Showing posts with label store exclusive Barbie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label store exclusive Barbie. Show all posts

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #275: Sweet Lavender Barbie

   If I tell you I was so tired today that I didn't get around to photographing anything, I think that still won't impress upon you exactly how tired I am, and have been lately. I think I know why now though. I had my bloodwork done for the endocrinologist last week, and finally got my prescription refilled, and she has DOUBLED my dosage of thyroid medicine. Well almost doubled. It's doubled on 5 out of 7 days a week, when I already took double the normal dosage. Apparently my thyroid has been off again, which might account for my tiredness, and why I want to lay down and go to sleep about 5 o'clock every day. 

  Anyway, my tiredness is why I am falling back, once again, on some pictures I already had taken. And I apologize for their blurriness. That seems to be becoming my trademark, unfortunately.. I have GOT to get that taken care of!

  So today we're seeing Sweet Lavender Barbie. Does anybody remember Woolworth? Way back when this doll came out, in 1992, Woolworth was still big enough to have their own exclusive Barbie doll, of which, this was one.

She was one of the big dress, big hair Barbie dolls so popular in those days. She came in this blonde version, and a black haired African American version.

  For some reason the picture on the back of the box shows the dress a much different shade of purple.

  If I can motivate myself tomorrow we'll see the last doll from the toy show. (Slaps face on both sides to wake self up. See you then.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Doll-A-Day 2023 #178: Fantasy Ball Barbie

    Busy day today. I mowed the yard, picked the garlic buds, (not the garlic pods underground), went through bags of stuff from the rubble, and some other stuff. I got too much sun, but luckily remembered to put sun screen on, and I did wer my hat. I also got to cuddle Jimmy and Joey today, but Ark wouldn't come up from the basement.

  Anyway, I did get another camera lens sorted, but since I was so busy, I didn't have time to use it. So we're resorting to the boxed dolls again!  Today it's Fantasy Ball Barbie.

Fantasy Ball Barbie, is from 1997, when store were still clambering to have their own exclusive Barbie. It was also a time when there were still Kaybee toy stores! Remember them? Fantasy Ball was a Kaybee exclusive.

  She had the usual 90's era blonde hair and one of my least favourite Barbie faces.

This dress is a little strange. She almost looks like she's strapped into a parachute.

Or strapped to a hot air balloon.

She also has the karate arms, another of my 'not favourites'.

The fabric of the dress isn't bad, but those ribbons just look weird.

She has a big ring and a small necklace.

  She was in the selling stuff, and not part of my personal collection, so if anybody is interested in giving her a home, let me know.

   See you tomorrow.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Doll-A-Day 2017 #134: Happy Mother's Day! KayBee Special Edition Fashion Avenue Barbie 1998

  Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

We're going to take a break from all the Goodwill hauls to celebrate Mother's Day. 

You'll have seen this doll before. She's Tammy World's mother, Dolly World.

But originally she was the KayBee Special Edition Fashion Avenue Barbie from 1998.

Her original outfit,which I have been known to describe as Asian Wild West Dance Hall girl.

Kaybee was a chain of toy stores. I'm not sure if any of them still exist, but all of the ones around here went out of business.

She has what is known as The Mackie Face,because it was first used on a Bob Mackie Barbie doll.

When I bought her I kept her as she was for a while, but then I needed a model for some doll clothes Emma and I were making one day.

But not this dress. it's a 'store bought', as people used to say.
She became our model. She just looked so good in everything we put on her that we started calling her The Most Beautiful Doll in the World.

Somewhere around then the kids started calling my Fern doll 'Tammy the Doll', because I said if somebody made a doll of me as a kid they should use Fern,because she had the red hair and ponytail I had as a kid.

They are wearing their coordinating fruit clothes.

So when 'Tammy' was playing with the kids' dolls, she needed a mom, and The Most Beautiful Doll in the World had a child.

We shortened her name to 'Dolly World',because the full thing was too much to say every time. That's how they became the 'World' family.(And naming the husband "Wally World" was my joke.Yeah. I'm a riot like that...)

 I wish she didn't have to have blue earrings all the time.

I've often thought about rebodying her to an articulated body. Her skin tone is so pale though that it's hard to find a body for her. Some Liv dolls and the Made to Move Asian doll come close,but aren't quite right.

Apparently I will be spending tomorrow with all of my children. That's the plan anyway.That's the best gift I can think of.

So Moms,today I hope your children are treating you to a meal,bringing you flowers, or, more importantly, spending some time with you.
  Tomorrow we're back to the old Goodwill haul,(Don't worry. It'll all be over soon.)