The New Woman is written large across fin-de-siècle literature. Stereotypical images of the servile, decorative, and reluctantly inactive woman of the past were being overturned in an attempt to find a new voice for her which would reflect the new mood. Gender reversal was one of the characteristics of the New Woman novel, and she was exaggerated by some sources – notably in periodicals such as Punch – as being too 'masculine'. The bicycle, rational dress and the ubiquitous cigarette just some of the symbols used in these satires, but although the New Woman was a heterogeneous phenomenon, she nevertheless represented a generally concerted effort on the part of women to assert themselves. Of interest here is that in the process they gained not only sympathisers but also converts from the male camp, and in a sense James Prior was one of them. He seemed much more comfortable writing about women, and in an ahistorical way in general sympathy with their cause.
It is unknown which New Woman novels Prior had read, if any at all, although it seems certain that he was not only aware of the genre but also influenced by it. Nell Rideout is an evident New Woman type, although with significant differences. Prior dehistoricizes his New Woman, and therefore uses none of the contemporary allusions present in conventional New Woman fiction: not only is there no talk of social issues such as the Women's Movement, but there are no props such as the cigarette. In Forest Folk, Prior even sets the book outside the fin-de-siècle period as if to escape from contemporary trappings. And instead of the middle-class New Woman in the comfortable fin-de-siècle home, Prior's construction of her in Forest Folk involves converting her into a feisty working-class heroine confidently riding horses, almost always outdoors and speaking about farming or the countryside in general in a proudly expressed, broad Nottingham accent.
What clearly defines Nell as a New Woman and creates correspondences with Prior's ideas and New Woman literature – above all with Egerton's Keynotes and Discords and Schreiner's Woman and Labour – is the necessity for independence and equality. More than any other qualities, these can safely be said to be essential prerequisites of the conventional New Woman. But in a heterosexual context, which Prior's invariably is, there must be a New Man to mirror the New Woman's independence and equality. New Men are also prominent in Egerton's and Schreiner's work, but with an inevitable difference: unlike Prior's – and to a certain extent Egerton's and Schreiner's – New Woman, his New Man is not timeless, but must be taught how to become New. Particularly successful here is the New Woman Nell's Nottinghamshire dialect sparring with the budding New Man Arthur's Received Pronunciation. The conflict between these two discourses shows Prior at his most successful, and Forest Folk earned Prior some critical acclaim. His vision is one of equality, bringing together the sexes and the classes.
So to return to Lawrence's question about James Prior: 'Why is he a failure?' It is perhaps Prior's next book which would prove fatal to his continued success as a writer. Ivory Buchan simply call Hyssop Prior's worst book, and 'really so very bad that it needs no further comment'. 1 Long before Buchan's article, and when Prior was still alive, his friend Stephen Fisher evidently came to the same conclusion, as it is the only one of the six Prior novels that he does not mention at all. Hyssop was Prior's all-important follow-up to Forest Folk, and concerns a young woman suffering from amnesia as a result of a train crash. She even loses all recall of her language and has to be taught how to speak by the middle-class family that adopts her. Only towards the end, where the book for a brief spell almost reaches the wilder excesses of a temperance novel, does the reader learn that Eva was in her former life an alcoholic prostitute in a London slum. Almost the whole book is set inside a middle-class house with dialogue far removed from the lively dialect of Forest Folk, and the language is tortured and artificial. Prior seems to have forgotten, or possibly not realized, his strengths. He has forced himself to be hidebound by the narrative convention he is writing in, and of course his perception of it. It is as though Prior is now writing in an alien language: his father's 'grave and exact way of expressing himself by his pen' is now subverting him, preventing him from expressing himself freely. Prior's characters do not travel well when transposed to exclusively middle-class surroundings: there is no inter-class tension in Hyssop as in Forest Folk in particular. Ivory Buchan sums it up quite well:
'Prior was indeed far more at home in the cottage than in the hall or the self-contained villa. He was not in a position to observe the habits of the high-born, and the middle-class milieu was singularly wanting in the liveliness, poetry and tradition which his nature demanded. And so his best characters are those that speak dialect: sturdy peasants with slow caustic tongues, beggars and wandering gypsies, beside whom the well-spoken seem a little thin. [...] He has a[n] odd stiltedness and slight unreality in "educated" dialogue, and then a sudden grip and ease when it comes to country speech'.
A Walking Gentleman, which followed Hyssop three years later in 1907, was considered by Fisher to be better than Forest Folk, and I'm almost certain that it had an influence on Lawrence's Aaron's Rod, but it was too late: it couldn't undo the damage, the public had not forgiven him for Hyssop, and Fortuna Chance in 1910 was Prior's last published work.
Three years after Prior's death, Rupert Hayra published his first and last book, Amidst Green Pastures. He dedicated it 'To the memory of my dear friend JAMES PRIOR [...] who opened my eyes and enlarged my heart, when together we wandered amidst green pastures.'2 Prior's literary contribution should be remembered for its working-class New Woman and Man in the countryside, proclaiming their existence in a broad Nottinghamshire dialect and speaking out against general middle-class intolerance. They are original. As Prior said: 'I have put the best of myself into my books. They are me and nobody else.'
1Buchan, p. 8.
2Rupert Haywra, Amidst Green Pastures (London: Daniel, 1925), p. [5].
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Anabel-Cooper, Jean, 'James Prior – An Appreciation',Nottinghamshire Countryside, Spring 1965
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–––––, Don Pedro the Cruel: A Historical Tragedy (London: Hamilton, Adams, 1882)
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My James Prior posts:
James Prior's Forest
Folk (dissertation): Introduction
James Prior's Forest Folk (dissertation): Chapter One
James Prior's Forest Folk (dissertation): Chapter Two
James Prior's Forest Folk (dissertation): Chapter Three
James Prior's Forest Folk (dissertation): Conclusion
James Prior (1851–1922) in Bingham
James Prior's
Parents' Grave, Nottingham
James Prior: Three Shots from a Popgun (1880)
The Forest Folk memorial window
James Prior plaque, Blidworth