Showing posts with label American Girl Samantha doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Girl Samantha doll. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2013

It's just another yard sale Friday...

  Well, today was Friday, and we all know what THAT means, don't we boys and girls? That's right! Yard sale day! I was lazy this morning but finally managed to drag myself out and leave the house at 9 instead of 8. It was worth it. I made a pretty good haul today. I started out in our town, but later headed for ******* Springs. (Name withheld to protect the innocent, since I renamed the place Beer Breath Springs due to the fact that a large percentage of the sales there were run by men with beer breath.)
  The first thing I found was a Stardoll in her original outfit. She'll be showing another of my finds from today. Let's see what she has for us...

  From 'California Perfume Company', this beautiful WOODEN CUPBOARD!! The door opens and there are shelves inside!  Thank you Star! (She seems to be gesturing somewhere else, but hey, it's her first day.)

  I also got this box of vintage Christmas decorations, and these 'NOEL' candle holder angels.

When I found them they spelled LNOE.

  There was also a beautiful pink tablecloth with matching napkins, (and a few that don't match.)and this box of vintage scarves, hankies,a table cloth, an apron, and a child's apron that says 'Lunch time', that was $3!

  There were a couple of stowaways in the box.

The Niagara Falls souvenier is a compact complete with mirror and original 'puff'.The doll still has her Woolworth tag marked 10 cents!

   This Bradley doll is in her original box. She's a March girl, and so am I.

  All these cool vintage Valentines with envelopes and original packages for 50 cents!

  This doll has stinky hair, but I'm hoping she'll air out. The bed just fits her.The dress however, does not.

More vintage aprons, and a child's scarf.

These vintage children's aprons. The 3 skirt style aprons are TINY.

Makes you wonder about 'Kay', whose mother or Grandmother lovingly made her these little aprons.

A close up of a couple of the fabrics.Kids on pogo sticks!
 These glasses are killer!

These kids came home with me.

Both are Pleasant Co. The dress isn't in perfect  shape. The furry hat is American Girl too.I think that's Samantha, isn't it?

Also, this amazing hutch with a little tea set.Show us what we won Samantha.

The cupboard has a name and date written on the bottom, so it's apparently handmade.

And we brought alot of this stuff home in this beautiful new (Ok, old.)Clothes hamper...

 It's a vintage wicker hamper by Hawkeye, featuring a gray 'cracked ice' lid with matching lucite handles! Use it in your bathroom to replace the almost identical one someone poked a hole in! By Hawkeye! Thank you Samantha!

And there you have it. I hope you had as much fun as I did today. For those of you in the Central Ohio area, there's a small doll show and sale in Marion tomorrow. The Women's Club Home on Center Street, (Route 309.)10 to 4.