Showing posts with label Shackman doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shackman doll. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 # 10: Dollhouse Baby by Shackman

   Today's doll is this tiny fellow.

  This little guy was made by Shackman.

   He's about 2 3/4 inches tall. He's actually a little big to be a  1/12 scale baby. He's made of soft rubber, and his arms and legs are jointed. Of course, since he's supposed to be a baby, too young for standing, his legs are molded in a slightly curved position so he looks more correct sitting. 

His neck is probably jointed too, but his clothing makes it hard to move his arms, let alone his head. 

Under his fluffy coat he's wearing a shiny nylon onesie.

There was a female counterpart to this guy, who wears a pink fluffy coat. Or maybe it's just a boy who likes pink.

  I believe these particular Shackman dolls were made in Hong Kong.

  I got this doll at the last doll show, where I bought the tub of dolls. This doll wasn't in the tub, but he came in another great deal I got, where I bought a whole tray full of dollhouse dolls and miniatures for $5. He got stored in the big tub, and then we left soon after on our trip. I didn't even remember the tray of goodies until I  was looking for something else in the tub the other evening and came across this doll. AT first I thought, "What?" Then I spotted the doll I originally wanted to buy from the tray, and remembered. "Oh yeah!" There was some good stuff in the tray. We'll cover that soon. And we'll get back to that tub too. But for now... 

  The Shackman company was founded by a woman, Bertha Shackman, in 1898. The compnay still exists today. When I was a kid we used to get catalogs from Shackman, and I ordered a couple of dolls from them. Some day I'll show you those.

  That's all for today. See you tomorrow for another doll.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Doll-A-Day 2019 #87: Wanda Walker

  Today doll is similar to the Finger Ding dolls of the 1960's and early 1970's. She 's this girl.

Her name is Wanda Walker.

Her box calls her an 'antique replica',but I think that just means she's an antique style doll, and not a replica of any previous doll.

She was made by Shackman in 1978. She is, as I said, a simlar idea to the Finger Ding dolls. (You can see my posts on Finger Ding dolls HERE,and HERE.) As with the finger Dings, the human provides the doll's legs by way of their fingers.

I'm assuming this doll was made for a child because the holes for the fingers to be poked through the doll's body were a tight squeeze.

The shoes that fit onto the tips of the fingers to provide the doll's feet were even tighter.

  Do you know how hard it is to turn your hand around so that a doll on it is facing forward so you can take it's picture?!

Her arms are jointed.

She has a little pocket with a handkerchief in it.

   After a while I figured out that it was easier to just photograph her upside down and rotate the picture. It was a lot easier than trying to rotate my hand!


  I'm fat, but I have small hands and fingers.  The shoes were getting pretty tight by the time I got finished! I might have tried  for more interesting pictures, but I had to get those things off!

With my short fingers she is about 7 inches tall.

See you tomorrow for another doll.