If I tell you I was so tired today that I didn't get around to photographing anything, I think that still won't impress upon you exactly how tired I am, and have been lately. I think I know why now though. I had my bloodwork done for the endocrinologist last week, and finally got my prescription refilled, and she has DOUBLED my dosage of thyroid medicine. Well almost doubled. It's doubled on 5 out of 7 days a week, when I already took double the normal dosage. Apparently my thyroid has been off again, which might account for my tiredness, and why I want to lay down and go to sleep about 5 o'clock every day.
Anyway, my tiredness is why I am falling back, once again, on some pictures I already had taken. And I apologize for their blurriness. That seems to be becoming my trademark, unfortunately.. I have GOT to get that taken care of!
So today we're seeing Sweet Lavender Barbie. Does anybody remember Woolworth? Way back when this doll came out, in 1992, Woolworth was still big enough to have their own exclusive Barbie doll, of which, this was one.