Showing posts with label long stairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label long stairs. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

What’s in that Container? part 3 Magical Substances

These are mostly in potion form but sometimes powdered. Pretty much this can be used as potion treasure tables but has some unpleasant ones also. I prefer most potions being a few ounces but some might be a quart or even a gallon.

d10 Potion Forms 
1 Small medicine bottles with only a few ounces or liquid, one round to use
2 Glass or clay bottle or sealed jar with a quart of liquid, one round to use
3 Powder can be eaten, one round to use
4 Powder or vapour can be inhaled, one round to use
5 Medicine bottle of vapour to inhale, one round to use
6 Pill, usually large and foul tasting, one round to use
7 Candy or cake, one round to use
8 Eyedrops, one round to use
9 Ointment can be rubbed over the body, one round to use, d3 if clothed
10 Liquid requires a syringe, d3 round to use but 1 once your hooked

Sometimes potions are made with mistakes or the alchemist or whoever can make inbuilt weaknesses for various reasons. Making batches increases risks of side effects. Sometimes they arise from substitutions in recipes or poor aging 
(that powder was a liquid potion). A potion pusher might cut the potion with some other ingredient like opium. Such potions might be slightly cheaper. A potion maker can take longer to make a pure potion and use better ingredients and can be an extra 200gp. Some side effects are an improvement. A fireball potion that only harms chaotic evil people might be handy. Potion users often carry a identical healing potion and injected poison potion tegether to stop enemies using them. Some users might resist the negative effects eventualy or have a antidote. If your addicted to a potion you can substitute alcohol or other substance to abuse instead.

d12 Potion Side Effects
1 Only works for one alignment (stops enemies using your loot)
2 Save each use or your addicted (makes users slaves)
3 Mild Poisoning save or -2 all dice for a hour after (stops people being greedy)
4 Mild Poisoning save or lose 10% HP (stops people being greedy)
5 Numb -d4 Dex for a hour after (second potion makes you save or go to sleep)
6 Weakened -d4 STR for a hour after (helps see who nicked you potion)
7 Slowed -d4 MOV for a hour after, speech slurs (its funny)
8 Melancholia becomes morbid, depressed and fearless for a hour (makes more uses wary)
9 Can only use once ever from that formula (1in6 any similar potion you find)
10 Save or tainted with a petty minor mutation of some type (its an experiment)
11 Potion is bigger and longer to apply or drink d3 rounds, is at least two pints
12 Tastes revolting CON save to keep the potion down without vomiting a d3 rounds

d100 Magical Dungeon Potions
01 Sleep Potion tastes pleasant, save or sleep for d4 hours, mixes in food 100gp
02 Poison Potion can be disguised in food, save or die 100gp
03 Plague Potion can be disguised in food, save or helpless and fever for a week then save to recover or die, 300gp
04 Contact Poison Potion, coat square foot, burns and poisons on touch 100gp
05 Lycanthrope Ointment, infects drinker with lycanthropy, 400gp 
06 Madness Potion, save or inflicted with permanent madness 200gp
07 Blindness Potion , save or permanently blind 200gp
08 Deafness Potion, save or permanently deaf 200gp
09 Mute Potion, save or permanently unable to speak 200gp
10 Hair Restoration Potion, applied by touch, if drink grow hair all over 100gp
11 Speed Potion, lasts ten minutes 300gp
12 Polymorph Potion, adopt form of species chosen by maker for one hour 400gp
13 Oil of Slickness Potion, 1" area slippery pool lasts ten minutes after oil puddle first contacted with victim, 100gp
14 Undeath Potion, become a zombie on death or sometimes some other type 100gp
15 Fog Cloud Potion, obscuring mist fills 3" area with fog for 10 minutes if not windy  100gp
16 Feign death Potion, enter a sleep for up to 12 hours with all symptoms of death 100gp
17 Grenaide, light fuse and throw at target 2d4 damage over 1" area 50gp
18 Incendiary Bomb, light fuse and throw at target 2d4 damage save or lose d4 HP per round for d4 rounds 50gp
19 Smoke Potion, fills 2" area with choking smoke for 10 minutes if not windy 200gp
20 Night Vision Potion one hour 100gp 
21 Vial of Holy Water, 2d4 damage to unholy beings or splash several for d4 30gp
22 Minor Healing Potion, cures d4 lost HP 50gp
23 Healing Potioncures 2d4 lost HP 100gp
24 Extra Healing Potioncures 4d4 lost HP  250gp
25 Protection from evil Potion, +2AC vs a particular alignments, lasts ten minutes 100gp26 Invisibility Potion, lasts ten minutes 200gp
27 Stone to Flesh Potion, to cure people turned to stone 400gp
28 Antidote Potion, cures any poison 300gp
29 Panacea Potion, cures any disease 300gp
30 Sweet Water Potion, purifies 60 gallons of bad or impure water to make drinkable 100gp
31 Climbing Potion, climb like a spider for ten minutes 100gp
32 Water Breathing Potion, lasts hour minutes 300gp
33 Free Action Potion, cant be webbed, paralyses or slowed by terrain, lasts ten minutes 100gp
34 Gaseous Form Potion, drinker becomes vapour that can move by floating 3", +4AC cannot attack or cast in form, lasts ten minutes 200gp
35 Levitate Potion, move 3" or 1" across by floating, lasts ten minutes 200gp
36 Fly Potion, move at normal speed in the air, lasts ten minutes 300gp
37 Shrink Potion, Shrink to 10% size x1/2 Mov, -4 to be hit by bigger creatures, lasts ten minutes 100gp
38 Growth Potion, Grows over 10%, most 1 foot taller +1 HP per HD, +1 STR, +1 Mov, -1AC , lasts ten minutes 100gp
39 Heroism Potion, lasts ten minutes +1 Lv for ten minutes 100gp
40 Super Heroism Potion, lasts ten minutes +d3 Lv for ten minutes 300gp
41 Fire Resistance Potion, x1/2 damage from fire or heat lasts ten minutes 100gp
42 Acid Resistance Potion, x1/2 damage from any acid lasts ten minutes
43 Lightning Resistance Potion, x1/2 damage from any poison lasts ten minutes 100gp
44 Cold Resistance Potionx1/2 damage from any cold or ice lasts ten minutes 100gp
45 Poison Resistance Potion, lasts ten minutes 200gp
46 Strength Potion+d4 , lasts ten minutes 200gp
47 Dexterity Potion+d4 , lasts ten minutes 200gp
48 Constitution Potion+d4 , lasts ten minutes 200gp
49 Wisdom Potion+d4 , lasts ten minutes 200gp
50 Potion of Charisma +d4 Potion, lasts ten minutes 200gp
51 Oil of Durability +10 HP for ten minutes
52 Beserker Potion can fight in negative HP but lose HP/round blood loss, +2 hiit and damage ferocity, once fighting cant stop killing anyone till expires in ten minutes or dead 200gp
53 Ointment of Healing cures disease, poison or heals 4d4+4 lost HP 500gp
54 Regeneration Potion regenerate d3HP/round for ten minutes 400gp
55 Stinking Cloud Potion, throw as as spell for ten minutes 2"area 200gp
56 Mutation Potion, save or develop a petty mutation, mostly cosmetic 100gp
57 Poison Gas fills 1" area with poison for 10 minutes if not windy 300gp
58 Plague Miasma  fills 1" area with disease effect for 10 minutes if not windy 300gp
59 Acid Vapor fills 1" area with d4 damage acid fog for 10 minutes if not windy 300gp
60 Acid Potion 2d4 if hurled, save or take a d4 damage for a d4 rounds 100gp
61 Detect Silver 
Potion,1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 100gp
62 Detect Gold Potion,1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 200gp
63 Detect Traps Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 200gp
64 Detect Treasure Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 300gp
65 Detect Enemy Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 100gp
66 Detect Water Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 100gp
67 ESP Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 200gp
68 Detect Invisible Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 200gp
69 Clairvoyance 
Potion1" Range per Lv, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 400gp
70 Contact Other Plane Potion, and ask a question of a spirit during hour trance 500gp
71 Charm Person Potion,1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 100gp
72 Charm Beast Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 100gp
73 Charm Monster Potion,1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 400gp
74 Charm Plant Potion,1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 400gp
75 Charm Vermin Swarm Potion,1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 200gp
76 Charm Giant Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 400gp
77 Charm Dragon Potion1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 500gp
78 Charm Undead Potion1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 200gp
79 Charm Devil Potion1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 400gp
80 Charm Demon Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 400gp
81 Telekinesis Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes, 30lb/Lv 400gp
82 Remove Curse Potion, 400gp
83 True Sight Potion, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 400gp
84 Detect Secret Doors and Panels, 1" Range per Lv, lasts ten minutes 200gp
85 Teleport Potion, one person can go anywhere on plane they have been before 500gp
86 Contact Dead Potion, enter hour trance and speak to corpse spirit for 3 questions 200gp
87 Fireball Potion 6d6 damage save halves over 2" radius area, explodes when breaks, 300gp

88 Doubler Potion, mix in another potion and get a extra dose of that potion 400gp
89 Neutralizer Potion, dispels effects of a magic or potion 500gp
90 Extender 
Potion , ten minute potion lasts hour, hour potion lasts two hours 400gp
91 Invulnerability Potion, +4AC for ten minutes 400gp
92 Etherealness Oil, travel through ethereal plane ten minutes 400gp
93 Astral Form 
Oil, travel to astral plane on trance for one hour 500gp
94 Love Potion,1" Range per Lv, as per charm person spell but lasts a year 300gp
95 Sleep of the Ages Potion, save or sleep for 100 years 300gp
96 Restoration Potion, restores a lost energy level or stat point 400gp
97 Total Healing Potion, heals all but a d4 damage 500gp
98 Longevity Potion, reduces age d4 500gp
99 Ambrosia, divine beverage of the gods, forbidden to mortals, glow and +d4 CHA for an hour, 1d6 years younger per drink 1000gp
100 Plane Shift Oil, most have a pre determined plane or can throw at someone to banish them to a specific plane, most not labelled 1000gp

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

d100 Dungeon Illusions and Phantasms

These are illusion type traps planted in dungeons by illusionists or other magicians or even spirits. Making a fake trap that avoiding it in fact triggers a different trap is the most common use. Or just hiding it.

d10 Why did they bother with illusion?1 To hide a trap
2 To act as bait for a trap
3 To scare or warn people
4 To simulate attack or danger
5 To hide a treasure
6 To hide a door or passage
7 To make intruders uncertain
8 As a wacky joke
9 To use as a alarm for locals
10 To act as a test or challenge

d100 Dungeon illusions and phantasms

01 Chattering skulls flies towards intruders laughing 
02 Snakes pour through cracks and cover floor
03 Flies swarm out covering faces and getting in eyes 
04 Swarm of rats panicking
05 Area dripping with slime and dissolved corpses
06 Swarm of bats darken area with chaos
07 Spirits and phantoms swarming everywhere
08 Stirges  swarming hungrily
09 Furious gremlins swarming everywhere 
10 Imps and tiny devils cackling and pointing lewdly scuttling everywhere
11 Explosion of burning flames
12 Arcing bolts of crackling electricity
13 Wall of ice and waves of chilling air
14 Blazing wall of fire blocks area
15 Fog cloud rolls out filling
16 Green vaour pours out and looks toxic
17 Black magical blinding shadows reduces everyone's visibility
18 Bright magical blinding lights reduces everyone's visibility
19 Hail of daggers or darts firing everywhere
20 Swinging bladed pendulums
21 Charging humanoid warriors
22 Huge monster warrior
23 Shield wall of humanoids with spears
24 Dozens of archers
25 Armoured warriors with crossbows and halberds
26 Evil templar warrior priests
27 Robed wizards casting spells
28 Fierce beserkers
29 Armoured warriors
30 Demon or devil 
31 Charging hell hounds
32 Giant frog
33 Giant snake
34 Tentacled horror
35 Gelatinous ooze creature
36 Giant insect  
37 Animated statue or golem
38 Animated floating weapons
39 Elemental being threatens all
40 Roaring dragon breathing fire
41 Stone wall
42 Pit with spikes
43 Burning pit
44 Snake filled pit
45 Mound of rubble
46 Portculis gate
47 Iron bars
48 Heavy door
49 Something ordinary hidden by illusion
50 Something ordinary hidden invisibly
51 Waterfall
52 Boiling water
53 Steam geyser
54 Bubbling pool of acid
55 Pool with swimming monster 
56 Pool with giant octopus
57 Healing spring
58 Well dropping into depths
59 Pool with giant frogs
60 Liquid monster oozes from a vessel
61 Attractive maiden beaconing for help
62 Prisoners bound and moaning
63 Urchins seem afraid and cower in fear
64 Wounded human
65 Pile of gold coins
66 Pile of silver coins
67 Treasure chest open with loot
68 Pile of sparkling gems
 69 Rack of weapons and armour
70 A big black cauldron or stave
71 Piles of barrels
 of crates
72 Exclusionary light source like candles or fire place
73 Pile of coffins, funerary urns or sarcophagi
74 Pile of old shoes or clothes or old armour from bodies
75 Bundles of firewood or huge oil urns
76 Doors or gates that look functional
77 Trap door or pit or well
78 Pressure plate barely observable
79 Sagging beams or roof as if about to collapse
80 Large egg, possibly about to hatch
81 Piles of rotting corpses
82 Piles of skeletons and bones
83 Piles of desiccated and mummified corpses
84 Piles of gore and offal as if from horrible massacre
85 piles of worm ridden rotting flesh crawling with maggots
86 Horribly tortured corpses in apparatus, crucified or chained up
87 Mounds of skulls heaped in
88 Twitching, bloody and squirming human guts, limbs and other organs
89 Piles of severed heads
90 Piles of eyeballs
91 Magical demonic glyphs appear
92 A magical mouth makes some kind of threat or warning
93 A magical mouth swears, moans or sobs
94 A scream or alarm bell or gong sound that alerts creatures
95 Floating eyeball observing intruders
96 Shimmering gate appears and some planar beings look out
97 Horrible phantom or other impressive looking undead horror
98 Great gate opens and some horrific alien being gazes through
99 Demons or devils torturing victims look gleeful to see fresh victims
100 Illusion of dungeon boss or deity being threatening

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

What’s in that Container? part 2 Rare and strange things

D100 Rare Materials by the ounces only

01 Naphtha
02 Quicksilver (Mercury, spirit)
03 Amber
04 Acacia Gum
05 Royal jelly
06 Perfume
07 Frankincense
08 Myrrh
09 Gold leaf
10 Silver leaf
11 Snake venom
12 Scorpion venom
13 Dried blood
14 Cinnamon
15 Ginger
16 Pepper
17 Nutmeg
18 Herbs
19 Saltpeter
20 Potash
21 Black Powder
22 Arsenic
23 Cobolt
24 Alum
25 Asafoetida
26 Musk
27 Alicorn powder

28 Cinnebar
29 Alum
30 Antimony

31 Pyrite
32 Brimstone (sulphur)
33 Camomile
34 Manganese
35 Cacao beans

36 Coffee beans
37 Dragon bone
38 Mandragora
39 Marsh Vapour
40 Nikel
41 Orpiment

42 Pitchblende
43 Zincblende
44 Solanaceae (nightshade)
45 White Cinnabar
46 Zinken
47 Poppy Nectar
48 Tobbacco
49 Hashish
50 Aspestos
51 Sodium
52 Phospherous

53 Ochre
54 Algarot
56 Cadmia
57 Verdigris
58 Spider Silk
59 Caput Mortum
60 Bezoardicum
61 Chalcanthum
62 Yellow bile
63 Black bile
64 Arcanum Joviale
65 Arcanum Duplicatum
66 Arcanum Corallinum
67 Aqua Vitae (ethanol)
68 Aqua Fortis (nitric acid)
 Aqua Ragia (turpentine)

70 Aqua Regia (nitric and hydrochloric acid)
73 Arsenic
74 Caustic Soda
75 Bismuth
76 Gypsum
77 Soda Ash
78 Khol

79 Cumin
80 Tumeric
81 Safron
82 Cardomon
83 Chilli pepper
84 Licorice
85 Paprika
86 Orichalcum
87 Crystal
88 Vitriol (sulphuric acid)
89 Electrum
90 Lapis Lazuli
91 Choleric Base for potion making with a blend of acids, alcohol and water
92 Melancholic Base for potions a blend of poisonous plants, turpentine
93 Phlegmatic Base for potions a blend of minerals substances
94 Sanguine Base for potions a blend of exotic animal parts
95 Iliaster primal material to create bodies and souls
96 Prima Materia basis for creating matter
97 Homunculus Blood is artificial blood to create alchemical life
98 Life Essence used to animate inanimate things into living things
99 Black Lotus Resin causes adictive nightmares and dreams
100 Philosophers Stone basis for alchemical reactions, mutations and transformations

d100 Strange Substances, materials and menaces

01 Yellow bile
02 Black bile
03 Green bile

04 Puss
05 Blood
06 Skulls

07 Liquefied corpse
08 Vomit
09 Mucous
10 Snot 
11 Vomit
12 Mucous
13 Viscera
14 Fresh blood
15 Rancid blood
16 Earwax
17 Pubic hair
18 Skin flakes
19 Scales from fish or reptile

20 Used snot rags
21 Dried demihuman ears
22 Human scalps
23 Dried turds
24 Dried corpses
25 Rotting Corpses
26 Undead skeleton
27 Undead zombie
27 Undead ghoul
28 Mould
29 Screaming fungus
30 Slime
31 Ooze
32 Angry stirges
33 Bats dried or alive
34 Toads or frogs dried or alive
35 Dried sea cucumbers
36 Giant bugs
37 Giant lizard
38 Giant spider
39 Giant rats
40 Moldy old books, scrolls and pamphlets
41 Swamp gas
42 Flies
43 Bees
44 Wasps
45 Severed Fingers
46 Severed Hands
47 Moths
48 Fireflies
49 Goblin (1in6 a nilbog)
50 Several kobolds
51 Unhappy child
52 Toenail clippings
53 Eyeballs
54 Ice packed in straw
56 Dry Ice packed in straw
57 Mystery meat jerky
58 Fish guts
59 Copper coins d6x1000 

60 Gold coins d4x10 submerged in poison
61 Explosive trap 2d4 1" across area if opened
62 Poison gas trap 
1" across area if opened
63 Stinking gas trap 
1" across area if opened 

64 Acid gas trap 2d4 the d4 for next d4 rounds 1" across area if opened
65 Smoke bomb trap 3"
66 Plague miasma expands to 3" save or diseased
67 Zombie arms which crawl everywhere
68 Maggots
69 Giant leech or worm

70 Annoying Monkeys
71 Glaring magical light (possibly something else too)
72 Fathomless magical darkness 
(possibly something else too)
 Flaming skulls d4 fly around screaming
74 Beating zombie hearts dripping with ichor
75 True love
 Floating eyeball shoots magic missiles
77 Illusion pours out if opened
78 Something inside bursts into flames if opened

79 Secret tunnel enterance
80 Mechanical device throws poison caltrops around
81 Several naught imps d4
82 Several dozen gremlins
83 Thrown out drafts of terrible poems
84 Puppies or kittens
85 Wood golem programed to attack anyone who opens
86 An immortal bound and gagged relieved to be set free but possibly a jerk
87 Chained up corpse
88 Chained up ghoul
89 Hallucinogenic gas expands 3" area
90 Imprisoned spirit seeks revenge on those who killed it and seeks aid
91 Imprisoned witch with eerie powers in chains and gagged
92 Imprisoned elemental
93 Imprisoned doppelganger
94 Magic mouth appears and insults or taunts anyone who opens
95 Delay blast fireball goes off
96 Larvae from hell d4 with collars identifying them as a devils private property
Tentacled octopus like creature (grell? cave octopus or evil tako)
98 Tear in fabric or reality a gateway to another world
99 Protoplasmic flesh fragment of a elder god spawning mutant things

100 A petty god who got in trouble and is up for hijinx

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

What’s in that Container? part 1 Common Things

In my various dungeon zones each favours certain containers. Gothic has grave urns and crypts and coffins but redbrick has barrels and crates. Desert tombs have jars. Glaciers might have carved ice or stones. A forest might have hollow logs or treestumps. This is a bit of a video game aproach to loot perhaps. the distinctive feature of redbrick is the construction site and modern mass produced vibe and functionalism as a barracks for monsters.

So I have done Several tables of this stuff but trying to do a table of wetgood really broke me. Took two days to not quite do what normally takes two hours and not satisfied. G+ readers tried to help. So this rewrite i'm going to divide differently. (I didn't really want 60 gallon barrels of sodium or modern industrial materials players could destroy a city with). Anyway I abandoned my idea to sort by liquid or dry goods.

I'm trying Foodstuff, Hardware and then another table later for expensive stuff sold by the ounce like mercury, medecine, perfume and even potions. Darklands the PC game did a great job of this. I ca still have odd video game barrels with bombs or skeletons or poor terrified flumphs inside (it is scared and releases a stench and players kill it before discovering it is lawful good and sentient - good times).

Obviously liquids are better in barrels than wooden crates
Acid possibly best not kept in a barrel
A 60 gallon bottle of potions would serve a army and be worth a fortune

d20 Type of containers
1 Medicine Bottle 2 ounces
2 Clay or glass bottle half gallon
3 Clay jar 1-4 gallons
4 Jug possibly with lid 1-2 gallon
5 Bucket possibly with a lid 5 gallon
6 Mug or stein with lid 1 gallon7 Demijohn bottle 5 gallons
8 Cooking pot with lid 1-4 gallons9  Amphora 12 gallons
10 Cauldron 1-10 gallons
11 Small keg 8 gallons
12 Wine barrel 60 gallons
13 Small Box under half a cubic foot
14 Small Chest two cubic foot
15 Medium Chest 6 cubic foot
16 Large chest 12 cubic foot
17 Huge chest  40 cubic foot
18 Small crate cubic foot
19 Medium crate cubic yard (27 cubic foot)
20 Large crate two yard cube (216 cubic foot)

d100 Common Dungeon Food Stuff
01 Beer d6+2%
02 Prison Brew 6+d6%
03 Cheap wine 6+d6%
04 Horehound d6+2%
05 Cider, apple or pear d6+2%
06 Herbal wine 6+d6%
07 Berry Wine 6+d6%
08 Fruit Wine 6+d6%
09 Fine Wine 6+d6%
10 Stout  6+d6%
11 Lemonade - fermented fizzy pop d6%
12 Ginger Beer - fermented fizzy pop d6%
13 Wood alcohol - poison, good for embalming, paint thinner, usually watered down to 40%
14 Rotgut grog  6+2d6%
15 Applejack - ice distilled cider 6+2d6%
16 Gin distilled grog flavoured with berries
17 Whiskey distilled barley malt 40%
18 Brandy distilled wine 40%
19 Rum distilled sugar byproducts 40%
20 Vodka distilled grain or potatoes 40%
21 Mead 4d6%
22 Liqueur (various flavours) 40%
23 Ginger wine 6+d6%
24 Port 20%
25 Advocaat 10+2d6%
26 Hashish Wine 
27 Kumis fermented mares milk d3%
28 Kvas d2%
29 Absinthe 40+4d6%
30 Arrack distilled palm Wine 40+4d6%
31 Spring water
32 Stale water
33 Distilled water
34 Fouled water
35 Fouled beer
36 Fouled wine
37 Vinegar
38 Milk
39 Off milk
40 Brine
41 Mouldy water
42 Algae filled water
43 Fruit in brandy
44 Honey 
45 Salt
46 Fruit in syrup
47 Jam
48 Molasys
49 Malt
50 Palm syrup
51 Herrings

52 Pickled eggs
53 Pickled cucumbers
54 Sauerkraut
55 Pickled Worms
56 Pickled crab 1in6 rotten and explosive
57 Mustard pickles
58 Pickled hog feet
59 Pickled hog snouts
60 Pickled mushrooms
61 Fish oil
62 Whale oil
63 Seed oil
64 Lard (probably set solid)
65 Olive oil
66 Nut oil
67 Linseed oil
68 Hashish oil
69 Mustard oil
70 Sesame oil
71 Apple sauce

72 Mustard
73 Horse Raddish
74 Acorn paste
75 Fish sauce 1in6 rotten and explosive
76 Salted fish
77 Salted lemons
78 Acorns
79 Nuts  
80 Dried fruit
81 Olives in brine
82 Acorns in water
83 Beer brewing
84 Beer mash
85 Yeast
86 Crackers
87 Hide biscuits
88 Salted pork
89 Bread (possibly stale or dry)
90 Cheese possibly in balls or wheels or in brine or oil
91 Oats
92 Wheat
93 Beans

94 Rye
95 Barley
96 Flour
97 Dried sausages
98 Rice
99 Garlic or onion bulbs
100 Chickpeas

d100 Industrial Materials
01 Urine
02 Liquid sewerage
03 Fermented urine
04 Tar or pitch
05 Ink
06 Dye
07 Paint
08 Candles
09 Beeswax
10 Soap
11 Lamp oil
12 Whale oil
13 Mineral oil
14 Terpentine
15 Glue
16 Paste
17 Resin
18 Varnish
19 Tannin 
20 Formaldehyde
21 Sewerage
22 Manure
23 Blood and bone
24 Calcium
25 Rat Poison
26 Lime
27 Lye
28 Cedar oil
29 Bricks
30 Nails
31 Pulleys
32 Rope
33 Fire wood
34 Lumber
35 Vinigar
36 Gravel
37 Sand
38 Potash
39 Charcoal
40 Ash
41 Clay
42 Glaze
43 Broken glass
44 Broken ceramic
45 Rags
46 Pig iron 
47 Bronze bars
48 Rusty scrap metal
49 Roof tiles
50 Wool in spindles
51 String or twine in balls

52 Fishing net
53 Buoy or floats
54 Rubble
55 Wire in spools
56 Glass ingots
57 Copper ore
58 Iron ore
59 Lead
60 Salt
61 Beads
62 Broken rusty old tools
63 Wood shavings
64 Turned wooden chair and table legs
65 Old door lknobs
66 Fish bones
67 Seashells
68 River stones (slings?)
69 Chunks of granite
70 Bundles of cut brush
71 Leather hide

72 Old lamps
73 Bitumen 
74 Sheets and scraps of tin
75 Corroded copper sheets
76 Torches in bundles
77 Iron bars
78 Arrow shafts
79 Feathers
80 Baking tins
81 Old pots and pans
82 Old brushes
83 Hair or bristles probably from animals  (?)
84 Hooves from animals
85 Horns from animals (?)
86 Bones from animals  (?)
87 Teeth from animals  (?)
88 Wooden poles
89 Bundles of reeds
90 Guts in fermented urine
91 Bleach
92 Wooden stakes
93 Iron spikes

94 Chaff
95 Hay
96 Nut shells or pine cones
97 Dirt
98 Lead weights or shot or slugs
99  Rusty common weapons (small axes, maces, swords)
100 Arrows or crossbow bolts