Showing posts with label Doctor Who. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctor Who. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

Wombats and Wibbly Wobbly Wonkiness

Once again... 'pologies for no authorness and speedy posting... Daughter is successfully adulted, but that meant family night, so I am in brief today... which is not to say I'm wearing briefs, as I don't really condone pantsiness, but nevermind...


I love these furry, gentle looking fellows, though you DO have to note the claws--I wouldn't want to cause one to panic. Still, they are ever-so-cute, and like many Australian cutenesses, they are marsupials. I wish people were marsupials--it would have made things so much easier...

Wibbly Wobbly Wonkiness

You know... mostly I haven't been a giant sci-fi nut... gadgets and gimmicks don't do it for me. As an adult I've grown into some of the medical or species/organism stuff. But one category I've ALWAYS loved is TIME TRAVEL. From the dark Terminator series to the old romantic 'Somewhere in Time'.  And my most recent love... I was a late-adopter, as nerdom goes, but I am NOW a dedicated WHOVIAN.

My favorite episode is probably BLINK. It's EVERYONE'S favorite. But there are tons of great ones. You really ALL should be devoted.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wonky Dreams and Immortality

Yes, it is STILL Digressuary... the month that never ends, but at least we are digressing.

So the other night I had this crazy time travel dream... future self me (who looked remarkably like current me, but never mind) had traveled back over many generations (not sure how THAT works, either) with a task to change an event that would improve the future...

And the bad news is I didn't arrive via Tardis... I must have had one of those wristy-mabobs Captain Jack Harkniss wears.

The event was to get a really rotten guy arrested and thrown in jail before he could begin some genocidal rampage... I know, worthy cause, right!?

And being a writer, I figured my best chance at influencing this event was to write the guy into a book so everybody would KNOW what he was up to... but see I didn't know much about what he was up to, because it was CURRENT self who had to DO this darned task... future self was just telling me to do it...

So I decided... if it's good enough to get Al Capone, it should work for me... I wrote the details of that bastard's tax evasion. Hid it away in a book... so it would be found when needed... or could just enter the mainstream consciousness so everybody just KNEW...

You know how dreams are... it made sense at the time.

So if YOU were to jump back through time, what would YOU change if you could?

And what the heck does this have to do with immortality?

See... people sometimes ask us why we write... and I think of myself pouring over boxes of old books... books in attics, books in used book stores, books ANYWHERE. There aren't many things I love quite as much as old books... And I want to have MY books end up in those boxes... be found 50 or 100 years from now by some person who may never have heard of me, but takes a peek... It is like time travel and immortality all rolled into one.

Anybody else have plans for immortality?