Showing posts with label Pillsbury Biscuit doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pillsbury Biscuit doll. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Doll-a-Day 2017 #230: Pillsbury Bun Bun and Biscuit

  The day before yesterday we saw Mr. and Mrs. Mouse, which I got yard saling a couple of weeks ago.

Today we're looking at another few dolls from that day. They're Bun Bun and Biscuit.

Bun Bun is the baby sister of Poppin Fresh,(The Pillsbury Dough Boy.).

Biscuit,which I got two of, is their family cat.

These dolls are actually finger puppets. These two came in a set that also included the family dog,Flapjack.

Bun Bun,who is 3 1/2" tall, should have blue eyes and  a blue heart on her bib.

Biscuit is 2 1/2" tall. She should have blue eyes and a blue nose.

See you tomorrow for Shrunken Saturday.