Showing posts with label mechanical dolls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mechanical dolls. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Doll-A-Day 2019 #51: Dancing Little Red Riding Hood and Her Mouse Friend

  This morning I had my shoulder pain again,and my back was killing me. So I was very achy today. Oddly enough, so was Ken. I asked him who beat us up in our sleep.
  The doll today is this little girl.

She's a doll from my childhood. Obviously she's Little Red Riding Hood.

She stands about 7" tall.

She came with her hood up, but I liked to put it down so she could see better. It's always been that way.

Her head turns, but with the hood up, if she turns her head she can't see because of the hood. I had a coat like that when I was a kid. It made looking out the window of the school bus a bit difficult.

I think she has a face similar to the Liddle Kiddles. 

How do these dolls that have been stored away in a box get so dirty?!
She has molded, painted hair, and a solid body with stationary arms and little nub feet.

She came with the little plastic goodies basket.

She even has a hand made specifically for holding it.

But why is she waving it in the air?

When I got her the basket was just a hollow block of plastic. But my sister cut it open for me so Red could carry things in it. My sister was always looking for some toy she could cut. You'll know this if you read my posts on my Beany doll,and my Swirl Barbie.
  Red is a 'dancing' doll. She has a crank in her back which winds a spring action inside her.

When she's wound the weight spins, causing her to shake and twirl when she's sat on a flat surface. I also have a mouse that 'dances' the same way. 

I got him when I was a kid because he was the closest thing I could find to Topo Gigio. 

If you don't remember Topo Gigio,or are too young,(or too old) to know who he is, you can go to my post on Topo Gigio HERE.

  Tomorrow we'll check out another doll.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Doll-A-Day 2017 #271: Miracle Moves Baby

  Today's doll is another from the flea market last Saturday. She's this baby.

She's Miracle Moves Drink and Wet Baby.

She is operated by three AA batteries.

When her batteries are installed and her on/off switch, (The black button above.),is turned to the on position, she can coo and yawn,and her eyes open and close, and her mouth moves when  she is 'fed' with her spoon,or given a bottle.

She is activated by the light sensor in her mouth,which you can see here. The bottle presses the surrounding area.

She has soft, rubbery 'skin' that feels sort of squashy and fleshlike on her limbs. (Her face isn't squashy, although it's made of the same rubber.)

The rubber is the sticky sort that picks up every hair and piece of lint within a 50 mile radius.

She does have detailed chubby little feet.

Her rubbery eyelids have 'real' eyelashes.

She has soft, fluffy hair that falls out easily when it's combed.

She was made by Mattel in 2003. Her head is marked 2000 though...

...and her body tag says 2002.

That's because there was an earlier version of Miracle Moves Baby. You can see her original commercial HERE. That one came in a striped jersey onesie and didn't have the pee feature. You can see the commercial for this version of the Baby HERE.

This version came in the purple nylon onesie,and a disposable diaper. She makes a watery peeing sound when her bottom feature is activated. I think the heat of your hand is what makes it work.

She had the diaper when I bought her, but it was in bad condition,so I threw it away.As you'll see in the commercial,her diaper changed colour with water,producing a nasty looking yellow stain!

This baby started out pretty grungy too, like the other dolls you've seen from the flea market.

The thing is,she came from a different dealer. She doesn't have the 'been in the garage for years' story, so I don't know what happened to her.

See you again tomorrow for another doll.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Doll-A-Day 2017 #270: Tippy Tumbles

This doll came from the flea market, from the lady who had cleared out her garage.

She's Tippy Tumbles.

Tippy was made by Ideal.

There were earlier versions of Tippy Tumbles,but this particular girl is from 1977.

 Although she's marked 1976.

There was an African American version , and even a boy named Timmy Tumbles.

I found these two up for sale.

Tippy measures 16" tall.

 She has a sweet face.

Her clothes snap in the back and are removeable.

You might remember seeing the two red haired girls I got from the same lady,which I showed you on Sunday. You might also remember that they were pretty grungy. Well, so was this girl when I got her.

She required a clean up,but surprisingly it wasn't that hard to get her clean.

Her hair ...ok,this is gross... contained mouse poop!

But it wasn't hard to remove. Although I did wash her hair about three times!

Her hair is a bit crispy. I've seen pictures of her in mint condition, so I know it did start life as smooth shiny hair!

Tippy comes with what looks sort of like a purse, or suitcase, with a cord attached that connects to Tippy's ankle.

The 'purse' is her control box,and it runs on three D batteries.
 The cord plugs into Tippy's ankle.

And what does she actually do?

Her name pretty much says it all. She tumbles!

 So once she was cleaned, and spent overnight drying out, I was still left wondering if she would work.         

So I dug our three D batteries, and guess what!

Place her in a sitting position first, and use the switch on the 'purse', and sure enough, with a weird mechanical sound, her arms move and lift her into her flips!

Veiw these pictures quickly, like a cartoon, or just watch the video of  her at work HERE.

Her arms seem unusually long,but it's so she can do her flips.

No wonder her hair is crispy! Look what happened to it after just a few minutes of flipping!

 If you want to see her original commercial you can go  HERE.

That's it for today. We'll look at another find from last weekend's flea market tomorrow. See you then.