Showing posts with label Country Western Star Barbie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Country Western Star Barbie. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #83: Country Western Star Barbie-Two Ways!

   Today's doll is two, but also a quick post because I also have a the Doll Book of the Month post due today. So, here they are, Country Western Star Barbie.

This doll was a Walmart Special Edition, exclusive to Walmart stores, back when stores all wanted to have their own exclusive Barbie doll, because Barbie was the in thing at the time.

They even bothered to do two versions of this doll, a blonde, and a brunette. 

The blonde has the Superstar Barbie face.

But the brunette has the Teresa head sculpt.

I always loved this Teresa face.

While the blonde has blue eyes, the brunette has bright green eyes.

But they both have the same outfit and accessories.

She comes with a microphone, and the outfit includes a pink plastic cowgirl hat and boots...

...a dress with gold fringed blouse...

...and a bright, flowered skirt with a ruffled hem.

  These girls need to leave. They were rescued from The House of Fire, and are in perfect condition. If anybody is interested, let me know.

  Tomorrow we'll see another doll.