Showing posts with label Tonner Kickits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tonner Kickits. Show all posts

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Doll-A-Day 324: Tonner Winter Frost Lee

 Today's doll is another Tonner elf from the Mrs. Claus and Santa's Elves collection. He's Lee from the Winter Frost set.

The Mrs. Claus and Santa's Elves series was offered in  2006. Each of the dolls was a limited edition of 500.

Winter Frost Gala by Tonner.That youthful looking lady is Mrs. Claus? Where are the wire frame glasses and the tray of cookies?
Lee had a female partner named Merry. (Merrily. Get it?)
The girls have interesting hair colours like blue and pink, The guys just have realistic hair.I think I like that better anyway.
I got Lee at the same flea market where I got my other Tonner Elf, Berry. The lady selling them had had the girls earlier in the day, but had sold them before I got there! Good thing for me the buyers of the girls didn't want the boys!

Lee uses the Tiny Betsy McCall body, like the other elves in the series.

The body has jointed knees, and the arms can move away from the body as well as up and down.

The head mold was new for the elves in this series, but was later used for the Tonner Kickits.

Lee's icy blue outfit is beautiful, with lots of detailing.

I wonder if Lee really would wear silver fishnet stockings though.I have a feeling they would be a mite cold for the North Pole.

They look almost exactly the same, so I don't know what the difference is, but Lee looks sweeter to me than Berry.

See you tomorrow for another doll.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Doll-A-Day 311: Berry from Santa's Elves by Tonner

  Christmas is getting closer and closer! Today we're celebrating with this little elf.

His name is Berry. He is part of the Mrs. Claus and Santa's Elves series by Tonner.

He has a hand painted face and his hair is a wig, not rooted.

The series was produced in 2006, and each elf was a limited edition of 500.

The elves used the new Tonner Tiny Betsy McCall 8" body, but the head sculpt was a new one. Since then it has been used for the Tonner Kickits line.

I think the Kickits look more evil though.

Like Betsy he has jointed knees and his arms can lift away from his body, and not just up and down.His head can tilt as well as turn.
They originally retailed for $69 each, but I found mine at the flea market for $2!

He's missing his red vest and Santa hat, but I can live with that.
Berry had a female partner, named Holly.The lady I bought Berry from had her too, but unfortunately, she sold before I got there that day!

Holly and Berry in their official Tonner photo.She has red hair! Why wasn't I faster?!

At first I wondered if maybe I should sell Berry to get another doll I might not otherwise have allowed myself because it was too expensive. In the end I decided I would keep him, at least for the time being. The pale eyes throw me off a bit, but I like his little Betsy McCall type children's body with it's slightly pot belly. He looks so cute and cuddly. I wonder about getting him some different clothes though, so he isn't always Christmassy.
  See you tomorrow for Skipper Saturday.