a dark lord once which they have to make up for. The dark lord trusts undead wizards the most only they understand the long term picture.

Wizard Wars 1 Causes and forces
Wizard Wars 2 Encounters and links
Wizard Wars 3 Rumours and treasure
Necromancer 1 Causes and forces
Necromancer 2 Encounters and links
Necromancer 3 Rumours and treasure

These make up the bulk of mutants corrupted and tainted recently or perhaps crawled from foul places in the earth from pacts made long ago seeking to smash the perfect pretty face of the world and make it broken for mutants and chaos.
Mutant Wars 1 Causes and forces
Mutant Wars 2 Encounters and links
Mutant Wars 3 Rumours and treasure
Necromancer 1 Causes and forces
Necromancer 2 Encounters and links
Necromancer 3 Rumours and treasure

Many served the dark lords of the past to failure but some especially the most degenerate mutant formari or the moronic hill giants tempted by food and beer and blood.
Giant 1 Causes and forces
Giant 2 Encounters and links
Giant 3 Rumours and treasure

Monster King Mercenaries
Any strange troops from the age of monster kings could be an exotic troop type and making elves all gasp since they last saw such ugly things. Some of these were paid aeons ago by former dark lords with more money.

1 Goblinoids, mad at humans for losing territory, exploitation and slavery
2 Orcs enraged by humanity who they see as rivals to rule this age at any cost
3 Necromancers have provided undead troops since humans first learned black magic
4 Black wizards schooled in the low tuition fee diabolic school serve for knowledge & power
5 Beast folk army, type created by the dark lord elder magic & secret breeding programs
6 Beast folk horde, wild tribal beastfolk tribe willingly serve for a chance to kill humans
7 Ogres unusually have united to eat and destroy humanity who they hate so much
8 Hill giants have come from the mountains to eat humans and the dark lords lies
9 Chaos horde, mutated warband of maniacs serving priesthood of chaos and demons 
10 Dark elves are sworn to a former darklord reluctantly are made to fight this useless war

United Against The Dark Lord Forces
Many orc abhuman tribes will join humanity as they are sick of dark lord suckering everyone into stupid wars and betraying everyone with an evil wizard and god stuff. They expect land deals and possibly paid military work to stick around.

Human Forces 
The official military of the land are foremost in defence but in overrun areas peasants revolt and make bandit armies against the dark lord. People wonder if they will return to peasantdom after the war. Possibly inquisitors and other maniacs might be needed to hunt agents of the dark lord within civilisation est hiss influence spread. Secret police would be after the agents of evil too. 
Peasant Revolt 
1 Forces and Encounters
Peasant Revolt 2 Gossip

Good Wizards
Good wizards know the dark lord comes for them to be his thralls and don't like it

Human knights form other lands unite under one banner of many faiths against evil

Dwarves grumble about humans and elves but they doo like fighting the dark lord and some dwarves might even have served him.

Some elves feel bad about potent old magic still trashing the world and they know the dark lord wants them dead or slaves or monsters or corrupted so they are pleased to fight him. Dark elves complicate matters and elves avoid direct fights preferring to fight through goblin proxies and pawns

Halflings & Gnomes
Normally these guys don't make history but they sure dislike dark lords and get dirty work done smuggling evil relics, shanking villains, resisting evil curses and murdering the odd wizard can help. Good and evil gnomes dislike the dark lord thinkin' he is a trainwreck of stupidity and waste. Good gnomes will help in secret evil ones will wait it out and maybe shank some dying soldiers for coins and wine
Abhumans & Changelings
Lots of beast folk hate the dark lord as do barbarians and the spirit peoples who mostly hide among humanity dislike the dark lord.

Possible Future Wars (Which Next?)
1 Lizard Wars! aztech dino folk, serpentfolk for wizards, etc 
2 Witch Wars! which hunt mania! it's like the more you repress people the more rebel
3 Amazon Wars! several great amazon powers wage war in the world against the world of men --and they have surprising allies such as barbarian tribes and elven and orc amazons
4 Barbarian invasion with temples getting trashed and wizards burned
5 Crusade! knights and templar orders and religious maniacs declare holy war on you
-ready to burn the shit out of stuff and kill thousands in name of holiness!
6 Foreign Power - not especially strange just a "civilised" business-like invasion or civil war
7 Modern era annexes your fantasy world with 10000 military advisors and mining partners
8 Elemental Wars - wizards and cults wrecking the place, squabbling, summoning monsters 
9 Dwarf War - it had to happen with artillery, clockwork mines, juggernauts, golems, bombs, guns, gas, all the stuff dwarves have kept hidden in alchemy and mechanics labs
10 Return of the Trolls - not those big dumb chaos cancer brutes, the weird mystical races of trolls castes that you don't hear much about since a big war long ago
11 Druid wars - enough of your shit, druids have had enough, time for a new covenant in blood with nature, cull the herd of humans and help nature fight back, lots of beast folk
12 Xor War - Xor has come to eat your world do not resist join us in eternity with the god flesh
13 Halfling Wars - they stole our children with sweets and cakes, made us
 fat with cheap greasy sausage and white bread, made us addicts to their pipeweed and ergonomic kitchen design, enough and no more! purge the under five foot tall!*

Secretly halflings dirty burrows are actually cosy and like lovely cottages much nicer than even shopkeepers houses full of food and nice things. Who would have thought they were holding out like that. Bastards.

*excluding elderly people or children. Any child can be detained and questioned in case they are in fact halfling terrorists

Monday, 16 September 2019

Invaders of Xor

Xor is a living world of meat, plunder and wonder
A ever living mystery and world eater
People live on and in Xor like parasites
Bad things come from other worlds
Things not good to eat that must die
Strangers who do not accept the will of Xor!

All kinds of otherworlds invade Xor for a meal which has the danger Xor might flood that dimension. Xor only wants to peacefully eat universes and barley is aware of intruders parasitism. But look out when Xor does notice your dimension and is hungry. Some otherworlders are stranded here and join a community or start one. Parts of otherworlds might be found inside of Xor taking thousands of years to be assimilated. Xor might even be used as a nexus between worlds but a dangerous one. Bringing goods through the gates and leaving on both sides makes the worlds interconnected. Creatures of law may not be approving of Xor and consider it close to chaos or raw material for chaos to usurp. Invaders of Law act poorly and are often disliked by xorians unless they actually fight need someone to fight chaos.

One of  these in a region will stand out and provide threats aplenty. Why not start between two of these or one at each compass point. Intruders usually have a way home but that might be be at a certain place or require a relic. Intruder gateways are for outright alien plunderers or explorers. Strange remnants are a place where unnatural to the nature of Xor creatures come from, a remnant of the past or otherworldly infection.

d12 Intruder gateways into Xor

1 Primal Law - entities such as Archons come to hunt and destroy chaos and imperfection
2 Singularity - bastion of Law where crusaders wage war against chaos and disorder
3 Deadworld - land smothered by darkness and necromancy and the hungry dead
4 Dungeonworld - a infinite self aware dungeon complex linked to the hells
5 Garbageworld - covered in garbage from other planes, locals seek to escape
6 Planet Psychon - mutants, androids, robots stumble on gateways
7 Europe 1640 - England and Spain search for new worlds while secret wizards planeshift*
8 Ancient Exilon - bronze age ancient city states send adventurers to visit Xor
9 Shadelport - city of pirates and wizards and elder ruins, many gates remain from long ago when the Monster Kings ruled and used to raid and plunder Xor
 Underland - various races of the deep raid Xor for food and some worship it
11 Demonic chaos - seeks to corrupt Xor into becoming a home for demon kind

12 Primal chaos - swarms of gelatinous tentacled alien horrors

*Other times are possible like modern special forces or monster investigators

d12 Strange remnants within Xor

1  Mile wide clod of earth with some intact ruined settlement survivors from some other world, semi buried intact ruins are their current lain and they are just exploring xor
2 Mass of ship hulks and a sargassum of weed fused into a mass inhabited by sailors from many worlds and a few feisty sea monsters surviving. Sailors are damned and don't try to escape
3 Collosal mass of fungus caverns inhabited by fungus and faerie folk, including by goblinoids, pixies, elves, gnomes, mushroom people, giant bugs and more 
4 Dead area where a necromancer lives and has learned to make undead from the dead flesh of Xor. If not stopped many such places grow. Some are quiet and hidden for aeons
5 A large section of a underland city was snatched and relocated inside Xor and inhabitants have done well and trade with the locals. Many strange races are among survivors
6 Macroscopic life has infested the area attacking and feasting on Xor and spreading it's own single celled life forms colonies, some are individually baseball or beachball sized often linked in chains. Dangerous slimes, jellies, flagellum and strange life thrives
7 Bone castle once a living place housing a population now a desolate dead hollow, full of all kinds of unwholesome creatures and cults in the skeleton of a living citadel
8 Infected sickly swamp of putrid sweat, infections and ulcers form a unique environment, disgusting but welcoming to bugs and the goblins who hunt them. Demons and undead here prevent the land being healed 
9 Crystalline life form ecology is absorbing life and fluid, growing and expanding into complex alien intelligences. Psionic beings have been attracted or empowered and come here
10 Dragonspawn Pits of Tiamat, mother of dragons has opened a gate here where thousands of baby dragons are fattening up on Xor for the next dragon apocalypse on some dimension. Tiamat only pops in occasionally 1in6. Xor does not mind dragons as they excrete his spoor on distant dimensions aiding it
11 Chaos warp point where creatures become mutated and prepare to  kidnap and devour nearby peoples. 

12 Chaos infection where a demon throne of a abyssal lord festers with it's horde. With intent to conquer the local area, warbands rair the surroundings often meeting Templars of Xor or Crusaders of Xor or many other local forces waging eternal war

Terrible new theory:

Humans came from Xor first
Then spread to other worlds

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Relics of the Meat God

More Gore to Explore!
As my last post was "too horrible to read" here is more.

Scabs of Xor

Found in a drawstring skin bag, 3d4 pieces of sacred scabs of Xor. Each can heal 1 HP if applied to a bleeding wound or provide food for a day. Stay usable as long as kept dry.

Red Honey of Xor

Made by meat bees that gather blood and skin flakes or even corpses to make delicious red honey.  A pound of honey can heal 3d4 HP or cure disease.

Harp of Zerlag the Brown

Harp is made from a skull, spine and sinew. If played by a bard three times a day all in 30 foot mast save or suffer explosive diarrhoea. Mostly this is humiliating and causes a morale check. Once a week the bard harpist may play to a heap of excrement and form a 4 foot tall homonculi like creature d8HD AC as leather Att can use club or dagger. The creature is loyal and loves it's creator like a parent and if shunned becomes vindictive. It is stupid but will happily open doors, activate traps and search ahead. It cannot talk but will gesture and has easily comprehended emotions. It leaves smelly footprints and follows the creator until it is dead or mistreated too much.

Bone Bow

A heavy composite bow of living sinew and bone grows a arrow per day. It can grow up to 12 at a time but they can be removed and kept to encourage more to grow. It has own muscles to amplify the flexing and does d10 damage with own arrows or d8 with other arrows. The bow enjoys being bathed in blood once a week or it dies. Blood elves of Xor love their bows and write poems to them and debate care routines. Some manuals teach how to double arrow growth rate with daily feedings of blood.

Vampire Spear

A +2 to hit bone spear. On a natural 20 the spear awakens and a evil face on the head bites hold of the victim struck and on following round inflicts a d4 a round until the victim or someone can remove it with a STR save. Often while the spear is stuck the user will hold on and use unarmed or shield attacks. When target is dead the spear releases the bite and returns to sleep.

Crimson Lens

A ruby monacle gives wearer infravision in one eye and can see where blood has been spilled during last week within 30 feet. Actually it is a drop of divine blood in stasis.

Spitter CritterCreatures bread to emit chemicals or projectiles for use as a weapon. Creatures become dormant if not fed blood for a week and die in a month if starved. If fed daily replenish a d3 shots. Weigh about 2lb for hand version, longer more powerful models weigh 6lb. Stats for hand/long weapon variants below. Ranges on 10s of feet indoors or yards outdoors.

Web - sticky strands of protein STR save or held d4 turns
Damage - Range 3/5 Ammo 1/4
Acid - glob of corrosive slime
Damage 2d4/2d4 Range 3/5 Ammo 1/4 +1pt extra dam d4/2d4 rounds
Flame - mixes 2 chemicals which then ignite in air
Damage 2d4/2d6 Range 1/4 Ammo 1/4 +1pt extra dam d4/2d4 rounds 30 degree cone
Sleep - shards of crystallised tranquilliser
Damage - Range 3/10 Ammo 10 CON save or sleep for at least a turn 

Venom - shards of crystallised poison
Damage - Range 3/10 Ammo 10 CON save to resist poison or +2d4/2d6
rare versions have lethal venom

Teeth - burst of tiny fragments of metallic teeth
Damage d6/2d6 Range 3/10 Ammo 6/10 
Slime - spits lethal green slime
Damage - Range 1/4 Ammo 1/4 1HD/2HD green slime
Shocker - shoots a tiny electric eel like creature
Damage d6/2d6 Range 3/10 Ammo 4/8 CON save or stun d4 rounds 
Explosive - sires a bug that explodes on impact
Damage 2d4/3d4 Range 3/10 Ammo 4/8, damages materials fail save 
Stench - stinking cloud gas in a gelatinous blob
Damage - Range 1/3 Ammo 1/4 Cloud Area 1/2 
as stinking cloud, hand version lasts round, long version cloud lasts d4 rounds
shards of crystallised narcotic
Damage - Range 3/10 Ammo 6/12 INT save to resist, confusion d4/2d4 rounds
Confusion d4 1=attack nearest person 2=stare drooling 3=laugh crazily 4=flee
Pacifier shards of crystallised narcotic
Damage - Range 3/10 Ammo 
6/12 WIS save to resist or passive and friendly
Stronger versions act as a charm spell for a d4/d12 hours

Resembles a sawfish held by body, slash with the spiked beak that vibrates when exited by battle for 2d4 damage as a sword, also good for hedge trimming, hair cuts and in the kitchen. Smaller knife like ones do d3+1. Requires feeding it blood if not used to kill weekly. Some are +1 or +2 but non magical for hitting certain creatures. This + is more from the STR of the creature making it's vibrations stronger.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Relics of Magical Meat Mages

Magic Items from Xor
Xor, where magic items might work but are too disgusting to use

Intestinal Cord
Comes in a squelchy 4lb bag of cured skin. Contains a streatchy cord of moist intestines that can be used for climbing ropes, hangings, restraints and other uses. It can also be used as a tube to siphoning liquids. The cord can stretch up to 100 yards. Can be cut which reduces the total length.

Sack of Guts

Comes in a squelchy pulsating alive 2lb cured skin bag. If you devour the horrible fresh gore inside you gain a d4 HP. Only one such bag will benefit user. If a second bag is eaten the consumer devolves into a hideous protoplasmic shoggoth.

Silent Feet

Skin removed from human feet and worn as shoes are silent but look and feel disgusting. Insides remain slimy.

Wizard Skin Suit

A tattooed skin of a wizard if worn ads +2 to ave vs magic and looks nightmarish with hair and fingernails intact.

Magic Parasite
Comes in a eggsac and creature inside is easily swallowed. Once it lives inside you for a HP a day gives +2 save vs disease and poison. When you die creature exits the deceased orifices an hour later, after a year in use 3d6 creatures exit.

Wish Bone of Xor
Two users pull on the foot long bone, each makes a STR test with the winner able to ask Xor for a simple wish. Xor is pretty dim and barley comprehends the parasites that walk on or in it or their desires. A wish for food might result in a flood or rain or gobbets of raw meat. Xor prefers solving problems with meat if possible. If used on another plane Xor will help but also use as a gate to invade that world or at least asses how tasty the world is. 

Codpiece of Xor

This dried footlong intimidating decorative tribal codpiece with a strap if worn will fuse onto the wearer as a living functional penis. When user dies it returns to its original form. Some are handed down for generations.

Flesh Mask

These are stretchable dried skins of faces created by magic. When worn you resemble the depicted species or race and can pass among members as long as you don't talk or let them smell you. Come in human, demihuman, humanoid and beastfolk types. If you wear for more than 12 hours the effect is permanent. Most creatures find a infiltrator using a skinned face disgusting and will kill you if they find out. 

Chaos Parasite

A chaos demon parasite that comes in a large egg. If anyone gets close enough to breath on it a slimy tendril shoots from the egg into their mouth or nose and into their stomach. A DEX save will prevent this. Once inside the parasite joins with the host giving them a mutation. Most are petty cosmetic ones rarer major mutations are most desired and hurt more when implanting them selves. Most common form gives the used a d4+1 tentacles own that have a mind of their but will attack enemies in a fight with a bonus grapple attack and help climb or reach in jars. Might touch people or things nearby against owners conscious desires.

Flesh Scarab

A beetle often in a cocoon form dormant. If placed on flesh it burrows inside to live forever. If you try more than one they fight inflicting a d4 damage to the hosts insides and one will win killing the others. The following varieties are the most common:
1 +1 on a specific attribute

2 +2 on a specific saving throw (disease, poison, magic most common)
3 Night vision
4 +1HP per day daily healing rate
5 Store a d4 cantrips or a 1st level spell
6 +1 Move

Shamans Nose

Dried shamans nose with a sinew trap. Sense disease within 30 feet including lycanthropes.

Mummified Baby 
Dried mummified prehistoric hairy baby. If fed blood will open it's eyes and ask for the name of a dead person you wish to contact. Once a month it can contact a dead person known to the user who died since the baby died. The contacted spirit will answer three simple questions. If activated more than once a month the baby instead summons a demon.

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Literacy on Xor

Crikey I opened a can of worms mentioning books on Xor.
So now i have to explain how Xorians write.

Surface of Xor in some locations has tattooed secret places with forbidden lore
Slave auctions might actually have tattooed living books for sale

Feel free to submit ideas that i will steal from you like the wind bwah haha!

d12 Book Types of Xor

1 Runes carved on bone or teeth or tusks in bundle usually in a leather bag, sometimes ink or blood is rubbed in to read easier or in rituals
2 Book of vellum sheets of creature skin or tattooed on living creature then made into book 3 Living creature covered in tattoos, when it dies it's skin will be made into a book, pigs are most common but dogs, humans, giant mole rats, cats are all good choices. Fancy ones might be lions, golems, gargantuan kaiju, salamander, manticores
4 Tablets of dried faeces sometimes fired or special diets required, often kept in skins
5 Living flesh book, open it slimy living skin pages to read, requires feeding 1in6 speak
6 Living flesh book can walk, sneak, hide, as smart as a animal  1in6 speak
7 Lore potion, made from extractions of neural fluids gives drinker memories, knowledge and skills for a d4 turns with some residual trivia, often come in a egg or skin sac
8 Memory slave is a creature or human that specialised in memorisation, some also super numerate or with other skills. Bird breeds are common message takers and spies. Some just know a single work and little else, some have a book per INT point 
9 Brain sac with nueral link connection tentacles to talk to brain in bio bubble 1in6 with eyes 1in6 with a voice box
10 Brain sac with psionic link to the animus and overmind of Xor, networked into other brains, includes eyes and is telepathic, telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, clairvoyance. Some have been cut off or broken free and often mad
11 Memory Worm, eats the brain of victim and if inserted in the nose gain memories of the last victim. The host shares memories from the worms last victims. Drugs keep worm from destroying the host over weeks. A separate fungal infection does the same thing as the drug but turns hair silver. An infested brain explodes with worms an hour after the hosts death
12 Book is a colony of tiny creatures like rats, bugs, worms or slime. Handled to "read" the creatures form text formed with bodies. You can find them wild sometimes. Some are descendants from familiars or degenerate spell books of the elder races, monster kings and necromancers