Showing posts with label Koshi Guruma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Koshi Guruma. Show all posts

Friday, July 11, 2014

Joe Silvia - "Every throw has specific fundamentals."

Yesterday, I posted something my good friend Joe Silvia (aka "Ausgepicht" on some MMA forums) wrote up for me when I asked him a question on the name of a technique:

Today's entry is a followup by Joe expanding on General Fundamentals vs Specific Technique using Throwing as an example.

My deepest gratitude to Joe for sharing of his time, experience, knowledge and teachings with me! Hope you will benefit from Joe's wisdom!

Fundamentally speaking, every throw - and sweep, which is actually a horizontal throw....or is a throw a vertical sweep? - has specific fundamentals. To put it simply:

  1. Locking arm & power transfer
  2. Cant & tilt (Disrupt base camp - his posture, alignment, breathing, etc.)
  3. Intention towards the triangle point
  4. Reading, adjust, finish.

This means there is really just "one" throw and everything is a variant of it. If a person focuses on these fundamentals they "know" every throw on earth and will improv and create new throws in the moment.

There is everything practical and nothing mystical about this. Every successful throw has these in common. EVERY class should be about experiencing these and NOT 10,000 dry runs. Practice the root and not the 10,000 variants - of which you'd a few lifetimes to learn.

For example, in Ronda's Koshi Guruma - which SG corrected me on - we have:

  1. Locking arm: seat belt with left arm around Alexis's upper back sealing her to Ronda's body. Power transfer: pulling with tricep control on Alexis' left arm.

  2. Cant & Tilt: bend Alexis over at the waist so she is in poor posture and will have a harder time defending.

  3. Triangle point: Ronda's right leg and Alexis' left leg form the base of the triangle and Ronda drew her towards the apex of the triangle in front of them both.

  4. Read: Alexis was basing out trying to make herself heavy. Adjust: Ronda bumped her hip into Alexis's hip disrupting her balance. Finish: continue through the triangle point to the ground.

Of course, Ronda could have improved any of these variables INSTANTLY. Instead of the seat belt, she could have had an underhook, overhook, collar tie, etc. Instead of tricep control she could have pulled with a collar tie or wrist control. Of course, closer to the hips means more control, so there is an hierarchy.

Instead of the hip bump, she could have reaped one of Alexis's legs or both of her legs. If Alexis pulled back instead of falling forward, she could have back heel tripped Alexis.

Yada, yada, yada.

Practical point of all this:

You can spend 20 minutes getting 1,000 reps of a throw - no context, and in a completely sterile environment. Or....

You can teach a man how to fish, by working on the fundamentals.

Spend a 5 minute round pummeling with various control ties, try different combos of locking arm & power transfer.

Next 5 minute round, use your control ties to disrupt posture, alignment and balance. Nothing more.

Next 5 minute round, practice pushing and pulling into each other's triangle points.


Happy training!


For selected posts by my good friend Joe Siliva aka "Ausgepicht" that you may have missed, please check out:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

My friend Joe Silvia aka Ausgepicht on Technique vs Fundamentals

Yesterday, I posted 11 GIFs I've made from the following fight:

I asked my friend Joe Silvia aka "Ausgepicht" what the name of the technique/throw Ronda Rousey did to Alexis Davis was.

He's a wrestler, so he wasn't sure of the Judo name since Rousey is a Judoka. Additionally, he wrote up something that I sometimes don't remember, and I'm guessing some beginners like me would need to be reminded of sometimes... Technique vs Fundamental... learn 1 technique and you have 1 technique. Learn 1 fundamental and you have 100’s of techniques!

Please read on for Ausgepicht's thoughts/teachings and learn the difference between specific Technique vs a Fundamental.

The technique in question:

Of course, a general throw like this is in pretty much every form of wrestling. We both know the debate on where it originated is pointless. Though I think there is some merit to it, since roots are always important.

Generally speaking, this is a Back Step throw. One of the fundamentals of wrestling. It has many variants and in this case it is a Headlock throw (using a backstep) with an inside leg reap.

Since Ronda is a Judoka, she learned the throw as an Uchi Mata, IIRC. (SG's NOTE: Ausgepicht's strength is wrestling... I've asked some friends who are Judo-savvy and they said it's a "Harai Goshi" in Judo - thx Michael W. and Pierre H.! As the Japanese are very precise with the naming of techniques, elder999 corrected me and said it's actually Koshi Garuma. Domo arigato gozaimasu elder999!)

Here's why I think "roots" are important in this particular throw:

1. It is easy to see the Uchi Mata as a technique. This leads to mindless repetition without context. Which is akin to turning a parked car's steering wheel left and right 10,000 reps for "automatic response." We both know again how pointless that is, yet it is a primary training method for most martial artists and combat sports enthusiasts.

2. Since a backstep is a fundamental, there is tremendous value in emphasizing its daily experience. Knowing one fundamental allows you to have 1,000 variants or techniques - which one you use depends on the LIVE interaction and sport reading in the moment of the two players in UNION.

3. Knowing it as a fundamental allows you to adapt its variables - its grips, feet positioning, a weight shift, locking arm, etc. One will not feel it must be executed EXACTLY as rigid rote repetition has taught them, but have the FREEDOM to express and be alive. Being more effective is a good thing!

The position she had when she landed is as you correctly stated: Kesa gatame. IN Catch its called a Head and Arm Hold. In wrestling just a headlock pin or some other regional variant.

Happy training!


For selected posts by my good friend Joe Siliva aka "Ausgepicht" that you may have missed, please check out:


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