Showing posts with label Valadon (Suzanne). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valadon (Suzanne). Show all posts

17 September 2018

Maurice Utrillo and Suzanne Valadon in the 18th arrondissement

Maurice Utrillo (1883–1955) was the son of Suzanne Valadon, an acrobat and model encouraged, for instance, by Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec and Renoir to develop a powerful expressionist painting talent. Unusually, Utrillo was a painter of Montmartre who was born there. La Maison Rose was immortalised by a number of painters of the time. Utrllo is buried in Le Cimetière Saint-Vincent, Montmartre, and Suzanne Valadon in the Cimetière parisien de Saint-Ouen, both graves of whom are on this blog.

Rue des saules.

14 September 2016

Cimetière Saint-Vincent, Montmartre (continued): #4 Maurice Utrillo

Portrait de Maurice Utrillo par sa mère Suzanne Valadon.jpg

Maurice Utrillo (Maurice Valadon)  (1883–1955) was a painter who was born in rue du Poteau in Montmartre and who died in Dax. His mother was Suzanne Valadon (1865–1938)  real name Marie Clémentine Valadon – who was a model for several artists, among them Toulouse Lautrec and Vincent van Gogh.

Maruice Utrillo became a noted painter and received the Légion d'honneur in 1929.

16 January 2014

Suzanne Valadon: Cimetière parisien de Saint-Ouen #2

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Suzanne Valadon (1865–1938) was a circus acrobat at fifteen, then an artists' model before becoming a painter herself. She is the mother of the artist Maurice Utrillo, and there is a musée Utrillo-Valadon at Sannois, Val-d'Oise.