Showing posts with label Easter bunny dolls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter bunny dolls. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

  Happy Easter! (for those of you who celebrate it.) We had a nice socially distanced day. We had lunch on the patio with Emma and AJ. We were outside and able to keep something of a distance,and still getting to see them. It was a bit drizzly while they were here,but not enough to deter us. After they left, the weather,typically,went sunny!
  Last night I stayed up VERY late making curried potatoes,for Emma. (Emma gave up eating eggs as eggs many years ago.It just bothered her. She gave eggs up completely for a couple of years,which is very tough. The world isn't built around vegans,or even near vegans like Ema was.She eats eggs in things now,but still can't bear to eat actual eggs.) I also made curried eggs from the cage free eggs for Ivy,and made curried eggs with the whatever eggs for Fuzz and Ken, who will eat most anything. In case you're wondering, I can't eat curried anything any more,but those eggs are delicious!
  I also spent most of the day working on finishing up Tammy World's new Easter dress. I found the fabric a few weeks ago, before quarantine started,when I was out doing my early Easter shopping. I thought it was cute,and would make a good Easter dress for Tammy.  I don't really sew, and I can't use a pattern. My method is pretty much 'sew it on the subject'. (This was quite a point of irritation for the kids when I made their Halloween costumes!) I sort of hold fabric up to the subject and cut it to fit and sew it,sometimes on the subject's body.
    I got the dress made all but finishing sewing and attaching the sleeves. I was having such a hard time, because sleeves are the part I still haven't managed to tackle in most cases. I had thought about having Tammy wear the little gray sweater from a Lori fashions pack anyway,and it was really late,and I did have to finish all those eggs... So,even though Ivy had chided me about not finishing the sleeves the day before,I was pretty much resigned to leaving the sleeves unfinished and covering it up with the sweater. That's when Ivy came downstairs and looked at my work. She asked me if I was going to finish,and offered to sew the sleeves on for me. I took her up on the offer.
  So here's Tammy in her new Easter dress.

It's printed with ducks and chicks and geese better scurry...Oh. Sorry! It's printed with ducks and chicks and Easter eggs!

 The sunshine lasted just long enough for me to take loads of photos. Then it went drab again.

With her favourite gift, a giant 'chocolate' bunny,and Fuzzy the Doll's Easter basket because I didn't want to dig hers out!
The dress without the sweater.
And with.
Tammy enjoyed a visit with the Easter Bunny.

In fact, they became quite good friends.

The part of the Easter Bunny was played by the bunny that came with a 2001 Madame Alexander doll called 'Easter Hop'.

She really liked that 'chocolate' bunny,which is not really chocolate. I'm not sure what it's made of.

I had some very tiny lace I bought at a miniature show that I used for her collar.

I wanted some nice anklets for her. I may have to make her some. That wasn't happening by Easter though!

I would have liked to have cuffs on her sleeves too, but let's not go crazy here!

This is pretty much the same picture, but the print of the dress comes out better in the one below.

  Tammy got tired of taking pictures. Her feet started hurting.

  I hope everybody had a nice day!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Doll-A-Day 2017 #106: Pink Bunny Pose Doll,Knee Hugger Bunnies, and Happy Easter!

  Happy Easter! Today's doll is this sweet little pink bunny.

She's a Japanese Pose Doll.

She has a loop on her head that would lead one to believe she is for hanging.

I don't think she was really meant to be made to sit though. I think I broke one of her legs. I guess she is to be hung, not sat. That's not very 'posable'.

She measures about 7" tall.

She was in beautiful mint condition when I got her. Then Fuzzy's cats knocked the box she was in down the basement stairs and trampled her in the dust and cat hair.

Still, she survived and cleaned up pretty well.

Pose dolls were very popular in the 60's.I'm guessing that's when this girl is from.

The Easter egg she's posing with is much older. It's probably early 1900's.
This is either really sweet because they're guarding her while she sleeps, or really creepy because they killed her...
 She has a sticker on her back that says 'Napco'. Napco made loads of ceramics in the '60's.

I think that little white thing is where she used to have a tail.
Her friends are bunny versions of the typical knee hugger Christmas elf/pixie,from around the same era as the pose doll.

They have the usual faces and bodies of those Christmas elf/pixie dolls. In fact, I have bunches of the elf versions, but these are the only bunnies I've ever seen.

They're called knee huggers for obvious reasons. These days the most famous knee hugger is The Elf on the Shelf.
They each have a little sticker on their back that says Made in Hong Kong.

As you can see around their collars and their armpits,they are very faded.

See you tomorrow for another doll.