Today's doll is celebrating Fall. He's this guy.
He's a simple Fall Fairy.
His pictures were taken a couple of months ago, but he looks very Auntumny,and I tried to make sure his pictures did too.
He's really cute, and I have a weakness for fairies anyway. I thought he would make a great doll for a Fall day.
Actually,he's the type of 'doll' that is supposed to just be sat around for decoration. Well, he has a string on his hat to hang him by,so I guess he's supposed to hang.
He looks better sitting though. He reminds me of the fairy pictures of Cicely Mary Barker.
I've always loved those, so he was appealing to me.
His face reminds me of actor Macauley Culkin's brother Kieran.
He has pointy fairy ears.
There may be a little bit of Tobey Maguire in there too. |
I think his head,hands, and feet are made of resin. His body is stuffed. He's about 10 inches tall.
He has his basket of Fall goodies.
His hands are tied to it! |
That's today's doll. Tomorrow we'll see another one.