Showing posts with label Lee Aldridge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lee Aldridge. Show all posts

Saturday, January 05, 2013

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Eye Jabs, Telegraphing, and Pre-Fight Movement

 Eye Jabs, Telegraphing, and Pre-Fight Movement
 By Lee Aldridge

The following is a condensation of a recent conversation between SouthNarc and myself.

We had a previous discussion in Atlanta about the use of eye jabs. When I presented the eye jab to the Atlanta class, I spoke about the advantage of NOT needing a "power base" from which to throw the strike. I had Roger bend me backward over a table, and proceeded to throw the eye jab with the typical whip-like delivery. A firm stance is not needed for this blow, since there is no need to entrain bodyweight behind it.

This presentation sparked one of those magical synergistic conversations, where we came to some conclusions about several things.

We often hear discussion about observation of "pre-assault cues" from the Bad Guy. We have all read (or participated live in SN's great class presentation) about the various hints that precede a physical attack. This, in turn, led to the observation that we often convey the same pre-assault cues as we prepare to launch OUR OWN opening blows. The conversation returned to the subject of the eye jab as being a non-telegraphic blow, in that it does not require the user to achieve a set stance before throwing.

Friday, January 04, 2013

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Eye Gouging 101

Eye Gouging 101
by Lee Aldridge


Attacking the eyes of an opponent can be a very effective means of gaining an advantage during a confrontation. Because of the relative fragility of the eye, the amount of damage that may be inflicted by a small amount of "power" is tremendous.

In this series, we will look at several different methods of attacking the eyes. Note that certain methods may suit specific attack scenarios better than others!

I will state that even an effective blow to the eye MAY NOT STOP AN ATTACKER, and should not be relied upon as the only blow. Rather, you should consider the eye attack as a means to create the opportunity to strike again or produce a weapon in the moment the strike might gain you. In some situations, the eye attack may simply force the opponent to move somewhat or loosen a grip on you, etc. There are many applications for this weapon, so do not be limited by only that which we discuss.

Now, let's look at various methods of striking the eye:

Extended Eye Jab

The extended eye jab affords you the greatest reach possible with your arm.

The blow is delivered either as a snapping/whipping blow (snake strike) with a more relaxed wrist, or as a "spear-like" strike with a rigid wrist. In either method, the hand/finger configuration is identical.

The relaxed wrist method is what I personally prefer, since it is faster and requires less "preparation" to deliver. This blow can be delivered with virtually no wind-up, entrainment of bodyweight, or distance to generate power. It relies on the flicking of the wrist, similar to flicking something sticky off of your fingertips.

The spear-like strike resembles a punch, in that it is delivered with more bodyweight behind it. The rigidity of the arm allows you to place more of a traditional punching lunge behind the blow. I consider this to be a secondary application of this blow, since the eye is a vulnerable target and does not require a tremendously powerful blow to cause the desired disruption.

The hand/finger position is constructed by supporting all four fingers together laterally. The fingers themselves are curved slightly, so that landing the blow does not "jam" your fingers upon impact. You may test your finger structure by jabbing into the open palm of your other hand. You will quickly figure out that the curved "beak" configuration allows you to strike quite hard without damage to your fingers or hand.

Here is the desired hand/finger configuration:

Supported Thumb Gouge

The supported thumb gouge is useful when reach is not a critical factor. The thumb can be supported at the first joint, making it very rigid. The four fingers curl tightly into a fist-like ball and the thumb is pressed down on top to effectively make the entire hand a single unit.

This method is useful in clinching and other close-range situations. The supported thumb gouge may be delivered either as a strike or as a direct pressure blow.

Here's the hand/finger configuration for the supported thumb gouge:

Landmarking and Gouging

The next three photos demonstrate that the human head has palpable "landmarks" which make it possible to determine the location of the eye by simply touching the opponent's head in various areas.

Since human anatomy is similar among the species (OK, no jokes please), we can use the features of the head to determine the location of the eye target WITHOUT SEEING THE TARGET. This method can be extremely useful in the dark, or during attacks in which the opponent is behind you, etc.

You may find the landmarks by touching one area of your head and learning how your fingers or thumb may then be directed into the eye.

Begin by touching your ear with your fingers (right hand to right side of head to start, little finger closest to ceiling). Note how your thumb reaches precisely into your right eye. The same thing happens when it is your thumb touching the ear.... the fingers reach the eye quite nicely. Remember, you will touch to find the landmark, and grab tightly as you gouge into the eye. By holding onto the landmark also, you may apply far more pressure to the eye, and it becomes more difficult for the opponent to release himself from the attack.

Next, touch your chin with your thumb. Note how your fingers are directed quite precisely into your eye. This is another valuable "yardstick", the second of the 90 degree landmarks in the "tour" around the eye. Remember, the fingers touching the chin also positions your thumb to attack the eye! ;-) You may "hook" under the jaw to produce a pretty good hold on the opponent's face, thus amplifying the pressure you can deliver to the eye.

Finally, if the opponent has hair (!), you may landmark with the forehead/hairline by using a hair grasp. This method can produce very intense pressure on the eye, and produce bonus pain via the hair pull.

The three landmarking eye attack/gouges are shown in the following pictures.

Ear landmarking eye gouge

Chin landmarking eye gouge

Hair grasping eye gouge

Two-handed "Bowling Ball" Gouge

The "Bowling Ball" gouge is named after the similarity to placing your thumbs into the holes of a bowling ball. Because of the solidity/security of the grip achieved with two hands, extremely powerful pressure may be delivered to the opponent in BOTH eyes. This is the most damaging of all the eye attacks shown.

The bowling ball gouge also provides you with the ability to "steer" the opponent's movement. By twisting the opponent's head, you can cause him to fall or move in a direction you wish. Any attempt by him to resist your twisting results in greater force being applied to your eye gouge.

The bowling ball gouge hand/finger configuration is virtually identical to the ear-landmarking eye gouge. However, hair grasping or chin-landmarking may be used if the situation demands. Remember that the photo is a "guide", and that your application may be only loosely based on it!

The important thing with all eye gouging is that you understand the importance of counter-pressure to produce a more powerful gouge, and that all gouges must be applied with the intent to pierce as deeply and continuously into the eye as possible.

Here is the bowling ball gouge, using two hands:

A future TIPS will demonstrate realistic application of these strikes and gouges.



My deepest appreciation for Lee's kind permission in reposting.

Photo Credits:  all photos belong to Lee Aldridge.

You can contact Lee Aldridge care of his site:

Friday, October 12, 2012

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Rear Bear Hug Escape

Rear Bear Hug Escape
By Lee Aldridge


One of the most frightening attacks for women to imagine is being grabbed from behind. Unable to see your attacker and unable to reach out toward him, being "controlled" with your arms pinned has caused many women to panic.

The goal of the attacker is usually to drag or carry you away. We will first demonstrate the basic options available to you to strike him as he holds you. These options will be pictured without the motion of the drag/carry. Then, we will deal with the problem of being moved against your will, and how to stop the attacker from moving you effectively. Once the attacker has had to pause his movement, you may then use the initial strikes shown. ;-)

To set the stage, Roger grabs Lauren from behind. The size difference is not hard to notice! HOWEVER, NOTICE THAT IN ORDER TO GRAB HER SECURELY, ROGER MUST LOWER HIMSELF SO THAT HIS HEAD AND SHOULDERS ARE EVEN WITH LAUREN'S! Knowing this will serve you greatly!

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Defense against Front Grab/Choke

Defense against Front Grab/Choke
By Lee Aldridge


In this series, we'll show a few options for you to use when grabbed/choked from the front.

An important rule to remember when someone grabs you is that they are "tying up" the hand(s) that are holding you, so that they cannot hit you with those hands as long as they hold you. This allows you to achieve a situation where your weapons "outnumber" his limbs that he can block with!

Of course, you should act as quickly as possible, since a violent attacker twice your size doesn't need very long to choke you. There will be motion involved, probably "whipping" you around as this sequence takes place, so get the feel of how to use the basic weapons first. Then, you can slowly increase the "violence" of the motion supplied by your training partner so that you can see how these weapons fit into the "big picture". ;-)

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Getting Up and Away from the Ground

Getting Up and Away from the Ground
By Lee Aldridge


The possibility of being knocked to the ground and having to get back up safely, while an attacker looms overhead, can be a grim one. I've seen several "streetfight" videos where the individual who is knocked down actually receives far more damaging blows from the opponent AS THEY ATTEMPT TO GET BACK UP! Most often, kicks to the head (football punt style) are used as the hapless person's head becomes an easy target.

Starting with the assumption that we should face upwards when on the ground, so that we can fight with all our limbs and see the largest area, here's Lauren after being pushed to the ground by Bruce:

Notice Lauren gets her feet in between her and the attacker to make it harder for him to subdue her. The photos are relatively "still-posed" to show the mechanics of the movement.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Escape from the Rape Position

Escape from the Rape Position
By Lee Aldridge


In this series, we will look at the tactics and techniques involved in escaping from beneath an attacker who is between your legs, with you on your back. This is one of the "goal" positions of a rapist, and you should be familiar with the dynamics of being held beneath a larger person. Having your legs "free" on the outside provides you more mobility than you would first assume.

We should assume that the attacker is much larger and stronger than you. This method involves using the strength in your legs, hips, and lower back to generate effective leverage that will allow you to create enough space between you and the attacker so that you may strike him. You will be able to free your hands (if he is restraining them) and you'll be able to kick him as well. Ultimately, you will have enough space to escape.

For purposes of clarity, the photos will not show any use of the defender's hands so that the mechanics of the escape and the creation of leverage can be clearly seen. Obviously, using such strikes/gouges as the eye attacks (shown in the Eye Gouging 101 thread) will greatly enhance the overall success of this method. Keep in mind, as you study the photos, that you will have opportunities to employ strikes/gouges with your hands!  ;-)

To demonstrate a worst-case scenario, here are RBFC Assistant Instructor Roger and RBFC Apprentice Instructor Lauren to show how even a large size difference can be overcome.

Notice the size differential: Roger 6'5" 240# and Lauren 5'5" (less than half Roger's weight)

The positional goal for escape

The following picture details the desired position that you will attempt to achieve to execute the escape.

Your feet/legs will be formed into a "froggy" stance, with your feet forming a "V" and pressing into the attacker's inguinal folds. In layman's terms, this means that your feet will lie in the groove formed where his legs meet his torso.

Here is the desired position:  

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Women's Self Defense: Short Treatise

Women's Self Defense: Short Treatise
By Lee Aldridge

I recently posted this on another forum in reply to several posts that advocated such approaches as aikido and kenjutsu as good preparation for female SD. I hope that these comments can also spark some discussion regarding the focus of every individual's training and how we can often lose sight of the "event". A bit of the post may seem disjointed without the context of the other posts, but I believe that the gist of things will be clear.

Humans learn best when they practice the exact event in which they will participate. To effectively construct a training environment for females, you must create close replicas of the scenarios which a woman will face. Progressing through the verbal interaction with strangers (or acquaintances of whom the female is "not sure") and continuing on to more physical duplications of realistic male-on-female attacks, you may develop both the physical tactics AND the psycho-emotional steadiness that enables effective action.

Therefore, the most effective women's self-defense training is that which introduces a small number of extremely nasty strikes (which are also used to effect release from grabs) and allows the opportunity to explore their use in the greatest number of situations. Adding in some elements of BJJ, using applicable leverages that enable the female to gain positional advantage while held down, prepares the student for the reality of a larger, stronger attacker on top of you. Introducing the concept of environmental weaponry begins the development of the thought processes that give rise to "being armed" in any location. For those interested, dealing with carry of purpose-built weapons AND access to those weapons under the duress of a realistic fight elevates survival capability immensely.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Adrenal Stress Training: The Hows and Whys

Adrenal Stress Training: The Hows and Whys
By Lee Aldridge

The topic of adrenal stress training can be quite controversial. I thought that a more detailed explanation of the methodologies (and reasoning behind them) could be beneficial.


Humans tend to learn most efficiently when certain steps occur during their course of study.

  1. Skill Acquisition
  2. Skill Development
  3. Performance Simulation
  4. Real-World Performance

For the purposes of Adrenal Stress Training (AST), the above 4 categories are comprised of distinct elements which each play an important part in the end product.

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Why Adrenal Stress Training?

Why Adrenal Stress Training?
By Lee Aldridge

When looking at those with "experience", we see some general trends and characteristics among this group of practitioners.

The most universal attribute which is often discussed is relaxation under pressure. This phenomenon can be seen in everything from tennis matches to Wall Street trading.

How do we attain this?

Repetition (exposure) with the desired situation is a key factor in ingraining "behaviors". By practicing a certain thing many times, it is possible to figure out how to perform the task most efficiently, thereby improving proficiency. Among the qualities which are affected are:

  • Coordination
  • Speed
  • Efficiency
  • Focus

Of these qualities, I will "focus" on the last one. By Focus, I mean the apparent ease at which experienced practitioners affect a response to a given stimulus. I mean the increased efficiency of perception which leads to a simplified decision-making process while engaged. I mean the "unflappability" under pressure which allows one to perform at their best in a chaotic environment.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

SELF-DEFENSE: SouthNarc (aka Craig Douglas) - Some thoughts on the "Default Position"

Earlier I posted a piece by Lee Aldridge on the "Default Position". Following it up with Craig Douglas' (aka SouthNarc) thoughts.


Some thoughts on the "Default Position"
By SouthNarc (aka Craig Douglas)

Doctrinally, let me add some things about this concept since the term "default position" was chosen when there were some semantic issues abounding over the old "flinch" terminology.

This concept is nothing new. It's been around in some shape or fashion for a long time and neither I nor Lee invented anything.

To utilize any default position you've got to have an inkling that there's trouble. If I am standing on the street corner engrossed in a cell phone conversation with my eyes downcast and a guy walks up from behind and smokes me in the head with a socket wrench, there's no response that's going to solve that problem.

Alot of the conversion from "flinch" to "default" is contingent upon time. I think if you walk around a corner and a bee zips into your eye, you're going to jerk your face back and step away, which usually will bow the pelvis forward. OTOH, if you're standing around with a buddy horseplaying and he swats at your crotch, you'll probably bow the pelvis to the rear and scoot back a stutter step or two which cranes the neck forward generally.

So awareness and good threat management are key issues to making this work.

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Default Positions, Pre-Emptive Striking, and Mass Confusion

Default Positions, Pre-Emptive Striking, and Mass Confusion 
By Lee Aldridge

The subject of various "default positions" ( formerly poorly called flinches ) has been bandied about on the internet for quite some time. There are several good reasons to practice and "ingrain" a default position, while the arguments against this practice lose substance upon examination.

  • A good default position protects your head from several angles simultaneously
  • A good default position prevents you from being knocked over by a charging assault
  • A good default position sets you up for instant offensive retaliation

Now, I have purposely left out discussion involving use against edged weapons attack (for now).

Why a default position?

I have spent many hours talking with SouthNarc about the need for default positions. We both agree that it is EXTREMELY difficult to train most folks to strike someone pre-emptively. Whether the hesitation derives from legal concerns, or simply whether "force" is called for, the fact remains that making the decision to strike "in the field" is usually harder than it seems in training.

Monday, October 08, 2012

SELF-DEFENSE: Lee Aldridge - Handling "Stranger" Confrontations: A 12Step Plan to Success

With kind permission of Lee Aldridge, I'm posting this great article of his which goes hand-in-hand with an article I posted earlier by Craig Douglas aka SouthNarc - Managing Unknown Contacts.

Handling "Stranger" Confrontations: A 12Step Plan to Success
By Lee Aldridge

While we spend most of our time discussing and practicing "fighting skills", another area of focus which greatly affects the outcome of a confrontation is addressed far less frequently. I'm speaking of the "progression" of a street encounter from the beginning, and how it unfolds BEFORE THE FIGHT BEGINS.

The vast majority of "encounters" on the streets never turn into a "real fight". However, the uneasiness and uncertainty that fills the atmosphere during those tense moments as a stranger approaches are quite real. The tension generated also affects your performance in the coming moments. Wouldn't it be great if we could figure out how to reduce the apprehension and create a way of dealing more effectively with these situations? :idea:

Look no further.

Just as we drill incessantly on H2H combinations, we can also put into action a solid, logical plan to handle the unpleasant moments where we are approached, and are not sure what the future holds.

I suggest a simple progression which allows you to get ready for the possibility of violence, yet allows the other individual the chance to disengage before any "conflict" occurs. The outlined information here is merely an example for you to follow and compare to what you may have already adopted. For those who've not considered this part of encountering unknown folks, please think through how these steps allow you to keep control of things.


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