Showing posts with label Sedgwick (Catharine Maria). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sedgwick (Catharine Maria). Show all posts

19 June 2014

The Sedgwick Pie, Stockbridge, MA

The remarkable 'Sedgwick Pie' is in Stockbridge Cemetery, Massachusetts, and is very difficult to photograph in its entirety. The lawyer Theodore Sedgwick (1746–1813) and his wife Pamela Sedgwick (1753–1807) are at the center above, with other relatives, servants, and even pets grouped around in concentric circles. Below I include only two more in the pie, although I shall include more in the next few weeks or so.

Dec. 28, 1789.
dies July 31, 1867.'

Catharine Maria Sedgwick was a very popular author of the day who had for some time been almost forgotten, although attempts to restore her work and spread knowledge of her progressive views (particularly with regard to abolition and female independence) continue to be successful. She wrote nine novels.

known by the name of
died Dec. 28th 1829.
Her supposed age
was 85 Years.
She was born a slave and
remained a slave for nearly
thirty years. She could nei-
ther read nor write, yet in
her own sphere she had no
superior nor equal. She nei-
ther wasted time' nor property.
She never violated a trust, nor
failed to perform a duty.
In every situation of domes-
tic trial, she was the most effi-
cient helper and the tenderest
friend. Good mother, farewell.'

Mumbet, or Mum Bett, served as a parent – a mother in particular – to the Sedgwick children during their biological mother's illness and the absence to their busy father. Several books have been written about this amazing former slave.

The tribute stones here are evidence of the enduring respect people retain for Mum Bett.

4 January 2012

Norman Rockwell in Stockbridge, The Berkshires, Massachusetts

The painter and illustrator Norman Rockwell (1894–1978) – most remembered for his Saturday Evening Post covers, and perhaps especially among those his Willie Gillis series – moved from Arlington, Vermont to Stockbridge, Massachusetts in 1953. The Norman Rockwell Museum, designed by Robert A. M. Stern, holds the largest original collection of Rockwell's work, and has been at 9 Route 183, on a thirty-six acre site, since 1993. One large room houses all 322 of his Saturday Evening Post covers. Other rooms give some insight into his more socially concerned paintings, of his frustration with the restrictions caused by the demands for whimsical cutesiness: the racial issue in 'The Problem We All Live With' (1964) is of course the most famous example of this maturity. No photography allowed, as might be expected.


Norman Rockwell wanted his studio to be preserved for museum visitors to learn about his working process. In 1976, he placed his studio and all of its furnishings and equipment in trust to The Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge. In 1986, the contents were carefully packed, and the studio building was moved from South Street to its new site. As in its original location, the studio's large windows face north and the building continues to overlook the Housatonic River.

The relocation and restoration of Norman Rockwell's studio was made possible by the generosity of Kraft General Foods.'

The studio does not reflect the state it was in at the time the museum came into possession of it, but an earlier, more productive time.

And that time was October 1960, when Rockwell was finishing Golden Rule, which was published on the Saturday Evening Post cover of 1 April 1961.

Another part of the studio.

Also on the museum site is Linwood House, built by New York attorney Charles Butler in 1859 as his family's summer retreat and named after the novel The Linwoods (1835), which was written by relative and Stockbridge resident Catharine Maria Sedgwick. This and similar summer houses were known as 'Berkshire cottages'. The setting is beautifully picturesque, and Rockwell used to cycle here every day from the center of Stockbridge, at the same time getting to know the Musgrave family who had inherited the property. Structurally this house is the same as in Charles Butler's day, and it now forms the museum's administrative nucleus.

Around the museum are a number of sculptures. This one is a representation of children by Peter Rockwell, Norman's son.

This is by John Catalano, and is titled The Shaman.

On the way back to the parking lot by the entrance, visitors are requested to ring a large bell if they enjoyed themselves. We both clanged it vigorously: it had been a great way to spend a wet day.