Showing posts with label Improvised Weapons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Improvised Weapons. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Paladin Press - Pool Cues, Beer Bottles, and Baseball Bats

Pool Cues, Beer Bottles, and Baseball Bats: Animal's Guide to Improvised Weapons For Self-Defense and Survival
Marc Animal MacYoung
152 pages


Would you admit to getting your ass kicked with a hairbrush? Animal would, because as a seasoned veteran of streetfighting, he knows it can happen. Learn to pick up damn near anything and use it to survive.


Marc "Animal" MacYoung knows the ins and outs of American violence. He is the author of many books and has appeared in countless videos on street violence and self-defense for Paladin. Reading his books and watching his videos will save you a lot of hassles and a lot of hurt.

Index of Paladin Press site archived pages:

Stickgrappler's Note: I am guessing the Paladin site will be shut down at the end of the year and I'm archiving select Paladin Press pages to my blog to preserve an essential part of martial arts from 1970-2017. Archiving some of my favorite Paladin titles.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Paladin Press - Combat Systema V5: Improvised Weapons

Combat Systema: Volume 5

The Russian Martial Art of Using Improvised Weapons

with Kevin Secours

805966 074030
135 minutes


Russian Systema traces its origins to various Cossack systems of the 10th century. When the Soviet government later commissioned the development of a research center for human maximization, the synthesized research in the Asian arts created systems of combat designed to meet the demands of the modern soldier. These combat systems included sport sambo, combat sambo, and Samoz, which later evolved into Systema. 

The Combat Systema approach outlined in this video series was created by Kevin Secours, after years of high-level study under top Russian masters. It is defined by a scientific approach to biomechanics, breath training, and combat psychology. The continuous use of pressure testing to measure and refine those attributes, combined with continued research in human performance, has helped shaped the most complete solution possible for the needs of the modern practitioner. 

Combat Systema: The Russian Martial Art of Using Improvised Weapons presents Secours' combative system for the use of improvised weapons. Adaptability was an essential concern for the founders of Systema, and the first principle taught in this system is an understanding of the limitations of things that can be used as improvised weapons. Not every item is usable or effective as a weapon of opportunity. The second principle is that you have to learn how to use these items without relying on them, but rather on your main core of defensive techniques. If you are not a good fighter, the addition of an improvised tool is not going to instantly make you a better fighter. Secours' approach to this topic incorporates the main set of techniques (from access and manipulation, targeting, tracing, and pressure points to structure breaks, striking drills, and low-line attacks) with the most effective use of available weapons, such as keys, flashlights, clothes, books, chairs, and the environment. In short, do not fixate on the weapon; learn how to operate within its limitations, and you'll enhance your defense skills and tactics. 

For information purposes only.


Kevin Secours is an internationally known personal-protection professional, specializing in the art of Russian Systema. One of the most renowned non-Russian practitioners of Russian Systema living outside Russia, Secours has more than 16 years of training and experience in Systema. Known for his concise grasp of Systema and his innovative approach to sharing his knowledge, Secours has published some of the first and most comprehensive articles on the subject. In 2010, Kevin formed The International Combat Systema Association to more fully represent his continuing evolution and understanding of the Russian martial arts. His interpretation is currently practiced by more than 100 affiliates worldwide.

In addition to Systema, Secours holds a 6th-degree black belt in Goshinbudo under Sensei Sali Azem, a 3rd-degree black belt in Modern Kempo Jujitsu, a 1st-degree black belt in Akai Ryu Jiu-Jitsu, and full instructorship in Five Animal Shaolin Chuanshu. He also has more than 15 years of experience in tai chi and yoga, as well as extensive experience in the grappling arts.


1) Fundamentals 
2) Tools and Drills 
- Pens 
- Access and Carry 
- Stance Infiltration Strikes 
- Basic Traps 
- Tracing and Compounding 
- Slavic Boxing 
- The Russian Trinity 
- Pressure Points 
- Structure Breaks 
- Throwing Disposable Items 
- Dexterity Drill 
- Keys 
- Flashlights 
- Flexible Weapons 
- Snap Hits 
- Sensitivity Drill 
- Gross-Motor Wraps 
- Reverse Wraps 
- Close-Quarter Striking 
- Underhook and Pike 
- Hammerlock 
- Russian 2-on-1 
- Low-Line Attacks 
- Whipping Drill 
- T-Shirts and Jackets 
- Slavic Uppercut 
- Chokes and Wrenches 
- Baseball Caps 
- Books 
- Backpack Drills 
- Chair Drills 
- Use of Environment 
- Wall Sliding Drills 
- Wall Proxemics 
- Doorways

Index of Paladin Press site archived pages:

Stickgrappler's Note: I am guessing the Paladin site will be shut down at the end of the year and I'm archiving select Paladin Press pages to my blog to preserve an essential part of martial arts from 1970-2017. Archiving some of my favorite Paladin titles.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Paladin Press - Put Him Out!

Put Him Out!

The Combative Use of Improvised Weapons

with Lee Morrison

805966 068534
155 minutes


Lee Morrison often builds his combatives presentations around the "caveman" mentality. In fact, before he selected Urban Combatives as his brand name, he strongly considered Caveman because, from man's earliest existence, his primary instincts have been geared around simple tool carry. This is the message of Put Him Out! The Combative Use of Improvised Weapons: how to use the simplest and most effective tools to extract yourself from a fight you didn't want to be in the first place. 

Combatives is not recreational self-defense; it is counter-violence. In this video, Morrison teaches you how to tap into the resource you need most in a worst-case scenario: your brain. Having the proper mindset is key in any fight. Once you have good personal security, an effective game plan, and a toolbox of finely sharpened skills – then anything you can put in your hand will make you more efficient during a fight. 

As a resident of the United Kingdom, where most weapons carry is forbidden, Morrison knows the importance of being able to justify legally whatever defensive actions you take. According to Morrison, a legally justifiable improvised weapon is anything that you can carry or find in your environment to use. Moreover, he emphasizes the use of less-lethal alternative, because extreme or unnecessary use of force with an improvised weapon can cause serious consequences later, when you have to explain your self-defense actions. 

From key factors, combatives principles, types of improvised weapons, access, and deployment to strikes toolbox, the use of your environment as a weapon, and the deceptive employment of various tools, Put Him Out! shows you how to assemble a simple but effective arsenal of tools that can be employed when awareness and de-escalation aren't enough. For information purposes only.


Lee Morrison was born in Southeast London during the latter part of the 1960s to a single parent on a low income. Coming from a rough area and humble beginnings, he learned two things early on: that you have to stand up for yourself and that people treat you the way you let them. He began karate when he was 11 years old, training in various styles for the next seven years, but sought combat proficiency elsewhere after his karate moves failed him during a mugging by two thugs outside a London tube station. Over the years he has trained in Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Filipino weapon systems, wrestling, and Western boxing and combatives, but it was only after he started working as a club doorman that his urban combatives learning curve kicked in. He rapidly realized the need to whittle down his fighting moves to one or two good strikes that worked against all attacks.


1) Key Factors 
- Mentality and Attitude 
- Legal Perspective 
- Personal Carry 
- Weapons of Opportunity 
- Use of Environment 
- Synthetic Allies 
2) Types of Tools 
- Impact Weapons 
- Pointed and Edged Weapons 
- Flexible Weapons 
- Projectile Weapons 
- Shielding Weapons 
- Chemical Weapons 
3) Personal Carry Tools 
4) Tools of Opportunity 
5) Combatives Principles 
6) Access and Deployment 
- Preemptive Access 
- Situational Control 
- In-Fight Weapon Access 
- The Timing Rule 
7) Pointed and Edged vs. Impact Weapons 
8) Strikes Toolbox 
- Linear Strikes 
- Angular Strikes 
- Backhanded Strikes 
- The Skill Set 
- Impact Tool Strikes 
- Millwall Brick Strikes 
- Bottle Strikes 
- Rock Strikes 
- Synthetic Ally Strikes 
- Sap-Wallet Strikes 
- Belt Strikes 
9) Deceptive Use of Improvised Tools 
- Chemical Irritant 
- Synthetic Allies 
- Watch Deception 
- Newspaper Deception 
- Clothes Deception 
10) Use of Environment

Index of Paladin Press site archived pages:

Stickgrappler's Note: I am guessing the Paladin site will be shut down at the end of the year and I'm archiving select Paladin Press pages to my blog to preserve an essential part of martial arts from 1970-2017. Archiving some of my favorite Paladin titles.


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