First of all,the sales page is up! It's actually been up for a couple of days,but I keep forgetting to mention it. It can be found at the top of the right sidebar area under the heading 'Dolls and accessories for sale'. There are quite a few things listed already,but ,trust me, there are about a zillion more things I could add! (And I will eventually.)
An update on our kittens: It looks like Merlin and maybe Thalberg have homes already. That still leaves beautiful little Mordred,Fred, and George who need homes. Also the mommies need homes too. everybody seems to have thumbs except possibly Mordred,and Fred and George both have back feet thumbs as well!
The heat here has been almost too much to bear without air conditioning. When there's no escape at all, it gets to the point where it wears on your health and sanity. Those who can work outside, and then go into a cool house and sip an icy drink in comfort, have no idea how the constant heat can make you feel after a while. I'm nauseous,and weak. I have no energy at all,and have to drag myself to do anything. I have been trying to make sure I drink liquids,but there's only so much I can hold! Any movement away from a fan causes the sweat to pour uncontrollably. I only hope the heat breaks soon.Lori says it isn't this bad in Georgia!
Now onto today's doll. Yesterday we saw the modern version of Holly Hobbie. (You can see my post on the original small vinyl Holly and friends dolls and the history of the character's origins,
HERE. You can see my post on the original 10" vinyl doll
HERE.) Today we're going to look at her friend,Carrie Baker.
Like the Holly we saw yesterday, Carrie is from the Design My Style series,made by Mattel in 2006.
She's 12 inches tall.
You may have seen my post on the
miniature version of Carrie. That Carrie was a tiny version of this girl,with different clothes. My Carrie,as you can see, has borrowed the clothes from my spare Holly.
This was necessary because she was naked when I got her. She would have looked like this in her box.
She does still have her original hair style though.
Like Holly, Carrie has a sweet face.
They don't share a sculpt, but they are close enough that they are obviously from the same series.
The original Holly Hobbie Carrie wasn't African American. It was obviously decided that more ethnic diversity was necessary when Holly was resurrected for the modern era. I'm glad they made this Carrie. She is so cute.
That's the doll for today. See you again tomorrow.