Showing posts with label Brand: Funky Fingers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brand: Funky Fingers. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

From the Disney movie Frozen: Olaf

From the Disney movie Frozen: Olaf

Today I’m going to show you the last of my manis inspired by characters in the Disney movie Frozen. I’ve already shown you Elsa and Anna and today it’s Olaf’s turn. Olaf is the snowman in the movie and he looks like this:


A cute and happy little fellow, I really enjoyed his character! <3

I can’t really make a snowman on my nails, so here’s the mani I ended out with:

The white is OPI’s Angel with a Leadfoot and the orange is Finger Paints’ Aloha Lei. I used three coats of each for my base. The orange really only needed two, but I thought it’d keep the white company while waiting for it to dry, haha.

I painted stick arms on my little finger and on my index. The three dots on my ring finger symbolizes Olaf’s buttons, and the orange nail is obviously symbolizing his carrot nose.

It’s all topped with the polish that started this mini series of manis: Funky Fingers’ Olaf. It’s a clear base with white and holo glitters. It also contains snowflake glitters, but I didn’t get any of them onto the brush even though I actually fished a little bit for them. Oh well.

Here are the polishes I used:

OPI: Angel with a Leadfoot, Finger Paints: Aloha Lei, Funky Fingers: Olaf and Herome: Montenegro
This was the last mani in my little series of Frozen-inspired manis. I hope you enjoyed watching them as much as I enjoyed making them :)

Monday, December 1, 2014

From the Disney movie Frozen: Anna

From the Disney movie Frozen: Anna

I’m making a small series of manis based on the Disney movie Frozen – mainly because I received three Funky Fingers polishes in a swap recently, and the three polishes are named after three characters in the movie: Elsa, Anna and Olaf. I have already showed you Elsa, and now I’m going to show you her little sister Anna. She looks like this:

Pretty little thing :D The mani based on her ended up looking like this:

The base colour is Zoya’a Noel, which is a metallic blue with silver shimmer. For the record: The formula is annoyingly thin; I used two coats for this, but it would have been much better if I had used three. I made four dots on each nail using another Zoya: Mason.

I applied a layer of Funky Fingers “Anna” over it, and an additional layer of topcoat, and my mani was done. I decided to fish for a snowflake today, and placed it on my ring finger :)

Here are the polishes I used:

I’m quite enjoying this little series of manis. The last one will be Olaf. Stay tuned and see what the mani based on his character will look like.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

From the Disney movie Frozen: Elsa

From the Disney movie Frozen: Elsa

I am quite the fan of Disney movies! And I really love the movie Frozen, so I was thrilled when I received these three Funky Finger polishes in a swap recently: Elsa, Anna and Olaf:

Elsa, Anna & Olaf

Yes! Yes! Yes!

I decided to make three different manis dedicated to these three figures of the movie. The first one I made was Elsa. She looks like this in the movie:


And here’s my Elsa mani in the sun:

Pahlish’s Electric Boots is my base colour. It’s a lovely blue linear holographic packed with golden shimmer.

On my tips is another Pahlish: Train Underwater. It’s a blue jelly base with blue and green glitters. I sponged it on with an eyeshadow applicator. And on top of the whole thing: The Funky Finger Elsa, which is a tinted blue base with base blue and white glitters and hexagons in various sizes. There are also little snowflakes in the mix, but I didn’t get any of them on the brush and I didn’t fish for them.

This picture is taken in the lightbox. It’s almost even lovelier.

Here’s what Pahlish “Electric Boots” looks like on its own in the sunlight.

And here are the three polishes I used. If you take a closer look on Electric Boots on the left you can see all the golden shimmers.

I must admit I’m really pleased with this. I can’t wait to make the next character, which is going to be Anna. Stay tuned! :)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Eva ~ 062 with Cuccio and Funky Finger stripes

Eva ~ 062
Pink scattered holographic

Cuccio ~ Brooklyn Never Sleeps
Purple with shimmer

Funky Fingers ~ Sand and Stilettos
Silver holographic glitter

So, this mani started out with a polish I received a while ago in a swap with my friend Anastasia, from Little World of Coloured Nails. It’s an Eva Mosaic Fashion Colour and it’s got number 062. It applies easily, and the glitter spreads out like a dream. Drying time is good, and the glitter dries up completely flat on the nails. So all the right boxes are ticked. It smells a little bit odd, but not so much that it actually bothered me. I used two coats. If this had been a polish I’d wear on its own, I would have used three. But I hardly ever wear one polish on its own, haha!

Here’s a picture of what two coats and no topcoat looks like. The picture is taken in the evening sunshine:

Then I did something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I took a striper and applied stripes on approximately 2 thirds of the nail. I used a new Cuccio polish I bought called “Brooklyn Never Sleeps”. It’s a deep purple that shimmers so beautifully in the bootle.

I was pleased with the result of my stripes. Take a look:

Isn’t that just cool? I really like it; it turned out exactly as I wanted it to, yay!!
Then I did the same thing with Funky Fingers’ “Sand and Stilettos”: I made lots of stripes on the bottom third of the nail. When it was dry I sealed my mani up with a layer of BK topcoat, and here’s what it ended up looking like:

And the sun decided to peek out from behind a cloud one last time before it went down completely. I took a quick picture:

I’m so glad that this mani turned out like I wanted it! I’m definitely going to do this again with other colours and finishes!

Do you like it??

Friday, October 26, 2012

Spoiled by Wet n Wild ~ Distant Memory - with Funky Fingers stripes

Spoiled by Wet n Wild ~ Distant Memory  
Green with subtle blue shimmer

Striped with

Funky Fingers  ~ Baby baby baby  
Clear base packed with light teal and holographic glitter

I started out with two easy coats of Spoiled “Distant Memory”. The brush is quite wide but manageable, and the formula of the polish wasn’t as thick as on the other Spoiled polishes I’ve tried. It almost covered in one coat, but I had a few thin spots, so I decided to give it two coats.

It dried up to a semi-matte, almost velvety surface. I’m not really into matte polishes (plus, the top coat always glosses them over), but I do love this finish!

Here’s a pic from another angle. There isn’t any top coat involved just yet.

Then I went a long way around to achieve some stripes. I masked half my nail with masking tape and painted half my nails with “Baby baby baby” from Funky Fingers. I love the glitters, which Funky Fingers make – they’re all really pretty.

Then I painted one stripe of glitter on the green part of the nail, and one stripe of green colour on the glitter part of the nail, and here’s what I ended up with. It’s sealed with one coat of Seche Vite top coat.

I think this is pretty, but it wasn’t the look I was after. What I really wanted was a green half with a glitter stripe and a green half with a silver stripe. I guess I have to paint the stripe on very thin to achieve that look. Or alternatively: My nails aren’t wide enough. You pick! ;)

Either way – I’m keeping my stripy nails for now. :)

Spoiled ~ Distant Memory
Opacity: 9/10
Colour, prettiness: 7/10
Durability: 6/10
Value for money: 8/10
Overall: 7.5/10
Buy again: Yes

Funky Fingers  ~ Baby baby baby  
Opacity: -/10
Colour, prettiness: 10/10
Durability: 8/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
Buy again: Yes

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Summer Challenge Day 30: Inspired by a tutorial

Summer Challenge Day 30: Inspired by a tutorial

This is one of the challenges I’ve been looking forward to! I love tutorials! And especially the ones that state “It’s super easy”. I found a great one on YouTube, and let me show you the result I got out of it first: 

Neat, eh?

And here’s the tutorial I made it after. 

It reminds me a bit of retro wall paper, I think it’s really cool. I’m definitely going to try it out with different colours!

Here’s the colours I used. For the base I used two coats of Sephora’s “Summer in Bangkok”. It’s a turquoise/green shimmer polish, that’s got such a great formula. It’s easy to apply and almost opaque in one coat. Here is a pic of two coats, no top coat. 

Then I applied a bit of glitter. I used Funky Finger’s “Tinsel Town”, which is a green base with green and holographic glitters. The base is relatively dark, so my guess is that it can be used on its own, and that it would probably take 3 coats to make it opaque. But here’s a pic of that step. One coat of Tinsel Town over the Sephora. 

After that I added the stripes, black and white alternately. I used Claire’s “Two way nail art pen & brush” in black and white for that step. I didn’t take a pic after that step – it’s all in the YouTube tutorial after all :D
And then it was time for some dotting. I used Flormar 400, which is a plain white crème, and Flormar NA12, which is a black striper. I used a double sided dotting tool.

I must admit that I’m more than pleased with how this mani turned out. I know that my hand isn’t as steady as in the tutorial, but hey, practice makes perfect, right?

Which colours would be cool to make this pattern with? Like, Turquoise, purple and silver? Suggestions are more than welcome! <3

There are other Danish girls who also did a “inspired by a tutorial” mani today. I’m curious about which tutorials they followed, so why don’t we check their blogs out?

Stay tuned the day after tomorrow - same bat time, same bat channel – that’s going to be the last challenge, and I’m going to recreate my favourite challenge. Can you guess which one it was?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer Challenge Day 29: Inspired by the supernatural

Summer Challenge Day 29: Inspired by the supernatural

This challenge takes us around a bit. From books to movies, from fashion to colours, and now to the supernatural.

The first thing that springs to mind when I think of the supernatural is ghosts.

So I started out my mani by making a Skittle.

I used 3 coats of Essence “Free hugs” for the pinky, 2 coats of H&M “Berry Love” for the ring finger, 3 coats of Funky Fingers “Curacao” for the middle finger, 3 coats of Wet n Wild “Sunny Side Up” for my index finger, and 3 coats of Viva la Diva “51” for sweet little tom thumb.

While I was polishing my nails, I suddenly discovered that the blue Funky Fingers polish is scented. It smells like caramels!

Can you see where this mani is going yet? No?

Then I took my dotter and added a little bit of  black here, a little bit of white there, and finished it off with a bit of blue in between, and here’s my final result:

 And here are the ghosts on their own:

Did you know that the little ghosts have got names? Well they do. Take a look:

Here are the base colours polishes:

Essence: Free Hugs, H&M: Berry Love, Wet n Wild: Sunny Side up, Funky Fingers: Curacao, Viva la Diva: 51 

And the blacks, white and blue for the details:

I think this mani is super cute - in all modesty, naturally! But I’m more interested in knowing what you think, so please do share your thoughts in the comments below :)

There are other Danish girls who also did a “inspired by the supernatural” mani today. Come with me and let’s check out their blogs and see what they came up with, shall we?

Stay tuned the day after tomorrow - same bat time, same bat channel – for nails inspired by a tutorial! We’re approaching the end of this challenge now.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nubar ~ Treasure

Nubar ~ Treasure  
Medium purple with a subtle holographic effect

Treasure is from Nubar’s prisms collection from spring 2010.

It is a scattered holo, but a very subtle one unless you’re in direct sunlight. The formula is good to work with, like all other Nubars I’ve tried, and it took three coats to reach the desired opaqueness.

Here’s what it looks like in the shadow – there’s no top coat involved just yet:

And since the sun was so friendly to show itself: Here’s a pic in the sun.

I had hoped for more holo effect, and also a bit more of the wow effect. But fortunately it’s pretty easy to achieve that.

I grabbed a bunch of polishes and a dotting tool and started to dot. I used Funky Fingers “Riot” (a rich crème purple), H&M “Plum” (a darker crème purple), and H&M/Disney “Daisy”, which is a light grey polish that I only bought because I liked the bottle!

I dotted randomly with two different sized dotting tools (same tool – different size on each end). Here’s what that ended up looking like after applying a layer of Seche Vite top coat:

And here’s a picture of the polishes I used. I must admit that I enjoy playing around a bit with some of the many colours I’ve got in my stash.

I really like this mani. It may be simple, but it works. And I achieved the wow effect that I was after in the first place. :)
What do you think? Do you even like polka dots?

Nubar ~ Treasure 
Opacity: 5/10
Colour, prettiness: 5/10
Durability: 6/10
Value for money: 5/10
Overall: 5.25/10
Buy again: No

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Funky Fingers ~ Chesire

Funky Fingers ~ Chesire
Creamy semi-matte purple

In my ‘100 followers giveaway’, some of you requested more hand painted nail art. I have to say that I can’t draw to save my life, but I want you to know that I do listen to your ideas and what you say about things you’d like to see. Perhaps you’ll regret that you even asked; who knows? :D

Anyway – I started out with two coats of Chesire, a blue-based purple, that surprisingly enough dried up semi matte. The formula is nice to work with, and that makes up for the brush being a bit too narrow for my likings.

Here is that step. There’s no top coat on the polish just yet – because we have plans for this polish, right?

On to the next step – adding some bling. I chose RL’s “Lilac Glam” from their Glam Rock series. It’s a pinkish purple glitter that spreads out perfectly and easily on the nail. It smells kind of weird, like glue or something, but I don’t mind that very much.

Here’s what that looks like. The glitter photographs more pink than it actually is. It’s definitely more purple than pink!

So far so good – no disasters yet. But wait, there’s more!

I saw a tutorial a while ago, where a girl made flowers on her nails. She painted one dot (the centre of the flower) and then five equally big dots around it, and then she had the most beautiful and well shaped flowers ever. And it looked so darn easy. Anybody could do that, right?

Anybody but me, that is.

I chose Essence Colour & Go “Passion for fashion” for the flowers, and Nfu Oh’s holographic silver 61 for the middle dot. And here’s where it all went wrong.

I’ll let the picture do the talking. The mani is shown with a layer of Seche Vite top coat:

And here are the polishes I used:

I’m not sure I’ll do another hand painted flower mani again.
Please be gentle when you comment! :D

Funky Fingers ~ Chesire
Opacity: 8/10
Colour, prettiness: 6/10
Durability: 9/10
Value for money: 7/10
Overall: 7.5/10
Buy again: Yes

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Funky Fingers ~ Riot

Funky Fingers ~ Riot
Very rich creamy purple


Barielle ~ Dream Child
Chunky holographic silver glitter in a clear base

I’ve got a couple of Funky Fingers polishes, and they’re all bought in different blog sales. I’ve never seen them anywhere else online, which is a shame, since they’re gorgeous polishes. But anyway, I’m not complaining about blog sales. I’ve found quite a lot of nice polishes that way.

The formula is quite good on this one. The application was a little bit tricky, though – especially the first coat. It’s mostly because of the brush, I think. It’s kind of thin, which means I sometimes had to dip a couple of times for each nail. I don’t like that. I prefer if I can get the right amount of polish on the brush in one go. But anyway! The second coat smoothed all the irregularities out and made it look gorgeous!

It even dried up semi matte. That was a nice surprise, I didn’t expect that.

Here’s what it looked like without top coat:

My fingers look as if I’ve got jaundice or something, but it was the only way I could show the actual and true colour of the purple.

Anyway – I have this new Barielle glitter that I’ve been wanting to try: Star Child. It’s a clear base packed with chunky silver holographic glitters. I have read on other blogs that the glitters spread out like a dream.

It did. But man – there was so much glitter! I felt like there were little disco balls on my nails – and the purple got a bit overwhelmed.

Here’s how it looked with a layer of Poshé top coat:

And here’s a blurry pic of the bottle and my thumb, so you can check out the amazing holo!

Last pic is a bottle shot, just because I can! :D

I must admit that I didn’t expect the glitter to be that prominent, I kind of expected to be able to see more of the purple. But having said that: I just love the holographic effect that shows so clearly, even in very low lights.

What do you think, girls? Is this a go or a no go?

Funky Fingers ~ Riot
Opacity: 9/10
Colour, prettiness: 9/10
Durability: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
Buy again: Yes

Barielle ~ Dream Child
Opacity: N/A/10
Colour, prettiness: 10/10
Durability: 9/10
Value for money: 9/10
Overall: 9.3/10
Buy again: Yes

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dare to Wear ~ Social Butterfly

Dare to Wear ~ Social Butterfly
Barbie pink with holographic glitters and bars


Funky Fingers ~ Burgandy Scales
Shimmery burgundy crackle 

I don’t wear this shade of pink very often, but all the holographic glitter made me give in and get myself a bottle of “Social Butterfly”.

The formula is quite thick but still very easy to work with. It wasn’t hard to paint to the edges of the nail without getting polish on the cuticles. It took two easy coats to get an opaque mani like this:

I don’t wear a top coat on this pic, because I wanted to put a crackle over it. After having added Funky Finger’s Burgandy Scales over the first nail, it was obvious that I would have to add a layer of top coat over the Social Butterfly polish before the crackle would actually work. (And yes, that is exactly how they spell ‘Burgandy’ on the bottle).

So - I put on a coat of Color Club’s top coat and waited for it to dry before applying the dark red crackle onto the remaining nine nails.

It’s been a while since I crackled. Not because I’m tired of it, because I’m way too early in my nail polish addiction to be tired of anything nail polish related yet :D but merely because I find it hard to make the polish crackle the way I want it to.

Anyway – here’s what it ended up looking like. There’s one layer of Color Club top coat on the crackle.

I am surprised over how much I like the colour combo. Barbie pink goes quite well with dark red.

Do you like it, or are you over crackles? Would you wear the pink alone? Or use the crackle over another colour? I appreciate your input! :)

Social Butterfly
Opacity: 8/10
Colour, prettiness: 6/10
Durability: 7/10
Value for money: 7/10
Overall: 7/10
Buy again: No

Burgandy Scales
Opacity: 10/10
Colour, prettiness: 8/10
Durability: 7/10
Value for money: 7/10
Overall: 8/10
Buy again: No