Showing posts with label Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Projects. Show all posts

Thursday, March 08, 2018

2 Deadlines: 3/10 Sat and 3/12 Mon

I have 2 projects with deadlines coming up that I've been working hard to meet:  3/10 Sat and 3/12 Mon.

I am starting to panic a bit LOL:

Deadlines just aren't real to me until I'm staring one in the face.”

Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief


Maybe that's why I'm posting this quote:

When you are a free and independent writer, without employer, without hours or deadlines, you have to play little games to force yourself into the actual writing. For me, one game is to announce...that I have finally decided on my next book, that I am ready to write put my pride on the line.”

Irving Wallace, The Writing of One Novel


I hope I'm not this quote though:

Normally I miss deadlines like a storm trooper misses Jedi.”

Patrick Rothfuss, Unfettered


I gotta get some work done:

“...a deadline should not prevent you from writing, but writing will help prevent you from missing your deadline. Then write a word. Then remind yourself of that again. And then write another and hey, look at you! You’re spitting in that deadline’s eye.”

Courtney Summers


For one of my projects, I may be overdoing it as it is about one of my favorite movies:

At times, it is better to "just do it" than to "do it right". One reason new year resolutions don't work is because we expect too much from ourselves. Rush, meet your deadlines, you can always continue from where you stopped next year.

Asuni LadyZeal


If I don't meet my deadlines, maybe this is my defense/rationalization:

If the novels are still being read in 50 years, no one is ever going to say: ‘What’s great about that sixth book is that he met his deadline!’ It will be about how the whole thing stands up.”

George R.R. Martin


Wish me luck!

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Saps in Movies - Miami Blues (1990)

I have something special today for you ... another video clip and animated GIFs of a sap/slapjack used in a movie ... specifically Miami Blues (1990)! What makes this particular example special is that there is a excellent shot of the sap!

Enjoy the GIFs and video of a young Alec Baldwin 'giving it' to Fred Ward.

All-in One GIF

Scene broken up into separate GIFs

Bonus GIFs

Here's the video of the complete scene:

Other "Blackjacks/Saps in Movies/TV" posts:

For more information on Saps, please check out my friend's sites:

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Slungshots in TV: Burn Notice S06E08 (2007)

I'm posting another entry in my project to document Slungshots in TV/Movies with video and animated GIFs.

Today's source is from the tv series Burn Notice specifucally S06E08 (2007). Fiona uses a pillowcase & 2 soda cans!


Bonus GIFs

Here's a video of the scene:

Other "Slungshots in Movies/TV" posts:

For more information on Slungshots, please check out my friends' sites:

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Slungshots in TV: Family Guy S15E4: "Inside Family Guy" (2016)

Readers, it's Sunday! And you know what that means? 

Happy 'Slungshot' Sunday! "Slungshot Sunday" are Sundays where I post a video clip and animated GIFs from a scene in a movie or tv show in which a "slungshot" was used. I have an ongoing project of documenting with video and animated GIFs of a slungshot used in a movie or tv episode.

Today's entry is a scene from Family Guy S15E4: "Inside Family Guy" (2016). It is an episode where James Woods hosts a look at a typical week inside the Family Guy studio. The episode ends with a montage of Peter getting hit in the groin with a bag of nickels. OUCHY!!!

Enjoy the 22 animated GIFs and video clip!

All-in one animated GIF

Scene spliced up, some with a bonus GIF


Other "Slungshots in Movies/TV" posts:

For more information on Slungshots, please check out my friends' sites:

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Blackjacks in TV: Boardwalk Empire S01E06 (2010)

Today I post a video clip and animated GIFs from a scene in a tv show, Boardwalk Empire S01E06 (2010), in which a "blackjack" was used.


Full scene with blackjack

Isolated GIFs

2 bonus GIFs


Other "Blackjacks/Saps in Movies/TV" posts:

For more information on Blackjacks/Saps, please check out my friend's sites:


(This section I will not add towards November's tally as well as the header picture and video I made above... I will only use hand-drawn pictures or animated GIFs I've created towards Nov's NaNoWriMo totals):

It looks like I made my goal of 50,000 words via text and pictures towards the National Novel Writing Month/NaNoWriMo. Although I had a secondary goal of blogging everyday which I was not able to accomplish, but with NaNoWriMo, the ultimate goal was to blog regularly.

This post: 5,075 = 75 words + 5,000 (5 GIFs at 1,000)
November running tally: 74,154 words
Words in excess of NaNoWriMo's 50,000:  25,154


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