Showing posts with label author love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label author love. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Who's Your Best Friend?

No matter how many times I ask the dog this question, he never answers. I think he loves his daddy better and doesn't want to hurt my feelings.

Joel in his winter coat
What am I on about? Oh, right... It is Insecure Writer Support Groups 1st Wednesday!!!!
And you should visit LOTS of us. We are ALL insecure.

Now back to the question.

See... I'm not Joel's FAVORITE. And sometimes it can be hard to remember that doesn't mean he doesn't LOVE ME. He does.

As authors all of us crave love, but I think we can get lost in words like favorite... because if somebody ELSE is your favorite... I'm not. It is hard to keep focused on the idea that you can love LOTS of authors and it isn't cheating. We can let superstar success of our friends make us fear WE will never get there...

Or we can let it give us heart.

See, I don't actually believe people can only love one person (but accept I may be bendy that way). But I KNOW people can love LOTS of authors. And people who love ANY authors are more likely to love multiple authors. REJOICE in the success of your friends because it INCREASES the pool of those who may love YOU.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it.