Today's doll is, I'm pretty sure, a Classmates Be Yourself Doll.
She's wearing different clothes than the Classmates Be Yourself doll I found online, but she's marked Berenguer, and is otherwise the same doll as the one I saw.
The Classmates Be Yourself line came out in 2004. There were at least six dolls in the series: today's doll, a strawberry blonde with blue eyes, a blonde with braids and cute side glance blue eyes, a blonde with blue eyes and double ponytails, an African American doll with double ponytails, and a brown haired doll with brown eyes. There may have been more.
The doll is 11 inches tall.
I'm not sure what's going on with this outfit. I would have said ballerina, if it hadn't been for the long drawers.
Her black hair was originally pulled into a side ponytail.
She has inset, not painted eyes.
They're very dark, and if there's any detail in those iris', I can't see it.
One thing about her that I don't care for is her eyebrows. They have very little detail and don't look realistic.
She has nice painted detail in her lips though.
From the back of the box I saw online, these were scented dolls. I got mine second hand, and I have never noticed her having a scent.
That's today's doll. See you again tomorrow.