Showing posts with label wine and whine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wine and whine. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Prematurely posted by a few hours... I get excited sometimes... so be it...

The funny thing is... until about a year ago, this would have been literal... my entire social life was on the world wide web... all my friends lived in my computer (or almost all of them)... I mean I have my family, but the non-obligatory stuff... the FUN stuff.

Oh, I know. Some of you like your families. Actually mine is pretty good, too, but I KNOW you know what I mean... the socializing was all online.

Last summer though, the end of the summer, a couple neighbors and I started something... and my social life has really blossomed.

We have a place like this but it's too swampy this spring

This is how it began. A couple of us... Jackie, Jean and I... decided we wanted some exercise, so maybe we'd try to do the Couch to 5K program... which after about 10 weeks must have sort of been abandoned, but we CONTINUED WALKING.

Oh, sure, once a month or so it is punctuated by a bottle or three of WINE (but that is a W word, too, so it's all good)

logo and a map of Michigan, cool, eh?

And then my only real local writing buddy (I mean I CALL Harry Dolan a writing buddy, but I am really more a gaga fangirl where he is concerned)--Liz, opened a BREWERY!!! (I know, right?) They make a delicious selection and (catch this) They are WALKING distance from my HOUSE!!! I don't even have to practice moderation if I don't want to!!!

(I'm going there Sunday for a birthday!--for Kevin, who named our couch to keg team, even--okay, so it was a misattribution, but a WINNING misattribution!)

And then... and then... and then...

ALSO in walking distance, and discovered around Christmas time...

See?  You could even pretend shopping just took a while!

I'm not kidding. We went in on one of our walks... I think it was a Thursday night.... and the middle of the store is FULL UP with socializing grown-ups, all drinking wine or local beer. They are priced nicely, as their GOAL is to get you to then buy a bottle and take it HOME. They also have tasters of cheeses...

Tuesday night, to wine my whine, the Couch to Keg team went and had a couple drinks and the lovely Spanish Cheese Trio. HWMNBMOTI had to call and track us down as we'd decided about 40 feet into our walk that we ought to walk TO WHOLE FOODS and drink instead of JUST walking...

So see, now I have this great social life and it is all centered around the letter W (and my Couch to Keg team)