Showing posts with label twins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twins. Show all posts

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tart Twins

As an only child, it may shock you, but I keep discovering twins... Oh, I hear you Poo Pooing me... twins are sets of TWO after all, and how could I keep accumulating more, but they are each twins in different ways, so today I though I'd honor them...

Tam & Tam

My first twin was a name twin. We met when we were all of about four... that is... those are the first interactions I remember—you see, our moms know each other. And were are not only both Tams but when we met, Tammy Anns... (I rebelled and changed my first name spelling for first grade). We sort of knew each other all the way through and friendly, but we ran in different circles, had different classes... so until we got to high school, we didn't hang out much.

In high school though, we had biology together and sat together... and at a time my OTHER friends went through frequent rounds of bitchiness, it was really NICE to have somebody fresh to hang out with... and by fresh, I mean... like me. Man, we had fun. We had the freedom to be a little ridiculous in ways I know I really couldn't with my other friends, and we laughed A LOT.

Tam & Toiya

My next twin I met the first day I moved into my freshman dorm... I arrived the first day of move-in and my roommate not until the second, and so I sat with my door open to meet the other girls on my floor and the first two to pop in were Geri and Toiya... and Toiya had the unusual distinction of being AS TALL AS ME! (that is rare to this day, but in my home town it was pretty unheard of)--especially not among hip, fun women. It didn't take long for Toiya and I to begin introducing ourselves as twins. People's expressions were half the fun, as you can probably SEE why we usually surprised them a little with the news... We sure had fun though.

Leslie and her Evil Twin (can you see the Tart influence?)

This one began in an online writing forum where Jason [the third Burrower in this story)--Leslie and I were already friends, but didn't know each other well—but I digress..]. Anyway, Jason said he liked blondes with glasses. And I said (being me), “Say... I'm a blonde with glasses...” And then I clarified about NOT actually being blonde anymore, having the uncolor hair between blonde, brown and red, and that it was rather fluffy... but I identified blonde, from when I was a kid.

Leslie chimed in that she ALSO had fluffy uncolor hair and glasses, and added, “don't tell me you're six foot, too...”

DOH! I'm 5'11”! Leslie and are are indistinguishable!

My Thursday Twin

Natasha, who most of you know as Rayna, and I discovered our twinhood rather slowly. We met discussing Harry Potter theory, writing... and what Natasha and I share largely is PERCEPTION. I've never met someone who looked at things so closely to the way I look at things... who, given the same information, makes the same attributions and comes to the same conclusions... it was only later we learned we were both born on the 4th Thursday in June.

It continues to amaze me how two people who externally seem so different, can look at the world so similarly... Natasha also holds the distinction of being the first person, once I'd come out as a fan fiction writer, to say I needed to write a REAL book, and she invited me to my spot in the Burrow.

Silly Simon

My most recent twin is a man. You heard me. I have a MAN-Twin... That makes him a MAN-TART. (I think he embraces that) Simon seems to share my sassy, devil-may-care approach to... you know... stuff... it just seems what I say, he agrees with and what he says I agree with, and we both are... sort of out there...

Now this list is not to limit all the fabulous like minds and kinship feelings I have for MANY more of you... There are dozens of people I feel particularly close too, and far more than THAT that I really enjoy interacting with often... this is just the set who have some deep way they are REALLY LIKE ME... Twin material...