Showing posts with label Danbury Mint Shirley Temple doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Danbury Mint Shirley Temple doll. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Doll-A-Day 42: The Shirley Temple Dress Up Doll by Danbury Mint

  Interrupting  Ken week today.In remembrance of Shirley Temple I had to show a Shirley doll.This is the Shirley Temple Dress Up Doll by Danbury Mint.
I think this outfit is actually supposed to have white shoes.

She was produced in 1995, and stands about 16" tall. She came wearing the navy blue sailor dress, with matching hat and purse from the movie Poor Little Rich Girl.A multitude of other costumes from many of Shirley's movies were produced to go with the doll.
The Danbury Mint advertising flyer for The Shirley Temple Dress Up Doll.These are only a FEW of the outfits produced for the doll.They were pretty movie accurate too.

It was sort of like an Outfit of the Month club. Each month you were sent another outfit, with all accessories. You could even purchase a trunk to store them in. I had always wanted a Shirley Temple doll, and the doll was only $30. So, even though we had just bought our house and spent all our savings,Ken managed to squeeze out the money for me to buy her. The situation did however prevent me from buying the outfits. Recently I went to an auction, which I did a post about on January 16th,where I bought the trunk and a load of the outfits, as well as 6 porcelain Shirley dolls.

This outfit is from Our Little Girl.(Sorry about the saggy undies. I guess that elastic has seen better days.)
You know, really, it's not a good idea to keep a rabbit in your hat, no matter what magicians say.Trust me. I know what rabbits do, and you don't want it in your hat.
The little jacket is removable too.

Tomorrow we'll be back to Ken week.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Doll-A-Day 16 and Some Auction Scores

  Today's doll is this girl.

She is a Littlest Rebel Shirley Temple doll by Danbury Mint.

 She stands approximately 11" tall. The costume is from the movie called, (what else?),The Littlest Rebel, which was made in 1935.

   Her outfit is nicely detailed, right down to her little boots.She was part of my purchases at yesterday's 'Treasure Hunt' doll auction.
  It was quite a day for Shirley Temple dolls. There were scads of them. Not many people were bidding on them either, which was good for me. Most of the bids on them came from me and another lady who was my biggest competition, and occasionally someone else.Biggest Competition and I got both Danbury Mint Dress Up doll trunks full of  movie costumes for the 18" Dress Up doll.Between us we got almost all of the costumes.Some of the costume bits were scattered between the trunks. I suggested we trade the bits so we both had full outfits, but she just gave me whatever she had that I was missing instead of asking for some of the stuff that I had for herself. That was awfully nice of her. I got the doll when it first came out around 1995,but I only had 3 costumes for her.
   Besides the trunk I got four Shirley toddler dolls by Danbury Mint.They're all bisque, which normally I can't stand the feel of.But this bisque is so smooth it feels like a really good quality vinyl.
  This First Vacation Shirley is without her coat and hat, which are drip drying after a wash, and her lei,which I forgot to put back on her when I took her coat and hat off.Other than the soiling to her hat and coat she is perfect, and they look great after their wash and a soak in Stain Devils #8.(I swear Stain Devils should pay me for all the recommendations I give them!)
She even still had the plastic clips on her dress to keep the pleats in.

Then there is this Bathing Beauty Shirley and her beach ball.
Please excuse my rubber band, but I'm having a little trouble holding this ball.

This My Friend Corky Shirley and her dog.
Corky could use a repaint.

This Little Miss Shirley Temple, which will be going away, since I already have this one.

And this Bright Eyes Shirley, (in the middle),which is missing her doll and big hat.

Corky Shirley seems to have appropriated Bathing Shirley's beach ball. Bathing Shirley is too busy gossiping with Bright Eyes and First Vacation to care. By the way,what would you call this? A 'gaggle' of Shirleys? A 'pod'? A 'flock'?
None of them have any papers or boxes, and only one has a tag, but since the boxes of two dolls each cost me $5 a box, I'm not going to complain!
  Emma went with me and bid on a few things, but didn't win any. I also got several Wee Patsy's,and a box full of souvenier or travel dolls, plus one really beautiful doll with embroidered clothes, which I'll show you tomorrow. Until then...