Showing posts with label ADD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ADD. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Edition Wars Poop Slinging 2

Last post of a similar title I wrote at start of several months of being bed ridden with pain. I came to regret some of what i said and saw with horror how many people read it as it climbed up my top 10. I even considered removing it. Immediately after I joined larger Sydney scene and ended up living above a game club and involved in two other clubs and am next to be in the local con as a gm.

I have made effort to try new versions of DnD to give them a chance and am finding myself wanting to play RQ and TSR Marvel again instead. I never stopped playing Call of Cthulhu and have updated grudgingly to 6th ed and have next ed quickstart book a friend got at gencon.

Plenty of guys playing first Ed warhammer fantasy roleplaying and 1st ed rogue trader in my club. Warhmmer fantasy wargame seems to not be of interest and apparently mutated away from 40k.

So I encounter strange looks from DnD fans at my choice of AdnD and older BX and Cyclopedia versions. So someone asked me what is the gist of oldschool DnD, what is the difference and is it just dungeon crawls and killing new characters off.

If it aint broke dont fix it
I grew up with 80s basic dnd and have gone back - i use adnd to fill in holes and blanks and even some second ed. I have tried to play more recent editions and while the dm is most important element over rules, playstyle now is so slow and engineered to make me buy stuff and has too many choices.

My games play 40 rooms a session, more modern games taking same time to play get about 4 - I have seen this again and again with over a dozen post adnd DMs. Old game feels like a creative frame work - adnd seems like a bunch of ideas to cherrypick for a dnd game (remember books came out years apart - white  dwarf was only source of to it tables for a long time).

As nothing happening in these post 2nd ed games I'm in after months I'm quitting them all without concern.

DMs tell me  can be anything I want "wolverine" "batman" "thor" any epic fantasy you want. I dont want this. I like being a humble beginner who works at being awesome over time. I would rather play a game that did this better with less rules like a superhero game. Id rather RQ or even Warhammer FRP as I feel I really can do anything in play without character classes and a truck load of rulebooks that dont feel play tested. I like post 70s wargamer pseudo historical fantasy not the anime/computer game/comic hero game it has become. Im not into hyper realism. Pathfinder I like look of art but not for my world or heroes - too over the top like final fantasy. I like a mix of artists and even vulnerability of heroes (more like Roman Polanski's Fearless Vampire Hunters not Marvel Conan or warcraft with axes nobody ever used in armies). Overdesign in layouts visually a turn off too - I like textbook looking rulebooks not a cofee table snowjob.

One thing I find is since joining local scene is I hear same criticisms of old DnD from people who have never played it. PPL look at me with amazement and horror when i say play BX-cyclopedia edition.

"dungeon crawls, randomness, and butchery of 0- and 1st-level characters" I hear hatefully by people weekly who have not even played AdnD. We manage to not die, spend sessions with sometimes very few rolls and I have never run a megadungeon but I might try such a campaign once. I like random tables because they let me run total sandbox games where players can do anything and I get to have fun with NPC's.

I think oldschool gaming is far more creative than stereotyped by newer gamers. Anomalous Subsurface Environment is genius and is a megadungeon and is one of best DnD products ever. Old DnD and its pick and miss rules and lack of canned game setting to me made it more about creativity. DnD was creative and that is the spirit I see in the oldschool blogosphere. While I see modern games where everything from a product - boxes of npc cards, piles of monsters, mountains of world books that players read anyway and are not really very special. I remember when Greyhawk and DnD gameworld (later called Mystara) were only published DnD worlds - so open and yet to be detailed you could do anything with it and every DM did them different. Even the Fighting Fantasy world Titan  felt like anything could happen.

Herodotus better than any game source book ever published - Id rather read a real book about swords than a game book. I dont want to see a whole page in a monster manual on dolphins with their behavior explained when a real book or net does this fine. So many rules and so much detail on monsters and worlds feels like less room to move.

I dont have feeling I will die in these games other players remark on my bravery after mocking me for playing fighters (less choices less reading and books). I have Played FATE and almost passed out through recklessness and other players amazed. I never felt at risk in a fight. I handled poison without fear. I only bother to be cautious when at my bottom few HP. Low level DnD 1-3rd is among my favorite. It is more like Call of Cthulhu, scary at every turn. The secret of survival is to have as many followers as your CHA can stand and you can afford. Meatsheild NPCs numerically reduce your odds of dying. Sensible play is key to survival. DM doesnt have to be a killer and can maintain terror easily without actually harming a character. This seems to be an often misunderstood element and followers dont seem to be a big part of current game now. In my game CHA one of most popular stats.

Now DnD has taken an RQ like skill system with more maths, gurps/champions advantages and disadvantages and prestige character classes like warhammer rpg. It feels like a mess and less like game I grew up on. I could claim to be just an old stuck in mud fan boy with romantic delusions of the past but I know plenty odd 20 something oldschoolers are out there who agree with some of what I have said here.

Editionitis, overdesign and bloat have plagued other games too to be fair too. If anyone asks me about starting DnD now I would send them to free upload of blueholmes edition or osric or labyrinth lord or even red and blue BX or cyclopedia books I grew up with for a few bucks. Being old doesn't make something better but something new is not necessarily better than 99% of history because it is new either. I have read far more games and settings than I will ever play because they inspire me and I like fictional settings in a non fiction format to fiction if that makes sense (eg I prefer to read game of a series of books than original books in many cases). Why I had most of GURPS 3rd ed and have stopped following it now.

Mind you a few hundred bucks of games I want in stock at my game shop now (mostly Chaosium or BRP licensed). I did see several people claim oldschool and OSR are just marketing tools for greedy salesmen with no meaning. Harsh. Ive spent under a hundred bucks in last year, more than 99% of everything I have read or used was free from other blogs mostly. Look at all the cool stuff for Star Frontiers coming out free for a game that has been dead for over 20 years.

Games I still want to run but struggle to get reliable or interested players. Getting new players in my club will be good. Getting serious duration even 6 game campaigns are tough. My Cthulhu 1490 was meant to be a one off but now 2 months and still going.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Hacking the Classics: Rust monsters on Planet Psychon

Celebrating Psychon settlement post racing to no1 in my blogroll for some reason

Usually named according to colour plus beast or monster - or by the power

Random Psychonian rust monster skin colour
1 in 10 is a crossbreed with powers and colour of two types

1 Crimson (red, brick, maroon) Combustion touch, burn 1d4 for 2d4 rounds Pyro monster
2 Magenta (rose, pink) Drain blood or life by just a touch 2d6 each touch Hemo monster
3 Cyan (sky, light blue) Drain magic objects or magicians minds 1d3 lv/+  per touch Arcano monster
4 Turquoise (sea, turquoise, aquamarine) Ages 1d10 years per touch Chrono monster
5 Yellow (gold) Crave gold, silver, platinum and copper Treasure monster
6 Tangerine (orange, bronze) Standard craves iron and steel Rust monster
7 Emerald (olive, forest) Petrifies target then eats slowly by licking Geo monster
8 Green (lime, light green) Green slime infection Bio monster
9 Violet (Indigo, purple, lavender) Turns food and water to dust Polyphage monster
10 Lapis (dark blue, midnight, navy) Disintegrates wood and leather Void monster
11 Ivory (bone, pearl, shell, silver) 2d6 Freeze touch and slow rounds Stasis monster
12 Jet (grey, slate, steel) Level draining wight like effect Necro monster

Other special Psychonian rust monster abilities
1-5 no special powers
6-7 one special power
8-9 two special powers
10 have 1d3+1 special powers

1 Spider Climb (drop from ceiling)
2 Glider Wings (glide from trees or cliffs silently)
3 Extendable tentacles, twice range
4 Regenerating tentacles as long as eaten some special food
5 Slam attack, save with STR or knocked prone from charging beast
6 Shoots magic missile from tail every round
7 Tail blade 1d10 damage 360degree arc
8 Ram attack 1d6 headbutt and 2d6 if charge
9 telekinetic limited to food type, magnetic power for rust monster, 100lb per tentacle
10 Throw baby monsters with tail 1HD each 2d4 shots 50" range
11 Shocking grasp, 1d4 every time you hit it with a melee weapon
12 Special colour based Elemental power as below table

Crimson (red, brick, maroon) Fire and heat resistant, live in volcanoes
Magenta (rose, pink)  Everyone in 30 feet loses a d6 HP per round if enraged
Cyan (sky, light blue)  Can cast spells it steals once like a scroll
Turquoise (sea, turquoise, aquamarine) Can dimension door at will
Yellow (gold)  Grown gems in hide, sings sweetly, desired pet of kings
Tangerine (orange, bronze)  Cone effect rust power 60' 30 degree arc, 3 times per day
Emerald (olive, forest)  Poison blood spray on death all in 20 ft hit by poison
Green (lime, light green)  Acid blood, damages incoming weapon, 1d4 everyone in 5ft
Violet (Indigo, purple, lavender)  Each tentacle destroys a d6 of undead HD
Lapis (dark blue, midnight, navy) Can fly into space with a passenger with beetle wings
Ivory (bone, pearl, shell, silver) Healing 1hp per round of touch if happy eats scar tissue
Jet (grey, slate, steel) Eats your shadow, interferes in souls passage to next life

Rumoured Otherworldly Powers d12
Double size ones from other planes have been noted and may possibly have the following powers

1 Intelligent sentient being
2 Polychromatic, can change colour and powers at will
3 Phaze powers (pass through solids, surprise attacks) if phased +4AC need +2 magic to hit
4 Plane Shift (use to escape, returns to home plane for 1d12 months if killed)
5 Pincer Arms like scorpion or tentacles like a squid (meanest) 1d8 or grab attack each
6 Invisibility (stalk party silently)
7 ESP (learn preys plans and food keeping secrets)
8 Illusions (trick victims out of food)
9 Regeneration 1pt per round, must destroy till -10 to kill
10 Tail sting with deadly poison like a scorpion +1d12 (stacks with tail attack if any)
11 Summon 1d4 more monsters 30% chance once per day
12 Roll 1d10 twice

On planet Psychon they are sometimes used in swarms for terraforming hexes by gods. A spiteful god may use these monsters to punish a civilization - steam-punks would melt before a rust monster plague. Breeding programs with planar beings and other monsters is a practiced art among some biomancers. Poor monsters with no metal breed them against their kin that do use metal. Some breeders keep packs of several strains and teach them to attack together. They are resistant to their own breeds harmful powers. Cross breeds are viable. Different colour eggs sometimes appear in pure strain clutch. Some otherwordly types can change colour and species every round and they may lay eggs of any colour and act as a queen..

If you meet a band of naked dirty knights, rust monster encounter up ahead

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Elfmaids and Octopi DnD = BX+NWP? Class Struggle

Found this list while looking up dragon mag alchemists
alchemist research turned up this

My system was originally meant to be stripped down simple version of DnD. Inspired by Castles and Crusades alot (influenced several classes). Old player has rule in his DnD game - if everybody wants a new ability then it is probably too good.

I am happy with even four classes - some reason i like to do in sets of four and of course i broke this rule. This is a recap of how they fared so far in playtest before my next big draft of EMO (Elfmaids and Octopi) DnD rules.

Warrior (Fighter)

Not one played in last year. Fighters are guys you hire as meat shields and ablative armour for spell casters. So a good case to not need paladin etc.... Even though I built WP system for them. Showing fighter progressions and organizing into a basic list and a expert list will help. Ive basically given fighters best specialized weapons, criticals and still no bite. Modern feats and maneuvers ive made NWP or WP.

Rogue (Thief)
Not one pure thief played in any game since 84. I built my NWP system to benefit them, beefed HP and still no bite. Similar conditions to above warrior. Sample development and two versions of skill list will help. Thinking of class choice NWP lists and possibly giving rogues best level bonuses for NWP success as they are skill masters (bards and monks do this too but hopefully not too well).

Priest (Cleric)

A few priests but no straight undead turners. Current priestess player uses speak to dead holy power to interogate dead enemies all the time. Getting more word answers and uses per day which is pretty cool. Seems viable as is. As Psychon game has no god specific priest abilities will probably use my crazy alignment system to instead to mix up priests more.

Wizard (Magic User)

Iv managed to convince  or scare players away as most of mine are new into sorcery. But viable and fine as is.

Current monk in play i was worried about then he started using 2 weapons sticks and snuck out on assassination ninja type missions alone with disguise and forged documents so I will wait and see. Ideal player to abuse and min max proficiencies. Like castles and crusades increased hp and made more like a fighter in general.

I have 2 bards in two groups and my most popular class i blogged. Yet some hate bards so much. Letting bards pick choce of magic system from wizard, sorcerer, druid, priest and psion has worked well. Have a middle eastern priestly bard and a druidic bard. I was wondering if id made too lame but i will let them have a instrument/sing/poetry nwp for free. Worried compared to elf most.

Had several, really just alt wizard but concept of as lazy drug addled dreamers and cultists appealing as is bloodline stuff. If I crunch class list smaller id offer as alt wizard system. Three in play all fine. Slightly better fighters, slightly dumber.

Two druids in play now and another popular class (pets and pagans!). Pretty happy with these in play and my revised spell list the most changed of any. All those weapon proficiency based spells like flame blade and others now replaced with generic cast on many weapon spells. Having to learn a WP to use a spell sucks. Lighter armour and less fight than priest but better combat spells. Must revise spell list so matt cannot create 100 good berries a day and get rid of one spell..... Bless players for finding flaws.

A feature of BX DnD keeps non humans more non human. I dont want multi classing but would consider class shifting - my Psychon game will be standard. Id also kinda wanna have weird fx for extra otherworldy non humans but still thinking.

None in play and i may revise so higher level more supernatural and otherworldly. Mostly worried as comparison to bard. A little bit of tweaking still. Was my fave class when i started and played many magic user-fighters. Eldarin is cool idea but should just reskin elves. On a poll of thousands 4th ed players elves ranked very low in popularity -  proves something broke. Dwarves unchanged as top race, eldarin more popular than elves. See under spirit folk below for other ideas.

A player playing one and pretty impressive, should keep dwarf fanatics happy. I was worried was too good but that 9 move thing is a killer. Crappy jumping, being hated by horses doesn't help. Throw Dwarf weapon proficiency might be handy. My dwarfs live under bridges, tree stumps, under stoves and in barns not just in megadungeons in waiting under the earth.

Not played in any game of DnD since i think 84-85 and wasnt memorable. Shitty ones in some club games when were thieving backstabbing jerks. Matt said he might try or recruit one as a anti spell caster specialist (max out in rock throwing specialist). I might start using as monsters so people respect them. One high level one beating party might be a laugh. Will see...

This is my token gonzo class and fits into the name of my game. Should have some in play. As a race of octopus fairies from japan they are kinda like elves with extra attacks. revised once may still need work. Fishermen have only themselves to blame if wives like Tako more.

Goblinoids and monsters
Lotsa goblinoids as monsters. Goblin, Hobgoblin and kobold and bugbear nifty. Orc was most boring but kinda has possibilities and needs a tweak. Sacrifice hp for priest spells was a ok option but will think more. Had a bugbear player who took over a dungeon and bred monsters.


Psionic or mentalist spell list Classes - Psion and Shaman
Psion and Shaman I built from a mentalist spell list. Basically take any spell from other list and put in mentalist list divided into 4 types. Possible rules on making anyone have a few mentalist spells -10% xp. But as i dont record xp too carefully isnt really gonna work. I need to print list and get someone to play or at least try spell list as elf or bard. If im too lame to be XP cop, perhaps I should have something like tabus under barbarian class below instead. This spell list made illusionist even more nonviable.

Possible Classes

Short shelf like potions made over 8 hour cooking session (methlab in the dungeon). Basically like sorcerer would be alt version of spell system. Better long life potions at high level and a cap on hoarding needed but most tempting class in a while. Start with incendiary and gunpowder and poison lore possibly.

Ill wait till im flooded with fighters. Main point would be d12 hits, a bit more athletic, less armour, possibly anti magic powers, beserker ability, shape shifting at later levels. I considered a berserk class but barbarian is kinda classic.  I could build most of this with NWP. I like the idea that barbarian (and some other classes make you adopt a tabu each level. People think your stupid, your just profoundly religious. Could be linked to later more magical powers (ie no were beast beserking for you). Eg - never start fire, never wash with water, never shave, never cook meat, never let a wizard live, burn all buildings, only eat meat etc. Somebody else suggested barbarians should be dumb but real barbarians assimilated very fast - they are very class mobile really. Most best fantasy barbarians do thieving too. Tabu system has other perks too could be used for alighnments and for non class based psionics. Needs a think.

I altered my alignment rules to make anyone capable of being an alignment fanatic for bonuses that can make any class look a bit paladinish. Gandalf grey becoming gandlaf the white is example of a wizard going alignment charged. Only thing a fighter using this wouldn't have is cleric spells but this power is pretty lame. Perhaps if my tabu to gain psion or alignment powers rule system i could develop a pious ability for others to get a few measly priest spells. Anyway im not in love with class in play but does have sentimental touch. Only one player in last year had a stat over 16 and he had two 18s and a 17 so charisma wise very unlikley. Seem very monotheist based. Split the party badly sometimes. I also kinda think it has sentimental appeal and most requests to have come from my most most evil player (???). All clerics are more like templars than old men bossing around villagers with moral horor stories. Oriental adventures 2nd ed had a warrior priest monk class that seemed more playible - had priest spells. Will think on this one a while.

As above a rogue or fighter could do all of the ranger stuff with just lack of spells and perhaps exotic pets. Id like too see more warrior and rogues first. Could push missile fire etc but like paladin i will wait. Also very tolkien based.

A priest but with spell system more like a sorceror - more flexible and independant but limited spell list. Could be like Sohei - more hp than priest, less spell choice, no hly power or weaker with some other power like healing. Mystic was name on basic dnd monk class.

If i add paladin and ranger and barbarian from sentimentalism then i have to consider cavalier. I loved dragon 72 version based on specialization, new armour types, and horse powers. Castles and crusades one has interesting ideas with follower morale which in my follower rich setting would be handy. Problem is everything the class can do is possible with my fighter class - i have about a dozen horse NWP if you wanna be a living tank. Didnt ever use unearthed arcana version - only thing in book i didnt use. Man people rag on that book now. My complaint was the binding. Everything else was in dragon before and was in most games i saw before book release.

Every level you get a new cosmetic feature and random ability. Both my worlds feature mutants. Some risk of becoming a proto shoggoth or shoggoth. Mongrel men would fit in too. Also im interested in haveing more gammaworld things in my dnd.

Awakened Animal
I love Narnia and animals in gamma world. I had a RQ goat pc who made farm animals sentient and join her earth goddess sect everywhere she went. Also had demonic soull draining skull cap from a horned demon if she was really pissed. Made milk too. Nuff said. Some party sidekick animals being made sentient would work well.

Beast Men
All kinds of beast men. I could just use orc but variations might be worth it - a lizard man might have better hp than serpent man who has spells. Could keep brutish or let have some slow progression spells.

Spirit or fairy Folk
Oriental adventures animal spirits were super cool. Bamboo and water spirits nice too but could be types of elves really as cound many other sprit fairy type folk. I winged 3 foot fairy race more appealing to me than some fey ive seen. A winged race could be cool but i think ill fit into my revised elf class later.  Demonic angelic elemental and beast lord elves could be workable sub types of elves. Swanmays, dryads all sorts could be built from elves.

Ive never seen the point. I play in other peoples games as cleric illusionist but fighter or monk seem too physically weak. The steampunk thing not really tempting. Possibly i could concede that a spell casting short dwarf is a gnome. Garden gnomes in germany are dwarves but could be the Gygax being of Swiss decent thing. The nature thing of gnomes has been pushed more post 80s. Why are they not druids? I dont have illusionists as separate class. Work best as a specialist wizard.

Kinda cool but i could just sex up elves as demonic....

Synthetics: golem/robot
Prefer this to warforged

Tabus and spell side effects
Tabu mechanic workable - a post on some lists of class and alignment tabus could be a goer. Player I can test this on now a lawful sorceror. Could even work for clerics - tabu to use edged if good or evil priest or tabu to use blunt if lawful or chaotic. Would a choice from many things. More later. Side effects could be a fun spell mechanic. Save when spell casting or cosmetic awkward side effect occurs. Will dwell on more.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Anachronisms of cosmic order + my first free PDF link
all planet psychon stuff to date test of compilation from this blog for public
EMO rulebook shortly - let me know if any problems - point is to test

As promised - the opposite of chaos and gamma mutations, these are aliens super science and allied to forces of law.

Anachronisms d100
Some come with limited ammo which is hard to find most 1d3 clips total

More extreme bizarre, debilitating freak powers with mostly clear biomechanical quality
1 Third eye on forehead +2 spot
2 Weapon is bound law spirit, always does average damage in hands of lawful
3 Weapon +1 hit and damage
4 Weapon +2 hit and damage
5 Natural brawler, any body part 1d3 weapon, +1 hit and damage if already have brawling
6 Subsonic domination +4 CHA after 24 hours near if fail save
7 Armour +1 from tougher pain resistance
8 Armour +2 from metallic or crystalline skin
9 Amour +3 from metallic and bioplastic carapace
10 Armour +4 full metal body
11 Advanced exotic slug pistol, machine pistol or las pistol
12 Advanced exotic rifle of late 21stC, las rifle, gyrojet, blaster, sniper
13 Advanced combat weapon of late 21stC, shotgun, smg
14 Advanced melee weapon
15 Advanced explosive weapon like grenades, rocket launcher, claymore
16 Cyborg eye no range penalties
17 Cyborg eye thermographic vision
18 Cyborg eye night vision
19 Cyborg eye telescopic vision
20 2d6 laser eye, once per 10 minute turn 30 ft
21 Gas filters
22 Steel claws, 1d4 damage or +1 if already better
23 For every 10 shots of ammo you find one extra shot
24 Weapon leaps into hand at danger
25 Weapon houses intelligent spirit
26 Cyborg pistol built into hand
27 Gamma Aeon Laser pistol 5d6, 10 shots only
28 Shock gauntlet +1 electric damage on punch or through metal blades
29 Eat 10% less per HD or Lv
30 New clone babies hatch from your corpse d6 1=1 2=1d3+1 3=1d6+1 4-6=7
31 Drink 10% less per HD or Lv
32 Sleep 10% less per HD or Lv (no effect on relearning spells)
33 Drives you beserk (something sets you off into homicidal killing spree, )
34 Parthenogenic hemaphrodite, breeds without a mate and can start a colony
35 Can radiate light 30' radius up to 3 hours per day
36 Translate written language
37 Intolerant of minor legal or rule infractions, fanatic stickler
38 Must always be in command or competing with leader
39 Food kept on person does not age
40 Fast growing long flowing hair
41 +3' jump distance
42 +3" run speed
43 Blade hands 1d4+1 damage with one or both hands
44 +1 Extra attack per round 
45 Breathe 10% less per HD or Lv
46 go to the toilet 10% less per HD or Lv
47 Sterile, eunach or sexless
48 A drone or cyberbeast lives in cyborg housing in body
49 Freakish genitalia and sexual characteristics
50 Eat inorganic rocks, wood, metal, bricks
51+1 save vs poison
52 +1 save vs illusions
53 +1 save vs charm
54 +1 save vs death
55 Cannot lie
56 Perfect glimmering teeth
57 Slow aging 10% per level
58 +1 STR
59 +1 CON
60 +1 DEX
61 +1 INT
62 +1 WIS
63 +1 CHA
64 Two brains, extra save vs charm but turns on back up personality (?)
65 Body parts regrow, and parts cut off become adult clone members of your race
66 Internal sense alerts if poisoned or diseased
67 Sense poison gas
68 Beam vision like Fiery Eyes spell
69 See souls, can spot undead, see targets in dark, tell if dead, see spirits leave those killed
70 Grows valuables in body like gem in head, ivory, fur
71 Sense disease
72 Heal in sunlight one hp per hour
73 Any weapon held glows, +1 hit and damage
74 Con save each round to stabilize HP loss when in negative HP
75 Eye lasers 3d6, three shots per day, 50" range
76 Spit hot coals 1d4 damage, 10 foot range, can start fire, one per CON point per day
77 Can save severed body parts and re-attach if bandaged back together
78 Always land on feet -d6 fall damage
79 Buzz saw in chest +1d6 damage to grapples(or other bizarre inbuilt cyber weapon)
80 Prehensile hair
81 Metallic tinted skin
82 Bejeweled eyes worth 1000gp each
83 Shock touch 1d3+1 per level touch once per battle, can stack with a punch or kick
84 Heat resistant, cope with natural heat and resist water loss
85 Cold resistant with blubber or fur or both like a polar bear or seal, comfortable any natural cold
86 Exhales smoke or steam
87 Never fatigued
88 1/2 effects of fatigue
89 Cats eyes night vision, very reflective
90 Cold skin to touch, harder to see with infravision or heat based sensors
91 Sense north
93 Sensemagic
94 Now children born in eggs
95 All children are clones
96-100 choose one

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Near Infinate Humanoid Varients

Fiend Folio has some varient races like norkers that are really just slightly different creatures. So as Im much more into the 1-page rule approach to monsters - just a basic list of humanoid by HD and size but then add some extra features. Marine varient notes are on hobgoblins, trolls, ogres why not others? Id rather a few lines describing a variant than a full description about someone elses game world of the military organization of monsters when appearing in group of 500.

HD and Height makes right
I usually assume races get a + to be hit but big creatures may offset with more armour to compensate
Tiny Under 1" -4 to hit
Small 1-4' -1to hit
Human 5-6'
Large 7-9' +1 to hit
Giant 10-17' +2 to hit
Titanic 18'-49' +3 to hit
Gargantuan 50' +4 to hit

d4 Kobold (3'), Booka(6"), Jermalain(1'), typical human (5'6"), Nixie (4'), Pixie (2'6") Killmoulis (6"), Brownie (1'6"),
d6 human militia man, bandit, Merchant, Cultist (5'6"+)6
d6 +1 (1d8-1) Goblin* (4'), Elf *(6'), Beserker (5'8"), Mite (2') Snyad (2'6") Xvart (3')
d8 Orc (6'+), Dwarf (4'), Human Soldier (5'8") , Gnome (3'+), Giberling (4'-5') Githyanki (6') Vegepygmy (4')
d8+1 Hobgoblin (6"6), Baboon (4'+), Bullywug (3-5'8"), Merman (5+), Dakon (6'2"), Dark Creeper (4')
1d8+2 Norker (4') Quaggoth (7+) Shocker (5'6")
2d8 Dryad, Gnoll (7'+), Locatha (6+), Caveman (6'), Dire Corby (6'), Grimlock (5'+) Kenku, Kuo-Toa (6+), Ogrillion (7'+) Qullan (8+), Skulk (5'6") Tabaxi (6'6") Ice Troll (9')
2d8+1 Lizard Men (7'), Troglodyte (5-7') Dark Stalker (6')
2d8+2 Sahuagen (6+mostly or 8+), Fire Newts (6'2")
2d8+3 Flind (6'+)
3d8 Nymph, Seahag, Triton, Crab Men (9')
3d8 +1 Bugbear (7'+), Wererat (3-5'8")
3d8+4 Needleman (5'8")
4d8 Meazel (5-6') Sandman (5'6") Derro (4')
4d8 +1 Ogre (9')
4d8+3 Werewolf
4d8+4 Yeti (8')
5d8 Carnivorous Ape, Satyr
5d8+2 Wereboar, Ogre Magi (10'6")
5d8+5 Verbeeg (8'6"-10)
6d8 Dune Stalker (6')
6d8+2 Weretiger
6d8+3 Minotaur (7-9')
6d8+6 Troll (9'+)
7d8 Rakasha
7d8+3 Wereboar
8d8 Nighthag, Lizard King (8) Giant Troll (10'+)
8d8+1d2 Hill Giant (10'6")
8d8+4 Mindflayer (6')
9d8+1d3 Stone Giant (12')
10d8 Efreeti(12) Giant two headed troll (10'+)
10d8+1d4 Frost Giant (15) 
11+1d4+1 Fire giant (12')
12d8 Mountain Giant (14')
12d8+1d6+1 Cloud Giant (18')
13+1d3 Formarian (13'6")
13+1d6+1 Firbolg (10'6")
14d8 Fog Giant (18')
15+1d6+1 Storm Giant (21')
17d8 Titan (18'+)
35d8 Gargantua Humanoid (80-100')

+1 HD Sub leader  Leader - one in 12
+2 HD Leader - one in 20
+3 HD Champion - one in 50 +1 attack +1 AC
+4 HD Cheifttain - one in 100 +1 attack +1 AC
+5 HD King - one in 500 +2 attack +2 AC
+6 HD High King - one on 1000 +2 attack +2 AC
if base HD d4, then sub leader gets 1d8 instead

*Deviations from the books... MM FF MM2
goblin is 1d7 18-1 minimum of one in AdnD
elf is d8+1 (5'+) in MM, my elves taller than humans but like greyhound lithe versions

undead, animals, other plane will get own later

Variations of standard humanoids
Id be quite happy with generic humanoid with variants by HD and do all of these monster on 2 pages
but here is my variable table to change existing humanoids or to generic humanoids with whatever you want. Starting with cosmetic ending with better ones. A second separate table follows of out right magical abilities after which could be for a magical elite type, other planar varient or hybrid or fey versions.

How many rolls to make?

These tell you how many rolls to make and can be stacked if DM approves (chaos mongrel man mutant for example)

Minor sub breed
1 minor alteration

Major divergent sub breed
1d3 minor alterations

Mongrel Man or mutant
1d3 minor alteration
1d3 mutations

Futuristic version
1 minor alteration
1 anachronism

Throwback version
1 minor alteration
1 mutation

Magical sub breed
1 minor alterations,
one magical per 4 HD

Outer plane ancestor breed
1d3 minor alterations,
one magical per HD

Chaos Warped
1d6 mutations

Law Focused
1d6 Anachronisms

Minor Alterations 1d100

example damages for 1-4 HD humanoids, increase when making ogre or troll or giant size.
1-3 Tail
4-5 Prehensile tail
6-7 Weapon Tail (1d4 for human size)
8 Weapon Tail (1d6 for human size)
9 Sting tail (1d4 + poison +4 save)
10-12 Stubby horns (1d4 headbutt for human size)
13-14 Horns (1d6 for human size)
15-17 Fangs (1d3 for human size)
18-19 Jaws  (1d4 for human size)
20 Huge Jaws (1d6 for human size)
21-23 Claws or martial arts (1d3 for human size)
24-25 Claws or martial arts (1d4 for human size)
26 Claws or martial arts (1d6 for human size)
27-30 +1 Hit and damage
31-33 Dwarf version, half size
34-36 +1 hp per HD
37-39 Big version +1 HD +10%
40-41 Huge Version +2 HD +20%
42 Huge Version +3 HD +30%
43 Giant Version +4 HD +50%
44-46 +1 AC from hide or agility
44-45 +2 AC from hide or agility
46 +3 AC from hide or agility
47 Beserker +2 hit and damage, out of control, fight till all dead, difficult to stop
49-50 +2 hide and sneak
51 Mimic voices and sounds
52-55 +2 one type of save throw (poison, charm, etc)
56-57 +4 one type of save throw (poison, charm, etc)
58-59 1pt less damage per dice from one type of damage (poison, fire)
60 1/2 damage from one type of damage (cold, lightning, acid, edged)
61-62 Sneak attack as a rogue
63 Back stab as a rogue
65 First Aid NWP
66 +4 Torture
67 +4 Track
68 1/2 chance one normal sense NWP, compensate with blind fighting if needed
69-70 +4 one sense NWP check
71 +4 NWP sense checks
72-73 Night Vision (or day tolerant if day-blind), half normal penalties
74 Dark Vision (or day tolerant if day-blind), no penalties
75-76 +4 Balance
77-80 +4 Climb
81 +4 Pick Pockets
82 Swing in branches or stalagmites
83 Very Slow 6" base speed
84 Slow 9"base speed
85 fast 18" base speed
86 Hopping +50% jumping range, +1 hit damage with hopping charge
87 Glider Membrane, glide across in feet equal to height in feet, 90 degree turn each round
88 Crude Wings, 6" speed, rounds = CON per hour, 180 degree turn each round. I/nsect, bird or bat
89 True Wings, 18" speed, 360 degree turn each round, insect, bird or bat
90 Luminous organ or in emotional state
91 Chameleon +4 Hide
92 Stealthy +4 Sneak
93 Recover 1hp with 1 turn rest after a injury
94 Recover 1hp per hour
95 +4 Feign Death NWP
96 Freakish colours
97 Surprise on a 1d3 instead of 1 on a d6
98 +2 Initiative
99  Alternate alignment and contrary behavior to rule
00 Roll on magical or mongrels and mutations table table

Mutations d100

More extreme bizarre, debilitating freak powers with clear biological quality
1 extra eyes +2 Spot NWP (like a spider or third eye on forehead
2 no eyes, but get blind fighting WP halves normal penalty
3 deaf
4 bat ears, sonar and echolocation powers of a bat
5 mute, possibly squawk or gasp or hiss
6 subsonic speech, silently speak to own kind
7 Huge ears, hear things from far away +4 Listen
8 Huge Nose +2 Track and Smell
9 Huge Nose +3 Find food, find water
10 Burrowing claws 1' per round, 1d4 damage (if human sized)
11 Huge Tougue +4 taste poison
12 Hairy all over or bald or freaky natural punk
13 Lamprey mouth 1d4 + can hang on and keep draining
14 Spider or crab feeding parts 1d4 (for normal size)
15 Huge Beetle feeding parts 1d6
16 Extra arms - extra hands
17 Extra legs - extra feet +50% move
18 Extra legs - cling with spider legs
19 Bendable +4 escapology
20 Stretchable +50% height or reach if needed
21 Elongated neck 1 foot per lv
22 Hideous Wattles +1AC
23 Tentacles for limbs or face or hair or fingers
24 Crab claw 1d4 nip
25 Elongated prehensile tongue
26 Independent googly eyes can look multiple directions 360 degrees
27 Spinnerets can spin lv" per day of rope from your butt
28 Pheranome spray +2 CHA with oposite sex
29 Hermaphrodite or variable gender
30 No gender, breed by budding, or new babies hatch from corpse or sexless or sterile
31 Bombardier Blast (1d6 fire bolt 10" per lv)
32 Tough Feet, dont need boots, -1 damage per dice from ground attacks
33 Bizarre Phobia (something ordinarily harmless scares you like holy symbol, rats, spiders)
34 Parthenogenic, breeds without a mate and can start a colony
35 Hybridizes with anything it can mate with, mongrel features
36 Extra heads 1d6 1-3 = +1, 4-5 = +1d3, 6 = +1d6
37 Slug legs, 50% speed but cling
38 Tail 1d6 slap, extra attack
39 Vomit Acid 1d6 every 3 rounds spit 1" per level
40 Quadrupedal
41 Missing limbs or body part
42 Huge stomach, +2 vs ingested poison,
43 Hump or fat stores food and water a for week
44 Extra face or set of teeth on body
45 Trunk or prehensile nose 6"-3' long
46 Duck Bill or other bird beak, 1d4 peck
47 Sterile or sexless
48 A swarm live in the mongrels body
49 Freakish genitalia and sexual characteristics
50 Altered diet, eat some basic food like plants, shellfish, bugs, dung
 51 Amorphous blob, no longer humanoid
52 Weakling 50% STR
53 Sickly 50% CON
54 Clumsy 50% DEX
55 Idiot 50% INT
56 Fool 50% WIS
57 Hideous 50% CHA
58 +1d4 STR
59 +1d4 CON
60 +1d4 DEX
61 +1d4 INT
62 +1d4 WIS
63 +1d4 CHA
64 Two brains, extra save vs charm but turns on back up personality (?)
65 Regrow body parts back but different species
66 Thermal vision
67 X-Ray vision one round per turn 1' thick stone or 3' wood
68 Beam vision like Fiery Eyes spell
69 See souls, can spot undead, see targets in dark, tell if dead, see spirits leave those killed
70 Grows valuables in body like gen in head, ivory, fur
71 Unnatural 1d3 extra hybrid species features
72 Spit poison save or blind 1"/lv
73 Scream, demoralizes all in 10"/lv, once per battle, heard for miles
74 Con save each round to stabilize HP loss when in negative HP
75 Amphibian can breath water and air
76 Can hold breath one turns instead or rounds
77 Immune to blinding attacks
78 Always land on feet -d6 fall damage
79 Tusks 1d6 extra attack
80 Shoots spines or bolts from body like a light crossbow, 1 shot per CON per day
81 Vampire drinks blood to live and can heal a hp by drinking blood after a battle
82 Albino dark adapted hates natural sunlight -2 to fight or sense in daylight, white skin and red eyes
83 Shock touch 1d3+1 per level touch once per battle, can stack with a punch or kick
84 Shed skin or sleep in cocoon monthly and get changed appearance and possible abilities
85 Cold resistant with blubber or fur or both like a polar bear or seal, comfortable any natural cold
86 Biomonofilament tentacle 1d6 1'/lv
87 Able to infect others of its kind to be more like it, change in looks and alignment over time
88 +4 Disease Resistant
89 +4 Poison resistant
90 Produces addictive delicious fluid or scented musk it uses as bait or to train slaves
91-95 roll twice more
96-100 roll again and +1d3 times more

Magical Alterations 1d100
 Id use these to make spell caster and elite types

1 Bizarre Phobia (something ordinarily harmless scares you like holy symbol, rats, spiders)
2 Bizarre magical aversion (cant cross water or holy symbol or snake or something)
3 Bizarre magical allergy (harmed by substance like cold iron, garlic, holy water)
4 Cast spells as a priest
5 Cast spells as a sorcerer
6 Cast spells as a druid
7 Cast spells as a wizard
8 Cast spells as a psionic
9 Spell like ability (1-2nd level spell, at will like Invisibility, Knock, Spider Climb, Chromatic orb)
10 Spell like ability (3-4th level spell three times per day like Fireball, Polymorph) )
11 Spell like ability (5-6th level spell once per day like like Teleport, Curse, Quest)
12 Wish powers (d6 1-5=monthly, 6=yearly) conditional and flawed or dangerous or cost (soul?)
13 Create Darkness/Light 15" radius once per turn
14 very fast 24" base speed
15 Spider climb
16 Mask - illusion of face at will
17 Disguise - illusion form over body
18 Shape Shift 1 form
19 Shape Shift 1d3 forms
20 Shape Shift 1 type of creature (size, mammal, plant, elemental)
21 Shape Shift into anything at will
22 Resistant (fire poison edged) 
23 Invisibility (10 minites ever hour)
24 magic and one base metal or material like wood or stone to hit
25 +1 to hit
26 +2 to hit
27 +4 Initiative
28 Sense (Life, gold, good, or any one thing)
29 Regenerate
30 Divination powers or special wisdom or can ask gods or spirits
31 Body parts good to make magic item or potion
32 Has true name, can be bound or banished with right spells like demon or devil
33 Returns as undead when killed
34 Monster hatches out when dead
35 Resembles totally different creature like undead or mechanical or looks human
36 Can be trapped in bottle or container with right magic
37 +4 AC from metal hide or crystal carapace
38 Levitate
39 mate and reproduce with anything even inanimate objects
40 Tries to poses a new body after undead, three tries before spirit departs
41 Undead, gains resistances as if undead and vulnerable to necromancy, turning and holy water
42 Drains one level on touch
43 Craves bizarre or expensive food craving or sexual desire or something unnatural
44 Dimension door for escapes
45 Teleport for escapes
46 Plane Shift to escape
47 Gate can call a other plane being HDx10% chance once a day
48 Phaze can shift to other plane and back, needs magic to harm,
49 Alighnment flips and changes
50 Gate HDx10% chance once a day can call a lesser other plane being
51 Gate HDx10% chance once a week can call a major other plane being
52 Gate HDx10% chance once a year can call a unique other plane being
53 Can shrink to one foot +2 AC -25% move
54 Can shrink to 1" +4 AC -50% move
55 Can grow next size class
55 Can grow several size classes
56 Blunt weapons, -1 damage on any any edged weapon hit till repaired
57 Conjure weapons into hands at will
58 Can cast cantrip per HD at will of any type
59 Extra attack 1d6 tails with poison sting
60 Venomous bite or claws 1d4 or envenom weapon by licking
61 Shape shift into last thing they kill
62 Turns to normal person when killed
63 Can change gender
64 Immune to 1st level spells
65 Immune to 1st to 2nd level spells
66 Immune to 1st level 3rd spells
67 Turn to a statue or tree or crystal foe years if desired
68 Powers of remote vision
69 Danger sense, cannot be surprised
70 Charm person three times per day
71 Fear three times per day
72 Increased STR +3 damage increase
73 Increased CON +3 hp per dice
74 Increased DEX +3 hit and AC
75 Increased INT +3 extra languages and proficiencies
76 Increased WIS +3 extra second chances
77 Increased CHA +3 extra followers
78 Call animal servants or friends as followers
79 All members of species carry a magic item (d6 1-3=all same 4-6=all different)
80 All connected to other planar lord or god
81 Spawn of other planar power, parent bares grudge on killers
82 Race can identify any who have killed a member of the species on sight
83 Explodes on death
84 Turns to stone on death
85 Turns to smoke on death
86 Turns to stinking cloud on death
87 Turns to simulacra of killer on death
88 Influence local weather, more powerful or large groups have more effect
89 Breath weapon
90 Hypnotic gaze, transfixes victim stared at who fails save
91 Paralysis touch
92 Stone gaze
93 Magic resistant HDx5%
94 Magic resistance HDx10%
95 Raise undead minions from dead as animate dead spell
96 Unique magic item or relic, possibly with prohibitions or taint on user
97 Bard Powers
98 Alignment champion powers
99 roll twice more
100 roll again and +1d3 times more

Anachronism table later
This table will appear in future post sorry - a d100

More for high tech cyborgs or exotic ultratech hardware

Lawful features from planes of law (opposite of chaos mutation) might appear like clockwork or steampunk or decopunk  cyberwear or weapons.

Consider some varient mutations like cthulhu table, or table for each alignment...

Monday, 8 April 2013

Races from beyond the Black Stump

Kobolds and Goblins and Bugbears oh my!

Never seen reverse dungeon but did have Orcs of Thar and had used in play. I figured making races as classes would make humanoids more respected, usable at high level and make them a little less traditional DnD. But I still wanted homage to them. I have also been making my monsters accord with Wikipedia more than the monster manuals. Sorry. I dont really know why. It does make for interesting little folk. These are considered heroes of their race.

Elves and goblins are kinfolk and faerie creatures

Orcs were made from orc and bred with man to create a race of evil soldiers
Dwarves, gnomes, trolls and kobolds are kin


Race          HD WP          NWP      Mod Stat   Languages  Spells  Fight    Save
Kobold      1d4 4+1/lv     6+1/lv    -2      Dex   3d4+1/lv     Any    Fighter Priest

Diminutive folk are mischievous, crafty and cunning. They can also be amusing companions. Dislike big folk intruding on their turf and are resentful of humans. Can be lascivious and sleazy and breed rapidly. They trap locations they want humans gone from like mines but do like wine and can be jolly even friendly if drunk. While diminutive they are magical enough to make enchanted traps, locks and other items. Miners and merchants publish propaganda about how evil kobolds are.

Any one spell list same progression as elf/bard for gaining spells
Any NWP to choose from - often theif, wilderness and even magic skills
Any armour or weapon but only 2h weapons allowed are spears
At first lv you get a normal kobold flunky and 2 more each level
As of 5th lv you get 1d10 extra koboldsevey lv, +100 extra at 10th. +200 at 20th
+4 Sneak, hide, traps, any craft skill
+1 AC from tough skin
-Is -4 to be hit by any bigger than an ogre (8ft+)
+1 to hit with any dagger or short sword
+1 vs gnomes
Night Vision, -2 hit under sunlight
At 5th lv may turn invisible as the basic wizard spell for one round per lv per day
At 10th may turn to animal form of a small variety like a cat or fish or snake
At 15th may choose an extra shape shift species and another at 20th
AT 10th can choose a second racial gift and a third at 20th

Sub Breeds d20
1 - Draconic have a d4 bite instead of punch, +2 AC, +2 resist dragon kin breathe or related attacks
2 - Canine have a d4 bite attack and have a pet dog or replace a kobold follower with a specialty dog
3 - Koboldi are bacchanalian and constantly arroused.+1 HP per level
4 - Knockers specialize in trapping mines +1 hammers, +4 Mineral lore, Mining, Underworld lore
5 - Pale dwellers are albino naked deep dank cave dwellers, +4 Climb, Swim, Run Away
6 - Frostlings live in glaciers and follow winter causing pranks, +4 resist colds, half all cold damage
7 - Yellow are cunning killers who get +4 poison lore and resist poison
8 - Fire Newtlings live in volcanoes or forges +4 resist fire, half all fire damage
9 - Boglings dwell in city sewers, carry infections and parasites but +4 to resist disease or nausea
10 - Ratlings have rodent traits and a d3 bite attack. +4 Climb, resist disease
11 - Sea-kin have +4 boat, swim and ropes NWP help sailors
12 - Redcaps drink blood and can recover 1hp if they drink blood after a fight and get 10 minutes rest
13 - Gliding have a membrane and can glide as far across as high, free NWP of glide based on dex
14 - Weasal kin, +4 any animal skills with weasels small or giant specimens
15 - Frogkin have frog eyes and can +4 jump, Swim, and hold breathe NWP for free
16 - Goatlings have horns and can butt for 1d4 as an unarmed attack woth +1 to hit
17 - Crablings have +2 horny shell and pincer hands on can do 1d4 the other ad3
18 - Barn Dweller likes to live in a barn and help farmers, +4 Plant Lore, Beast Lore, shaggy furred
19 - Raptorlings have 1d4 bite and 1d3 claw hands with a brawling WP, tiny angry dino men
20 - Trollkin have a bit of troll blood and heal a HP every hour but look weedy and hopeless


Race HD WP NWP Mod Stat Languages Spells Fight Save
Goblin 1d6+1 3+1/lv 4+1/lv -3 Dex 2d4+1/lv Any Fighter Wizard

Ugly greedy humanoids mostly known for evil and tricks. Goblins greed and knowledge of magic can make them obedient and capable servants. Ugly stunted and can form a sub species in one generation if breed in one place for a generation. Infamous at domesticating monstrous animals and cultivation of fungi and potions. They can be fatally curious but this makes them alert guards. Many wicked forces use goblins because of their fecund breeding and easily bribed,

Goblins may sometimes make Wis rolls to resist temptation of gold or knowledge.
Any one spell list same progression as elf/bard for gaining spells
Any NWP to choose from - often theif, wilderness and even magic skills
Any armour or weapon except large sheilds
+2 sneak, hide, herbalist, plant lore, fungi lore, any animal skills
-Is -4 to be hit by any bigger than an ogre (8ft+)
+1 to hit with short bow
Night Vision, -2 hit under sunlight
At 2rd lv you get a goblin retainer and one more per lv
At 3rd ly you get a goblin mount or pet and again at 5th, 7th, 9th etc
At 4th ly you get 12 goblins soldiers
At 5th ly you get 4 hobgoblin bodyguards
At 6th lv you get a bugbear executioner
At 7th lv 2 3rd lv goblin heroes join you
At 8th lv get 12 hobgoblins guards join you
At 9th lv you get 30 goblins
At 10 lv you build a goblin burrow and attract your Charisma in goblins per month
At 15th lv 50 goblins join you, and at 20th lv 100 goblins join you
AT 10th can choose a second racial gift and a third at 20th

Goblin Breeds d20
1 - Shroom Herders +4 any skills using mushrooms from cooking to herbalist to lore NWP
2 - Bat Riders have pet bats +4 any bat riding and husbandry (even bat milk)
3 - Boar Riders +4 any boar riding and husbandry type NWP
4 - Goblin Hunt +4 any dog training and husbandry type NWP
5 - Spider Kin +4 any spider training and husbandry type NWP
6 - Wolf Riders +4 any wolf training and husbandry type NWP
7 - Builders +4 Engineering, Mining, Improvised weapon
8 - Hedge dwellers grow berries and grow hegde thorn bushes, +4 plant lore, survival
9 - Chaos goblins serve evil gods who grant them mutations
10 - Mongrels are made up of misfitting animal body parts, +2 AC pain resistant
12 - Faunlings are angry tiny horned deer footed, run at 18 rather than base 12 of most
13 - Snakelings 1d3 bite with painful poison, save or -2 on most actions from pain for 1d10 round
14 - Swamp goblins hold breath double time in water +4 swim with webbed feet
15 - Bone Goblins eat bones and have a 1d4 bite unarmed attack and brawling
16 - Gallows goblin, smell buried corpses and +4 track
17 - Blood Goblin can heal lost Str or Con points by drinking others blood
18 - Hopping fiend - can jump +50% and +4 Jump NWP
19 - Mist Goblin - all have blind fighting NWP, fight in fog, magical darkness or sunlight
20 - Blade Goblins are very martial and all have +1 any bladed weapon


Race           HD     WP         NWP     Mod    Stat     Languages Spells   Fight      Save
Hobgoblin 1d8+1 4+1/lv     3+1/lv    -2       Con     1d6+1/2lv  None    Fighter   Fighter

Ugly humanoids prone to anger and taking offense from nothing. Like organized conflict and strong leaders. May roam in forest alone but best avoided. Taller, hairier, smellier with bigger horns. Prone to wearing heavy armour and using best weapons. Good laborers and soldiers if controllable.

Hobgoblins may sometimes make Wis rolls to resist being enraged at any who taunt them.
Hobgoblins have same WP available as Warriors and get the benefit of criticals, enhanced criticals and can take weapon specializations without limit.
A Hobgoblin has resist fear +2
Night Vision, -2 hit under sunlight
At 2nd level a hobgoblin may enter a rage getting +1 to hit and damage for 1d10 rounds per battle
At 3rd lv a hobgoblin can disguise their face and voice for 1round/lv per day
At 4th lv a hobgoblin resist fear becomes +4
At 5th lv a hobgoblin can shape shift into another humanoid species or gender 1turn/lv per day
At 6th lv a hobgoblin may become beserk +2 tot hit and damage for 1d10 rounds per battle
At 7th lv a hobgoblin can shape shift into any animal of the same size
At 9th lv may shape shift into smaller thing
At 10th may become an inanimate objects like a rock or plant or water or cloud of gas
At 15th leval can grow to ogre size as can any specialist weapon
At 20th level can become fire, Lightning, light, teleport world wide one round per lv

Hobgoblin Breeds d12
1 - Cave Strangler +2 sneak and hide and all have brawling
2 - Brownie are hard working helpful beings, +4 on a chosen craft
3 - Bogart a hobgoblin bent to practical jokes and trouble, +4 traps
4 - Wood Stalker is a furry wild forest guardian, +2 any plant, animal, skills
5 - Walking Worms are palid with grub like flesh and can eat dirt and all have blind fighting
6 - Army Hobgoblins come with coloured plate, sheild and a halberd and choice of bow
7 - Hulk Horrors are shipwreck dwelling sea hobgoblins that can breath water
8 - Chaos Hobgoblins have a mutation and obvious mutated appearance and patron entity
9 - Crypt Killers are hobgoblins who serve necromancers and resist lv drain with a Con save
10 - Blood Eagles are savage blood crazed hobgoblins, +1 with halberd
11 - Scaled ones +2 AC from hard horny scaly skin
12 - Crag Lords get +4 to climb and ambush from above


Race          HD   WP           NWP     Mod  Stat     Languages    Spells     Fight      Save
Bugbear    1d8    3+1/lv      3+1/lv   -3       Str     1d6+1/lv        None      Fighter   Fighter

Bugbears are huge fearsome hairy goblins with saucer eyes and big ears. They are adept at ambush and sneaking to hunt but also delight in scaring beings just for fun. They eat other humanoids happily. They are fearsome warriors and very nimble for their siz. Adept at craft and war they are able weapon makers. More into interpersonal fighting and scouting skirmishing, or acting as a champion than mass battle. Bugbears only flaw is they delight in scaring a target and give the game up.

Surprise target on 1-3, +4 Sneak and Hide
Night Vision, -2 hit under sunlight
Start as older Pup (1st) then a Youth (2nd) then an adult at (3rd)
+1 Damage all weapons
At 4th ly get a goblin servant
At 5th lv get 2d6 goblins
At 6th lv get 2 bugbears
At 7th lv 12 hobgoblins troopers
At 8th can turn invisible as wizard spell 1 round/lv per day
At 9th get 4d6 goblins
At 10th get get two more bugbears and two more every lv
At 15th you can take over 50 goblins or 100 kobolds or 12 bugbears
At 20th lv you can become invisible as improved invisibility one turn/lv

Bugbear Breeds d12
1 - Black powder brothers like to leave explosive kegs and grenades +4 blackpowder weapons NWP
2 - Iron Lords use 2H studded mauls, maces and clubs, +1 blunt weapons
3 - Tree Fiends live in woods and have +2 Mimic Animal, Traps
4 - Shadow Sons a mystical brotherhood +2 vs illusions and paralasys
5 - Blood Ridge Lodge who all get +1 with polearms and halberds
6 - Chaos Caves Clan all have a starting mutation and patron entity
7 - Skullrock Band all have chainmail, heavy shields and a cold iron mace, +1 with any Mace
8 - Avernus Legion use incendiary weapons and all have oil flasks +4 incendiary weapons NWP
9 - Marsh Band all get +4 Swim
10 - Glacier Gang all +2 save vs any cold effects, furry coats
11 - Cliff gang +4 climb ambush by winding passes and roads
12 - RedRock Band all get +1 with any bow

Race           HD    WP           NWP     Mod    Stat    Languages     Spells     Fight     Save
Orc             1d8     4+1/lv      3+1/lv   -2       Con    1d4+1/2lv      None      Fighter   Fighter

Orcs were made from elves by evil gods schemes. They are bred with other goblinoids and men to make them light tolerant and more prolific. Evil wizards and gods use them as soldiers who are always willing to destroy life. Some have learned to live with humans and act like them but most are savage killers with a genius to war.

Orcs have same WP available as Warriors and get the benefit of criticals, enhanced criticals and can take weapon specializations without limit.
All orcs know the brawling WP
Night vision thermographic senses in dark, all sight B&W
Ambidextrous equally good L or R hand counts as the NWP

At 6th lv 12 orc soldiers
At 7th lv get a 3rd lv orc follower
At 8th lv get a pet ogre and orc handler
At 9th lv get benefits of 6th and 7th again
At 10th lv can build a stronghold and gain another 12 orcs
At 15th lv get 50 orc warriors
At 20th get 100 orc warriors

Can pick one or more of these things if you qualify

If Str of 15 can be an Orc Warrior
Use 1d10 for HD instead
If battling 1HD or less creatures get one Att per Lv
Xtra +1 attack at 5th lv then +2 at 10th etc

If Dex of 15 can be an Orc Rogue

Must renounce metal armour
+1 Starting NWP and one new NWP/lv instead of every second
Sneak attack +2 hit and +4 damage surprise attack can use with missiles or even face to

If Wis of 15 can be an Orc Priest
Cant use warrior weapon benefits like specialization and criticals
Can cast Priest spells progressing with Bard/Elf table

Orc Types d12

1 - Bomber, carries kegs to weak points on walls, +4 black powder, +1 grenaides
2 - Hopilite +1 shield and spear
3 - Night Fangs +2 sneak and hide
4 - Blazing Skulls +1 maces or flails
5 - Storm of Teeth +1 on one type of bow
6 - Snake killers +2 poison lore and resist poison
7 - Hells Hammers +1 halberd or polearm
8 - Demon Hounds +2 Train Dog, Dog Husbandry, pet trained dog
9 - Tempest Slayers +1 with trident and net, +2 swim
10 - Thunder fists +1 bare handed and brawling damage, cestus or katar set
11 - Mountain Slavers +1 whip, +2 ropes and locks, set of iron manacles and key
12 - Doom Lords +1 with swords

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Concequences and Agency in RPG?

Crime and punishment in RPG?

Mutant Epoch deals with topics the 80s TSR family friendly product aimed at me would never have dealt with. What happens when the bad guys get you. In mutant epoch many characters are ex slaves and many of those made as sex slaves. Many creatures can reproduce with other species like cockroach people. And many monsters fancy attractive people.

Warhammer games have an edge, as does 2000AD comics. In Call of Cthulhu being captured by a cult is pretty bad. There are 1/2 orcs in DnD and 1/2 elves and an elaborate prostitute table in the ad&d DMG that's about it. Its the most different thing about mutant epoch.

My mom ran multiple state prisons assures me either gender can suffer same victimization in captivity. While in mutant epoch men get eaten and women get to be slaves. I dont want to get too gritty here but if it came up id make all characters have or fear the same horrible fate.

I am thinking of updating this freely and possible have some variants for culture-tech-alignment.

This is more for savage tribal types or evil - most pre-modern justice is cruel

Unhappy Fate if Captured table
01-3 Beaten unconscious and dumped in wilderness 1HP left
4-5 Beaten unconscious and dumped in city 1HP left
6 Beaten unconscious and dumped in danger 10%HP left
7-8 Bound out in wilderness - tied and staked, tied to tree, trapped in pit, buried to neck
9-10 Bound in public - crucified, stocks, caged, gibbet, tied and staked, whipping post
11-12 Publicly shamed and humiliated, flogged and dumped 1HP
13-15 Buried alive in a cave or box or sealed in a wall or bridge
16-19 Thrown to creatures for entertainment
20-21 Used as entertaining toy for sadistic sports - hunting, sparring, tug of war
22-24 Ritual ordeal (fire-walk, dunking in well, fall off a tower, thrown in sinkhole, etc)
25 Tied to creature or creatures and set loose
26 Tied to a corpse and abandoned
27 Bound and gagged and dragged off to distant land for weeks - roll again on arival
25-28 Tortured -1 Str&Con, roll again if survive
29-31 Tortured and mutilated -1d6Cha and roll again if survive
32-33 Tortured and crippled -1d6Str&Con and roll again if survive
34 Run the gauntlet - roll again if survive
35-39 Enslaved - labour (and/or sexual if good looking)
40 Enslaved - made to brutalize even kill other prisoners or roll again
41-42 Enslaved and sold at market far away
43 Enslaved by other prisoners
44-46 Enslaved as gladiator +1 Str and Con after 1d6 years if you live
46 Enslaved to militia
47 Enslaved to vile cult or state ritual service
48 Enslaved as eunuch - castrated
49 Enslaved by conditioning in service of captors as a war beast -1d6Int
48 Enslaved as specialized labour - can learn a new skill in 1 year
49-50 Enslaved as expendable - salt miner, test subject, poison taster, trap tester, bait
51 Imprisoned and treated as worthy visiting ambassador - roll again if try to escape and fail
52-55 Imprisoned and restrained with chains or tied or kept in a box -1d6 Str&Con after 1d6 months
56-57 Imprisoned with worst brutes and killers +1 Str and Con after 1d6 years if you live
58-59 Imprisoned with diseased -1d6 con
56-60 Imprisoned for breeding and or marriage
61-63 Imprisoned and fattened up in larder -1Str, +1 Con
64-66 Imprisoned and ransomed -1Str&Con/year - roll again if not paid after 1d6 years
67 Exiled to edge of territory - death if you return
68 Exiled too a distant colony - death if you return
69-75 Sacrifice for the gods
76-79 Executed by leaders decree in public spectacle
80-81 Killed and buried with ritual
82-83 Killed and dumped
84 Killed quietly and body dissolved in acid or lava
85-86 Killed and mutilated and dumped
87 Killed by being burned alive, remains scattered or eaten
88-94 Killed and eaten - barbequed, cooked in a pot, eaten alive, not pretty
95-97 Killed and turned into a trophy
98-00 Killed turned to undead or monster

The table is intended to give a general threat and possibly a chance to escape. Its a springboard to adventure rather than a sure death table. But being resurrected from found body in the creek is a possibility and might opens more plots. Savage beings may respect a survivor and offer the player membership and freedom if they take torture on the chin well. Perhaps a fellow prisoner or sect help you escape and call a favour. Perhaps a priest heals the recovering former prisoners and demands a service. Maybe the bad guys offer you a chance to avoid your execution. Obligations to others provide interesting outcomes in a campaign.

I tabulated horrible stuff captors want to do - not as absolute fate but as intention of foes - players should have some chances to escape or provoke enemies to fight one on one (perhaps getting killed by raider better than being given to undead) or even play dead. I'll give players at least a couple of chances. I played pirate games where everyone spent month in horrible prison and fantasy games where party galley slaves for a few months. Heroes have to suffer a bit or victory is cheap.

Up to gm if stat loss lasting or take like time to recover.

Some kind people at Old School Gamers on FB recommend let players new characters rescue old ones. Or make players roll back up characters to scare them.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Artist for future Elfmaids and Octopi cover

 This is some of my good friend Michal's art from the lost in space comic. I did some colouring on the second digitally, the upper one is old school on coloured paper. Stan Lee said it was luscious. Michal has 4 images on my flickr that have had a huge amount of hits over the years. Ive commissioned Michal to make some cover art for the final Elf-maids and Octopi Book. I'll post updates here when I get them. One of Australia's unsung geniuses.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Against the Elves

So our band of heroes pass into the Blackwood where dark elves from the underworld have been gardening for several thousand years.  Our friendly blood druid decided trade with elves was desirable. Some of the others scoffed but followed his lead. A trumpet shroom set off a signal alerting the elves. Finches warned the party about incoming elves who were swiftly taken down. Then their hidden corporal popped a sleep spell and zonked Ulf, the parties best archer. Too little too late. The elves were tied and questioned. The Druid and the sorcerer Pug set half free and demanded parley. One young dark elf named Blackfoot convinced the heroes he was a traitor and wanted to follow Pug. Anyway a deal was made with a dark elf lieutenant and the party managed to tempt them with offers of gilt baroque pornographic furniture they had previously looted from the manse of the adventurers three. The heroes wanted to buy a license to cross the forest at will.

Blackfoot was sent with them to witness the furniture. Then he told them how the elves would charm and enslave and otherwise betray them. He recommended attacking another clans tree fort. The party was lead to the fort and led to its blind spot. Nick the snake crawled into the kitchen drain and poured a horrible gastro potion into their food supply. When sure the guards morale was shattered the wizard spider climbed onto the topmost branched and helped the rest follow with Nick the thief. They sneaked past the giant wasps on the way and a wizard knock took them to the 4000 year old great hall. It was dusty and disused, but from the ornate doors came smell of drugs and incense and music.

Nick in a good mood offered to sneak in and stab somebody. So in he went. There was some yelling and sounds of a spell. The party burst in to find Nick was charmed. Two high dark elves - one with a black soundless magic sabre and black elven chain. The other a lady with a mace and whip. While they hit the male with every spell and missile possible, Nick back stabbed Ulf the horse archer. While the elf warlock was stunned they poured hate on him. His wife paralyzed the Wizard with a spell. They turned to her and she paralyzed Ulf. The odds were getting worse. While they attacked her again she healed her husband. While they turned back to him she animated undead making 10 skeletons from bodies buried under the floor. At least skeletons only do so much unarmed damage. She healed him again and he was pummeled again. Pug blasted her with a fire shuriken and she dived out the balcony. While the rest whittled down skeletons the Druid tried a last entangle spell. They looted the Elflords armour and sword and loaded up a tensers disc worth of rugs, tapestries and spidersilk fabric, all covered in depraved designs. Some nice candle sticks and a bunch of silver change. They fled and young Blackfoot (only 150) started telling them about other clans they could hit.

Hmmmm thought the Druid, methinks we have been used. They propped up the elflords unconscious body on his throne. The Druid still thinks he can make evil elves respect him.

Back home the group split up again. Sondar the priest, Nick the snake, the Druid and wizard went exploring. They saw the city from afar and saw the famous Wolfwood hunting lodge were the rich come to hunt Unicorns. The guards were rude and taunted the party off. They climbed a mountain and looked over new regions.

There were the great sylvan forests where humans were outlawed to the west passage and the .scrubby hill tribe lands to the north east. They saw the evil swamp wood they had heard of and went to marshwood village. The wizard got talking with some young noble about her illuminated poetry of the parties travel and made many friends. The Druid smoked swamp weed with the local sect who have battled the swamp since the dawn age. The weed from the swamp put you in contact with the swamps evil presence.

They checked out the mountains and met friendly bandits, actually runaways from the city. Not evil rather desperate and selfish they proved pleasant company. Heard many new rumors of local lands.

So they traveled onwards to an unexplored region to the south, past a posse out hunting them. They found a tiny lost kingdom and rescued a baby from some goblins and are just settling into the town, getting to know the new local area.

I am enjoying how some locations hate the party already. The wizard heard the pop of Bloodbeach whaling and sealing harbour is 99% male and refused to go. Also you can smell it a days walk away from all the rendering plants.

While they haven't killed one elf they sure have started something....