Showing posts with label Burrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burrow. Show all posts
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Who’s Ready for a bit of MADNESS!?
That’s right, March Madness is upon us! And I don’t mean the broomless Quidditch silliness. I mean the annual WRITING event!
Wanna hear more?
My Writing Group, The Burrow, began this a few years ago… a crunch month, but instead of a novel in the month, it is a push to FINISH something, or EDIT something, or if you want to WRITE something. Your choice. Your goal. But with the support of fellow writers.
If you want to make March a month to get something done, JOIN US! We do our support at Facebook: BuNoWriMo
So that's it! Wanna join! What do you plan on writing in March!?
Monday, April 22, 2013
Squirrels, Song and Smith's Shoes
Squirrels may be very commonplace, but they still make me happy. Michigan squirrels are quite fat. I think it is the 'in case it's a bad winter' thing. Squirrels in places with mostly mild winters don't need to store enough fat to survive a long spell with nothing to eat, but here they are mostly pretty good sized. The Red Fox Squirrels are most common. Like this little fellow here.
Song of Ice and Fire
Source |
The Starks are OF COURSE my favorite, my VERY most favorite being Arya, whose journey is fascinating, terrifying and amazing. But Martin does an amazing job ESPECIALLY of writing PoV characters who are NOT the heroes—of infusing delusion so even as the reader knows it for what it is, it's clear the character doesn't get it. It's some seriously brilliant writing.
I especially love, that on the re-read, I am spotting all this support for favorite theories. There is symbolism, symmetry, foreshadowing... Just freaking AMAZING.
And... ONE WEEK, until my buddy and fellow Burrower Tara (aka: Amber T Smith) Releases
If the Shoe Fits
The blurb: There’s nothing wrong with Ella Gibson’s life— it just isn’t very exciting, despite being surrounded by lingerie. Working for Cardiff’s top modelling agency should have been glamorous, but most of the time Ella is running around with memos and cups of coffee. It’s a far cry from living the dream, but skirting the edge of her fantasy life is enough.
Then comes the day when her cat starts to talk, claiming to be Ella’s fairy godmother. As if that weren’t crazy enough, the pesky puss becomes a fashion advisor and behavioral expert, too. Add an evil ex-stepmother, a hunk called Charming, plus a looming party-cum-ball, and you have all the elements of a classical fairy tale. There's even a couple of ugly sisters—the fact that they are two gorgeous gay men being neither here nor there.
Ella’s not your typical fairy-tale princess though, and it will take more than a discarded glass slipper to get her man. It’s quite possible she may have to curb her enthusiasm for cursing a wee bit, not to mention her love of vodka. And can Muse, her surprisingly straight-laced feline friend, overcome her prudishness long enough for Ella to sneak a kiss or three with her intended beau?
My Review:
I had the good fortune to be a pre-release reader on this book. This fun twist on the Cinderella tale was just right for my slightly twisted sense of humor. It was laugh-out-loud funny, and I gave it the full five snorts on the laugh-o-meter.
Ella is a common receptionist for a lingerie company with a penchant for swearing and underwear mishaps, but she is good-hearted and easy to like--just ask her sisters--a pair of gay male models who double as her best friends.
Enter Muse... a cat... and a new sort of Furry Godmother... Muse has decided Ella needs a little bit of a makeover if she is ever to catch a suitable match. A manners makeover, in addition to the other sort. The Cat's prudery, the 'sister's' helping on this makeover project... it all is just REALLY fun and hysterically funny.
Book promo,
book release,
book review,
Game of Thrones
Monday, February 25, 2013
March Madness, Redefined
Because I can't call it spring cleaning... that would imply I LIKED cleaning... Besides, my own version won't be cleaning at ALL...
What am I on about?
Who has a project that is sitting UNFINISHED?
Do you have a book that is partway done?
Got an editing job that badly needs doing?
A book you need to write NOW or it's going to make you CRAZY?
A couple of my fellow Burrowers were talking, cuz you know like... itzwhatwedo, yeah? And TARA needs to write her second in a series... and I strong-armed Leanne into editing her Cozy Mystery, and I have a timely book idea that WILL NOT LET ME BE... and we decided March would be our month... with hard deadline for DONE DONE before we reach June and have BuNoWriMo, in which we will ALL be writing.
We threw out the idea and have a couple takers... people who need to finish books..., So I know Theresa and Adina are in... but I thought how could all of YOU KNOW if I don't announce it HERE?
So if YOU have a project that needs a giant PUSH to get done, and you do better under the adrenaline of doing it in a group, we will be keeping pace on Facebook in the BuNoWriMo group (just request to join, I'll add you)
You're officially invited!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The Burrow is EXPECTING!!!
Jess, Leanne, me, Tara, Mari: Cardiff 2008 |
And TARA, was my very first ever random reader—the reader who wandered in and read even though she didn't know me from a hole in the internets. She was encouraging, enthusiastic, and fabulous.
Our actual writing group formed initially in 2007... I had written four chapters at that point of what would eventually be my first 204,000 word (I know, right?) first original book. (I was still writing my second long fan fiction—and there would be a 3rd before I sort of let that fall away).
preparing for a French taunting at Cardiff Castle |
And FINALLY, one of my writing family members has been offered a well-deserved publishing contract!!!
Working cover, designed by our friend Ana |
As the title implies, it is a twist on Cinderella, set in modern day Cardiff, and is funnier than funny. You will definitely want to keep your eyes peeled for this. (does anybody else have eyes that water when you hear 'eyes peeled'? Just me then?)
Anyway, I'm THRILLED for Tara, and excited for the Burrow, and a little giddy because that's how I roll.
And here are a few more gratuitous pictures of us...
Sassing at the Taff (the river that swears a lot) |
And here we are, in touch with our roots (note Hogwarts scarves-knitted by Leanne on the left) |
It's probably apparent from these what a shrinking violet I am *shifty* In my defense, I AM trying to take over the world.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Are you READY!?
Ready for WHAT, you say?
Why BuNoWriMo, of course! But you don't have to be QUITE ready just yet. You have ONE MONTH to tie up loose ends and prepare!
What the heck is BuNoWriMo, you say? (Like how I'm just putting words in your mouth here? Call me a control freak... or just a freak, I'm easy...)
BuNoWriMo stands for Burrow Novel Writing Month.
Most of you will recognize the 'novel writing month' bit from NaNoWriMo: National Novel Writing Month, which happens every November. But clear back in 2009, my writing group, at my prodding, decided to participate... we had two members who finished first books that month, so it was a grand success on that front, but we had a graduate student and three teachers among us, plus the student and one teacher were additionally working RETAIL in bookstores, and we reached the easy consensus that November, as months go, is sort of bad TIMING for people with anything to do with either education or retail. Why not do this in the SUMMER?
Because of the tag 50,000 words in 30 days, we chose JUNE—yeah, school is still going for the first half for a lot of people... but it also isn't yet into the solid 'flee for vacation' part of the summer. People are motivated.
So we decided to host a WriMo for ANYONE who wanted to join us. My post on the matter was my first experience with a post going viral... well not viral viral, but at the time I was getting about 200 hits a day with my newish blog... that one got close to 700 and was my top post for a LONG time... the Key? Deb Ohi (who is FAR more famous than ME—she is a writer and brilliant cartoonist) saw and retweeted me to her bizillion followers.
So our newbie, novice writing group (well, we'd been together 3 years, but we were VERY new at the social media thing) managed to collect 108 people to participate! Last year it jumped another 20. We hope to have even more this year. So... if you are so inclined, and we hope you are... if you'd like to participate, Here is how:
WHAT: 50,000 words in the 30 days of June. (that is 1,667 words a day—about 7 pages)
WHERE: We coordinate from Facebook--a group. I THINK it's open, but if not, request to join, I get the request and approve all comers. BuNoWriMo
WHEN: Erm... June...
HOW: Just add yourself! I will be talking about it HERE about once a week, and giving info THERE about as often--not enough to feel spammed, though once it starts, there is discussion, but that is sort of the POINT, yeah?
And tomorrow I will give you a sneak peak as to the novel I plan to write (and the gorgeous cover I fear I could NEVER live up to)
And for anyone curious about the Burrow, we are four score blondes and brunettes between ages 16 and 19 ½... We blog here, and do a couple projects a year here.
[All BuNoWriMo graphics designed by Joris Ammerlaan]--and there is a bunch... once you join the group, so you can choose something you identify with.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Not Here
I am over at Burrowers, Books and Balderdash today proving I'm insane. If you don't believe me, go see. If you believe me but it amuses you, go see. If you are frightened by my insanity, it's possible somebody pushed you down a well and you landed here by accident. If so, BOO! (did that push you over the edge? People like me better when they are nuts, too)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
So I blogged TWICE yesterday because my brain was on the fritz... and TODAY I am MEANT to be in two places... It is my day at Burrowers, Books and Balderdash and it's Topical Tuesday, so I am talking a little about the changed dialog since this Occupy Wall Street thing began... So if you want SERIOUS me, maybe head over THERE...
If you want lighter me, maybe check out the kissing blog that was only top post for a couple hours yesterday (Until I remembered what I was meant to be doing—hosting Ciara)...
In Other News:
Now you're caught up.
If you want lighter me, maybe check out the kissing blog that was only top post for a couple hours yesterday (Until I remembered what I was meant to be doing—hosting Ciara)...
In Other News:
Hard copy edits are done on Kahlotus... just need to get them entered...
A bird pooed on my MS as I was walking along editing yesterday.
Next I am plotting/beginning to write cozy #3, currently known as Chrysanthemum Campaign.
Our Couch to Keg program is moving along well... rearranging a bit, but it's all good and still going.
I gained half a pound last week. (HATE that) I feel a little smaller though, so whatever.
Now you're caught up.
Friday, July 1, 2011
BuNoWriMo 2: Status: DONE
No reason. They just amuse me. |
Then at HOME I am trying to get the rest of my Cozy typed (along with blogging). The former though, is on a schedule, so I don't have much browsing time...
And TODAY, I am at Burrowers, Books and Balderdash sharing a little (read: a fair bit) about my day job. (goes up at noon GMT)
Okay... Now to the Topic
The Second Annual BuNoWriMo is done
It officially wound up at midnight. There was the disappointment this year in how Facebook changed its group function—there are no longer discussion pages, which we will need to resolve... if not for BuNoWriMo, then definitely for ABNA. I didn't like having to scroll pages to look for topics... oh, sure FB notifies you if someone replies on something you commented on, but WHO IS NOT TIRED OF THAT!? For Pete's sake Mark Zuckerman, enough already.. The OLD group system was superior... I will check on my OWN darned group if I feel compelled. Do not TELL me every time somebody says something.
*cough* But that is Facebooks fault.
As for the people participating in BuNoWriMo, THEY were rock stars! The support level was incredibly high, whether people were doing their own thing or following traditional paths--answering questions... succeeding, failing... There were 121 of us signed up by the end (though I know some half dozen of us who are there twice, and another two dozen who are there to support, but didn't plan to write.
I know a BUNCH of people who 'won' traditionally, and a bunch more who wrote a lot more of than they might otherwise. I think the biggest successes are people trying to establish a writing habit that managed to write most days... going from writing irregularly to writing almost daily is a habit we need to make if we want long-term success—and by that I don't necessarily mean PUBLISHING success, though that is tied in. But I think our brains, imaginations, and all that habituate through daily use... we get stronger, faster, more efficient. I know after a break to edit, I have to work for a bit to get back into writing... think how much HARDER that would be if I'd been away from the craft entirely. Writing when inspired... probably not going to get us there... But if we write daily, soon we at least end up inspired regularly. Stephen King may be freaky, but he is very wise in his quote: if you show up daily, eventually your muse will too. (or something like that)
So THANK YOU everyone who participated or supported this process! Have a great weekend!!!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Bodacious Bugs
So I rescued a bug yesterday. Every year in spring, our building gets these... I think maybe it's some sort of beetle, but slender... black and orange... and they (hatch?) arrive before Michigan's weather is comfortable, so the lot of them try to move into the building I work in. I like the buggers. And I know not everybody does, so when I find them too far from the door, I catch them and take them outside. It disgruntles them... they resist... but surely if they understood the other option was death by squashing or death by starvation, they would appreciate my efforts... Anyway, they inspired today's post.
Beautiful Bugs
I really love butterflies...
And moths...
One of the things I love about moths... in fact it makes me sort of love them more than butterflies, is that furry antennae thing...
Luna Moth--isn't she gorgeous?
Blechy Bugs
just... ick... nuff said. I have waded through streams that left me with a leech or two and... ick.
I am a bit funny about slugs. The black ones don't gross me out until they pass about 3 inches in length, but the off colored ones are really disturbing.
Tomato hornworm...
first time I saw one of these, it was sucking the juice out of the stem of a formerly healthy tomato plant... This picture doesn't show the horns, but it is a good shot of the (disgusting) thick legs. The sucker I found was about 5 inches long... no joke...
Badass Bugs
I confess to thinking this is almost a teddy bear... he is precious... (yeah, I know a good number of you are just freaking out) it didn't say the type... just a moth...
Is this not the most kickass, wicked (as in cool, not as in mean) moth you ever saw?
Isn't this freaky? It's just a moth, but it totally looks like an animal face... I LOVE this!
So I hadn't been in Michigan long the first time I saw one of these... walking up my pant leg... but the cool factor outweighed any freaking out...
And I once saw a picture of one of these that caught a humming bird... that scared me... but at the same time... aren't they COOL? I guess I can forgive scary for a little coolness factor...
Barely Bugs... okay, NOT bugs, but they are BURROWERS and I LOVE them... erm... us... so I'd love it if you'd visit us sometime (this is my writing group, btw), and Burrowers blog at Burrowers, Books and Balderdash...
These are some of my favorite people on the planet (would BE my favorite, it there weren't a few missing). We are a batch of bodacious babes and a bloke...
And I wish you all a fabulous weekend!!!
(HA! and this was 600 posts... so that's something... not sure WHAT, but something...)
Beautiful Bugs
I really love butterflies...
And moths...
One of the things I love about moths... in fact it makes me sort of love them more than butterflies, is that furry antennae thing...
Luna Moth--isn't she gorgeous?
Blechy Bugs
just... ick... nuff said. I have waded through streams that left me with a leech or two and... ick.
I am a bit funny about slugs. The black ones don't gross me out until they pass about 3 inches in length, but the off colored ones are really disturbing.
Tomato hornworm...
first time I saw one of these, it was sucking the juice out of the stem of a formerly healthy tomato plant... This picture doesn't show the horns, but it is a good shot of the (disgusting) thick legs. The sucker I found was about 5 inches long... no joke...
Badass Bugs
I confess to thinking this is almost a teddy bear... he is precious... (yeah, I know a good number of you are just freaking out) it didn't say the type... just a moth...
Is this not the most kickass, wicked (as in cool, not as in mean) moth you ever saw?
Isn't this freaky? It's just a moth, but it totally looks like an animal face... I LOVE this!
So I hadn't been in Michigan long the first time I saw one of these... walking up my pant leg... but the cool factor outweighed any freaking out...
And I once saw a picture of one of these that caught a humming bird... that scared me... but at the same time... aren't they COOL? I guess I can forgive scary for a little coolness factor...
Barely Bugs... okay, NOT bugs, but they are BURROWERS and I LOVE them... erm... us... so I'd love it if you'd visit us sometime (this is my writing group, btw), and Burrowers blog at Burrowers, Books and Balderdash...
These are some of my favorite people on the planet (would BE my favorite, it there weren't a few missing). We are a batch of bodacious babes and a bloke...
And I wish you all a fabulous weekend!!!
(HA! and this was 600 posts... so that's something... not sure WHAT, but something...)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Burrow Drabble Dare
If you are feeling the need for a little romantic challenge, the Burrow Drabble Dare for January includes four images that we will feature in our February Burrow feature, (including a couple participants) so why don't you pop on over and check it out!
The Kiss, Francesco Hayez -
The Kiss, Francesco Hayez -
Friday, January 7, 2011
Rebel Roots! and Oreos
Okay, my Bloggilicious Friends... I am at Burrowers, Books & Balderdash today, talking about my rebel roots, so PLEASE come by and see me!!!
For HERE... just a status update I think... a little resolution accountability...
Revision for ABNA: Nearly done with READ AND NOTES portion of review. Next up--getting the changes IN THERE (slated for 2 weeks) then a polish (1 week)... or that's the plan. It's WAY too fast, I know... Once all the pieces are in and it is somewhat smooth, I am only going to worry about those first 5000 words and the HOOK.
Fitness Plan: I've eaten on points since Sunday! That makes today day 6. Scale is moving, but it won't be official until Sunday. I've ALSO done my power walks (even with snow and 5am times). On the down side, I would give myself a C on stretching and strengthening. (it's too COLD to get on my floor!)
Blogging: New plan is easier than the old plan, so not much to say, but I think I've leveled up on views... I have NO CLUE how this happens, but every once in a while the number of page views I can expect in a day jumps--it's happened. The only day under 400 views this week was Sunday, and I didn't post a blog (and that was still over 300). So that's cool, even if I don't get it. Followers are creeping up, sure, but this jump happened faster than that. I ALSO have 134 flags now! What, is that 60% of the world that is now NAKED?
But the BIGGEST Blog Confusion has to do with Oreos. When I look at my stats, the number one search term that brings people here is Oreos. Now... I hope nobody takes this wrong, but I don't permit Oreos in my house (or any Nabisco product... Kraft either)--it is my small protest against big tobacco. So I am POSITIVE this is the first blog I've ever mentioned Oreos on. If ANYBODY can give me a clue why that term would be most likely to lead people HERE, please tell me!
This just in! HA! Mystery May Be Solved
My Sister Tart got a Pingback yesterday, and it linked to MY content on another feed--I will update you tomorrow! Erm... this would be the hit-count jump mystery, not the Oreo mystery... that one is still open...
text content of this blog generated by Hart Johnson
Originally posted at Confessions of a Watery Tart
For HERE... just a status update I think... a little resolution accountability...
Revision for ABNA: Nearly done with READ AND NOTES portion of review. Next up--getting the changes IN THERE (slated for 2 weeks) then a polish (1 week)... or that's the plan. It's WAY too fast, I know... Once all the pieces are in and it is somewhat smooth, I am only going to worry about those first 5000 words and the HOOK.
Fitness Plan: I've eaten on points since Sunday! That makes today day 6. Scale is moving, but it won't be official until Sunday. I've ALSO done my power walks (even with snow and 5am times). On the down side, I would give myself a C on stretching and strengthening. (it's too COLD to get on my floor!)
Blogging: New plan is easier than the old plan, so not much to say, but I think I've leveled up on views... I have NO CLUE how this happens, but every once in a while the number of page views I can expect in a day jumps--it's happened. The only day under 400 views this week was Sunday, and I didn't post a blog (and that was still over 300). So that's cool, even if I don't get it. Followers are creeping up, sure, but this jump happened faster than that. I ALSO have 134 flags now! What, is that 60% of the world that is now NAKED?
But the BIGGEST Blog Confusion has to do with Oreos. When I look at my stats, the number one search term that brings people here is Oreos. Now... I hope nobody takes this wrong, but I don't permit Oreos in my house (or any Nabisco product... Kraft either)--it is my small protest against big tobacco. So I am POSITIVE this is the first blog I've ever mentioned Oreos on. If ANYBODY can give me a clue why that term would be most likely to lead people HERE, please tell me!
This just in! HA! Mystery May Be Solved
My Sister Tart got a Pingback yesterday, and it linked to MY content on another feed--I will update you tomorrow! Erm... this would be the hit-count jump mystery, not the Oreo mystery... that one is still open...
text content of this blog generated by Hart Johnson
Originally posted at Confessions of a Watery Tart
Thursday, December 9, 2010
You're Being Mooned!
I've distracted the Tart and taken over her spot at Burrowers, Books and Balderdash. She will probably figure out the retreat was a decoy by tomorrow, but for today, I'M IN CHARGE!!!
Come on over if you want to learn about my plan for Feline Domestic Domination. But if you don't like cats or would thwart us, maybe I can interest you instead in just checking back tomorrow. Pretend you never saw me.
Love, Cali
Tart Edit: My friend Christopher Allen, in his hat as editor of Metazen is interviewing Jincy Willett today and it's delightful--check it out!
*leers at cat*
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Attack Blankets!
So hubby runs hot and I run cold, not unlike couples across the world, I suspect. This means we have three blankets on the bed—two on him, three on me, though that's not my point. My POINT is that the reject third blanket is one of those pounded felt numbers that originally had the satiny edging, but hasn't for many years now. The FELT is coming apart a strip at a time, such that it seems there is ALWAYS an edge of the blanket with a long strip cut, except for the ends... a TRAP, if you will, when you (meaning I) wake up in the middle of the night and need to use the loo. Step out of bed, foot goes through the loop, and then your OTHER leg gets wrapped in this blanket of doom.
You couldn't put that in fiction, could you? It takes too long to explain what the heck I'm talking about, and by the time you get it, while you still can see me toppling over, you've forgotten why I had to get up in the first place. I think maybe this is a tricky area—creating life circumstances that happen to us all, not because we are horribly CLUMSY (because in reality, I'm not really less coordinated than the average bear, though I do fall down more because I happen to WALK more (about 30 miles a week) in WORSE conditions (meaning all of them—even ice)... erm... while doing somewhat distracting things, (like reading or editing...) But that isn't CLUMSY so much as busy with a touch of reckless, yeah?
NORMAL Characters
Do you see normal characters have moments like that very often? I don't think I do. It seems like either there is a clumsy characteristic, or they get things right more often than not. That's a little annoying, actually, now that I think of it, but that is probably just me. I have a strong bias against anyone for whom things come too easily (in fiction or real life, honestly, though in real life, I forgive them mostly if they are nice... though I maintain my right to political bias).
Blankets as Characters
You know... I can only think of three examples and they are complete triangular opposite spectra of the matter.
First, we have Linus. His blankie is his marker of security and in many ways, his best friend. He doesn't do anything without the blanket. If Linus was the MC in Peanuts, the blanket would be the sidekick.
Then we have the HORRIBLE and very REAL blanket incident in which the United States government hired 'blanket assassins' to deliver small pox to native Americans—probably the moment I find most shameful in our history—not that we have a shortage of shameful moments...
And FINALLY, my favorite Blanket as Character... and one I feel positive was inspired by just such an event as I've been experiencing lately (because it ISN'T the first time I've channeled JK Rowling)--the Lethifold! The Lethifold is one of the few five-star dangerous creatures listed in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Five stars means UNTRAINABLE! Eeek! Anyway, a Lethifold is described thus in the Harry Potter Lexicon (which looks like it's from FbaWtFT (my own copy is buried somewhere in other books):
This dangerous beast resembles a half-inch thick black cloak which moves along the ground at night, hunting its prey. It attacks sleeping humans, smothers them, then digests them, all in their bed, leaving no trace at all. The only known defense against a lethifold is a Patronus Charm. Thankfully, this frightening creature is rare, only found in the tropics (FB).
Seems to me the Lethifold's only saving grace is that it LIVES where people don't often use blankets...
What about you? Any interesting, fun, horrible or frightening blankets in your stories? *shifty*
And What About The BURROW!?
No blankets there, to speak of... but we ARE doing our December feature (did I mention this already?) A new drabble is being revealed each day in December (including several from our fantastic friends). So if you'd like a different drabble every day in December, go check it out!
For a teaser, here was my first entry for the month (fictional—because I know you'll want to know)
Vin Chaud (Mulled wine)
“Sure, sounds like fun.”
I'm not sure I thought that, even as I said it, but how long since I'd been to one of these extended family gatherings? Since I saw you? Twenty-nine years. A husband (mine), a wife (yours) and five children ago. Curiosity stronger than fun-seeking. I really should have known.
For now I sit on a bar stool, pondering mulled wine and the man down the bar I think I went to high school with—the one who would be really stupid to sleep with. But nothing makes me quite so reckless as realities that never were.
A drabble is a story told in exactly a hundred words.
You couldn't put that in fiction, could you? It takes too long to explain what the heck I'm talking about, and by the time you get it, while you still can see me toppling over, you've forgotten why I had to get up in the first place. I think maybe this is a tricky area—creating life circumstances that happen to us all, not because we are horribly CLUMSY (because in reality, I'm not really less coordinated than the average bear, though I do fall down more because I happen to WALK more (about 30 miles a week) in WORSE conditions (meaning all of them—even ice)... erm... while doing somewhat distracting things, (like reading or editing...) But that isn't CLUMSY so much as busy with a touch of reckless, yeah?
NORMAL Characters
Do you see normal characters have moments like that very often? I don't think I do. It seems like either there is a clumsy characteristic, or they get things right more often than not. That's a little annoying, actually, now that I think of it, but that is probably just me. I have a strong bias against anyone for whom things come too easily (in fiction or real life, honestly, though in real life, I forgive them mostly if they are nice... though I maintain my right to political bias).
Blankets as Characters
You know... I can only think of three examples and they are complete triangular opposite spectra of the matter.
First, we have Linus. His blankie is his marker of security and in many ways, his best friend. He doesn't do anything without the blanket. If Linus was the MC in Peanuts, the blanket would be the sidekick.
Then we have the HORRIBLE and very REAL blanket incident in which the United States government hired 'blanket assassins' to deliver small pox to native Americans—probably the moment I find most shameful in our history—not that we have a shortage of shameful moments...
And FINALLY, my favorite Blanket as Character... and one I feel positive was inspired by just such an event as I've been experiencing lately (because it ISN'T the first time I've channeled JK Rowling)--the Lethifold! The Lethifold is one of the few five-star dangerous creatures listed in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Five stars means UNTRAINABLE! Eeek! Anyway, a Lethifold is described thus in the Harry Potter Lexicon (which looks like it's from FbaWtFT (my own copy is buried somewhere in other books):
This dangerous beast resembles a half-inch thick black cloak which moves along the ground at night, hunting its prey. It attacks sleeping humans, smothers them, then digests them, all in their bed, leaving no trace at all. The only known defense against a lethifold is a Patronus Charm. Thankfully, this frightening creature is rare, only found in the tropics (FB).
Seems to me the Lethifold's only saving grace is that it LIVES where people don't often use blankets...
What about you? Any interesting, fun, horrible or frightening blankets in your stories? *shifty*
And What About The BURROW!?
No blankets there, to speak of... but we ARE doing our December feature (did I mention this already?) A new drabble is being revealed each day in December (including several from our fantastic friends). So if you'd like a different drabble every day in December, go check it out!
For a teaser, here was my first entry for the month (fictional—because I know you'll want to know)
Vin Chaud (Mulled wine)
“Sure, sounds like fun.”
I'm not sure I thought that, even as I said it, but how long since I'd been to one of these extended family gatherings? Since I saw you? Twenty-nine years. A husband (mine), a wife (yours) and five children ago. Curiosity stronger than fun-seeking. I really should have known.
For now I sit on a bar stool, pondering mulled wine and the man down the bar I think I went to high school with—the one who would be really stupid to sleep with. But nothing makes me quite so reckless as realities that never were.
A drabble is a story told in exactly a hundred words.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Missing Monday
HA! So, I'm not really HERE, but I am THERE, and by THERE, I mean I am over at Burrowers, Books and Balderdash for reading Monday, so pop over there and see me!
And a reminder! When Russell Brooks was here on Friday, he was holding a CONTEST, but it needed you to leave an email in your comment, and not many of you DID... it isn't too late! If you want to go back and WIN, you can still leave the comment with your email... Go Check it out!
I hope everyone has a great week!
And a reminder! When Russell Brooks was here on Friday, he was holding a CONTEST, but it needed you to leave an email in your comment, and not many of you DID... it isn't too late! If you want to go back and WIN, you can still leave the comment with your email... Go Check it out!
I hope everyone has a great week!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Chaotic Collection
Comrades, I've got a collection of [erm... C word here- *cough*] I'd use 'cosas' but it seems to me, switching to Spanish might be cheating... Ah well...
The Burrow's October feature is related to COLORS and we are releasing a new drabble each day this month—check it out... Speaking of colors and the Burrow... I've a colorific observation... among my childhood friends, it seems blue and green were the predominant favorite colors. I was unique with my PURPLE. But among the Burrow, we had to thumb wrestle for colors... I didn't get purple. Possibly because I can't behave... but I think more specifically because we ALL wanted it. Is this a WRITER color? Or are we Burrowers a unique batch?
I had my first serious troll this week! I was SHOCKED! More shocking still, it was on one of my old blogs where I grumbled about parenting a teen and the blog itself was relatively mild (oh, sure I said she was a changeling, but SHEESH!), so the COMMENTER clearly has ISSUES...damn anonymous comments.... I won't remove them though (the ability to anonymous comment,... the comment itself, I DID remove—it was offensive)—I can take a sting now and then, and I get notified on comments to old blogs—a chance to moderate before they get posted. I was just stunned... I mean... I may be naked, but I'm NICE—no reason to be rude to ME!
Contest New
So there is a very cool contest to enter... Mason Canyon is giving away a bizillion (okay 8) audio books, each contest is separate, so you can enter the ones you really want the audiobooks... go enter, NOW!
and speaking of contests, I recently WON two books in Spunk on a Stick's 300th Follower Contest! I am looking forward to reading them! (I love free books, and I love reading what my writer friends write... good stuff)
Cali the Cat
Species: Calius Insanus. She isn't cuddly, but she is very conversive, so that is something. I like her, except when it is 4 in the morning and she is poking me with her claws because she thinks I should get up to run the water for her (she likes to drink from the bathroom sink, at a slow trickle)
Now lets just survive Monday...
The Burrow's October feature is related to COLORS and we are releasing a new drabble each day this month—check it out... Speaking of colors and the Burrow... I've a colorific observation... among my childhood friends, it seems blue and green were the predominant favorite colors. I was unique with my PURPLE. But among the Burrow, we had to thumb wrestle for colors... I didn't get purple. Possibly because I can't behave... but I think more specifically because we ALL wanted it. Is this a WRITER color? Or are we Burrowers a unique batch?
I had my first serious troll this week! I was SHOCKED! More shocking still, it was on one of my old blogs where I grumbled about parenting a teen and the blog itself was relatively mild (oh, sure I said she was a changeling, but SHEESH!), so the COMMENTER clearly has ISSUES...damn anonymous comments.... I won't remove them though (the ability to anonymous comment,... the comment itself, I DID remove—it was offensive)—I can take a sting now and then, and I get notified on comments to old blogs—a chance to moderate before they get posted. I was just stunned... I mean... I may be naked, but I'm NICE—no reason to be rude to ME!
Contest New
So there is a very cool contest to enter... Mason Canyon is giving away a bizillion (okay 8) audio books, each contest is separate, so you can enter the ones you really want the audiobooks... go enter, NOW!
and speaking of contests, I recently WON two books in Spunk on a Stick's 300th Follower Contest! I am looking forward to reading them! (I love free books, and I love reading what my writer friends write... good stuff)
Cali the Cat
Species: Calius Insanus. She isn't cuddly, but she is very conversive, so that is something. I like her, except when it is 4 in the morning and she is poking me with her claws because she thinks I should get up to run the water for her (she likes to drink from the bathroom sink, at a slow trickle)
Now lets just survive Monday...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Writers & Friendship
It would be a gross exaggeration, and a disservice to some fabulous people to claim I had a friendless childhood—I didn't. I had a fair few close friends and was more casual friends with... pretty much everybody. My secret is that I had an overdeveloped sense of empathy, so I was pretty much always nice... or at least never MEAN.
[I'm in the back middle, Peg, middle right]
And a few of my close friends knew me pretty well... probably Peggy best, because we were in the same nursery school class, so friends well before I was WORRIED what people thought—no need to pretend with those people. Plus Peggy is an Aquarius... the sign where anything goes... no judgment, just grooviness.
But MOSTLY I felt like I wasn't really ME. You see, in spite of my breadth and depth of friends, I was a little... uncomfortable in my skin... SHY... no, not shy exactly... well indoctrinated that one should never let it be known you don't have a clue. I was a really good LISTENER... and I think my advice isn't bad, as I DO listen, and try to just ask the right questions unless it is something I know a lot about. But if I didn't have a clue? Until I was about 22 (when I reached a point at which there was very little I was clueless about) I just smiled and nodded. (got me into a little trouble-that).
So What About the PEN FRIENDS
I never ONCE had a pen friend in Brazil who threatened to send me a hat that would shrivel my ears.
*cough *
Seriously though, I started collecting addresses when I was 9. Camp Ne-Wa-Lu (I am sure that's spelled wrong). My early letters were clumsy and inane but when, at 11, I met Melinda, I was READY for a real pen pal... being boy crazy will do that to a girl. Melinda and I proceeded to write weekly (at least) for a decade.
And you know what? She knew more of what was in my heart, of my insecurities, of my dreams, than ANY of my friends I saw on a daily basis. It wasn't that my friends were failing me, it was that I related better with a pen in hand. I always sort of thought that was a failing of mine.
You see... when I was upset... I wrote a letter... even if the person I was upset with was in the next room or a phone call away. It drove some of them crazy. (and from time to time it did).
Oh yes... relationship failing indeed...
Online Friendship
I first dived into online communities at HPANA, a Harry Potter discussion site that at the time I joined in 2005 seemed to mostly be a bunch of middle aged women and teenage boys. Oh, there were some teen girls, too, but the teen girls were interested in the 'ships' (various romantic pairings) where we were talking about WAR! (That would be the Wizard War).
Mostly, we theorized, joked, played... and I made some friends... some women formed a friends group for more personal sharing. We grew closer. One was coming NEAR here... I met her... I started writing fan fiction... made more (similar) friends. I met a couple more HPANA friends when I was on business meetings...
It was all GREAT. It was like I KNEW people. It was never the awkward 'I don't know this person' thing.
And then The Burrow Began
It was like FAMILY, only I LIKED THEM. (kidding, I like my family... but they irritate me more often). But my writer's group DEFINITELY knows me better than my family or personal friends.
Again... I felt a little odd...
And then I started THINKING (you know how dangerous THAT is!) And I started talking to OTHER writers, and I've read several blogs (like this one from Lisa yesterday) that made me realize how I'm NOT that freaky... for a writer...
What do writers do? (not a trick question)-- WE WRITE! Why on earth should it shock us that this is how we bond? That we get closer to each other by writing and reading what each other write... That we in fact share MORE in writing (with each other) than we do with (even our closest) friends. Heck, all of YOU know more than most of my family, or my lifetime friends.
So It's official... I love all o' y'all!
[I'm in the back middle, Peg, middle right]
And a few of my close friends knew me pretty well... probably Peggy best, because we were in the same nursery school class, so friends well before I was WORRIED what people thought—no need to pretend with those people. Plus Peggy is an Aquarius... the sign where anything goes... no judgment, just grooviness.
But MOSTLY I felt like I wasn't really ME. You see, in spite of my breadth and depth of friends, I was a little... uncomfortable in my skin... SHY... no, not shy exactly... well indoctrinated that one should never let it be known you don't have a clue. I was a really good LISTENER... and I think my advice isn't bad, as I DO listen, and try to just ask the right questions unless it is something I know a lot about. But if I didn't have a clue? Until I was about 22 (when I reached a point at which there was very little I was clueless about) I just smiled and nodded. (got me into a little trouble-that).
So What About the PEN FRIENDS
I never ONCE had a pen friend in Brazil who threatened to send me a hat that would shrivel my ears.
*cough *
Seriously though, I started collecting addresses when I was 9. Camp Ne-Wa-Lu (I am sure that's spelled wrong). My early letters were clumsy and inane but when, at 11, I met Melinda, I was READY for a real pen pal... being boy crazy will do that to a girl. Melinda and I proceeded to write weekly (at least) for a decade.
And you know what? She knew more of what was in my heart, of my insecurities, of my dreams, than ANY of my friends I saw on a daily basis. It wasn't that my friends were failing me, it was that I related better with a pen in hand. I always sort of thought that was a failing of mine.
You see... when I was upset... I wrote a letter... even if the person I was upset with was in the next room or a phone call away. It drove some of them crazy. (and from time to time it did).
Oh yes... relationship failing indeed...
Online Friendship
I first dived into online communities at HPANA, a Harry Potter discussion site that at the time I joined in 2005 seemed to mostly be a bunch of middle aged women and teenage boys. Oh, there were some teen girls, too, but the teen girls were interested in the 'ships' (various romantic pairings) where we were talking about WAR! (That would be the Wizard War).
Mostly, we theorized, joked, played... and I made some friends... some women formed a friends group for more personal sharing. We grew closer. One was coming NEAR here... I met her... I started writing fan fiction... made more (similar) friends. I met a couple more HPANA friends when I was on business meetings...
It was all GREAT. It was like I KNEW people. It was never the awkward 'I don't know this person' thing.
And then The Burrow Began
It was like FAMILY, only I LIKED THEM. (kidding, I like my family... but they irritate me more often). But my writer's group DEFINITELY knows me better than my family or personal friends.
Again... I felt a little odd...
And then I started THINKING (you know how dangerous THAT is!) And I started talking to OTHER writers, and I've read several blogs (like this one from Lisa yesterday) that made me realize how I'm NOT that freaky... for a writer...
What do writers do? (not a trick question)-- WE WRITE! Why on earth should it shock us that this is how we bond? That we get closer to each other by writing and reading what each other write... That we in fact share MORE in writing (with each other) than we do with (even our closest) friends. Heck, all of YOU know more than most of my family, or my lifetime friends.
So It's official... I love all o' y'all!
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