Showing posts with label Making it special. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Making it special. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Precious Packaging Perks Presents

So on a lighter note… And since the world ends tomorrow (or at least the lengthening nights) and the ALPACAS are coming!!!! I thought I’d share a little fun.

A couple weeks ago over at Ella’s Edge I won a gift pack. Ellie is FABULOUSLY creative—she’d made these adorable earrings out of used gift cards, and I won some… but when I got my pack, it wasn’t just that—it included a Starbucks gift card and TONS of adorably wrapped little surprises!

This is the collection...

The earrings are adorable. I keep trying to get a pic of them, but my lighting down here is bad… little triangles made from a Starbuck’s gift card, but because of the checker pattern, they seem to sparkle with just a touch of silvery green, so they look very seasonal. But almost as much… Look at that little matchbox they came in. It’s the kind you get wooden matches in, and Ellie has glued a portion of a book page to it, then wrapped twine with a sparkly jingle bell. Simple items, but my GOSH it’s adorable!

And then next to it, just a bundle of tea bags, but wrapped in netting and ribbon… and then another packet of tea with the darling little seed pod piece that looks like a star… And the fortune cookies instead of foam peanuts to keep things from shifting too much… It was like opening a box of treasure!

But it was such a fabulous reminder, though, how a little creative treatment can make relatively ordinary things into special surprises.

So THANK YOU, Ellie! Both for the package and for the wonderful lesson on how to make it special!!!