Showing posts with label Baby Miss Piggy doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Miss Piggy doll. Show all posts

Monday, December 4, 2017

Doll-A-Day 2017 #338:McDonald's Christmas Muppet Babies

  Ok. I lied. I said this was going to be a winter themed doll, but I changed my mind. I messed up the pictures for the winter doll I was going to do, but I had these pictures I took of these guys.

They're sort of wintery. They're Christmasy.

They are obviously Miss Piggy...

...Kermit, and Fozzie.

What you may not notice is that they are meant to be the Muppet Babies versions. "Muppet Babies" was a popular animated series at the time,airing originally from 1984 to 1991. There were a lot of dolls, toys and other products released from it. Emma was born in 1991, and I bought plenty of Muppet babies toys and stuff for her. Her first calendar, which I kept track of her baby milestones on, was a Muppet Babies one.
They're McDonald's toys.

Miss Piggy was still in her bag, but the bag is disintegrating more every time it's touched. Fozzie is missing his floppy red hat, and Kermit is missing his Santa hat. This is what happens when dolls have removable clothes! Kermit's vest and Fozzie's scarf are also removable. Miss Piggy's bonnet isn't removable, but she has comb-able hair.

They were sold in 1988,in part to raise money for Ronald McDonald House. They weren't Happy Meal toys, but were sold separately as an option when making any McDonald's purchase.

Kermit and Fozzie are about 7 1/2" tall, but Piggy is about 8 1/2".
You can see two different commercials for the toys HERE and HERE.
  Tomorrow we'll see that wintery doll.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Doll-A-Day 237: Baby Miss Piggy

  Since I wasn't able to do the Miss Piggy bride doll the other day, I thought I'd go to the other end of the spectrum and show you Baby Miss Piggy.

Her trademark lavender gloves are white for some reason. The stitching is lavender though.??
She's from the line of Hasbro Softies, made in the 80's.

The baby Muppets were first seen in a daydream of Miss Piggy's in the movie The Muppets Take Manhatten in 1986. (The next time you see the clip,with the song "I'm Gonna Always Love You", make sure you watch for little Piggy's tapping foot seen under Rowlf's piano.)They were so cute and popular that the animated series Muppet Babies was created.
Awww. Makes me think of baby Ivy, and the way she kept her legs drawn up for ages. I always tell her she was like a little sack of sugar on my shoulder: no legs and all the weight in one little lump.
Unsentimental Niece loved The Muppet Babies when she was little, and so did my kids. I thought it was a great cartoon, inspiring kids to use their imaginations and engage in creative play.

 And of course the whole idea was just so cute. The 'real' baby Muppets in the movie were way cuter than the animated ones, but still. I always had to wonder though, where all their parents were, and why their 'Nanny' was a human. I thought it was a clever idea to include Kermit's nephew Robin as a tadpole in a bowl!
See you tomorrow for another doll.