Showing posts with label Leon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leon. Show all posts

Thursday, November 01, 2012

BOXING: Slipping punches? Part 2 by Leon

Excerpted from

Slipping punches? Part 2 
By Leon


Sweet Science 101 for this skill starts with the double end bag [d.e.b.]. Your bag set up must be set up so that the bag isn't too fast. Different tightness for different stages in athleticism is the idea.

Jab the d.e.b. standing profile, but out of the pocket or crease, foot placement wise...think of the d.e.b as the right hand of someone holding the pads, also think of your left foot forward as being right in front of imaginary opponents lead foot [the secret to the d.e.b. is hitting it so it comes back in a straight line]. When it comes back slip to the left [simulates slipping a right hand], slip to the right [simulates slipping a jab], then slip left again and start over but now start on the right so its like: jab, slip right, left, right...instead of jab, slip left, right, left. Do sets of the aforementioned 3 slips for every jab. Its a good idea to be closer to the bag then normal for this drill.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

BOXING: Peck & Shoot: The Jab by Leon

Excerpted from and

Peck & Shoot: The Jab
By Leon

This is almost a lost technique in the gyms of today. When I started training @ the Fall River PAL in 98' [home to Scott Pemberton, Ray Oliveira, Jason Pires] the trainer, Libby, taught this drill. Actually Pemb taught it to me. This drill basically sparring w/out being hit. A gym must for reaction training!

There are two basic elements to this two man drill. One person shoots, the other pecks or catches.

Part 1. Jab

3 minute rounds. 1st 30 seconds one person shoots and the other pecks, switch sides after 30 seconds. The pecker [no jokes!!! LOL] is the one who is getting the most benefit of the drill. HIS reaction is being trained. Shooter can focus on punch form if desired.

Guard is high and out [I like Olympic style for this drill]. When the shooter shoots, the pecker catches said jab [right hand] and fires back to the shooters right hand. The key is proper speed...start slow and get faster as reaction gets better. Also, don't get monotonous [one after another] as it will ruin the drill, so take your time.

Catching is trained w/the right hand 1st and later can catch w/the left. Careful on the peck that you don't over exceed in case of a fake. The best way to do it is push the peck hand out instead of a downward motion. I'm talking mere inches...on the low side.

Stay still and keep movement to a minimum. Bad habits come from too much movement.

From my experience this is the best and safest way to train a fighter how to be a counter puncher or just counter via parry in general.

I will post more installments [this is just the base], just wanted to start with the most basic element. Its better to see it in a video...I'll either record one or try and find one. Enjoy!

Now that the ground work has been laid, I'm going to step on the gas a little. In this installment, I'm going to elaborate on what we've already covered.

Part 2. Jab to the body.

Doing everything the same as previously mentioned in Part 1, we're going to add the jab to the body for the one who is pecking.

A major element of the intermediate and advanced stages of 'peck and shoot' call for the body being protected. You can do that through adjustments to guard style, or, if you keep your arms high you just have to be really aware of your openings.

Hitting the body wont be as easy because when one shoots, the glove is naturally a closer target. Go slow and and turn up the gas as the footwork becomes more comfortable. The basic footwork formula consists of a shuffle into the crease, firing, then moving back into position out of the crease.

a. Shooter shoots, jab is pecked, jab to body. Focus on getting back into position as fast as possible as you'll have to get into the pocket or crease for the body shot [shuffle to your left if your orthodox]. More on why later. Even if you don't shuffle and are both still try and get back up quick. The longer your down there the more danger your in [see Cotto vs.Margarito].

b. Shooter shoots, jab is pecked, jab to glove [shooters right glove], jab to body.

c. Repeat 'b', but add another jab to glove after the jab to body. Get in the pocket, get out.

The footwork I mentioned is the base. Once your totally comfortable and have controlled quickness, try different directions laterally. Try moving left on 'c' at the last punch. Also try going to the right as well. You have to be quick so you can get to his body, under the jab, before he gets his jab hand back. This is a gem for moving to the right.

Moving to the right will be easier if the shooters stance isn't perfectly profile, this goes for lateral movement to the left as well. If he's a little [or a lot] square, going to the right is easier and lets face it...many boxers fight square or get square a lot.


In parts 3 and 4 I'll go over pecking the jab and countering with the left uppercut and left hook [my favorite].

Stickgrappler's note:

This was intended to be written up as six parts by Leon. He only posted parts 1-2.


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