Showing posts with label Barlet (François-Charles). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barlet (François-Charles). Show all posts

27 October 2015

Paris 2015: Cimetière parisien de Bagneux #12: François-Charles Barlet

1838 – 1921'

François-Charles Barlet was an occulist and had similar interests to those of Papus and Max Théon. He was one of the first members of the French Theosophical Society, although he left them and joined the Groupe indépendant des études ésotériques (GIDEE). His publications include Essai sur l'évolution des idées (1891), Principe de sociologie synthétique (1894), L'évolution de la sociologie (1894), L'instruction intégrale (1895), Synthèse de l'esthétique : la peinture (1895), and L'art de demain : la peinture autrefois et aujourd'hui (1897).