Showing posts with label Christmas ornaments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas ornaments. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2021

1/6 Scale finds at Target

 Here it is, almost Christmas. I actually took pictures of a bunch of Christmas items available from Target stores a couple of weeks ago, but I have been so busy with Christmas stuff that I keep forgetting to post them. Forgetting to post something for that long this time of year is really bad, because that stuff sells out really quickly. I was at a Target, (mind you, it was a small one), just a couple of days ago, and they had precious little left as far as Christmas ornaments. But maybe you can get lucky. And there are a couple of non ornament things too. So let's go. 

  There were these little sleighs in the ornments.

There were also these thermos ornaments, these...coolers? They are, I would say, sized right for 18" dolls. And these animal heads on a wall type things.

They also came as tigers and bears. Good for if your cartoon hunter has a den. 

  There was this little cart. It was an odd scale though. It was too big for 1/6 scale, (Barbie sized), but too small for 18" dolls. It was more scaled for something like Tonner's Patience. And the wheels didn't really move.

I've gotten compliments on my Muppets in test tubes mask.

  They weren't at the first Target, but the other day I saw these. They are a good scale for  shelves in a 1/6 scale store.  

I can see them filled with stuffed toys, towels, blankets, etc., in a 1/6 scale store.

  There was a third thing that I didn't recognize when I saw it, but someone posted pictures online and it was a ski lift! It was 1/6 scale and made of the same wood and black wire type stuff as these two.

  This is all not to mention the little Christmas trees and other things that Target has.

  That's it for this post. Ivy is home from college and we are spending some time together. I'll be back soon though, with, you're never going to believe this! Part two of that doll show post! The long awaited doll show part two will finally be up any day now!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Doll-A-Day 2019 #229: Stardoll,and Another Christmas in August

  Ok. Christmas in August isn't a thing. Christmas in July is,but I didn't have one then. However,yesterday I made quite a Christmas haul at a yard sale. oddly enough,the last time I posted a huge Christmas yard sale haul,(Even bigger than this one.),it was also August! You can see that haul HERE. I found all these cute ornaments at one of only a couple of yard sales we went to. I made up my own box out of about 3 or 4 boxes of ornaments. They were a quarter each.

There were various Santas and Mrs. Santas.
And some snowmen.
The Mrs. Santa on the far right seems to be one of those ornaments that came on a stick, for decorating plants.
I might not keep the others,but I love this little lady.
This miniature book will be great for dolls.

As will these eensy needlepoint pieces.

I got these two cute girls.

They remind me of the Misfit Doll from "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer".

There were lots of mice,including these cute little guys.
The pink one is the cutest.

There were also these Mr. and Mrs.Santa mice.

And these white mice.
The one on the left appears t be missing his nose. How does he smell? Terrible.
And this one in a chimney.

There was a cute dog. Looks like he might be a something.

This cute poodle looks surprised.

There was even a Snoopy.

Or maybe it's Snoopy's granny.

Christmas turtles!

There was even Raggedy Ann and Andy.

I think they may be Hallmark ornaments. 

Their faces are flat pieces of felt.

I saw some similar yarn ornaments still in their original bags,and they were marked 1986 Hallmark. These guys just said  1975 Bobs Merrill,which is just the licensing for Raggedy Ann and Andy.

There was this drummer.

I got this little Christmas elf. I have one like her/him,but you can never have too many! Some day I want to do a tree decorated with nothing but my vintage ornament collection.

My favourites are these guys!

A couple of them have lanterns,the second one has a candy cane, and the one on the far right has a bell.

They are Kurt Adler ornaments from 1973.

They have cute little flocked faces,colonial era ponytails, and their side curls are pipe cleaners.

Today's doll is one I found at Goodwill in Indiana,where I went after leaving Ivy to go to play rehearsal.

She's a Stardoll.

I think she's this one.

This is the stock photo for Stardolls on Ebay. I don't see a character name on that box,but apparently her name is 'Space Style'. Huh? She doesn't look very 'spacey' to me.

Mattel made Stardolls in 2011.

This one is not wearing her own clothes. This is a Barbie princess dress I think.

Stardolls were dressed in very current style clothes. My first reaction to seeing her in this princess dress was,'Well, I'll have to find her something else to wear that suits her better.'

From this angle she looks a bit like she has the Lea head sculpt. She doesn't though.
But after looking at her again,I decided she makes a pretty good princess.

Because their proportions are so different,I would think it would be hard to find other clothes that would properly fit these dolls even if you wanted to change them. The dolls were sold as Stardolls by Barbie, but they have a whole different body sculpt,and Barbie clothes don't fit them properly.

This dress is a little short.
They have big Stardoll feet. There's no way you're getting a Barbie shoe on that foot.

Stardolls also have really long legs,and one goes to one side a bit,so they can doll a model pose.

She has molded on underwear.
She can lift her arms up and out.

She has rooted eyelashes.

Stardolls were short lived.There were only eight dolls as far as I know. They were all pretty,interesting looking dolls.

You can see my other Stardoll HERE.
  That's the doll for today. See you again tomorrow.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sweater Season Again...and Lantern Season Too

  Here it is December already! I know people always say it, but where has the year gone?! Time really does move a lot faster the older you get, which, is really unfair when you think about it. Not only does it mean the few years you have left go even quicker, but it means those miserable teenage years lasted FOREVER! I could have done with those going at a faster clip,believe me.
  Just an update,I found my original Mattel Hogwarts Heroes Harry Potter dolls and I have updated my post on the new Ron doll with a few comparison photos.
  Anyway,I wanted to show you a couple of things that are out this holiday season that might be usable with your dolls.
  The first is this 'ugly sweater' I got at Target.

It was $3.00

It's a Christmas ornament. It came on a little metal hanger, and was thankfully only attached with a couple of stitches.
  It fits Barbies perfectly.

Like Tammy's mom, Dolly World. She has the older Barbie body, but she's looking to upgrade.
Most of the time the sweater ornaments are too bulky,too short or too long in the sleeves


Dolly liked the sweater so much,she wore it when she went Christmas shopping with Tammy.

You know how hard it is to get everyone in a photo looking at the same time.

Of course, when there are only two of them it should be easier!

Oh brother...

Forget it.

The sweater is nice though. Tammy's is from the 'Wizard Sweets Hermione Collection'.

Another find I made was this lantern from Dollar Tree. They have been sold out for a while, since I first spotted them. But when I was there the other day they had gotten them in again. I had an idea, so I nabbed one.

It looked like the bottom was painted cardboard.

I thought I could remove the bottom and put a battery powered tea light inside. However it wasn't. It was plastic.So what I thought was going to be an easy removal...wasn't. The joint in the middle was at least a starting point. I used a wire bending tool to pry it open.

I thought I could just snap pieces out, but the plastic was too bendy.

Then I also discovered that the whole lantern was easy to pop apart. I didn't want to do that though,in case the whole thing split. I think it might have been better had I done that. In the end it fell apart anyway.


I think the space inside is big enough for one of those battery tea lights,especially the smaller ones. However, I couldn't remember where I put the one I had out JUST THE OTHER DAY! So I have faked it up for you to show you how it looks lit up.

 I wanted to show you the lantern with a doll for size comparison.

   So there you go. In the coming weeks we'll look at vintage Christmas photos and toys, and there will be a review of the latest from Maru and Friends.