Showing posts with label Brand: Madonna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brand: Madonna. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nail mail from Turkey

This is the second time I receive nail mail from Turkey, but hopefully not the last :) 
I've received all these beautiful polishes from sweet Aylin from Posh Nail Art.

Here's what she sent me: 

Golden Rose Matte Velvet: 105, 106, 107. Golden Rose Paris: 313
 I'm totally in love with the matte velvet polishes. They've got the most amazing finish ever. And Golden Rose Paris is possibly the most beautiful glass flecked polish I've ever seen.
Alix Avien: 188 and 164. Madonna: 60 and 36
 I've never heard of either Alix Avien or Madonna, but I can't wait to try them on!!
Flormar: 010, 393, 392, 394
 Flormar glittahs!! Hooray!

Pastel: 310, 42 and 123. Golden Lady: 412 and 400
I find it amusing that a brand called pastel are making beautiful bright colours like these pretty ones. Golden Lady is a new brand to me, and they both look gorgeous!

Golden Rose Holographics: 101, 102, 116
 Golden Rose holos are always welcome in my stash!

And last, but certainly not least, I got myself this adorable kittycat:

It's hand made, and it's got a specific function. Can you guess what it is?
It's a ring holder! Amazing and cute, eh? 

I also got a variety of other goodies: face masks, perfume samples and a nail file. I haven't taken pics of that though.

Thank you so much Aylin, for swapping with me again! :)