Showing posts with label Taylor (John). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taylor (John). Show all posts

1 May 2012

John Taylor, Water Poet, Spitalfields, London

The pub The Water Poet is at the corner of Folgate Street and Blossom Street, Spitalfields, and was formerly called The Old Pewter Platter. It is named after John Taylor (c.1578–1653), who called himself 'the Kings Majesties Water-Poet': Taylor spent much of his life ferrying passagers across the Thames. His book The Pennyles Pilgrimage (1618) describes in verse 'How he travailed on foot from London to Edenborough in Scotland, not carrying any Money to or fro, neither Begging, Borrowing, or Asking Meate, drinke or Lodging:
The Pennyles Pilgrimage, Or The Money-lesse Perambulation of John Taylor