I don't know if I mentioned waaaaaay back last year when I got a gift from Debra at Dollhouselady's Blog. Debra's sidekick is a little skeleton named Mr. Skellie. I always enjoy Mr. Skellie's contributions to the blog,so Debra and Mr. Skellie sent a little 'skellie' my way. You can see Debra's post on what she was sending me HERE.
I can't believe it, but that's been nearly a year ago! Not long after the gift arrived Debra sold her house and moved so she could be near her daughter, and take care of her mother. (Debra's mother that is,not her daughter's mother,although I hope she's taking care of her too!) She hasn't posted on her blog since last June. I was hoping she'd post something about having settled.
I had such a crazy year last year too. I was sick for months,helped Lori house hunt in Georgia and then move,Ken and I took our anniversary vacation trip,and then I started in on Ivy's room. I was so busy I kept forgetting about the gift I meant to send Debra! (I know. I'm a horrible person! I feel terrible.) About a week ago I emailed Debra to see if she had an actual address now where I could send her...I mean Mr. Skellie's gift. She emailed back with her address and to say that she's doing well. Now I can send the gift along,but I wanted to show it to you first. (Debra, if you're reading,beware of spoilers,ye who enter here!)
So here's Mr. Skellie's cousin,(who was part of Debra's gift),to model the latest in Skelliewear.
Sewing isn't my thing, and I know Debra can sew better than I can. I just thought Mr. Skellie needed a work apron for when he helps around the shop. So I made him this little work apron with a divided pocket. What are the divisions for, you may ask?
A guy's gotta have his tools! This work apron can fit all Mr. Skellie's tools,so they're always handy.
But what if Mr. Skellie doesn't have any tools,I hear you ask? Well, that's why I'm sending the tools too.
There's a wrench. a pair of pliers,a hammer,a screwdriver, and a tiny keyhole saw. Hopefully Debra will have a chance soon to do some of the dollhouse work she enjoys so much,and Mr. Skellie will find use for his new tools.
Keep watching for news of the competition. I'll be announcing the details soon. I wanted to spend time with Ivy before she goes back to school,and got cheated out of a whole day by this bug I caught from Ken. And yes, I still feel really lousy. Talk to you soon.