Showing posts with label Hearts for Hearts Girls Zelia doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hearts for Hearts Girls Zelia doll. Show all posts

Friday, November 14, 2014

Doll-A-Day 292: Review of Hearts For Hearts Girl Zelia

  Last Sunday we saw Hearts for Hearts Girl Surjan, (You can see the review HERE.)and I promised Zelia later in the week. Well, you can't get much later in the week than this. Heeeere's Zelia!

The dolls have their heads turned. Zelia's is turned almost too far, because it was hard to get a good look at her face.
  Zelia has the new style box with the open front,as opposed to the flap front with a picture of the doll like my Dell has on her older style box. You can see Dell's full review HERE.

Dell's box.

Zelia has dark brown eyes and red hair. That's a combination that you don't see very often. (I do. Every time I look in the mirror. But it's hard to find a doll with this combination.)

The front of the doll's boxes says,"$1 of the purchase price from each doll is donated to World Vision, a humanitarian organization that helps girls like Zelia."

Her box was sealed with clear tape.
 Once that was slit the insert slid out. I like that the dolls are held securely in these boxes. and yet they are fairly easy to remove.

They are held in with some thread and a few pieces of paper twine and those little plastic  things the twine is held with.which look like bunnies to me.

 I untied my twine, in case I want to use it for something later, but it could be cut very easily.

Like all the Hearts for Hearts dolls, Zelia comes with her booklet,about her and where she lives, on a coffee farm in Brazil,

a comb,two extra ponytailers,

 and a bracelet for her owner. The bracelet also works as a necklace for the doll.

Dell was happy to meet a new friend.

Are you ever coming out of there?

She's a little bit of a ham.
Zelia has a side ponytail tied up with two different coloured ponytailers.

Her red hair is made up of more than one colour.
It's ever so slightly thinly rooted. It still looks good, and no loose hair when it's combed, so it seems like it will maintain the hair that's there.The thinness doesn't show when her hair is in the side ponytail.

The hair is soft and smooth. It's fun to comb: so silky! And doesn't tangle easily. It also isn't the type that will get frizzy with play. Both really good points for a play doll. (And good for me, because, as we know, I'm bad with hair.)

This is how her hair looked right after I took her ponytail down.

But it combed out to be nice and silky.

It was very windy last weekend.

 Her earrings match with Dell's necklace.
Slightly different colour though.

Good time to notice how similar, yet different, (Huh?), their head molds are. For one thing,Dell actually has a bigger head. They're both 14" tall.
Their clothes are actually able to be mixed and matched. Those shoes would definitely be interchangeable.

Zelia's outfit is made up of  a yellow satiny jacket,

There are a couple of stitches holding the jacket to the shirt. They only have a knot at one end though, so they pull out easily. More smart methods! Kids can do this all on their own without tearing anything up.

Unlike just about all other acetate satiny clothes I have seen on dolls, this one is not stiff enough to stand up by itself. The jacket is soft and cozy.
 a blue tank top which closes in the back with Velcro,

The butterfly design matches her earrings.

Real back pockets.
a pair of denim shorts,

 and pink and aqua coloured laceless tennis shoes. The little pink heart is a separate piece of plastic that is permanently attached.

The Hearts for Hearts Girls are jointed at the neck, shoulders, and hips.
If carefully balance they can stand on their own. Their shoes are slightly rounded on the bottom, which makes it more difficult.
Their arms can move out from their bodies a bit, as well as up and down.

Their legs can too, but not as much as the arms.
Zelia heard what a good time my Karito Kid, Ling had on the trampoline, so she wanted to try it out too.

Their heads tilt a little bit too.

I was curious what other dolls Zelia might share clothes with, so she tried on this BFC Ink shirt.
It's a little bit baggy, but not too bad.

The length works actually.

The Hearts For Hearts Girls are beautiful, informative, and a donation to a good cause. How can you lose?

Tomorrow is Skipper Saturday. This week for sure!