Showing posts with label 40th Anniversary Ken doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 40th Anniversary Ken doll. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Doll-A-Day 2019 #164: 40th Annivesary Ken

  Today's doll is this fascinating guy.

He's 40th Anniversary Ken.

He was released in 2001,to commemorate,well, the 40th anniversary of the Ken doll.Duh. He came in a tuxedo,and included a miniature version of the original Ken doll and his box.

I found mine at Salvation Army. he was loose, and naked. That means I don't have the tiny Ken. I really want that too.

He has rooted hair. I think they did a pretty good job. It at least lays down, even if he does look a little nerdy.

You'll notice he has rooted hair, but painted on sideburns.
And yes, he is wearing an Ohio State football jersey. I have no idea where I got it.


He's pretty nicely articulated. His head only turns side to side, but he has jointed elbows and knees,and a waist joint that allows him to twist and lean.

He has some whopper rivets in his elbows.

He can do the Crazy Hand Jive. (Or as Emma called it when she was a kid, the Crazy Hand Drive.)

He's a killer basketball player.

And he can look smooth.

He also has some heavy duty eyebrows...and Spock's bangs.

I really like him though. He' one of my favourite grown up male dolls that I own.

  There was also a 40th Anniversary Barbie, who also came with a miniature version of the original.
  That's today's doll. See you tomorrow for another one.