Showing posts with label Swap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swap. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nail Mail from Russia again - and with love ♥

Once again I've swapped with my dear friend from Russia, Anastasia from Little World of ColouredNails.  The waiting time wasn't as long this time as it has been before. I think it took about 5 weeks this time. So yes, I was thrilled when the mailman arrived with my Russian goodies!!

Here's one half of the polishes: 

And here's the other half: 

 Let's take a closer look at them, shall we. 
First three up are Dance Legends. Lots of glitter, yay!

Dance Legend: 917, Aztec 8 and 920

Two more Dance Legends. I love the brand so I was happy to see five of them in this swap! These two are colour shifters - the left one is textured, and the right one is a flakie! 

Dance Legend: Sahara Crystal 15, and 529

Then there's a couple of brands I also recognize, Pupa and Jeanmishel. Pretty shimmers both of them: 

Pupa 726 and JeanMishel (name is in Russian :) )

Here's a pretty couple too, Eva and Bell. Eva is pink hologlitter and Bell is a blue/purple glittertopper: 

Eva 085 and Bell Glam Night sparkle 03

Then there's a brand I've been wanting to try for a while: El Corazón. This is a pretty pink with black "dots" that look like tiny poppy seeds. And Seventeen - a beautiful duochrome called 539

El Corazón Dotty Girl and Seventeen 539

Divage is a brand I've received from Anastasia before. They're so pretty, so I welcome another member of that family. It's a blue/red/purple/golden duochrome. Aurelia is new to me, but wow! She's absolutely gorgeous. I love the colour shift in her! 

Divage Special effects 4908 and Aurelia 405

Holo and glitter is always welcome. Dona Mirella is a silver holographic glitter. I can't see the name of the Max Factor, but it's black with silver shimmer.

Dona Mirelle 010 (I think) and Max Factor unnamed

The last polish of them all is very special to me already. It's a multicoloured glitter leaning green. And the best of it is that it's a frankenglitter made especially for me. I'm thrilled! ♥

 I also received a new handcream - perfect timing, because the one I got last time we swapped is almost empty. Then there's nail wraps and what I believe is a lip balm with cherry. It's something with cherry anyway :D

Handcream, nail wraps and maybe lipbalm

Anastasia also sent me a necklace with a cute pendant. 

There was also candy, but I didn't get to photograph that, sorry! 

That's my great Russian swap. Thank you so much, Anastasia for making this a great one! ♥

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Nail Mail from Turkey

I was excited when my friend Aylin and I set up another swap. I've totally fallen in love with Turkish polishes, so I'm bouncing up and down every time I receive nail mail from her.

This is what showed up after only three days of waiting. Three days from Turkey to Denmark, that has to be the fastest ever!

 It looks great, doesn't it? 

Let's take a closer look at them. First the Pastels:

Pastel #140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145
"Pastels", you might think. "What has gotten into her?"
I don't know, to be honest. I felt like stepping outside my comfort zone and get some pastels I can stamp on. And I know Pastel as a great polish brand, so why not?! :) I think they're pretty!

Next ones up, Golden Rose Jolly Jewels:

Golden Rose Jolly Jewels #105, 108, 121, 122
 These are some seriously fine glitters! The silver one, #122, reminds me of OPI Crown me Already, so I might do a comparison post on the two of them. 

There's something funny about the red one, #121. Take a closer look:

Golden Rose Jolly Jewels #121
 It's got two stickers! I think it looks totally awesome! :)

Next lot is a bunch of Golden Rose Holiday polishes; textured polishes:

Golden Rose Holidays #52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
This is Golden Rose's version of textured polish. They're all shimmers and they look absolutely gorgeous!

Here are two pretty extras, Aylin included for me:

Catherine Arley #730 and Flormar Supershine #U24
I also got Turkish delight - yummy! - and soap and creme. 

I'm thrilled over a Turkish nail mail once again! Thank you so much, Aylin, and I hope your package shows up soon! ♥

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Another haul of polish from Russia

Hi there girls,

Here are some polishes I've been waiting for for almost two months: These polishes are all part of a swap package from my dear friend Anastasia from Little World of Coloured Nails! The waiting time has been almost unbearable long, so I was very happy that the polishes finally arrived! 

Let's take a look at some of my new pretties from Russia, shall we?

Divage Special Effects: 4910, Jeanmishel without name or number, Golden Rose 194
 I'm looking forward to trying all these. Jeanmishel seem to be a special effect polish, and shimmers and glitters are always welcome in my stash.

Dance Legend: 11 from Red Show Collection, and #40

Red glitter! And a red polish with the most amazing holo-glitter! 

Pupa 606 and 34, Eva 062
 Burgundy with pink shimmer, blue holo and pink holo. Now we're just waiting for the sun to shine!

Maybelline Colorama: 53, 171A, 54 and 170A
Maybelline has made some pretty cool polishes in their Colorama series. Pink with micro holo glitter, silver shimmer, red with holo glitter and blue jeans with shimmer. I love them all!

I'm so pleased with all my new pretties, and have the luxury problem that I don't know which one to try on first! :D 

Thank you Anastasia, for doing this great swap with me! <3

PS. I'm still working on my UK haul. Expect it to be up by the end of this week. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Back from vacation + Turkish swap

I've been on vacation - that's why I haven't posted for a week! I was in London, England, and I enjoyed every single moment of it! I obviously bought a lot of polish too, but I haven't finished unpacking yet, so you'll have to wait with that haul! Instead I'll show you something else: 

Do you know the feeling of receiving something that you really want? That's the way I felt just before I went on vacation! Aylin and I decided to swap again, and I had some really cool polishes on my wish list, so I was looking forward to receiving the package!

It varies a lot how long it takes for our packages to arrive. Turkish postal services aren't the fastest, and nor are the Danish customs. But I was really lucky. It only took 3 days for my package to arrive; I was surprised that it's even possible! 

Enough of the talking, here's what she sent:

Doesn't that just look amazing? Let us take a closer look at the pretty polishes.

Golden Rose:

Golden Rose #307, 327, 343, 311 and 71
 I'm looking so much forward to trying these on. I've become a huge fan of Goden Rose's shimmer polishes!

Pastel's New Year Glitter:

Pastel #316, 317 and 315
 That's my first Pastel glitters, and they look so cool. I love the little Christmas tree on the cap too!

Catherine Arley polishes! :

Catherine Arley #946, 805, 804 and 637
 Oooh... and there's more:

Catherine Arley #673, 666, 677 and 800
Most of these are holos, so all I can say is "Whoa!" 

And here's the last lot of pretties: 

Flormar Matte M08 and M11, Avon Cosmic Blue, Rimmel Metal Rush,
and Golden Rose Jolly Jewels #106
Don't they all just look so cool?! I mean, how can I ever choose which one to try on first???

Thank you so much Aylin, for doing this swap with me. I hope you like your polishes just as much! ♥

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nail Mail from Turkey, again ♥

This is my third swap with Aylin from Posh Nail Art, and I've loved them all.

Customs decided to make my wait a bit longer this time. They kept my package for four long days before they decided to release the polish. They had opened the box, and this is the sight they've been gazing at for four days: 

It feels like Christmas already, doesn't it! :D

Anyway - I was dying to see what was in there, so the wrapping paper didn't last long. And here's what I was so lucky to get: 

Flormar Wild Nails: 103, 105, 104 and 102
Flormar Wild Nails are new to me, but I like Flormar in general, and I love these colours, so I was happy to find them in the parcel.

Golden Rose Matte Velvet: 103, 104, 109 and 110
I also got Golden Rose Matte Velvets last time we swapped, and I loved them. Here are four blues and a black. Yay!

Flormar Duos: DC04 and DC05, Kalyon: 221
The Flormar duos should be dupes of China Glaze's duochromes, and they're both very pretty. The Kalyon is an extra especially for me, and it sure looks like a one coater, so yay!

Golden Rose Paris: 304, 309, 322 and 326
Golden Rose Paris, they're all super pretty and very shimmery. Right up my alley indeed! 

Pastel: 107 and 11
Another great Turkish brand, namely Pastel. The golden one is brand new and sooo pretty. The blue is denim blue and has got the finest looking shimmer in it.

Alic Avien: 400, 244, 168, 110 and 380
And last but certainly not least: A selection of Alix Alvien polishes. I fell in love with that brand last time we swapped, so yay to getting more of those! 

There were also stamping plates in the package, but I haven't figured out how to photograph those without seeing a reflection of various stuff on the pic yet. And there were nail stickers and perfume samples and lot of other stuff! Yay! 

This was such a great early Christmas for me. Thanks, Aylin! ♥

Thursday, November 8, 2012

From Russia - with Love

Yesterday when I got home, I had nail mail waiting for me. It was all the way from Russia, and it was from very sweet Anastacia from Little World of Coloured Nails. I didn't know exactly what was in the package, and man, was I in for a surprise. There were so many pretties in it, that it was difficult to stay calm.

Let me show you what I'm talking about:

JA-DE: 210, 225 and 355 Celestial
 Duochrome, shimmer and glitter!

Dance Legend: 12, 14 and 52
 2 holos and a very pretty multichrome!

Divage: Cosmic 9805 and 9806 and Precious 1222
 Shimmers! And a duochrome!

Pupa: 136 and 051, Eva 061 and Divage Chic 1714
Pupa polishes - I have been wanting to try Pupa polishes forever. And that Eva looks really interesting!

Severina 3D: 310 and Chameleon:  615. Chatte Noire 709
A holo, a duochrome and a multichrome. That Chatte Noire is probably the most spectacular multichrome I have! 

Golden Rose Paris: 131 and Golden Rose Care and Strong: 165
Avon Viva Pink, Max Factor Nailfinity Lilac Haze
 Golden Rose is a really great brand that I like a lot. And the two others were the two polishes that started this swap to begin with :)

And I also got deliciously smelling hand cream, a home made lip gloss (or two, in a box) :) and oil for my lashes.

Am I being pampered here, or what? 

Thank you so much for this swap, Anastacia, I appreciate it all! ♥

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nail Mail from Hungary

It's the second time I receive polishes from sweet Tünde in Hungary! 

She knew I was dying to try some new top coats, so she sent me two different ones, namely NYC Turbo Dry top coat and Miss Sporty Nail Expert Manicure for glossy nails. And then she sent me something else - something special. 

Take a look at what I got: 

The third bottle may look like Esssence "Blue Addicted", but it's not. It is in fact a Frankenpolish that she made especially for me! If that isn't the sweetest thing I've ever heard, then I don't know what is!!  It's a dark blue base, packed with blue glitters and also some green ones in between the rest. It's absolutely gorgeous. I had to try it on right away, of course. 

Look at the depth of this!!

I am totally overwhelmed! It's only the second time someone made a polish just for me, and I can assure you that it feels very good every time.

Thanks, Tünde, for doing this swap with me! ♥

PS. She sent candy too, but that magically disappeared...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nail mail from Slovenia!

I'm in the middle of a swap with a very sweet girl, that has become a great friend over the past months. It's Kvacka from Rainbows and Blues. The swap is not complete yet, because Kvacka's polishes are only on the way to her now. She was so extremely sweet to send me my polishes before I was ready to send hers. So I cross my fingers that her polishes will reach her soon! 

Here's what she sent me. First polishes up are Magnetics. And don't let the brand name fool you; they aren't magnetic polishes at all.

Freakin' Violet, Shimmering Titanium, Spect Stone

Freakin' Violet is the most beautiful flakie I've ever seen in my life! The two others are scattered holographics, and they look gorgeous!!

Next ones up are Deborah Milano Shine Tech polishes: 

56 and 60
That shimmer is just amazing. I will definitely blind people when I wear these! :D

Last ones up; Deborah Milano Prêt à Porter and Essence Fruity: 

Purplish and One Kiwi a Day
These are so great - I simply don't know which ones to wear first. That's actually a returning problem these days!! 

Thank you so much for doing this swap with me, Kvacka! ♥

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nail mail from Turkey

This is the second time I receive nail mail from Turkey, but hopefully not the last :) 
I've received all these beautiful polishes from sweet Aylin from Posh Nail Art.

Here's what she sent me: 

Golden Rose Matte Velvet: 105, 106, 107. Golden Rose Paris: 313
 I'm totally in love with the matte velvet polishes. They've got the most amazing finish ever. And Golden Rose Paris is possibly the most beautiful glass flecked polish I've ever seen.
Alix Avien: 188 and 164. Madonna: 60 and 36
 I've never heard of either Alix Avien or Madonna, but I can't wait to try them on!!
Flormar: 010, 393, 392, 394
 Flormar glittahs!! Hooray!

Pastel: 310, 42 and 123. Golden Lady: 412 and 400
I find it amusing that a brand called pastel are making beautiful bright colours like these pretty ones. Golden Lady is a new brand to me, and they both look gorgeous!

Golden Rose Holographics: 101, 102, 116
 Golden Rose holos are always welcome in my stash!

And last, but certainly not least, I got myself this adorable kittycat:

It's hand made, and it's got a specific function. Can you guess what it is?
It's a ring holder! Amazing and cute, eh? 

I also got a variety of other goodies: face masks, perfume samples and a nail file. I haven't taken pics of that though.

Thank you so much Aylin, for swapping with me again! :)