Showing posts with label Straight Blast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Straight Blast. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

Vunak's Top 50 Combat Secrets Ch. 7

Chapter 7 - Bruce Lee’s Pendulum

Attacking the eyes and attacking the groin, are probably two of the most common targets in most Kung-Fu and Karate systems. As each system has their own specific ways of moving, each system also has their own similar way of attacking the eyes and the groin. If you are a Karate style perhaps hard-style, thrusting to the eyes is very rigid as is the kick to the groin. If you are a circular style, perhaps kung-fu, your attacks to the eyes would be in an elliptical fashion, many times imitating an animal, perhaps a Crane’s Beak. Therefore the biomechanics of the eye jab and groin kick are predicated upon the idiosyncrasy of the system. Since we all have similar morphologies, there should only be one perfect way of attacking said eyes and groin. These moves should be immutable, for example there are thousands of different golfers, with thousands of different styles, ethnicities and idiosyncrasies’, but only one way to do a perfect golf swing. The biomechanics of a perfect golf swing trump everything else. Same thing with throwing a football, hitting a baseball, and of course jabbing the eyes and kicking the groin. What is biomechanically the most efficient eye jab/groin kick. Bruce Lee found this to be what is called the Pendulum.

The Pendulum requires that we break the number one rule of Boxing. And shift most of our weight on our front foot, causing us to stretch out leaning into the eye jab. When a person stretches out too far, and leans too much weight, on their front hand, they have automatically nullified the power of the rear hand. However, Bruce was not interested in following up with crosses, hooks, uppercuts, and overhands after his eye jab. The nano-second after Bruce Jabs you in the eyes, his only interest is to kick you in the groin. When one leans into the eye jab with their head, and then shifts the head back and then kicks the groin, this action is smooth, precise, and biomechanically perfect.

Phase 2 of the Pendulum. The PIP. The Progressive Indirect Pendulum.

This requires that our first leaning eye jab is a very fast fake, causing the opponent to literally flinch backwards. When this flinching occurs the pelvis exposes the groin for the second part of the Pendulum. The groin kick. Often Bruce would initiate the attack with the groin kick. Then initiate, a fake with the groin kick, and instantly attacking the eyes. Thus reversing the progressive indirect attack from Low to High. This perpetual, faking of the eyes, kicking of the balls, and then faking the balls and hitting of the eyes, when done properly through a progressive indirect cadence, is simply the best way on this earth, one human being can attack those specific targets. Once again our criteria for “best”, is biomechanical. It is wise to know, that after the initial score to either the eyes or the groin, once again from a biomechanical, efficient point of view, is to follow up with a straight-blast. And most likely ending up on the neck. Thus ending in the R.A.T.

Please check the Table of Contents for links to other chapters of this Online Book.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Vunak's Top 50 Combat Secrets Ch. 6

Chapter 6 - Bruce Lee’s Straight Blast

The Straight Blast was Bruce Lee’s absolute favorite move. “I would watch him revert to it, time and time again when ever he was serious in a fight”, Dan Inosanto. There are very few things more direct, and emotionally devastating than the straight blast. One of the things that differentiate a blast from, all other techniques, is the fact that, whoever is the recipient of this particular technique, has been reduced from a fighter to a pedestrian. Why is that ? Because unlike, punches, kicks, elbows, knees, etc…The straight blast causes, everyone to instantly back pedal, literally running backwards. And when any human being is flailing backwards, they have instantly lost, the two absolute and immutable perquisites, for any fighter. Base, and Balance. Without which, simple put, one is reduced to a pedestrian. Additionally, when someone is climbing down your throat, literally doing the 50 yard dash down your centerline, while simultaneously using your head as a speed bag, there is a visceral emotional response that every recipient has. The best word I can come up with, within the confines of our human lexicon is “frozen”.

Imagine leaning back in a chair day dreaming, and your prankster friend sneaks up behind you, and quickly tips the chair back, and there is that brief nanosecond where you are shitting in your pants, you are that perverbial deer looking into head lights. This is what I mean when I say “frozen”. So if you can imagine, being instantly hit with a technique, that freezes you emotionally, shuts you down physically, and turns someone from a fighter to a pedestrian. All at once its no wonder, why this is the absolute favorite move of Bruce Lee, Dan Inosanto, along with myself.

First and foremost, the first punch of the Blast has to connect. Pain must precede the Blast. This means, that the assailant, is coming towards you and you first kick him in the groin and then follow-up with the blast, and then things should go your way. Another example, perhaps he steps in, and you wrap him on the thai with a thai boxers thai kick, and then straight blast him. And again, things should go your way. Re-iterating that in both aforementioned examples, pain preceded the blast. If you are going to initiate with a straight blast, it is absolutely positively paramount that the first punch of that blast makes contact (thus abiding by our law, of Pain preceding blast). Now that we have established that the first punch has to hit first, it is only logical, to ascertain what is that punch. Well, it is the jab. All straight blasts, must start with a jab(unless you have created pain elsewhere). So from now on, when you are sparring with whom ever, every time you hit them with a jab, think of that being your portal to your straight blast. Now ones mission is to simply hit them with a jab, follow up with a cross, and then hit them with just one more jab. And presto, you have got yourself a straight blast.

Please check the Table of Contents for links to other chapters of this Online Book.

If you are interested in the Straight Blast, you may be interested in this older instructional full videos of Vunak sifu's:

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Paul Vunak - Jeet Kune Do Streetfighting Series Vol 1 - Bruce Lee's Straight Blast (Full video)

In the early 1990's (thinking 1990-1992), as a followup to his Panther videos, Paul Vunak came out with his JKD Streetfighting Series. Below is the full video of Volume 1 - Straight Blast.

And yes, that is Vunak sifu with a mullet!


Further information:

In case you missed the other full video of Vunak sifu's I posted, please check out:

Please check out Paul Vunak's Top 50 Combat Secrets online book also if you are interested. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

MOVIES: Donnie Yen's Ip Man (Chain Punches)

Here are 3 animated gif's I made of Wing Chun Chain Punching. Granted they are from the Hong Kong movie IP MAN starring Donnie Yen (SPL, Flashpoint, Dragon Tiger Gate, Iron Monkey 2, Blade 2, Highlander 4, etc), but they looked cool, I was learning how to make animated gif's and I like Donnie's movies.


EDIT 3/3/13:  Noticed my pichost deleted my 2nd pic and recycled the URL to my first pic for someone's pic of a car. Reupped these pix. These were amongst the early GIF's I ever made and set at 300 pixels width. I may remake these to be 400 pixels width which is my current favorite width.


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