'Under this Stone lie the Remains
of Mrs Sarah Penſon Relict of the
Late Samuel Penſon of London
who died Jany 1790 aged 69 Years.
Alſo of Thos Quincey Merchant
who died July 18th Aged 40 yrs.
Alſo of Jane Quincey Daughter of
Thos & Elizth Quincey born Sepr 8
1786 died March 18th 1790.
Alſo of Elizabeth Quincey their
Daughter who died June 2d 1792
Aged 9 Years.'
of Mrs Sarah Penſon Relict of the
Late Samuel Penſon of London
who died Jany 1790 aged 69 Years.
Alſo of Thos Quincey Merchant
who died July 18th Aged 40 yrs.
Alſo of Jane Quincey Daughter of
Thos & Elizth Quincey born Sepr 8
1786 died March 18th 1790.
Alſo of Elizabeth Quincey their
Daughter who died June 2d 1792
Aged 9 Years.'
This tombstone stands close to St Ann's Church in St Ann Street, Manchester, where the writer Thomas De Quincey (1785–1859) was born. His father Thomas Quincey (1753–93) was a successful textile merchant who married Elizabeth (née Penson (c. 1756–1846)) in 1780.
Thomas De Quincey was seven years old on the death of his sister, with whom he had a very strong bond: in 1845, in Suspiria de Profondis, he wrote about his intense emotions on seeing Elizabeth on her deathbed.
De Quincey is buried in St Cuthbert's churchyard, Edinburgh:
To the Memory of
Thomas Dequincey
who was born at Greenhay
NEAR Manchester
August 15TH 1785
and Died at Edinburgh
December 8TH 1859
and of Margaret his Wife
who Died
August 7TH 1887'
*Thomas Quincey was a founder member of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society and author of Short Tour in the Midland Counties of England (1774).