Drawpoint, Volume 3: Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting Strategies
Reverse-Grip Knife Fighting Strategies
with James A. Keating
805966 05993860 minutes
Master-at-Arms James Keating teaches you how to hone your reverse-grip knife fighting skills to razor-sharpness in the third DVD of the Drawpoint series.
Taking what you've learned from the previous volumes, Keating teaches the foundational fighting drill called Pallasoot, designed to burn trapping and hooking techniques into your muscle memory so no matter how you're attacked, you'll be able to control your assailant's limbs. He also links this drill to the previous material, showing you a multiplicity of attack and defense strategies for both lethal and non-lethal fighting. Also taught are fighting with the left hand, fighting an opponent who is left-handed, replacing the knife with a handgun for extreme close-quarter shooting and using the long gun as an unbeatable close-range defensive tool against a knife-wielding opponent.
This isn't over-engineered knife-dancing: it is a knife fighting system that you can plug into any close-combat style you practice for maximum effectiveness in a life-or-death situation. For information purposes only.
James Keating has been a leader in the field of personal defense for more than 30 years. Best known for his groundbreaking work with edged weapons, Keating is considered a primary resource for state-of-the-art knife and counterknife skills. His videos on the defensive use of edged weapons are the best-selling videos of their kind.
Index of Paladin Press site archived pages:
Stickgrappler's Note: I am guessing the Paladin site will be shut down at the end of the year and I'm archiving select Paladin Press pages to my blog to preserve an essential part of martial arts from 1970-2017. Archiving some of my favorite Paladin titles.