Showing posts with label vintage snowman doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage snowman doll. Show all posts

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #320: Snowman

   I know. I'm another day behind for the year. My computer was being so slow and not loading pages and not letting me do anything last night. So it wasn't even worth trying to do anything with it. So today I'm back, with more catching up to do! It's also the day for the Doll Book of the Month Club, which WILL be posted, along with last month's post! So, you get a bonus today! 

  Today's doll is this little fellow.

  I've had this little guy since I was a kid. He comes out every Christmas. I spotted him still sitting out in our bedroom last week and had to bring him back and give him a bath. He was a bit sooty, and still doesn't look very white, but he's better, and at least he's not melted!

   I bought him when I was a kid. They were Christmas decorations, not toys I think.  I bought two sets of these snowmen. There were two in each set, and an accessory. I don't remember what the other accessory was, but I know one of the sets came with a sled, made of  a slab of plastic peppermint with candy cane runners. There were two yellow and orange snowmen, and a green and pink one, and a red and pink one. One of them at least is in a sitting position so he could ride the sled. The others are packed up, so this guy was all alone.

He's about 3 or 3 1/2 inches tall, and made of soft hollow rubber. His head can turn, and his arms can move.

   When I got them, I thought they looked cold, being in the snow, (and made of it!), so I made them scarves. 

  I totally forgot that they all have hats! The yellow ones have yellow stocking caps with white pom poms on the ends, the red one had a red hat, and I haven't seen the green one's hat for a while. I think it's pink. This guy's hat is actually here. It was in the box for the Christmas stockings. That was brought here early on because I needed to clean the stockings and put them away. But I forgot to put it on him for his photos. It's a bit  stiff, and doesn't stay on very well. Originally the hats were glued on, but of course, I had to take them off!

  I bought these snowmen on vacation in Kentucky one summer. That's how I got a set of my Christmas elves too. They must have kept Christmas stuff around for ages in those stores!

  He's here making this room more Christmassy.

  That's all for today. See you again tomorrow.