Showing posts with label Fluff doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fluff doll. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2019

Doll-A-Day 2019 #256: Dollar Tree Haul and Living Fluff

    It's another busy day. More work on Lori's gift, more cleaning car stuff, more this and that. We'll see the day's doll in a minute. First I wanted to show you some things I got the other day at Dollar Tree. I hardly have time because I have so many things to do. But I'll get to that later.
  First up,here's the whole haul.

Toy Story 4 shirts! And they finally had the toilets with that plastic fashion doll sized furniture. The lid even opens, so I nabbed one.

There were a few different accessory sets. I liked the mixer in this one. And it looks like those measuring spoons really come apart.

Made to Move and Tammy will be modeling the shirts for you.

"I'm not modeling that!"  No Tammy,just the shirts.
Surprisingly, they all work on Tammy! The No Toy Left Behind shirt is a little loose,and works better on Made to Move,but Tammy can wear it as a pajama shirt.

The Buzz Lightyear shirt is a little better.

But it's a belly shirt on MTM.

The Woody and Forky shirt fits Tammy pretty well.

It actually seems a bit small on MTM.

Then there is the multi-character shirt,which is a dress on Tammy.

I think it looks better on Tammy.

Made to Move also tried on the skirt. It was way too big on her.

Cute though.
Tammy needed some Disney clothes because guess what all the preparation has been for! We are going on vacation,and to Disneyworld! I have never been. Ken was there 30 plus years ago,when he got stranded in the It's A Small World ride and was nearly driven insane by the song being played on a loop while they were in there. It has haunted him ever since! The other really great thing is, we will be visiting Lori! Of course,I haven't seen her since she moved away in June. This may be the last time I do see her,since we won't be making this trip very often,if ever again. I have been working on the gift for Lori since I got the idea a few days ago. I really wish I had gotten the idea sooner! I'll show you the gift when I get it finished.
  Now,on to today's doll. It's Living Fluff.

She was introduced in 1971.

  Fluff was Skipper's friend,the first since Ricky and Skooter were discontinued in 1967.

  Fluff was made from the Living Skipper body, but  has her own head sculpt.

Here you can see Fluff's original outfit, a swimsuit with a ribbed striped top and orange vinyl skirt. She did not come with shoes.
My Fluff is missing her original swimsuit, so she has borrowed Skipper's top and shorts from the Young Ideas gift set,a Sears exclusive, available from 1970 through 1973. All the pieces in the set were produced in a number of different fabrics.

  The whole idea of the 'Living' dolls was that they could be posed in very realistic and lively ways. The Living Skipper/Fluff body has bendable knees,wrists,and elbows, a twist waist,and her head can tilt very expressively.

The bendable elbows are covered in a rubber skin,so the joint is invisible.

Her hand has a rotating hinge joint.
Even with the rubber covering the elbows are able to bend nicely.However, many of these dolls are found with elbows that won't hold a bend anymore. The other weakness of this body is that the hard plastic hips often crack,chip.or break, and the reaction between the hard plastic and the rubber legs causes the hip material to melt,often ruining the clothes. The clothes get stuck in the melted hip/leg joint,and sometimes can't be removed without destroying them. Even in mild cases the clothes can be ruined by having melted plastic 'stains'. It's probably best not to store these dolls in clothing that is very valuable.

  Fluff has super thick rooted eye lashes.

Her hair came in two ponytails, with side curls and bangs.

This Fluff only has one of her original hair ribbons.

  There was only one version of Fluff...

...but she was also available in a gift set, with extra clothes.

 Fluff's head sculpt was used in 1972 for Skipper's friend Pose 'N Play Tiff, before being shelved forever.

Tiff has dark auburn hair and big brown eyes. Unlike Fluff,she doesn't have rooted eyelashes.Fluff is a cute girl,but I think the face comes off better on the Tiff doll.

Fluff can still be found at an affordable price, but Tiff is much more hard to find,and is very expensive.

That's today's doll.

See ya!
  See you again tomorrow for another one.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Doll-A-Day 100: Day of 100 Dolls

  My son pointed out yesterday that today would be my 100th day for Doll-A-Day, and that I should do something special. Unfortunately, everybody had the same DUMB idea for what I should do, and even more unfortunate, it was a good idea.That idea? "Don't you have 100 of something?" Well, duh. My Skipper collection,(including Skipper friends). So here they are in somewhat less than all of their glory.Actually, this is only most of them, but not all. Some you will have seen before, and some you will see again another day in more detail. Enjoy.
100 Skipper and friends dolls.They don't all show very well.Too crowded.

  This is the first time I have used our new camera. I think the pictures look great.The quality is so much better than our old one.
The two Living Skippers in front are wearing two different versions of Budding Beauty.

Seems to be something of a pajama party going on on the left.

Tomorrow is the first of my second 100. I can't believe I've carried it on this far. Even more amazing is that after featuring 100 dolls,I have so many more to show. That's surprising even to me! Luckily Skipper is not a very big girl!

I've added a few more pictures. I'm still figuring out how to get that new camera to focus on what I want!