Showing posts with label Pikal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pikal. Show all posts

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Paladin Press - James Keating's Drawpoint V3

Drawpoint, Volume 3: Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting Strategies

Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting Strategies

with James A. Keating

805966 059938
60 minutes


Master-at-Arms James Keating teaches you how to hone your reverse-grip knife fighting skills to razor-sharpness in the third DVD of the Drawpoint series.

Taking what you've learned from the previous volumes, Keating teaches the foundational fighting drill called Pallasoot, designed to burn trapping and hooking techniques into your muscle memory so no matter how you're attacked, you'll be able to control your assailant's limbs. He also links this drill to the previous material, showing you a multiplicity of attack and defense strategies for both lethal and non-lethal fighting. Also taught are fighting with the left hand, fighting an opponent who is left-handed, replacing the knife with a handgun for extreme close-quarter shooting and using the long gun as an unbeatable close-range defensive tool against a knife-wielding opponent.

This isn't over-engineered knife-dancing: it is a knife fighting system that you can plug into any close-combat style you practice for maximum effectiveness in a life-or-death situation. For information purposes only.


James Keating has been a leader in the field of personal defense for more than 30 years. Best known for his groundbreaking work with edged weapons, Keating is considered a primary resource for state-of-the-art knife and counterknife skills. His videos on the defensive use of edged weapons are the best-selling videos of their kind.

Index of Paladin Press site archived pages:

Stickgrappler's Note: I am guessing the Paladin site will be shut down at the end of the year and I'm archiving select Paladin Press pages to my blog to preserve an essential part of martial arts from 1970-2017. Archiving some of my favorite Paladin titles.

Paladin Press - James Keating's Drawpoint V2

Drawpoint, Volume 2: Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting Tactics

Reverse-Grip Knife-Fighting Tactics

with James A. Keating

805966 059839
60 minutes


Building on the skills and techniques Master-at-Arms James Keating taught in the first volume of the series, this video continues your education in knife combat with the reverse grip.

Focusing on the edge rather than the point, Keating shows you how to perform the cover and slash drill: the fundamental combat drill every competent edged-weapon fighter needs to know. With his typical attention to detail, he teaches rapid knife deployment and maximum efficiency in close-quarter combat, demonstrating how this drill and the applications drawn from it can defend against both high-line and low-line attacks, how you can perform less-lethal attacks with the blade, lightning-quick drawing and cutting attacks, and more. Keating also teaches you to execute the drill with a knife in each hand, turning you into that most lethal of adversaries: the ambidextrous fighter.

And even if you don't have a knife, the empty-hand applications taught in this video will have you destroying your assailant's attacking limbs in no time, allowing you to win the fight even when you're behind the curve. For information purposes only.


James Keating has been a leader in the field of personal defense for more than 30 years. Best known for his groundbreaking work with edged weapons, Keating is considered a primary resource for state-of-the-art knife and counterknife skills. His videos on the defensive use of edged weapons are the best-selling videos of their kind.


1) Slashing 
2) Double Knife 
3) Empty Hand 
4) Drawing 
5) Weapon Ideas 
6) Summary & Hubud 
7) Sumbrada Demo

Index of Paladin Press site archived pages:

Stickgrappler's Note: I am guessing the Paladin site will be shut down at the end of the year and I'm archiving select Paladin Press pages to my blog to preserve an essential part of martial arts from 1970-2017. Archiving some of my favorite Paladin titles.

Paladin Press - James Keating's Drawpoint V1

Drawpoint, Volume 1: Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting Fundamentals

Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting Fundamentals

with James A. Keating

805966 059730
60 minutes


Originally released on videotape as Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting, this updated DVD teaches you the fundamentals of knife combat using the reverse grip. Fighting with a knife is inherently dirty, dangerous and deadly. But when the going gets really tough in close-quarters, real-world knife fighters turn to the reverse grip to win the fight. Allowing you to get up close and personal with your assailant, the reverse grip also enables you to implement a variety of devastating hooking, trapping and immobilizing techniques that are virtually impossible to pull off with a conventional grip.

In this video, Master-at-Arms James Keating reveals reverse-grip knife fighting's secrets, from basic slashing and thrusting patterns to more advanced combat methods that integrate foot traps and live-hand striking to create a virtually unstoppable close-combat system. Keating also shows you advanced training drills and quick-draw methods that will help you hone your reflexes as sharp as your blade. For information purposes only.


James Keating has been a leader in the field of personal defense for more than 30 years. Best known for his groundbreaking work with edged weapons, Keating is considered a primary resource for state-of-the-art knife and counterknife skills. His videos on the defensive use of edged weapons are the best-selling videos of their kind.


1) Phase 1 
2) Phase 2 
3) Phase 3

Index of Paladin Press site archived pages:

Stickgrappler's Note: I am guessing the Paladin site will be shut down at the end of the year and I'm archiving select Paladin Press pages to my blog to preserve an essential part of martial arts from 1970-2017. Archiving some of my favorite Paladin titles.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Paladin Press - Michael Janich's Mastering Fighting Folders

Mastering Fighting Folders

Secrets of Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting and Advanced Folding Knife Tactics

with Michael D. Janich

805966 032139
150 minutes


Drawing on the lessons of the first Fighting Folders volumes, Michael D. Janich integrates never-never-before-seen instruction in pentjak silat footwork and throwing technique with all the skills of the other Fighting Folders videos to create an unstoppable edged-weapon fighting system. In this video, Michael Janich shows you how to adapt standard-grip knife skills to the body dynamics of reverse grip, presents step-by-step instructions in his combat-oriented variations of the classic Filipino reverse-grip training drills and teaches you how to extract the appropriate skills from each of these drills so you can reflexively respond with the most effective technique in a defensive situation and more. For information purposes only.


Michael D. Janich is one of the foremost modern authorities on handgun point shooting and one of the few contemporary instructors to have personally trained with the late close-combat legend Col. Rex Applegate. In addition to making his own martial arts equipment, noted martial arts author and instructor Michael Janich has designed and engineered everything from blowguns to knives, including the highly acclaimed Masters of Defense Tempest folding knife.


1) Reverse-Grip Basics 
2) Flow Drills 
3) Combining Reverse-Grip Drills 
4) Speed Stops 
5) Integrating Empty-Hand Tactics into Reverse-Grip Techniques 
6) Counterdefenses 
7) Grip Changes and Applying Reverse-Grip Skills to Standard Grip 
8) Using Reverse-Grip Skills with Improvised Weapons and Flashlights 
9) Putting It All Together

Index of Paladin Press site archived pages:

Stickgrappler's Note: I am guessing the Paladin site will be shut down at the end of the year and I'm archiving select Paladin Press pages to my blog to preserve an essential part of martial arts from 1970-2017. Archiving some of my favorite Paladin titles.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Inktober Day #31: Craig Douglas' Pikal: Some points and stance

Today marks the last day of October and if you have been following along with me, that means it's also the last day of Inktober where artists draw a picture a day in October. I am not suggesting I'm an artist though. I used Inktober to practice my 'gesture drawing' skills as well as read/reread/research knifefighting. Why knifefighting? Learn how to use the knife in order to know how to defend against it.

Can you believe it? It seemed daunting at the onset, but lo and behold, here we are! For my Day #31 of Inktober picture, I'm focusing on Craig Douglas' Pikal expression.

Thank you all for your feedback and support as well as joining me in this project in my Sojourn of Septillion Steps!

In case you missed my other Inktober pictures on stance I've posted, please check out:

And in case you missed my other SouthNarc/Craig Douglas entries I've posted, please check out:

OK, now that the above 'housekeeping' is done ...

(Begin Big John McCarthy voice :-)

Are you ready?



From "An Expression of Pikal"
Craig Douglas aka "SouthNarc"
Pages 1-2

  • "Pikal" - Visayan dialect; means "to rip"
  • "RGEI" - Reverse Grip Edge In... Edge facing body... thrust-heavy application
  • Angles are simply the common #1 and #2 strokes in Filipino Martial Arts regardless of whether it's a diagonal, horizontal, upwards or downwards
  • Objective:  Bull through adversary, thrusting like a sewing machine, rapid-fire and ballistic
  • Attributes that drive the system:
    • Footwork - allows one to close and hit
    • Power - drives blade and sink tip through flesh/clothing
    • Mechanics - hook and clear the interrupted thrust line

  • Weapon side forward
  • Point facing adversary
  • Unencumbered hand behind weapon
  • On balls of feet for quick zoning in and out of range
  • Keep everything compacted


  • Face obscured because at the time, SouthNarc was still an active duty undercover narcotics officer in the southern USA when he shared his expression of Pikal, hence, his nick of "SouthNarc"
  • Rear heel raised
  • RGEI - prior to Craig Douglas sharing his expression of Pikal, there were not many instructors publically teaching the RGEI... any time you look in a book or article prior to his teaching, anytime you saw reverse grip aka "icepick" - the edge was facing out and not INTO the body!
  • Humans are generally stronger pulling in than pushing out and with RGEI, a lot of damage can be caused on the pull-in
  • More on SouthNarc's Pikal in the near future.

My drawings for Inktober 2017 - drawing at least 1 pic each day in October:

Monday, October 02, 2017

Inktober Day #2

This is my Inktober Day #2 pic. Enjoy!!

This is the Chupacabra knifefighting stance of Dog Brothers Martial Arts.

My drawings for Inktober 2017 - drawing at least 1 pic each day in October:


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Stickgrappler's Sojourn of Septillion Steps